
Quince is a disease in a dream . And whoever sees that he eats it and is sick, he will be cured . And if a person of well-being eats it, he is guided, and if he is a profitable trader . Whoever sees that he squeezes a man’s legs, then he travels in trade and makes a lot of profit . And the quince tree is a firm man . And it was said : Quince is bad in a dream because of what it causes in terms of seizure . And green quince is better than yellow . And quince signifies great travel, and perhaps indicates scarcity and keeping secrets to hold and grasp . The siren signifies the venerable beautiful woman . And quince was hated by most of the commentators, and they said : It is a disease because of the abundance of yellowish color, and because of the arrest in it . And it indicates a travel, and some people said : It is a travel reality, and some of them said : It is a travel with no good . Some of them said : The quince is praiseworthy in a dream, for whomever he sees, he sees it anyway .