
Fire is endeared in a dream unless it burns the dreamer . It causes continued success for sailors and travelers on the sea and on land . If you dream of your house being burning, then this means a loving friend, obedient children, and careful servants . If a businessman dreams that his shop is burning while he is watching him, then this predicts great progress in work and a profitable product . If he dreamed that he resisted fire and did not burn, then this means that he will be a lot of work and worry in managing his affairs . If he sees rubble in his place after the fire, then this predicts miserable luck . He would be nearly ready to give up on trying to amass good fortune and brilliant work due to the lack of usefulness in that but unseen good luck would raise him again . If you dream of making a fire, this allows you to expect many pleasant surprises . You will have to visit friends far away . For sailors seeing a wildfire signify a safe and profitable cruise . As for men of literature, it indicates progress and honor . As for businessmen, it indicates unlimited success .