Glass If you dream that you are looking through glass, this means that severe disappointments will hang over your bright hopes . If you see your imagination in a mirror, then this foretells betrayal and neglect in marriage, and futile commercial speculations . If you see another face with yours then this means that you are leading a double life and will deceive your friends . If you break a mirror or a window, this heralds a negative end for projects . If you receive a piece of glass, this means that you will be admired for your brilliance and talent . If you create glassware gifts, then your projects will fail . If a woman sees her boyfriend in a mirror, this means that she will find a reason to break the marriage vow . If a married woman sees her husband in a mirror, this warns her that she will find a reason to worry about her happiness and honor . If you look clearly through a windowpane you will find a job, but you have to work in cooperation . If the glass is clouded, you will be unemployed unfortunately . If a woman sees men other than her husband or lover in a mirror glass, she will be exposed in an unrestrained position that will cause her humiliation and anxiety for her relatives . If a man dreamed of seeing strange women in a mirror, this means that he will harm his health and work because of foolish associations ….

Glass is in a dream they are . And his interpretation that it is from the essence of women . And whoever sees the glass when something is hidden from him, it appears to him and it becomes clear that the glass does not hide anything . As for what is made of colored glass, these are suspicions about money, husbands and children, hypocrisy and hypocrisy , and what is treated with it is evidence of scholars and wise men . Whoever bought in a dream or seized a jewel with a glass or a coin with a coincidence indicates his choice of this world over the Hereafter, or disobedience to obedience, or that he is apostatizing from his religion ….

…Pane of Glass If you dream that you are holding a pane of glass, this foretells that you will be confused and disturbed in your steps at work . If you break a glass plate, this foretells a complete failure in your life . If you talk to a person from behind a pane of glass, this predicts that there will be obstacles and problems in your future that will cause you a slight delusion anxiety ….

…Magnifying glass If you dream that you are looking through a magnifying glass, this predicts failure and your continued fulfillment of your duties satisfactorily . If a woman dreams that she has a magnifying glass, this means that she will attract the attention of people who will not soon ignore her ….

Glass is in a dream denotes vanity in himself and his money, and the friendship of fools . And Dalal Al-Jawary’s Roman glass ….

Glass Animals Exhibition If you dream of visiting an exhibition for glass animals, this portends various troubles ….

…And whoever sees that he has glass in his hand, and it falls and breaks, then he divorces his wife, and if he does not have a woman, one of his relatives will die ….

…A glass of wine If you dreamed of a cup of wine, this foretells that disappointment will affect you deeply, as you will fail to see anything pleasant until the realization of the problem causes a shock to you ….

…The patron of Al-Bukhati and the Persians . Al-Raid : the holder of a mandate . And selling bullets has a weak command . And the glass : Nakhas slave women . Al-Suqa’a : a man of religion and piety, which is good for him unless he is paid for it, so if he fills the watering water and carries it to his house and does not intend to drink it, then he collects money that someone else can eat . If the water is carried to a man and he takes a price for it, then he carries a burden and the one who is transported to him receives money from the authority of the authority, because the river is power, and the water in the vessel is a sum of money, and he who wateres people with cups and straws has good deeds and is a debt like a scholar and preacher, as for the one who carries proximity and jars is the one who is safe on money And deposits ….

Glass : Whatever is made from it, it is carried by vanity and broken with money . And the envelope of him is a vessel, wife, servant, or other women . And his abundance at home is an indication of the gathering of women for good or for evil . As for the loop : whoever clings to a handle or puts his hand in it, if he is an infidel, embraces Islam and clings to the most trustworthy handhold, and if he wakes up with his hand in it, he will die in Islam . And indicates the company of the world and work with science and book ….

…And whoever sees it as if he uses a copper basin, then he buys a Turkish slave girl because the copper comes from the Turk, and if the basin is of silver, then the slave girl who is bought by Romans, and if it is of gold, then it devolves upon a beautiful woman who orders what he cannot and costs what he cannot bear, even if it is made of glass, a poor maid and if it is Who crystal ball he marries ….

