
If you see strange and faded illuminations in your dreams, you will encounter disappointment and failure at every step . And the luminous faces indicate an unstable business, whether on the personal or official level . If you see the sky shining with the moon in all its weirdness, unnatural stars, and the sun red or golden, you can search for sorrow in its worst form . Death, family troubles, or national revolts will occur . If you see children in the bright sky, this foreshadows that you will take control of your emotions, as an unforgivable mistake you may commit in a seizure of emotion resulting from the neglect of your loved ones . If you see human figures or animals illuminated in the sky, this means failure and trouble . The black clouds herald luck . If you see these shapes descending towards the ground and men shoot them with their rifles, many problems and obstacles will vanish in front of your energies and determination to rise . If you see snakes, or any other reptiles, illuminated, enemies will surround you and use infernal means to overthrow you .