Seeing gold

Whoever sees that he has struck gold, then he will be hit by them and something he hates, or his money will go to the extent that he saw that he struck gold, and the known number is better than the unknown number, and whoever sees that he has hit known dinars, he will be afflicted with concern as much as that, and if they are unknown he does not know their number, then his concern will be stronger and stronger. He saw that a man gave him dinars, he was a wronged man, and if he saw that he paid it to someone, then he is unjust and perhaps the dinars were if it was five of the five daily prayers, and if something is lost from it, then he wastes some of the five prayers, and whoever sees that he has hit one dinar then he will hit a child and may be entrusted with money, so he is a traitor And whoever sees that a dead man gave him dinars, then he is safe from oppression and dinars are less than dust, and whoever sees that he has struck gold made like a vessel and jewelery and the like, then he will be hit by them more than dinars, and whoever thinks that he melt gold, he is told bad words and he is free from what is not in it