…Ibn Sirin said: If the white glass is made, it is interpreted according to the religion and the world, especially if his name is written on it, and if it is king, then it shall be interpreted as soon as it is due ….

…As for the glass, Daniel said, interpreting the woman ….

Glass : it has no survival, it is from the essence of women, and seeing it in a container is less harmful . And it was said that it is a worry that has no survival, and its utensils have been mentioned previously in the section of wine and their vessels . And it came in the news on the authority of Umm Salamah, may God be pleased with her, that she got up from her sleep crying, so I was asked about that and she said : I saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, with a bottle in his hand, so I said, What is this O Messenger of God? He said that the blood of Hussein was collected in it, and soon, the mourning of Hussein, peace be upon him, came ….

…Mug If you dreamed that you drank from a silver mug, you will face unfavorable science results in the near future. If you see old designed mugs, you will receive favors and gains from strangers . If a woman who is pregnant gives a man a glass cup filled with water, this indicates forbidden pleasures ….

…It is in a dream denotes a woman or a servant . And perhaps glass mugs indicated the appearance of hidden objects . A full mug indicates a pregnant woman. If the water disperses, her pregnancy will fall, and if the mug is broken, the woman will die . And whoever sees a mug in his hand, and the mug falls from his hand and breaks, and the water remains in his hand, then his wife gives birth to a boy and dies and her son remains, and if he hands the mug and the water is gone, then the child dies and the woman receives . And the mug is underway . And mugs from the essence of women . Glass mugs may indicate severity due to their refraction . And whoever sees that he eats glasses, he will fall into great distress, and whoever breaks his cup will die his legs . See also Al-Qab ….

