…Women are likened to men. If a woman thinks that she must dress men, their appearance, or their boat, then she will improve her condition . And if the clothes were hideous, then they changed their condition with worry and fear . If she saw that she had become a man, that was good for her husband . The imitation of the Jews, Christians and others is evidence of inclination to their desires, or to their religion, or pleasure in their festivals, or a request to marry them ….

…Whoever sees that he has died and is carried on a bed on the necks of men, then he afflicts authority and corrupts his religion, conquers men and puts them on their necks, and his followers will be in his power as much as those who followed his funeral, and it is hoped that he is good in his religion, unless he is buried ….

…In a dream she is the stature of a man, and the two men are his strength in good and bad times . If he saw that his feet ascended to the sky and moved away from him, then his father dies . If he saw that they were brought, he would be let down in his money . If he sees that he commits adultery with his leg, then he walks behind the women . And if he sees that he is walking barefoot, then he will be tired and obsessed, and if he sees that he is eating a man, he will gain proximity and means to God Almighty, and his affairs will be successful, and all his needs are fulfilled from the matter of his religion and world . And whoever sees that his feet are burning, what he owns will change and change . And whoever sees that he has many legs, then it is good and a benefit for the traveler, and for those who endure leadership, and for the sailors a journey with much benefit, for the poor there are things for those who hope from good things, for the rich, sickness and disease, for the sick of the eye, his eyesight disappears, and for the wicked people imprisonment, grief and blame . And whoever sees one of his feet as a stone, it dries up and does not benefit from it . He felt that Das king , it affects two men two men, walking dinars a picture of the king . And whoever saw that his leg cut half his money gold . And the two men are fathers . And whoever has a straight leg or many toes in his leg, he will receive comfort, ruthlessness, and strength . And whoever saw that two men cut off his gold, perhaps this indicates his death . And whoever sees that his leg is broken, do not come close to the Sultan for days, let him leave his country, and ask God for health . It was said : If he is ill, that is his death . And whoever sees that one of his legs is longer than the other, he will travel and get help . And if he is rich, then he will get sick, because the rich need someone to walk in his affairs . And the king’s man denotes his men, and if a king sees that he has cut off another king’s man, he takes slaves of his men . And whoever sees that he has four legs, if he is poor, then he travels and gets help, and if he is rich then he gets sick, and it may indicate his longevity and old age, and it indicates to the patient that he is dying, and whoever sees that he is walking on one leg indicates that half of his money or half of his life has gone . And whoever sees that he walks on three legs, he does not die until he walks with the stick, either due to his old age, long life, or due to an illness that befalls him . And the judge and the governor if he sees that he has many legs to walk with, then he is isolated and does not walk except with agents . And whoever sees that his feet are made of iron indicates that his longevity, good money in his living and money, and if he sees them from glass indicates his lack of life and weakness of his ability . If he sees them of gold, then he will seek them in gold for him, with a fine . And if he sees them of silver, he will seek them in seeking women . And if he saw them of copper, he sought them in bankruptcy . If he sees them from lead indicating numbness or paralysis, unless there is evidence in the vision that indicates goodness, then he strives with them in the pleasure of God Almighty, or he stands with them for the sake of God Almighty . And if he sees the flesh of his feet gone, that indicates his righteousness . And the toes of his feet indicate the deeds of righteousness . And whoever sees that his legs are painful, he has pursued misfortunes, and punishment is inflicted on him . And it was said : He who suffers his leg is transformed from one state to another ….

