
If you dream that you are entering a door, this indicates a scandal and enemies trying to escape from them without success . This applies to any door, unless it is the door of your childhood home. If you dream that you are entering this door, your days will be very favorable . For a woman, dreaming of entering a door at night in the rain indicates an unforgivable escape . As for the man, it indicates the withdrawal of his resources due to an unjustified deficiency, as it foretells about an illegal date . If you see others crossing a doorway this indicates failed attempts to improve your affairs as well as changes in the world of farmers and politicians . As for the author, this dream foretells that the audience of readers will denounce his way of narrating the facts, and that will be by refusing to read his latest work . If you dreamed that you tried to close a door and fell off its hinges, causing harm to someone, then this indicates that a vengeful evil threatens your friend through wrong and unintended advice that you have given him . But if you see another person trying to close a door and the door falls off its hinges, you will know the plight of a friend, but you will be unable to help him .