
Rain If you see yourself in a dream under the rain, this foretells that you will reap great pleasure in your contemplation of the conditions of the universe and how to properly face the pleasures and needs of the body . If a rain falls in your dream, then you will enjoy your youth and your pleasures, and your conditions will prosper . If it rains from dark black clouds, you will mourn and worry about your poor choice of projects . If you hear and see rain falling while you are running away from it wet, this predicts success in work and the fulfillment of desires and aspirations . If you are sitting in your house and watch from the window rain is pouring out, this foretells good luck, wealth and meeting with those you love . If you hear rain falling on the roof, this foretells family peace, contentment and joys . You will get a fair amount of luck . If your house shrivels up during the downpour and the water is pure and not cloudy, you will fall into forbidden pleasures unexpectedly . If the water is dirty or cloudy, expect the opposite to happen . If you regret not having done anything and listen to the sound of rain, you will seek your pleasures at the expense of others’ sense of ownership and justice . If you see rain falling on other people, this foretells that you will withdraw your trust from friends . If a woman A dreams, her clothes are dirty and wet because of the rain, she will have fun with someone without reservation, and her friends will suspect her for receiving the foolish delights . If you see rain falling on farm crops, this predicts a loss in business and trade, and a gloomy atmosphere at the level of society . Seeing a rainstorm is always a bad omen .