…Q : Did the Sunnah bring us the legitimacy of reading for sick men and women? C : Prophet peace be upon him charm , Is he gone to loose the enchanting charm? Is it mentioned in the Sunnah reading for women? Truth – my knowledge – the year in which the opposite of what is prevalent today . Messenger peace be upon him ordered treatment and he said that : ~ There is only disease and Allah has revealed to him heal ~ (1), his knowledge of his knowledge and his ignorance of ignorance , and revealed to him from the Koran that is healing and mercy for the believers , it was read by Gabriel to the Messenger of Allah peace May God be upon him and grant him peace, and it has been proven that he cupped himself for treatment, which is legitimate for this ummah, but was it reported that he read to one of the sick patients? Was it reported that one of the women during his reign was read to her by some of the Companions and the answer was : No ; This is evidence that this work is new today, and the Sunnah indicates that a person reads to himself – and a father or mother reads to their children because of smallness or disability, for example, and it has been proven that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, commanded Aisha, may God be pleased with her, to seek protection from the eye (2). The peace be upon him when . Sleep reads in his hands and spews in them, the two levers and the chair, then wipes his body with them. This is the Sunnah (3), and no one will be keen on healing from you on your own , so read on yourselves and ask God to heal while you are certain of the answer (4), and there is nothing wrong with ignorance of reading of some ‘ to ask his father or his mother or his wife , this reading is the project ‘ the women graduated graduated with a mahram to a foreign man and then read them may spit on her chest , this is illegal and may cause the punishment to its owner, and all the visions that he sees human is in within this circle or vortex of the patient and those around him that they hear daily compassion and kindness phrases Kcolhm : Poor , awesome true, do the same , Mndol , his eye . . . Etc . These phrases make good and good , sick . . . And these phrases, by God, contribute to his poor condition . I say all visions under such circumstances may be pipe dreams , meaning that he sleeps while he is under the control of searching for a cure or ain or a wizard , and who is he? Rather, some of them ask God before he sleeps to see the eye. !! sleep, thinking those who Anah , and his magic? and then sleeps and sees in his dream people may have thought it before bedtime , or it may be doubted it , Vitohm that is why , it is prescribed in the steps taken from the remains of his clothes or impregnated , and thus became the healing request based on dreams in a time of science , is this right? I repeat here that I am not against one , and I am not against the Koran treatment with hospitalization , but I am with science against ignorance , which has killed us in this time spread by deadly diseases , psychological conditions , diseases Chronic diseases and with these diseases – as they say . The compelled rides the difficult – and the public may solve for themselves , so if you say to them : Why? He will be surprised by them, and they will infer evidence not from the Qur’an or the Sunnah, but from the proverbs : … (No one feels fire but a man who is inferior to it ) … tell her sighed ka NH wants you to support it on this guide , the I said to him : this is haram , he said : ( landed between you and Ben fire Annealed !) Did the poor knows that the fire Stoklh and eat Mutawa , who Lefty and argue in God without knowledge or guidance or Munir book , ~ second – kindness to go astray from the path of Allah in this world disgrace and Nazigah the Day of Judgment the torment of fire ~ ( Hajj : 9 ). I am calling here to follow the correct way of treatment . Invite dreams on your behalf because there is no prescription for illness, and go to the doctor or hospital and take treatment , ask God to heal , and read the Qur’an to yourself and ask God to heal , but let alone these illusions that are spreading : ( I am a narrator , I Maaon , I’ve got the same ). . . Etc. , and God will heal you, God willing , only trust in God and put aside fear, panic and illusion from you, and you will heal, God willing , try and you will not lose anything . Sixth : Some crossings visions contributed to the spread of this phenomenon – I mean – the phenomenon of the search for treatments through visions – frequently interpret some visions as Mndhirat to get diseases because of the spread of sin . . , And through the saying of some of them that he can know the object through the vision, and some say that he has reached a beneficial and cure treatment through visions that he has tried and worked , and so on . . . The chain goes on , and I say here Preach not emigrate , and Arvqgua people , do not be terrified by them , and you , when the expression of vision , as it was the evil of the seer to ask him what Lord when human seeing what he hates the things I mentioned in the start of the book (5), though where evidence of something unpleasant to his vision , you , my brother , be attached to him and terrify , Ibn Hajar (438 \ 12 ) when the modern words of the Prophet peace be upon him to Abu Bakr : ~ I was some and missed some ~ (6) , that With this expression, the world has the right to remain silent about the expression of the vision or some of it when concealment is more likely than the remembrance . God bless you in your knowledge, and we stand again when Aisha when crossed the woman ‘s death of her husband and she gives birth to a boy Vajra by saying : ~ Meh O Aisha, if Abernhm for a Muslim vision Vaabroha Ali good, the vision will be on what crosses its owner ~ , narrated recaps (7) . Ibn al- Arabi said in his commentary on the hadeeth of Abdullah bin Abbas , may Allah be pleased that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , said : ~ While I was sleeping , I saw that he put in my hands Swaran went Vqtathma and Lthma, gave me permission Venfajthma Aftara, Voolthma Kmaban go out .~ Ubaid Allah said : One of them was Al-Ansi, who was killed by Fayrouz in Yemen, and the other was Musaylimah . Narrated by Al-Bukhari (8). Ibn al- Arabi said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him expected the invalidity Musaylimah ordered Ansi The first vision of them to be directing to Lain them and paid for intact, the vision if crossed out, and is likely to be inspired, and the first stronger (9) , and this is possible , as we said if The expression has a correct aspect, so we turn to it, and therefore there may be in the vision of one of the questioners or questions indicating an eye or touch, so it is better not to express it, and to be on guard against what is stated that it will ward off the evil of such visions, and God knows best, unless you have signed it, the matter is different , Vijbrh to be patient here and the benefit may be a vision warning Bshiy reality of the general public as it stifles scientists said the male preponderance of secrecy (10). ________________ (1 ) Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurayrah and intonations : ~ What Allah has revealed disease only sent down a cure ~ See : Fath al – Bari (134 \ 1 0 ) – op -. (2 ) See talk in Sunan Ibn Majah, the book of medicine from the door Astrqy of the eye . (3 ) Narrated by Al – Bukhari by Aisha , may Allah be said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him went to bed puffs in his palms legume is one God and Palmaoztin all , then wipe her face and hit his hands from his body . Aisha said : When he complained was telling me that I do it by ~ . Conquest (10 /209 ) – op .. (4 ) See : Zad al-Ma’ad Ibn Jawziyyah (168 \ 4 ) to recognize the Prophet ‘s treatment in detail , and to recognize the prophetic Altaomat that God willing , lead great results as Ibn said values ( and try these calls Alaoz the amount of their benefits and the severity of the need known to it which prevents the arrival of the impact of Ain and pay after his arrival , according to the faith of the power of Qailha and the strength of itself and its readiness and strength the stability of his heart and the tasks entrusted it weapons and weapons Darabh ) a . of . his previous reference . (5 ) see p . 24 et seq . (6 ) provides his commentary, see p . 37. (7 ) provides his commentary, see p . 39 . (8 ) agreed, Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression if the door flew thing in a dream (12 /42 0 ) – op – , and Muslim in the book of Revelation (15 /34 ) – Reference former -. (9 ) see Ibn Hajar – conquest – the previous reference (12 /421 ). (10) Adapted : Ibn Hajar – op (438.421 / 12) ** quoting Dr. Fahad Al – Osaimi…

A man came to Ibn Sirin, may God have mercy on him, and he said, I saw a woman from Bani Selma who had a vessel in which milk was in her hands, and when she raised it to her mouth to drink it, she hastened her urine, so she put it up, and he said: This is a good woman who desires men and married her

…And whoever prays with men and women, he will attain judgment among the people if he is worthy of that, otherwise he will be able to mediate and reconcile among the people . And whoever sees that he has completed the prayer with the people, his mandate will be fulfilled ….

