
Whoever sees a white zirconium, it indicates a beautiful woman, the red one is a cohabiting woman, the green is a woman who is shrouded, and the manqousheh is interpreted by a woman in whom there are some types of what was mentioned and it was said that if the safflower is from cow skin, then she is a foreign woman, and if she is of sheepskin or goat, then she is an Arab woman, especially if it is (her sole ) From the skin of camels . And whoever saw that his zarmouzah fell in a place that he could not reach while he was walking barefoot, then it indicates the occurrence of sadness, worry and lack of sanctity, and it may indicate the death of his wife, and if there is any evidence in the vision that indicates good, then he is not hurt . And whoever sees that he has given her to someone, then he divorces his wife and marries her to someone else, and he may gift his servant to someone . And whoever sees that someone pulls his zermozah from his hand until it is cut off and he gets harm from it, then he shall interpret the death of his wife . And whoever saw that he wore a piece of it while walking in it, it indicates that his journey was not complete, and it was said that seeing the old stitch is better than her grandmother .