Discussion of the meanings of incest

Discussion of the meanings of incest. Have you seen that you have intercourse with your mother? Or did you see that you are having intercourse with your father? Did you see that you Tjama daughter ? Or did you see that you are having intercourse with your brother, uncle, or uncle? Did some of you see that he is having intercourse with his brother? It is strange that we sometimes see the other party happy with what they do with it ! You may even see a person you never know, and you are having sex with him, so what is the explanation for this matter? Are these visions you see more or less? Do you tell about it or keep silent about it and fear it? Do you have anything to add to these themes, through personal experiences or specialized reading? Are there events associated with seeing such visions in you? And many other questions? This thing has no hope of repeating it, and therefore intercourse differs, it may be of a pleasant and joyful significance, and it may be the complete opposite, but I do not like fear and embarrassment from seeing such things, and this is the point of the horse, and this is what prompted me to write about it here . Some people have intercourse with incestuous people as righteousness and connection with them, and some are hostility and disagreement, and some are evidence of their marriage, and some are a gospel of visiting Mecca …. And so the meanings are not the same, and we find some who explain such dreams in an extreme explanation of pessimism , so Jeddah divorces a woman , or doubts about Unleashed , or doubts the honor of his sister ! And such people if it was said : How can we convince them to make them wrong? We convince them that the person is referring to knowledge and not ignorance , and by telling him : that visions do not break with them with a judgment , they are presumptive and not certainty of significance , and we also tell him that the significance of your vision is not necessarily as you understood it , as it may have a completely different meaning .