…Rare narrated that the two men , one said to another if received your Lord told me what met with him , he said , and you also died , one of them the owner and saw him in a dream and said to him preach the gospel and trust in what I saw like putting trust three ) times ….

…It is rare that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said that I doubt my wife because of two men, and tonight I saw two dogs fighting on her vagina, then they bitten her, and they injured her, so Ibn Sirin looked at his face and saw him in a frightened change. Now on her, the man quickly touched her and found her, as he said, and he asked her about that, and she told him about it according to his description ….

…And whoever believes that he leads men and women, he will be a good mediator in reform among people, and if he is qualified to judge, then he will undertake it ….

…As for shaving men’s hair during Hajj and shortening it, in interpretation it is security, conquest, and the fulfillment of a debt and a chick, because God Almighty says : “You shall enter the Sacred Mosque, God willing, in safety, shaving your heads and falling short, and you will not be afraid .” And in non-Hajj as well, except that in Hajj it is stronger . This is if the person with the vision is not a president, and if he is a leader and shaved off the season, his visions indicate his lack, isolation, or breach of his cover, so this vision is for the poor to spend a debt, and for the rich to lose money . And if the person of the vision was one of the people of righteousness, his cruelty was weak, and if he did not see that he did not shave his head, but saw that he was shaved, he triumphed over the enemies and gained strength and pride . Some of them said : The shaving is only suitable for interpretation for those who are accustomed to shaving, and it is not suitable for those whose habit is shaving . And it was said that shaving the head of a warrior requires testimony in interpretation ….

…And whoever sees that he has died and is carried on the necks of men, then he will strike a ruler and carry out his command, and his apostasy will be within the same authority as those who followed his funeral, but spoils his religion and is hoped for good later unless he is buried ….

…Jaafar al-Sadiq said that the two men’s visions are based on seven aspects of life, age, endeavor, money, strength, travel, and a woman ….

…As for the two men, they are the parents, his pregnancy, or what a person stands upon in his place of livelihood, whatever he sees in that from Zein or Shein, their interpretation is in them. If he sees that his one leg is cut or broken, then he indicates that half of his money has gone or that one of his parents has gone, and if he sees that accident in his legs It indicates his travels or the departure of his money or his death, and whoever sees his feet of iron or copper, it indicates an increase in his life and money, and whoever sees that his feet are dazed, it indicates his short life and the decrease of his money and whoever sees that his leg has turned into a man something of the animals is a sign of strength…

And the three are not commendable . The four are blessed and it is good for the Almighty saying, ~ There shall be three, but he is the fourth of them .~ The five revelations are good and benign . As for the six, it is doing something in it as a result of the Almighty saying, ~He created the heavens and the earth in six days, ~ and perhaps it was a good speech that the person who had made of the vision would make or the completion of an order and the emptiness of something ….

…Abu Ali al-Hasan bin al-Hasan bin Shizhim al-Balkhi told us : He told us : Al-Hassan bin Muhammad told us : Ahmed bin Abi Saleh al-Karabisi told us : I heard Ibrahim al-Dalal, my brother’s son, Makki bin Ibrahim, saying : I heard Ibn Ayaynah say : I saw Sufyan al-Thawri in sleep, so I said what God made Your? He said and mentioned something . Did you say God saved you? He said my lack of knowledge of people . He said, so I told him, recommend me . He said : I diminish people’s knowledge ….

Rarely, he narrated that three people went out to travel, and one of them slept and saw something that came out of his nose, like a lamp. Then he entered a cave and saw what he saw, then returned to his nose. He woke up, wiping his face, and he said, I saw in this cave a treasure, so they entered it and found the rest of the treasure that was in it, and they took it ….

…Number three 3: It may denote a journey, a successful travel, and gain its owner for his saying, may God bless him and grant him peace (and three rides ), and it may indicate a blessed participation in a commercial business because he, may God bless him and grant him peace, said ( I am the third of the two partners ) and may indicate dangerous words because of disbelief because God Almighty said ( third) Three )…

…Trees : It is known their number, they are men, and their condition among men is as much as a tree in trees . If he sees a lot of palm trees for him, then he owns men to that extent, if the date palm is in a place where the date palm hardly is in such a place, and if it is in a grove or land that is suitable for that, then the group of palm trees at that is a knot for the one who owns it. Its fruit, it afflicts money from men, or money from the knot, and men are honorable, and the knot is honorable, according to what has been described in the condition of palm trees and its preference over trees in terms of fertility and benefits ….

And whoever saw that he slaughtered a haddah or subjugated it, he would gain a man as well ….

