the heart

The heart is in a dream a person’s courage and command, its softness and boldness, its gentleness and existence, its praise and manners, and if it sees a panic in his heart, then it is guided to the truth, because God Almighty says : ( Even if it turns away from their hearts, they said : What did your Lord say ? They said : The truth ). The heart is the property of the body and the one who carries it out in his religion and world, his secret and his openness . And whoever saw that his heart departed from his chest, his religion will be good . And it was said : hearts are interpreted by women . He who saw his heart cut off and was sick was cured of his distress . And the heart indicates the wife of the person who has a vision, because she is the manager of all that a man possesses . The heart is the religion and intelligence of man . Whoever sees an eye in his heart, then he is his wit, understanding, correctness of religion and good speech . And perhaps the heart refers to the master or prince of man . And whoever saw that his heart was snatched from his chest, his heart flew out for fear or the corruption of his debt . And whoever sees his heart black, he is lost, guilty of having blinded of his senses . And if he saw his heart cut off and he was one of the people of fear and asceticism, his heart would be with God Almighty, he would not be distracted by his fear of him . And the heart is in measure . And the Sultan turned his army . And whoever sees that his heart is beating, he will leave a quarrel, travel, or marriage .