
Nudity denotes in a dream the integrity of the inner, or what is involved in regret . And whoever saw that he took off his clothes, an enemy appeared to him who did not openly express enmity, but showed friendliness and advice . If he sees that he is naked in a forum, he will be exposed . And whoever sees that he is naked and does not perceive his private parts and is not ashamed of the people, then he exaggerates the matter and gets tired . And whoever sees that he is naked and is ashamed of people and asks for his covering, if he loses and becomes poor . If he sees people looking at his nakedness, then he will be revealed . Perhaps the nudity indicated the wife’s divorce or her death . And whoever stripped his clothes and was an isolated wali, and if the patient saw that he was stripped of a yellow garment, he indicated his recovery, as well as the red and black dress . And it was said : Nudity indicates his innocence of the accusation, and if the slave sees that he has been stripped of his release, and the dead person if he is seen naked, he is covered with his private parts while laughing, indicates his pleasure . And whoever sees that he is naked while he is concerned, he will be released . And nudity for people of worship to increase their religion and their goodness . A man’s nakedness is a pilgrimage if there is a good witness in the vision . Nudity denotes wearing new clothes, so the patient’s nakedness of his garment and they took it from him out of dislike of it, then he dies . The nakedness of the woman is parting from her home .