…If he saw that he sold or took away a garment in the winter, then that indicates his poverty and his need for people . He said Abu Said preacher clothing head of the man was probably his craft that he does and secure them from the poverty survey in which an error in the living and go wealth and expansion in free them and damage in winter favor ) and Almparty him if the inscription is indicated by a woman . Said Jafar Sadiq construed Paljarah or the boy whatever he saw it from Zain or Shin shall turn in them , and the subtraction of the clothes they devolve on aspects of it is felt that wearing something of which it is construed fine and benefit if they are from cotton , a clean and spacious and if Dd so Vtobeirh against him and if they are from Silk and nothing there is nothing wrong with it and the seller of it, for he chooses this world over his hereafter . Abu Sa’eed said the preacher ‘s vision coldness , whether detailed or not detailed , they show good narrated that Abu Bakr , may Allah be pleased with him said : O Messenger of Allah , I saw yesterday was on the papyrus petechia said : two sons Thabr them . And the ink is indicative of joy, happiness, and cold that is next to the course of snitching in expression, except that intimacy in the world is better than in religion, and it is in interpretation stronger than wool . It is felt that wearing Prada or mixed with cotton Bharir it without it even if it is haraam wealth silk and the decorations are clothed in the markets they are welcome and only in times of pleasure and omens as well as if they are in the role unless it kind of amusement . And whoever sees the sentence of the garment of the clothed person, it is interpreted in its entirety . And whoever sees that he wears summer clothes in the winter, it will increase the good and the benefit as much as the value of what he wears . He felt that he wears clothes women it increased money with them and fear, but its consequences are dire and survive if they saw a woman wearing clothes from the men it shows good and beneficial . Al-Karmani said: ~Whoever saw that he wore clothes less than his own, then it indicates the corruption of his affairs, and if they are more elegant than his clothes, then he indicates the order of his affairs .~ And whoever sees that he has the garments of the elders on him, then it indicates the height of the matter and the amount of it to which those clothes are attributed to him if he is a family for that, otherwise it is good and beneficial . And whoever sees that he has garments from the garments of corrupt people, he will have many sins and abounding sins . And whoever sees that he wears kings, it is interpreted on three aspects, drawing closer to them, obtaining goodness, benefit, and regularity of his affairs, and attaining the dignity and honor . It is felt that wearing clothes of scientists was Welcome to Salah it for science and charity world and the Hereafter .) He felt that he wears clothes from the wool it is interpreted to ensuring the money . It is felt that wearing clothes dhimmis or Aharbeyen or so , or Alrvdh it would be inclined to what he said Jafar Sadiq ‘s vision clothes never devolve on nine aspects of religion and wealth and prestige and benefit and live and work in favor of the justice of this and redress if it is not what you deny the expression and if the woman saw that she She wore what was mentioned of the praiseworthy clothes, and her interpretation made her right with her husband and the integrity of her affairs . And Daniel said a vision of the man’s clothes: If you put on clothes, you will be interpreted by gain, and if you see black garments, then the king has good and the parish is in distress . Al-Karmani said: ~Whoever sees that he wears black clothes, he will suffer from pain, distress and sorrows, unless he is one who wears them while awake and knows about them, and he will be troubled .~ Abu Sa’eed said the preacher black clothes for those who used to wear injury hated and was told is the patient proof of death because the people of calamities wear black clothes and clothes zero dieback disease only in Dibaj or twinge or silk , and these things are valid for women and men of the corruption of religion . Al-Karmani said: If the patient sees that he washes a yellow garment until its yellow is removed and its whiteness appears, then the garment is interpreted with a body and its yellowish is devolved by his sickness and its departure from him . It felt that disarming him a yellow dress it out Sagmh not happened hurt him what he hates in the yellow of tearing the dress or so unlike all worn in color and the clothes greens rejoiced and pleasure and Tawfiq Abu Sa’eed said the preacher clothes Greens neighborhood power of religion and an increase of worship and dead good case when God, who is the raiment of the people of Heaven, for His saying, Come, and wear green garments from Sundus and Abraq, and the wearing of greenness indicates to the living the injury of an inheritance, and to the dead that he came out of the world as a martyr . Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees that he wears green clothes, it is interpreted with honor and honor. As for the white clothes, they will be interpreted as the desired, especially if it is pure .” Abu Sa`id, the preacher, said that white garments are suitable for wearing them as a religion, and for those who are used to wearing them while awake, and as for the owners of crafts and crafts, they need to wear it for them . Al-Karmani said: “Whoever saw that he wears pure white clothes, it indicates the goodness of his religion and his good condition. ” And his worries went to his saying that he wears pure white clothes, and as for his blue clothes, he is clean . He said Kirmani saw that he wears clothes Zarka it ‘s religion is good and the clothes Rouge , they hated men only Almlhvh and Plinth bedding the blushes of these things indicate pleasure and are valid for women in Dnaahn was said to be wearing reddish shows fighting very severe dispute and was told snappers joy with punk In the world, as evidenced by the story of Qarun, and it was said that it indicates an abundance of money while preventing the rights of God in it . And whoever saw that he wore it on a feast or a group, he did not harm him . He said Kirmani saw that he wears clothes Hamra it cast fighting and dispute , although Welcome to the mandate he received perhaps the joy of the verse went out to his people in the finery and was clothed in garments Hamra and it was said the vision of blush , whether in clothes or other , they show goodness and perhaps the vision of erysipelas shown in the dress To pleasure . And whoever sees his clothes are burned, then he will receive him harmful effects as much as he was burned from that, and whoever sees that his clothes are torn, then he shall interpret the secret . It is felt that wearing clothes of wool or animal hair or hair or so The total that money if it was silk or so Fmal haram dress cobbled evidence of immorality and the clothes dirty , they devolve Bgham and sorrow , and the dresses Alkagd they devolve Baelchenaah not good in it , and the dresses skin accrue interest and benefit to the extent attributed to him that the skin dress you do not sew it in terms of wholesale of all varieties shows completely filled with religion and perhaps this was another old on the face and clothes of the treasury shall devolve Baezz and wealth . And whoever sees that he is wearing a lame dress, a woman will come in her anus . Jaber said the Moroccan expressing their attachment to things mundane Valbaad in clothes if it is clean as new , which attached to religion and the world and if the dirty vintage tight Vdd so perhaps Del dirt in the dress on the weakness in religion and was told if the woman saw that she wear a garment yellow it was her husband , it weakens though ) He was not for her, so he took a husband . And whoever sees that he opens a folded garment, it indicates travel, and whoever sees that he folds an open garment, it indicates the coming absent from his journey . Khaled al – Isfahani said the best clothes and what was cotton if it is not a thing of silkworm silk because it is pure it is a good religion and worldly dresses if the pattern , cotton or silk , they devolve money haram and the corruption of religion and carefree . He said Jafar Sadiq new dress white man a woman and a woman and the king of grace and the benefit of a pair , it saw that he took off his robe with him that he was in the king of the service it is from his service but not as well as it is called , and saw that he cut his clothes he interpreted obtaining good . And whoever sees that the thief strips his garment, it interferes with the occurrence of corruption among women . Abu Saeed, the preacher, said that the garment with two sides or two colors indicates politeness and guardianship for the people of religion and the world, and the new garment is good for the rich and the poor . It felt that magsuot clothes as new Vtmzkt is not able to repair like it fascinates even as much as on that it is alive and the child and the high value of the servants of the disease and the free grace increase dresses kind of renewed debt, the worn over his clothes showed the approval of his secret Alanath and perhaps the intention was good from the apparent and perhaps earned money Mdkhora and silk brocade is not fit to wear socks for the jurists for they Aaolan their request minimum and invite people to heresy and were probably valid for non – scholars , they interpret the work requires Paradise and infects with this principality also indicates marriages by a woman , honest or concubinage Bjarah Belle setting calls the crossing in the expression of all of that is from the case of the seer . The robe denotes its faces . Al-Kirmani said, “It is interpreted for the righteousness in religion, for the corrupt people with whips, and for others with smallpox infection in the body .” Abu Sa’eed said the preacher devolves penile state who was from her family , especially from the people of plowing and planting and the fertile year for those who have from her family , a women ‘s increasing pleasure and gave Xia received money from the point of the Persians and the people of disclosure and gambling , and may accrue whips . A permissible one who has a face with consequences, and no one is blamed for that, whether it is for men or women, unless something of the reprehensible type is mixed with him . As for the ink, it is interpreted with grace, and there is nothing in it except the best, especially for women, and it was said the vision of the garments of generosity is a grief . The saw that his two garments Khgayn Mottagtaan wearing one above the other is indicated by his death and torn clothes casually interpreted injury concerns and torn longer interpreted vulva and it serves as Alqaba and Duwaji if the woman saw her clothes habitus short lacked HTC concealed and eat the new dress eat money halal and eat the dress said Salmi saw that His clothes are wet on him while he puts them on. If he is on a journey, then he is not traveling, and if he intended something he would not have . And he who sees that he sells his clothes is good for him and there is no good for him who buys them, and if he sees them that he pushes them from himself, then this is the remission of his poverty . And whoever sees that he wears new clothes after he has taken a bath, then he declines with the loss of worry and distress, and he is spared from something wrongful . And whoever sees that he wears a forbidden garment or something attributed to women, he marries a woman who is forbidden, and as for the embroidered garments, they are worn by them, mines, and perhaps the fame of the women are broken . He felt that he wears women ‘s clothing, the had pregnant , they come to the female , although he did not have pregnant it affects harm or fear in the same money as much as Hnaatha was probably injured his time and the robe , which is placed on the shoulder , it interpreted the human religion who wears him in the neck and neck position of the Secretariat . It is felt that it robe Well he Salah Dinh and good faith , and if he saw the cloak that puts it on the Well shoulder it increased debt and the health of the religion is not good in thin .) The washing clothes he is to draw it felt that wash his clothes from dirt it shows his goodness and salvation of Gloom And sadness and his well-being and his debt will be repaid if he wears it, but if he does not wear it, it is without that . Al-Karmani said: “Washing clean clothes if dirt appears from it, then it is corruption in religion and committing sin .” Abu Saeed Al-Waseer said: Washing clothes from dirt is a repentance, washing it from semen is a repentance of fornication, and washing it from blood is a repentance from murder, and washing it from excuse as a repentance . Jaafar al-Sadiq said: Washing clothes with cold water means four aspects of repentance, wellness, salvation from Asir, and security from fear, and washing them with hot water, sorrow, grief and sickness . And it was said that whoever saw that he washes clean clothes, it is an increase in his piety and piety, and it was said that this was extravagant because it did not deserve to be washed, and others said, there is no harm in that and there is no harm in that ….

