Kirmani and the sword

Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever saw that he wanted to draw his sword and his cover broke, then it is interpreted that he has a pregnant woman who gives birth and dies, and the boy is delivered, and if he does not have a woman, then he is deficient in his status and sanctity, and if he has a position, he is isolated from him .” And whoever sees that he has given many swords, he will be rich . And whoever sees that he draws his sword from its cover and goes out as it should, it shall interpret the arrival of a righteous boy . And whoever sees that his sword has broken his cover while he is healthy, it is interpreted by the death of his father or mother . And whoever sees that he struck someone with a sword and blood came out of him, then it is interpreted as an injustice to the one who was beaten without guilt, and if the clothes of the battered were contaminated with the blood of the battered, then it would be interpreted by obtaining unlawful money, and it may be an accusation for the struck with forbidden money, and from it he is innocent . And whoever sees that someone takes his sword from his hand, he shall interpret by taking his money from the position . And whoever saw that he pulled his sword tightly in the middle, he would interpret with long life .