Seeing worship and remembrance

And whoever sees that he worships God in some form of worship, and in that he has walked the paths of righteousness, then he attains the good of this world and the Hereafter, and whoever thinks that he worships in something that is not permissible in the Sharia, then his expression is against that, and whoever sees in his worship a deficiency he is falling short in his own good and whoever thinks that he performs i’tikaaf is to be avoided. Worldly matters and whoever sees that he praises God Almighty, then he releases his anxiety and reveals his grief and misfortune on his behalf, and whoever sees that he seeks forgiveness of God Almighty, then he provides wealth for a child, and whoever sees as if he forgot praise, he will suffer from sadness and a long confinement and may indicate neglect of obedience and whoever thinks that he praises God Almighty will gain victory and guidance in His religion and whoever thinks that he is thankful to God Almighty will gain strength, increase and grace, and whoever sees that he is persistent in remembrance, he is safe from the evil of the enemies and opens the doors to good deeds for him and wins from calamities and makes his difficult affairs easy for him and whoever sees that he says there is no god but God will bring relief soon and be saved from grief and sealed for him With the testimony, and whoever sees that he says there is neither strength nor strength except in God Almighty, then it is interpreted with the obtaining of money and grace, and it is in the protection and safety of God, and may find ammunition or treasure