…A horse If you dreamed of seeing or riding a white horse, this indicates that the indicators are favorable for success and enjoyable mixing with harmonious friends and beautiful women . If the horse is dirty and emaciated, your confidence will be betrayed by an envious friend or woman . If the horse is black, you will get rich, but you will cheat, and you will be found guilty of wrongful dates . This dream means for a woman that her husband is not loyal to her . If you dream of dark horses, this indicates refreshing conditions, but with a great deal of discontent . Fleeting pleasures often follow this dream . If you see yourself riding a beautiful horse in a chestnut color, then this means an increase in wealth and fulfillment of emotions . For a woman, this dream means a yearning for urgent improvements, and she will enjoy material matters . If you see horses passing in front of you, this means ease and comfort . If you ride a horse that speeds up, the folly of a friend or user will harm your projects . If you see a horse running away with other horses, this means that you will hear about friends ’illness . If you see beautiful horse stallions this indicates prosperity and lavish living and you will be dominated by an excessive feeling . If you see a foal, then this means harmony and lack of jealousy between married couples and lovers . If you ride a horse and drive a stream, you will bring great wealth into your hands and enjoy luxurious delights . If the stream is turbulent or foggy, the expected pleasures will be disappointed somewhat . If you swim on a horse in a clear and beautiful river, you will easily realize your idea of ​​emotional bliss, and that foretells the businessman of a great profit . If you see a wounded horse, it speaks of trouble for friends . If you dream of a dead horse, this indicates various disappointments . If you dream of riding a wild horse, this means that it is difficult to fulfill your desires . If you dream that he throws you down, you will face a strong competitor and your business will suffer from weakness due to the competition . If you dream that a horse has kicked you, someone you love will alienate you . Your poor health will confuse your fortune and wealth . If you dream that you catch a horse in order to tame it and brake or to harness it for riding, then you will see a great improvement in work in all fields, and people will prosper in their professions . If you fail to catch him, luck will let you down . If you see spotted horses, this foretells that various projects will bring you profit . If you dream that you have a horseshoe, then your success is certain . This dream promises the woman a good and loyal husband . If you dream that you put a horseshoe on a horse, this means that you will try to obtain, and you may get, suspicious wealth . If you dreamed of a horse race, this means that you will be overwhelmed with a weak life, but this dream means prosperity for women . If you dream that you mount a horse in a race, you will succeed in life and enjoy it . If you dream about killing a horse, you will hurt your friends because of your selfishness . If you mount a horse without a saddle, you will gain wealth and ease, but through hard struggle . If you mount a saddle horse in the company of men, you will meet honest men who will help you and your success will be well deserved . And if you are in the company of women, then your desires will be free and your success will not be as abundant as it would have been if women had not filled your heart . If you clean a horse, you will not neglect work projects at the expense of being a man of money or a good farmer . Writers will be very diligent in their works, and others will take great care of them . If you dream of a horse, you will accumulate wealth and enjoy life to the last drop . If you see horses pulling carts, then this means wealth with some obstacle, and love will face obstacles . If you climb a hill on a horse and the horse fails to reach the summit while you succeed, you will gain a fortune although you will fight against enemies and jealousy . If you and the horse arrived together to the top, then your ascension is certain, but it will be a material one . If a girl dreams that she is riding a black horse, then this means that she will deal with a wise authority, and some wishes will come true at unexpected times . Black color in horses indicates a delay in expectations . If you see a mare with weak legs, this means that an unexpected distress will thrust himself into your auspicious position . If you try to fix a broken, very small shoe on a horse’s list, you will be accused of doing fraudulent deals with unaware parties . Going downhill from a horse, your business will undoubtedly disappoint you . If a girl dreams that a friend is riding behind her on a horse, then this means that she will be the focus of attention of many prominent and successful men . If she is frightened, it will arouse feelings of jealousy . If the horse turns into a pig after it abandons it, it will not be indifferent to honorable marriage proposals, preferring freedom until it loses all desired opportunities for marriage . If she subsequently sees the pig slipping on the lightning and telephone wires, she will push its center forward by the deception . If a girl dreams that she is riding a white horse going up or down a hill and she is constantly looking back and seeing a person on a black horse chasing her, this means that she will face a period of success mixed with sadness, and her enemies will, within this period, seek to disturb her description with depression and disappointment tirelessly or Boredom . If you see a horse with a human body descending on a hammock in the air, and when it approaches your house, it turns into a human form and approaches your door and throws something that looks like a piece of rubber at your door but soon becomes impossible into big bees, then this means disappointment and useless efforts to recover lost benefits . Seeing animals in human forms indicates a great improvement for the dream and he will make friends by acquiring the virtues of honest profit . If this human body appears sick or stained with freckles, then this means the failure of carefully and carefully drawn plans ….

