
Mirror If you see yourself in a dream in a mirror, you will face many problems, and illness will surround you and you will lose your wealth if you see a broken mirror, this foretells the sudden death of someone close to you . If you see others in a mirror, then this foretells that they will take an unfair position from you to achieve their interests . Seeing an animal in a mirror in a dream predicts troubles and losses of money . If a girl dreams that she is a broken mirror, then this predicts that she will not be lucky in a friendship or marriage . But if she sees her lover pale in a mirror, then this foretells the death and end of a failed relationship with him . If he appears in the mirror happy, this predicts the occurrence of a slight disagreement between them, which will soon disappear . If a woman dreamed of a mirror, this means that she will face deception and contradictions that will cause her shock, and may lead to tragic scenes or emotions .