The author of the book, benefits and anecdotes

And his author said the anecdotes and the benefits are so many that they are explained long and I summarized and put in this section what is appropriate for the course of speech in the meaning and the appropriate. Whoever sees something of that, let him consider the chapters and what is appropriate in each chapter and find it, and if I did not mention in the top of many chapters what is lengthy in its export because it is The meaning corresponds to the meaning. If the seeker considers the export of the doors and does not find what he saw and did not know with which one is appropriate, then look at the sentence of the appropriate section, and I apologized that if the passers relied on books of expression, especially, they would be unable to do many things, but the crossing needs to be aware of the origins of expression and express what it appears to him of the meaning. He wrote a book about that and I called it The Enlightening Planet in the Principles of Expression. I have compiled in this book a separate sentence in places that are appropriate to mention, and the clever expressive understands its mention, and the knowledge of the principles is understood by the people of expression .