…Role : The role, it is a function headed, what it came down from the demolition or narrow or capacity or good or evil, so he returned to her family and headed and its inhabitants . The walls are men, and the ceilings are women, because men are the protectors of women, because they are above them, and push them to the worst of them, so they are like strength, so what was confirmed its significance, he returned to him and worked on it . The man’s house denotes his body, his division, and himself, because he knows it and knows him. It is his glory, his memory, his name, and his family’s jacket, and it may indicate his money in which he is in shape, and perhaps it indicates his dress for his entry into it, and if it was his body, her door was his face, and if it was his wife, it was her door His relief, and if it was his world and his money, then her door was the door that he caused and his sustenance, and if it was his garment, then its door was his collar . If the door is alone, it may refer to the head of the house, and the individual who opens and closes, and the other individual may refer to it to his wife who embraces her at night, and turns away from her when entering and leaving during the day, and in which the male and the female are inferred in the form and closure, the one in which the closure is the male, and the one in it The lug is the female, his wife, because the lock inserted into the lug is male, and the total shape if it breaks apart is like a couple, and it may indicate the two sons of the owner of the house, a male and a female, and the two brothers and partners in the ownership of the house . As for the lintel of the door and its rounds, and everything that enters it with a tongue, that is for the wife and servant, and as for its lists, it may indicate male children or slaves, brothers and servants . As for his legs and the door ring, they indicate the permission of his owner, his eyebrow, and his servant, and whoever sees something of that, a decrease, an occurrence, an increase, or a novelty, this is used to the addendum by increasing the evidence and evidence of vigilance . As for the unknown house other than the known, it is the abode of the Hereafter, because God Almighty called it a house and said : “And that house is the Hereafter .” Likewise, if it is known to have a name that denotes the Hereafter, such as the abode of Uqba or the abode of peace, then whoever sees himself in it and was sick, leads to it in peace and is free from the temptation and evil of this world, and if he is not sick, then it is good news for him, according to the extent of his work, from Hajj or jihad Or asceticism, worship, knowledge, charity, connection, or patience over a calamity, inferring what he led to her, and for whose sake he preached increased vision and vigilant evidence, and if he saw with him in a dream books about which he learned, then his knowledge led him to it . And if there is a worshiper in it, then he attained his prayers, and if he had his horse and his sword, then his struggle reached it, then on the meaning, and as for awakening, he looks at the most famous of her deeds with himself and the closest in his sleep to the rest of his obedience, if they were many, then the good news was in a dream . As for the one who built a house other than his own in a known or unknown place, look at his condition, and if he is sick or has a sick person, then that is his grave, and if there is none of that, then it is a world that benefits it if it is in a known place, and if he built it with milk and clay, it was permissible and if It was made of bricks, plaster and lime, it was forbidden for the sake of the fire that kindled his work . And if he built the house in an unknown place and was not sick, if it was with milk then it is a good deed that he does for the hereafter, or he has done it . And if they are in remuneration, then they are reprehensible deeds that he regrets in the Hereafter, unless he returns to demolishing them in a dream, then he repents from them, and as for the house of unknown structure, soil, location, and individual families about the role, especially if he sees in it dead people who know them, then it is the abode of the Hereafter. His income, then he dies if he does not come out of it, and if he enters and leaves it, then he is on the verge of death and then escapes, and whoever sees that he entered a new house with complete facilities and was between the houses in a known location, if he is poor he becomes rich, and if he is rich then he becomes more rich, and if he is anxious Release him, and if he was disobedient, he repented, and according to her goodness and capacity, if he did not know her companion, if she had a companion, then it was for her owner, and if she was solid, that was permissible, and if she was plastered then that was forbidden . And the capacity of the house is the breadth and generosity of his world, its narrowness, the narrowness of his world and his miserliness, and it is found to renew his work, and to settle his religion, and as for its tightening, it is the precision of his management, and the purpose of it is his happiness, and the house is made of iron for the longevity of its owner and his state . And whoever leaves his home angry, he will be imprisoned, because God Almighty says : ~ And He has gone out of his house in anger .~ If he sees that he has entered his neighbor’s house, he enters his secret . If he is an immoral person, then he is betrayed by his wife and his livelihood . Building a house for a celibate is an elevated woman he marries, and whoever sees a house from afar attains a distant world, and if he entered it from a building and mud and was not separate from the houses and houses, then it is a world that befalls her . And whoever sees his leaving the buildings, oppressed or transformed, then he is leaving his world or what he possesses according to the extent of what is indicated by the face of his exodus . It was narrated that a man from the people of Yemen came to the crossing and said : I saw as if I was in an old house of mine, and it destroyed me . He said : You find an inheritance, and soon a relative died and inherited six thousand dirhams . And another saw as if he was sitting on the roof of a house of flasks, and he had fallen from him naked, so he recounted his vision on a crossing and said : A woman from the king’s house is beautiful, but she dies sooner, and it was so . The houses of the house are the women of its owner, the styles and the raggas are men, the balconies of the house are the honor of the world and the leadership, and its treasury is its custodian of his money from the people of his house, its health is in the midst of a worldly state, its surface is his name, its elevation, and the house of the Imam al-Adl is a gap from the holes of the Muslims, and the demolition of the strengthened King’s house is a lack of his authority . The fact that the man was on an unknown roof obtained a lift and sought the help of a high-ranking man, and he asked for help . The Christians said: “Whoever saw it as if he was sweeping his house, he was stricken with grief or died suddenly, and it was said that sweeping the house is going to go away, and God knows what is right ….