…Water : denotes Islam and knowledge, and life, fertility, and prosperity, because it contains the life of everything, as God Almighty said : “ Let us give them water that is pouring out of it in order to entangle them in it .” And perhaps he indicated the sperm, because God Almighty called it water, and the Arabs call a lot of water a semen, and it indicates money because he earns with it, so whoever drank pure pure water from a well or a watering water and did not absorb the last of it, if he was sick, he would recover from his illness and his life did not precipitate his death. He was not sick and married if he was celibate, to have the pleasure of drinking and the flow of water from above to his mention, and if he was married and did not marry his family on a night he met with her and enjoyed her . And if none of that, then he embraced Islam if he was a disbeliever, and he obtained knowledge if he was good, and knowledge was a student, otherwise he obtained a permissible debt if he was a merchant, unless something spoiled the water, which indicates his forbidden and sin, such as drinking it from the role of the dhimmis. Either science is corrupt or bad or malicious money . If the water is brownish, bitter, or stinky, then it becomes sick, spoils his earnings, continues his livelihood, or changes his doctrine, for each person according to his destiny and what is appropriate for him and the place he drank from and the vessel in which he was . As for the one who carried water in a bowl, if he was poor, he would benefit from money, and if he was a single he married, and if he was married, his wife or mother carried him from him, if he was the one who emptied the water in the container or his wife or servant from his well or his minister or relative . As for the flow of water in homes and its entry into the dwelling, there is no good in it, and if that was a year in which people entered into temptation, fondness, captivity, sickness, or plagues, and if that was in a private house, I looked into its matter, and if there was a patient in it who died, then the people sought him in his obituary. Crying and tears . Likewise, if gutters flowed in the house or eyes exploded in it, they are weeping eyes at the death of the patient, or when the traveler farewell, or about evil and speculation among its inhabitants, afflictions that befall him from the disease of Sultan . Likewise, the flow of water or its stagnation heralds a gathering of people . Its flow in places of plants signals fertility, and its abundance and predominance over the dwellings and houses from the eyes of the earth or its flow is an affliction from God Almighty upon the people of that place, either a sweeping plague or an exterminating sword if the dwellings are destroyed and people drown in it, otherwise it will be a torment from the Sultan or a pandemic of pandemics . If he saw that he gave water in a mug, that indicates the boy, and if he drank pure water in a mug, he got good from his son or wife, because the glass is the essence of women and water is fetus . Some of them said : Whoever saw it as if he was drinking hot water, he became clouded, and if he saw that he was thrown into clear water, a surprise . And it was said that the spring of water for the people of righteousness is good and a blessing, because God Almighty says : ~ Two eyes flow from them .~ And for those who are not righteous calamity . And the explosion of water from a wall of grief from men, such as a brother, son-in-law, or friend, and if he sees that the water has burst and left the house, then it comes out of all worries, and if it does not come out of it, it is a permanent concern . If that place is pure, then it is sadness in the health of a body . And all of this is in Al-Ain as she was not a maid, and if she was a maid, then he is the best neighbor for his owner, alive and dead, until Judgment Day . And some of them said that if he saw that there was a running water in his house, he would buy a maid . And if he sees as if the eyes have exploded, he gets money in a reprimand . And pure water is cheap and fair, and whoever sees it as if he drank too much water than his habit of awake, his life will be long . It was said that drinking water is a safety from the enemy, and chewing it is a treatment for fatigue and distress in living . And spread the hand in the water stirring money and spend it . And stagnant water is weaker than running water in any case, and it was said that stagnant water is confinement, and whoever sees that he has fallen into stagnant water is in confinement and distress, and salty water is cloudy, and as for lions if he drains from the well, then she is a woman who marries her and there is no good in her . It was said that seeing black water ruined the role, and drinking it went away . And stale water is an agonizing life, and stinking water is forbidden money, and yellow water is a disease, and the depth of water is isolation, humiliation, and the disappearance of grace, for God Almighty says : “ Say : If your waters become depressed, then who brings you certain water ”. The hot, very hot water, if he saw that he used it at night or during the day, was severely struck by the Sultan, and if he saw as if he had used it at night, he would be frightened by the jinn . Water chagrin is hard and tired, and drinking it is disease . Water froth is no good money . And whoever drinks from the sea water when it is brownish, they will be struck by them from the king . And whoever sees it as if he looks in clear water and sees his face in it as he sees it in the mirror, he will obtain much good . If he sees his face in it well, then he is doing good to his household . And pouring water is to spend money in other than his conditions, such as a bundle or a robe of evidence of the valley, because he thinks that he has achieved it and not . And ablution from water is not disliked, whether it is clear or dark, hot or cold after it is clean, it is permissible to perform ablution, because ablution is stronger in interpretation than the outlets and differences of water . And hated from the eyes of water chagrin did not run . And walking over water is vanity and risk, and if he gets out of it, his needs are fulfilled . And whoever sees that he is in a lot of deep water and falls into it and does not reach its bottom, then he afflicts a great world and gets tired, and it is said that it falls into the matter of a great man . Washing with cold water is a repentance and a cure for sickness, a release from imprisonment, the elimination of debt and security from fear . And whoever sees it as if he drank plenty of fresh water, it was a long life and a good life. If he drank it from the sea, he obtained money from the king, and if he drank it from the river, he obtained it from a man, like that of a river in rivers, and if he drew it from a well, he hit money with trick and deceit . And whoever sees that he draws water and irrigates an orchard and cultivation with it, he will benefit from money from a woman, so if the orchard or seedlings bear fruit, he will give that woman money and a child, and water the orchard and the planting, intercourse with his wife . And the water is in a boy’s glass mug, if the mug is broken and the water remains, the mother will die and the child remains, and if the water is gone and the mug remains, the child will die and the mother remains . Ibn Sirin was asked about a woman who had a vision that she was drinking water, so he said : Let this woman fear God and not seek lying among people . A man came to him and said : I saw as if I was drinking from the rags of my garment, delicious, cold water, and he said : Fear God and do not be alone with a woman who is not permissible for you, so he said : She is a woman whom I proposed to myself ….

