
A torrent is in a dream an enemy attack, just as an enemy attack is a torrent . Whoever sees a torrent of rain, he will be hurt, sick, or traveling . If the torrent ascends the stores, it is a flood or injustice from the Sultan . And whoever sees that he prevents torrential flow from his home, he will treat an enemy that prevents him from harm to his family or his entourage . The torrent is indicative of the enemy if they demolish the monastery, destroy trees, kill animals, or drown people. If people benefit from it, it indicates successive good deeds . And the torrent indicates the talk and the lie in the article . And if the torrent ran with blood and carcass, it indicates the abhorrence of God Almighty . And seeing the torrent is evidence of rain . Perhaps the torrent indicated at a different time to heresy from the direction from which the torrent came from . And whoever sees that the torrent entered a people’s home and went with their money and livestock, then it is an enemy that jealous over them . And the torrent in the winter indicates a people who are disobedient and have no knowledge . And whoever sees that he has gone out of that water swimming to the land, then he will be saved from an oppressive ruler, and if he is unable to cross, let him beware of sitting in the hands of a ruler and not disobeying his ruler .