…Whoever sees dates in a dream, they are a symbol of rain, and for whoever eats them a pure general livelihood that will be achieved by him, and no one will associate him with it . The buried dates are money saved, as well as the reeds and the sawn dates are dirhams that do not remain, and whoever eats wheatgrass he is from the dhimmah . And whoever sees that a date comes to him, money comes to him from men with dangers, and the agent of dates is a booty . And whoever reaps a date in his time, he will marry a wealthy, honorable woman, who has a lot of goodness and blessing, or that the man hits some honorable men with money without fatigue, and perhaps he will have knowledge . If the dates are not in time, then he hears knowledge and does not act upon it . If he spreads from a dry palm tree on himself, then he learns from a hypocrite man with knowledge, and if he is in a cloud or they are so far away from God for the story of Mary, peace be upon her : ( And he mocked you with the trunk of the date palm falling on you damp ) . If she sees that she eats dates with tar, then she takes an inheritance from Her husband, and she is divorced in secret, and inheritance is forbidden . If a person saw that he took a date and cut it and extracted its products from it, he would have a son . And whoever saw that he picked a black grape seed from a palm tree, then his wife gives birth to a son of a black kingship . Dates are explained by good and halal livelihood . And whoever sees that he eats good dates, he hears good words and obtains great benefit . And whoever saw that he was burying a date got money from the safes, or from the money of orphans, or stored money . And whoever saw that he was eating forty dates at the door of the Sultan, and that was not the time when the dates appeared, nor the time of their Istiha, he would hit forty whips . And whoever sees it as if he ate forty dates and was at the time of maturity, he will have forty thousand dirhams . And whoever sees baskets of brown dates fall from the stomachs of pigs, while he raises them and carries them to his home, he gets spoils from the money of the infidels, and whoever sees it as if he sucks a date and gives it to another and sucks it, then he will share with him a good favor . And whoever sees as if he has eaten dates, he will find the sweetness of faith . And whoever sees as if he split his date and discerns its intention from it, then he will have a son ….