…The dish is in a dream a slave girl or a servant, so whoever sees that he is using a copper bowl, then he buys a maid from the Turk, if it is of silver, then the slave girl is a beautiful Roman, and if it is of glass, then the maid is a white woman, and if it is of gold, then she is a beautiful woman who demands that he cannot bear Alimony spends involuntarily, and if it is made of glass, then she is free to marry her and be happy with it . The table is glory, refinement, livelihood, and money . See also but ….

…A mug is also one of the women’s jewels, as it is of glass . And drinking in a mug is money from the side of a woman . It was said that glasses of gold and silver in the vision are better for their survival, and glasses of glass are quick to break, and indicate the hidden objects of their light . And mugs a dialogue or a boy happened ….

…The hourglass is a heaping hour, and it is an hour of glass and there is sand in it. They are two individuals who refer to two children, two brothers, or two partners, and whoever sees that something happened in him, then he interpreted it in terms of good or evil . Minkam may indicate adornment and beauty to its owner . A man asked me once, and he said : I saw a mink made of glass in a dream, so I told him : I got engaged to a woman and I wanted to marry her, and that the minka is a husband, so the upper part is a man and the lower one is a woman ….

…The pearl by joining, is in a dream a male boy for a pregnant woman, so whoever sees his wife handing him a dora a livelihood from her, a male child is well-photographed, and if the free woman has no light, then she is a slave girl . If he takes a Dora from his wife and hides it in a box, or covers it with a rag, she is also a slave girl . Dora is good for a woman, if the woman is not married, she indicates that she is married, and if she does not have children, she indicates that she will have children, and if she has a husband and gave birth, she indicates wealth and money . And whoever buys in a dream or trades jewels for glass, or a coin with a coincidence, indicates his choice of the world over the Hereafter, or disobedience to obedience, or that he is apostatizing from his religion . Al-Durr denotes the Qur’an, knowledge, good speech, boys, slave girls, children, and money . Whoever sees that he is drilling a drake, then he explains the Qur’an correctly ….

…Whoever sees in a dream that he finds large wood of wood, his rank decreases, and his property will be gone . And if he possesses great things, then he will gain authority and guardianship, if he is worthy of that, otherwise he will gain benefit and good . Toil, if there is fire in it, indicates the satisfaction of needs, and if there is fire in it, then it indicates worries and anguish . The curling of gold and silver indicates sincerity in monotheism and impartiality for worship . And curling glass indicates deception and deceit . The cauterization may refer to a woman who has a rapid pregnancy failure, or a man who is too excited . It may indicate the prison and the location of the police assigned to the punishment . And denotes facilitating things if it is for iron ….

…The clog is in a dream repentance for the sinner, quarrel, knowledge, or showing a secret to those who want to conceal it . He who thinks that he is walking in a glass clog is a hypocrite of bad health ….

…As for coffins and vessels, whoever sees that he has bought a coffin, gifted it to him, or sent down to him from heaven, he will be blessed with possession, knowledge, dream, sustenance, and tranquility. The coffin may be the man’s wife or his shop. If he sees that an accident has occurred in them, or whoever sees a goula, a garment, a sack, or the like Of the vessels, it is a container for what is in it of something, and perhaps that was the human heart a vessel for what is in it of good or evil, and whoever sees that his bag has ripped through the bottom and gone from it, then the bag is his body and the money is his soul, then he is inevitably lost and whoever sees that he is carrying an empty bag has run out His age, and whoever sees that he has bought a defect or a mug or the like, then he marries a woman, and whoever sees that he is carrying something from broken glass, then he has money, and whoever sees that he has a mug of water in his hand and falls from his hand and breaks and the water remains in his hand, then his wife gives birth to a boy and her son remains and whoever sees pots in his house Herbs or pans or pots or pans and people are familiar with them. If there is a sick person who died, and if the patient eats from them, this is evidence of his death. The pots may be a sign of the value of the house and the number of her husband, and whoever sees that he wipes his lamp or fixes his filament, it is a good news to him of the safety of his eyesight, the health of his seeker, and whoever sees In Canon, power, or Masrjiah, good or bad corruption The value of this is in the values ​​of the house, and whoever sees anything from jugs, rituals, circumstances, and utensils, because they are all women and servants, what he saw in them of goodness or corruption, then this is interpreted in the servants and slaves and the ax is a servant and the anointing is a servant….

