
Weapon is in a dream a victory, an advantage over the enemies, and a payment of diseases . And whoever sees weapons on him while he is among a people who do not have weapons, then he shall be their leader, according to the extent of his weapons . And if he sees that people look at him when he is armed, then they envy and backbite him, and if they are old men, then they are his friends, and if they are young men, then they are his enemies . And whoever thinks that he has weapons and is able to use them, then he indicates his ability and the attainment of his need, and as for the sick, he indicates in them his death, and perhaps he was good in religion, and if he was afraid or sick, God Almighty would heal him, and if he was traveling he returned to his family safely . And whoever saw that his weapon was taken from him, that would weaken his authority and his people . The weapon indicates the wife with which the man holed up from the Devil .