A woman and a wrap

Al-Kirmani said: If a woman sees that she is in the markets and streets without a dress, then it is the death of her husband, and if he stole and the thief was interpreting to a man, then he is a person who reaches her husband, and if it is attributed to a woman then her husband is afflicted by a permissible woman, and it was said that if the woman misses what she puts on her head Whoever wears a dress, a veil, a mask, or something like that, and she did not find him with her head and hair uncovered. That was a bad reputation, or a divorce from her husband, a calamity occurring for him, a bad occurrence for her, or a calamity that interfered with her from the side of her sister, mother, or uncle, and the like, and if not She has a husband, so what is passed on to the husband will return to her, and if the woman sees that she is wearing a man’s turban, then she gets married, and if she sees that she is drunk or is convinced of something unusual, then she will replace her husband with someone else, and it was said that a vision wears what women wear on their heads if the man wears something of it, then it is exposed because of a woman Between people .