
Message If you dreamed that you saw a recorded letter, this foretells that some financial matters will tear apart relationships established long ago . If a girl dreams that she has received such a message, this foretells that she will get enough income, but it will not be fully legal and will not be based on moral grounds . Others may play a nefarious role against it . As for the lover, this dream carries a heavy proposition for an abhorrent marriage . And his sweetheart will desire the gifts of others more than she desires his gifts . If you dreamed of an anonymous letter, this indicates that you will wish for harm from a source that you do not expect. If you write a letter, this foretells that you will be jealous of a competitor that you admit is superior to you . If you dream of receiving messages carrying disturbing news, this indicates difficulties or illness . But if the news is of a happy nature, you will have many things that make you feel grateful . If the message is sentimental and written on green or colored paper, it will be underrated in love and work . Despair will cover you . The blue ink indicates stability, passion, and bright luck as well . The red ink in the message includes exclusion due to suspicion and envy, but this can be overcome by the judicious maneuvers of the suspect . If a girl dreams that she has received a message from her lover and puts it near her heart, a beautiful-looking competition will cause her great anxiety . Truthfulness is often rewarded with envy . If you fail to read the message, you will lose something either at work or in a social field. Messages always cause dreaming and almost anxiety . If something gets in the way of your message, rival enemies seek to discredit you . If you dream that you are trying to hide your message from your girlfriend or wife, then this indicates that you are interested in trivial work . If you dream of a message with a black frame, this symbolizes grief and death of a relative . If you receive a message written on black paper with white ink, this indicates that depression and frustration will attack you, but the intervention of a friend will provide a bit of relief . If the message is transmitted between the husband and the wife, then this means separation on the basis of exciting charges . If you travel between lovers, look for quarrels and threats of suicide . As for businessmen, this dream indicates envy and lust . If you dream that you are writing a letter, this indicates that you will hasten to condemn a person just out of suspicion, and remorse will follow . A torn letter indicates that hopeless mistakes are shattering your reputation . If you receive a letter by hand, this indicates that you are behaving in a lowly manner with your colleagues or sweetheart and that you are not straight in your dealings . If you dream repeatedly of receiving a message from a friend, this foretells of his arrival or that you will hear something from him, whether by letter or other .