Breast vision

As for breastfeeding, whoever sees that someone is breastfeeding from his breast, there is no good in him for the nursing infant or for the breastfeeding woman, and if he sees that he is breastfeeding a woman’s breast, then he gets sick. And if a woman sees that a man has breastfed her milk, he takes from her money as much as that and she is hateful, and if she sees that she is breastfeeding from her breast, it is an inheritance from her daughter And if she sees that she breastfeeds from the breast of a man there is no good in him, and if she is breastfed from another woman’s breast, then there is a difference of opinion. As for the penis sucking, it is good for the breastfeeding and the breastfeeding and the obtainment of goodness and the elimination of a need. As for the members, if it is turned, it is better for the nursing infant and there is no good in it for the breastfeeding. And some of them said seeing breastfeeding get money, and if it is from a person or an animal whose meat is not eaten, then it is forbidden money, and if it is from an animal whose flesh is eaten, then it is permissible and it was said that whoever sees that he is breastfeeding a boy or breastfeeding from him then he is locked up and gets distress, and some said whoever saw that he breastfeed from his mother’s breast is Obtaining honor and rank, and whoever sees that he is circumambulating women and sucking their breasts, then he is a man who loves homosexuality