
Crowd If you dreamed of a large crowd of people dressed in beautiful clothes, at a party, this means happy companionship with friends, but if something happens that spoils the joy of the guests, this means misfortune and loss of friendship and that unhappiness will replace profit and safe deals . It also means disputes in the government and disputes in the family . If you see a church crowd, this most likely means a death that grieves you, or a slight depression that may develop . If you see a crowd in the street, this means unusual risks in trade and you will be surrounded by a hint of success . If you try to be heard by a crowd, this foretells that you will push your projects to the forefront of others’ projects . If you dream of a hypnotist that hypnotizes others, then he turns to you, and fails to hypnotize you, this indicates that you will experience misery without friends being able to help you . You can by yourself avoid the imminent danger .