…In a dream, he is a man with worries, so whoever sees him has been hit by him, they do not know its consequences . And whoever sees that he eats watermelon, he will get out of prison, because God Almighty says : ( So send one of you with your papers to Madinah, so let him see which of them is the best food, so let him bring you a provision from it ). Means watermelon . Ibn Sirin said : Whoever saw that he reached out to heaven and took watermelon, he would seek a king and get it quickly . As for the Indian watermelon, whoever sees it has given it to people, it is heavy and cold in the eyes of the people, or he speaks heavy words . And the cooked one is for men of their own, and watermelon is good for those who want to love another person, and for those who want to circumcise another person, and for those who want to do business, watermelon is bad for him and indicates unemployment . And whoever sees that watermelon is being thrown into a house, he will die from his family by the number of each one of it, and watermelon in the dream is a disease, and the raw green from which it has not ripened is healthy for the body . And the green watermelon is a town, a boy or a wife . Yellow watermelons are women or men who have good praise and goodness, and may indicate a woman with beautiful qualities or poor faults because of the roughness of the crust and the yellow color of the red color indicates the types of jewelry . See the arc ….

…Bracelet If a man sees a bracelet in his hand, it is tight . If the bracelet is of gold or silver, then he is a man who is fit for the pursuit of good deeds . And whoever sees a gold bracelet in his hand, his hand will be treasured . And if an angel sees the wall of the hands of his flock, then he is kind to them, and adjusts in their treatment, and they will receive gain and blessing . If the hand of the Sultan is closed, it is opened on his hand with the mention of a will . The bracelet will give birth to a male, or servant . A bracelet for women is a blessing and a pleasure . And whoever sees a bracelet of silver, his money will increase . The bracelet is for men who wear it, and is a decoration for women . If the bracelet is on the dead, then they are in heaven . The bracelet is a wife for a bachelor . And it was said : Silver bracelets are religion and piety for those who wear them in a dream, because they are among the jewels of the people of Paradise . And if the bracelets were of bone or ivory, then this may indicate slave-women and free men . And the bracelets may indicate sorrow and despair . And the bracelet may indicate what is happening in the country or entering or leaving it ….

…The dish is in a dream the man’s lover . The plate may refer to locusts or distress . It may be pointed out to women on the chest of men, and for men to the venerable woman ….

…As for the reds, they are praiseworthy for women, whether they are on the clothes or the body, and for men it is disliked in terms of the sentence, and it may devolve to men if it is stained with the clothes by sedition, unless he sees himself in a mosque or the like, then it is lighter than that ….

…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said: The turtle is interpreted by the judge, and perhaps a woman is wearing perfume and presenting herself to men, and it was said that a vision of turtle meat is interpreted by knowledge, especially for those who eat it, and it was said that a vision of sea beasts is a sentence that is interpreted by men according to the extent of their danger, their homes, their hostility to humans and their thorns, so the crossing is considered ….

…Red : The Almighty said ( and the mountains are white and red colors vary black Grabeb ) Fatir 27 forbade the Prophet peace be upon him for wearing red men – means the difficulty and meet the terrors and crises , and the work of the renowned men

…It is a sign of the end of the term in a dream . Teeth may indicate money, animals, wage earners, death and life, and indicate deposits and secrets . The teeth are the inhabitants of the man’s household, the higher ones are the men on the side of his father, and the lower ones are the women on the side of his mother . The upper two are the father and the uncle, or sisters and two sons . The quartet is the man’s cousin . The fang is the master of his household . And premolars males and sons of maternal uncles . And molars ancestors . The two lower folds are the mother and aunt, or the two sisters and two daughters . The lower quadrant is a cousin or aunt’s daughter . The lower fang is the master of his household . And the lower premolars, the daughter of his aunt or the daughter of his uncle . The lower and upper molars the farthest from the household of the man and the grandmother . If a single tooth moves from it then it is a disease, and if it falls or is lost then it is death . If a person sees some of his teeth eroded, he will be afflicted with calamity . And if he sees that his fold is longer, more beautiful and whiter than it was, then his father and uncle will gain strength and an increase in their money . And if he saw that he was treating his teeth, he extracted them, and if he spends his money on hate or cuts the uterus . And if he sees a blackening in his teeth, then he is a defect in his household . If he sees a stink of his teeth, then he is ugly praising the people of his household . If his teeth move, it is the disease of his relatives . If he sees that his teeth are broken, then one of his relatives or friends will die . Whatever teeth on the right side indicates males, and what was on the left side indicates females, and the teeth on the right side indicate elderly men and women, and the teeth on the left side indicate juveniles from them . The maqadim of the teeth indicate the boys, the fangs denote the half of them, and the molars of the molars indicate the elderly among them . If a person sees that his teeth are of gold, that is praiseworthy and evidence of a fire occurring in their homes or jaundice . If he sees that his teeth are of glass or wood, that indicates a death that defeats him, and if he sees them of silver, then it is evidence of harm and loss . And if he saw that his depressing was broken, his son died . And if he sees one or more worms in the extraction site, then he will succeed them . If he saw that some of his teeth were long, he would quarrel with his family . If he saw that he pulled out all his teeth, his family would die before him . And whoever sees his teeth burrowing, his family let him down . And whoever sees that he has a fault in his teeth indicates that his family has been dispersed and that there is a defect between them or a decrease in his money . And if the flesh is cleaned from between his teeth, he will backbite a people . And it was said : The teeth indicate the pearl necklace for women . Ibn Sirin, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said : The molar was pulled out in a dream, the uterus of a boy was cut . The weariness of the teeth indicates the weakness of the people of his household . And the windows in the dream followers . The extraction of the tooth indicates the arrival of the absent or the death of someone he is dear to . He pulled his teeth out with his hand, he spent his money in a bad way, or tied with his family without being known, or he did something reprehensible and regretted it, so if he pulled his teeth out to him, someone indicated his need for a mortgage or sale . And renewing the teeth taken off in a dream is evidence of opposition and profit after loss ….