
Selling is a person who sees in his dream that it is sold, or called upon, then he is honored and attained honor and authority if a woman buys it, and if a man buys it, he will receive it . The higher the price, the more generous . And whoever sees that it was sold and was among the slaves, the poor, or the captives, then this is a good evidence, and as for the poor and the sick, this is evidence of evil . The sale differs in interpretation according to the difference between what is sold, and whatever is bad for the seller is good for the one who is bought, and what is good for the seller is bad for the one who is bought . And it was said : The sale is the demise of the property, the seller is a buyer and the buyer is a seller, and the sale is preferred over what is sold. If he sells what is evidence of the world, the hereafter will prefer it, and if he sells what is evidence of the Hereafter, the world will prefer it. A consequence of the story of Joseph, peace be upon him . The sale in a dream is empty of what he sold, and a desire for what he bought, so if he sells in the manna something despicable, and buys something valuable, and he is in an invasion, he will die as a martyr . If he sells something valuable and buys something contemptible, it indicates a bad end, God forbid, and may choose the world over the hereafter, or the nation over freedom, or disobedience over obedience . Perhaps the sale is indicative of the heat of the sale in a dream, but its consequence will be benign by analogy with the story of Joseph, peace be upon him .