Does seeing dogs, cats, snakes and scorpions indicate something suspicious, disease or magic?

Does seeing dogs, cats, snakes and scorpions indicate something suspicious, disease or magic? The fact that this question is given a lot of questioners and Alsailat Here we must distinguish between two things .. it sees these things frequently repeated by these sex visions may be a foretaste of his disease or charm or eye of mixing Gelads is good, and Asthlal what God is deprived of dress and food And customs, as for whoever sees them only a little once or twice, they do not indicate anything in the first section, and it is a vision that is interpreted according to the condition of its owner, so the important thing is … not to understand of the gender of these visions one permanent thing, such as magic and the eye, and it is known that visions are immeasurable, so a person may see A vision that is expressed for him with a joyful matter, and another person sees it, and it expresses otherwise, each according to his condition and goodness .