Seeing the Koran

Seeing the Qur’an . As for seeing the Qur’an, it is interpreted by the king and the judge, and whoever relies on it with knowledge and wisdom. Whoever sees that the Qur’an is not, has been burned or washed, then a king, a judge, or a scholar dies. And if the Sultan sees that he is writing it, then he appears knowledge and justice, and if a merchant sees that he is writing it, he is earning money and whoever sees that he reads the Qur’an in the Qur’an or looks at it indicates the spread of his knowledge, wisdom and fairness in the creation, and he may get an inheritance and whoever sees that he bought a Qur’an he will agree with it in religion and whoever saw it That he burned a copy of the Qur’an, it indicates the corruption of his religion and his lack of mind. And whoever saw that he sold a copy was deprived of gaining knowledge and was despicable and humiliated. And whoever saw that he ate the papers of the Qur’an then he would be recited a lot. He lives only a little, or a judge sees that, then he is bribed in his judgment, and whoever sees that he tears his papers, he will be lazy in his prayer. Associate and whoever saw that he opened the Qur’an He does not find writing in it, because there is no good in it and he may want someone else to copy a copy for him and perhaps someone else knows if he is from his family and who sees that he accepted a copy of the Qur’an then he does good. And if he sees that he leans on it or puts it under his head, if he is one of the good people he is objecting to it and if not So he commits what is not permissible for him and whoever sees that his Qur’an has been lost, then he forgets knowledge and the Qur’an, and whoever sees that he has conceived a Qur’an, then he follows a mandate or takes on a trust and is a bearer of the Qur’an and it was said that the Qur’an was saved, security and maintenance. Evil and evil, and whoever sees that the Mushaf falls from his hand or is taken from him, and if it has a job, then he is isolated from it, and if it is not, then there is no good in it, and whoever sees that he puts the Qur’an behind his back then he becomes an innovator