…Kaleidoscope If you see a problem working in front of you in a dream, this predicts quiet changes with few suitable promises inherent in it . A kaleidoscope : a tool that contains moving pieces of colored glass as soon as they change their positions until they reflect an endless array of different colored geometric shapes ….

…The cup : denotes the women, and if he saw it as if he was watering in a cup or a glass mug, his visions indicated a fetus in his wife’s womb . If he sees that the cup is broken and there is still water, then the woman will die and the fetus will live . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I drew water, so I brought a cup of water and put it on my hand, so the mug broke and the water remained in my hands . He said to him : Do you have a woman? He said : Yes . He said : Is there a rope? He said : Yes . He said : She gives birth, then she dies, and the child remains on your hand . It was as he said . If he sees as if the water is poured out and the cup remains healthy, then the mother is delivered and the child dies . It was said, perhaps, if the cup was broken, the waterman died ….

…It is a sign of the end of the term in a dream . Teeth may indicate money, animals, wage earners, death and life, and indicate deposits and secrets . The teeth are the inhabitants of the man’s household, the higher ones are the men on the side of his father, and the lower ones are the women on the side of his mother . The upper two are the father and the uncle, or sisters and two sons . The quartet is the man’s cousin . The fang is the master of his household . And premolars males and sons of maternal uncles . And molars ancestors . The two lower folds are the mother and aunt, or the two sisters and two daughters . The lower quadrant is a cousin or aunt’s daughter . The lower fang is the master of his household . And the lower premolars, the daughter of his aunt or the daughter of his uncle . The lower and upper molars the farthest from the household of the man and the grandmother . If a single tooth moves from it then it is a disease, and if it falls or is lost then it is death . If a person sees some of his teeth eroded, he will be afflicted with calamity . And if he sees that his fold is longer, more beautiful and whiter than it was, then his father and uncle will gain strength and an increase in their money . And if he saw that he was treating his teeth, he extracted them, and if he spends his money on hate or cuts the uterus . And if he sees a blackening in his teeth, then he is a defect in his household . If he sees a stink of his teeth, then he is ugly praising the people of his household . If his teeth move, it is the disease of his relatives . If he sees that his teeth are broken, then one of his relatives or friends will die . Whatever teeth on the right side indicates males, and what was on the left side indicates females, and the teeth on the right side indicate elderly men and women, and the teeth on the left side indicate juveniles from them . The maqadim of the teeth indicate the boys, the fangs denote the half of them, and the molars of the molars indicate the elderly among them . If a person sees that his teeth are of gold, that is praiseworthy and evidence of a fire occurring in their homes or jaundice . If he sees that his teeth are of glass or wood, that indicates a death that defeats him, and if he sees them of silver, then it is evidence of harm and loss . And if he saw that his depressing was broken, his son died . And if he sees one or more worms in the extraction site, then he will succeed them . If he saw that some of his teeth were long, he would quarrel with his family . If he saw that he pulled out all his teeth, his family would die before him . And whoever sees his teeth burrowing, his family let him down . And whoever sees that he has a fault in his teeth indicates that his family has been dispersed and that there is a defect between them or a decrease in his money . And if the flesh is cleaned from between his teeth, he will backbite a people . And it was said : The teeth indicate the pearl necklace for women . Ibn Sirin, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said : The molar was pulled out in a dream, the uterus of a boy was cut . The weariness of the teeth indicates the weakness of the people of his household . And the windows in the dream followers . The extraction of the tooth indicates the arrival of the absent or the death of someone he is dear to . He pulled his teeth out with his hand, he spent his money in a bad way, or tied with his family without being known, or he did something reprehensible and regretted it, so if he pulled his teeth out to him, someone indicated his need for a mortgage or sale . And renewing the teeth taken off in a dream is evidence of opposition and profit after loss ….

