The rooster

Al-Deek : In the origin of interpretation is a foreign-owned slave, or a descendant of a Mamluk . The same applies to chickens, because they are like captives with the son of Adam, and they do not fly, and the head of the house is one of the Mamelukes, just as the hen is the head of the house from the servants and slave women : the rooster also indicates a man with a high vigor, and a voice like the muezzin, and the Sultan who is under the rule of others, because he is with his great And his crown, beard and feathers are domestic and do not fly, for he is possessed, because Noah, peace be upon him, entered the cock and the stairs into the ship, and when the water ran out and the permission did not come from God Almighty, to take out those with him in the ship, he asked Noah to allow him to go out to bring him the news of the water, and he made The rooster was a hostage with him, and it was said that the rooster was within him, so he went out and treacherous and did not return, so the rooster became possessed, and he was a co-pilot, and he became a domestic prisoner, and the stairs were thousands and became wild . It is a bird larger than a chicken, red-eyed well . And it was said that the rooster is a man of warrior skin with bad morals, he speaks good words without benefit, and in any case he is either owned or is a descendant of the king . It was said that whoever slaughtered a rooster indicated that he did not answer the muezzin, and some of them said : He who saw that he had turned a rooster died imminent . And the young cocks are Mamluks, or boys, children of Mamluks . Likewise, female broilers are neighborhood boys, slaves, or maidens . And the group of birds is captivity and slave funds. Umar ibn al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, said : I saw as if a rooster pecked me one or two clicks, or he said three, and her stories were on Asma bint Amees and she said : A non-Arab man will kill you . A man came to Abu Awn al-Darrab and said : I saw as if a big rooster was shouting at this door of your house . So Abu Aoun came to Ibn Sirin and told him that vision. Ibn Sirin said to him : If you believe your vision, you will die after thirty-four days, and he had mixtures and remorse over the drink, he said , so he raised all that, and he repented to God Almighty from the day of the vision, and he died suddenly as he said Ibn Sirin . It was said to Ibn Sirin : How did you extract that? He said from the calculation of the camel, because the signifier is four, the Ya is ten, and the kaf is twenty .