Invitations written on the wall

Written invitations on the wall 100 – Imam al-Samarqandi said : He mentioned that when the threshold of the boy died, a man saw him in the maid, so he asked him what did your Lord do to you? He said : Forgive me. I used to pray with it, and it is written on the wall, so the man woke up, and looked at the wall, and, if it was written in the threshold of the boy – may God Almighty have mercy on him -: O God, O guide the deceivers, and you are merciful to the sinners, and you say the dozens of jailers, have mercy on your servant from that. The great danger and the Muslims are all together, and make us among the good and prosperous, with those whom you were blessed from among the prophets, the righteous, the martyrs, and the righteous, and the good of them is your companion with your mercy, O Most Merciful