…White : The Almighty said ( on bleaching faces and prevail faces ) Surah Al – Imran 106 – means the farmer ( and whitened eyes of sadness he Kzim ) Surah Yusuf 84 – means blindness (.. until it is clear to you white thread ..) Sura 187 – means certainty ( and Admm your hand to your wing white out is bad ..) Surah Taha 22 – means the safety of the disease ( brought round them a glass of a certain * white thrill of drinkers ) Saaffat 46 – means serenity The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him (… as purifies The white garment of impurity ) – means good work and safety of the bed…

…Greenhouse If you see a greenhouse, this foretells that you may be harmed by listening to adulation . If a girl dreams that she is living in a greenhouse, this confirms that troubles will come to her and threatens her with losing her reputation . ~ Greenhouse : a glass house for the cultivation of the license or preventable plants .~…

…In a dream she is the stature of a man, and the two men are his strength in good and bad times . If he saw that his feet ascended to the sky and moved away from him, then his father dies . If he saw that they were brought, he would be let down in his money . If he sees that he commits adultery with his leg, then he walks behind the women . And if he sees that he is walking barefoot, then he will be tired and obsessed, and if he sees that he is eating a man, he will gain proximity and means to God Almighty, and his affairs will be successful, and all his needs are fulfilled from the matter of his religion and world . And whoever sees that his feet are burning, what he owns will change and change . And whoever sees that he has many legs, then it is good and a benefit for the traveler, and for those who endure leadership, and for the sailors a journey with much benefit, for the poor there are things for those who hope from good things, for the rich, sickness and disease, for the sick of the eye, his eyesight disappears, and for the wicked people imprisonment, grief and blame . And whoever sees one of his feet as a stone, it dries up and does not benefit from it . He felt that Das king , it affects two men two men, walking dinars a picture of the king . And whoever saw that his leg cut half his money gold . And the two men are fathers . And whoever has a straight leg or many toes in his leg, he will receive comfort, ruthlessness, and strength . And whoever saw that two men cut off his gold, perhaps this indicates his death . And whoever sees that his leg is broken, do not come close to the Sultan for days, let him leave his country, and ask God for health . It was said : If he is ill, that is his death . And whoever sees that one of his legs is longer than the other, he will travel and get help . And if he is rich, then he will get sick, because the rich need someone to walk in his affairs . And the king’s man denotes his men, and if a king sees that he has cut off another king’s man, he takes slaves of his men . And whoever sees that he has four legs, if he is poor, then he travels and gets help, and if he is rich then he gets sick, and it may indicate his longevity and old age, and it indicates to the patient that he is dying, and whoever sees that he is walking on one leg indicates that half of his money or half of his life has gone . And whoever sees that he walks on three legs, he does not die until he walks with the stick, either due to his old age, long life, or due to an illness that befalls him . And the judge and the governor if he sees that he has many legs to walk with, then he is isolated and does not walk except with agents . And whoever sees that his feet are made of iron indicates that his longevity, good money in his living and money, and if he sees them from glass indicates his lack of life and weakness of his ability . If he sees them of gold, then he will seek them in gold for him, with a fine . And if he sees them of silver, he will seek them in seeking women . And if he saw them of copper, he sought them in bankruptcy . If he sees them from lead indicating numbness or paralysis, unless there is evidence in the vision that indicates goodness, then he strives with them in the pleasure of God Almighty, or he stands with them for the sake of God Almighty . And if he sees the flesh of his feet gone, that indicates his righteousness . And the toes of his feet indicate the deeds of righteousness . And whoever sees that his legs are painful, he has pursued misfortunes, and punishment is inflicted on him . And it was said : He who suffers his leg is transformed from one state to another ….