Rare king with mouse

It is rare that he narrated that some kings saw in his sleep as if he had a stew in his hands and there was food and a mouse next to the helper dropping his sin in the food and turning around and sucking it repeatedly, so I woke up wondering and he had seen before he was in his tent as if he was in his tent half of it on the land and half of it in the sea so he called a crossing and told him the second vision. He promised him that if you believed your vision, you would be a sovereign and the people of the land and the sea obey you, so it was so and he forgot what he had promised. When he saw the aforementioned dream first, he remembered that crossing, and he sent behind him and said, “I forgot what I promised you, but he crossed this vision and I have what you want.” So he told him the crossing said to him to bring Between your hand is the mouse with an eye and I show you the food and its help. He brought me in the harem, so he brought him into the harem. The Sultan ordered his killing and graced that crossing with something great .