…The wind, his vision in a dream indicates the authority in himself for its power and authority over the creatures below . And perhaps the wind indicated the property of the Sultan and his soldiers, his orders and the incidents of his soldiers and his aides . The wind was the servant of Solomon, peace be upon him . Perhaps it indicated torment and pests with its intensity when it was agitated, especially if it was a wasp, because it was the wind that perished with it, and because it was a wind that did not pollinate . And perhaps the wind indicates fertility and livelihood, victory and victory, especially if it is from the winds that are lavish because of the goodness of the plant, which is youth and Arabs, and it is called youth acceptance because it is opposite the wasp . The wind may indicate sickness and illness in people, such as colds and headaches . So whoever sees a wind that carries it and carries it without piety, fear, darkness, or mist, then he owns people if he is one of those who are in it, or whoever hopes for him . And if raised . The wind went with him, frightened, terrifying, wandering anxiously, or it had darkness, dust and disturbance, if he was in a ship that was wrecked, and if he was in trouble, it increased, otherwise it would have calamities and accidents, or the orders of the Sultan or the ruler came out with him . If he sees the wind pollinating the tree and destroying the wall and flying people, animals, or food, then it is a great affliction among people, such as plague, sword, sedition, raid, captivity, or poisonous wind . And the wind with thunder is unjust power with strength . Whoever carried the wind from place to place hit Sultana, or traveled from which he would not return . The soft, clear wind is good and blessing, and the stormy wind is the oppression of the Sultan, and the wind with dust is evidence of war . And the wind is a good news from God Almighty . The wind may be a blessing from that place, and if there is a creak in it, then it is torment and severity . If a Sultan sees that he is going into a fight while the wind is advancing, then he is victorious . If the wind meets him, he will be injured . If he sees that a stormy wind is blowing in a place, then his people get fear and distress according to the strength of the wind and its amount. If the trees are uprooted, the king will be angry at the men of that region and destroy them . And the wind of boyhood is a mercy . And if he sees a strong wind blowing it is a misfortune, and if he sees a wind uprooting palm trees, then the men of that land are killed by the king . The wind of the south indicates the occurrence of calamity, disease, or death in that place, and it was said : It is rain and sustenance, and if he sees the wind blowing quietly, it indicates the approval of a bad people who have no opinion . And the good winds, if they blow from a known direction, are indicative of good news and mercy . And the wind indicates the demand for needs . And the wind of saba is victory and the wind of the hornet let down . Perhaps boyhood indicated the relief of worries and sorrows and the cure of illnesses . And perhaps kindness is a sign of profitable travel . If he sees a red wind in a dream, he indicates disobedience to parents ….

…The fruit, if the fruit is seen in a dream and it is sweet, indicates livelihood, benefit, and useful knowledge, and the sour fruit for whomever agrees to eat it is likewise, and for those who do not agree with him, it is forbidden money and an increase in his illness, and what does not end of the fruits indicates his eating and possession of religion or the prevalence of non-Muslim women and men Slave or dumb of those . And the veiled fruit sustains fatigue, and the steamed fruit has little or no suspicion on it, or has not been saved from zakat . And the fruit that has no stems or peel indicates the ease of things and the lawful livelihood that is not tainted by anything . If the fruit is in its season and ripeness, then that is an urgent good, and if it is not in its season then its usefulness after a while, or it is evidence of livelihood . And eating it at a time other than its time is a relief that has missed good and ease of difficulty, and an investigation of what is feared going . And every fruit combined is a sign of familiarity and meeting and vice versa . Every strange fruit is a sign of its country . The fruits are husbands, children, money contracts, shops, science, property, good works, family, relatives, individuals, or a cure for diseases of those who possess them, and they may indicate what drink is made of them . As well as the mashmoum indicates its water or fat . And whoever picks something from a tree that is not fruit, then he is staying on a matter that is not permissible for him, or he seeks something that is not obligatory for him . And picking the fruit from the roots of the tree is evidence of a quarrel with an honorable man, and whoever sees that he picked various fruits from the trees, it affects knowledge and jurisprudence from men who have positions in knowledge and prestige . If he picked it while he was sitting, he would have a livelihood without hard work . And whoever saw a fruitful tree in the winter and he liked that, then he was a man who had been forced to, and assumed that he had money, and if he picked something from it, his money would go to that man as much as he picked it . The fruits are wealth and dignity, so whoever sees that he is reaping from a connected tree other than its fruit, then he indicates a righteous brother-in-law, or a partner in him who is good . And whatever fruit was in the mountains that was not owned, it is knowledge, sustenance, and talents from God Almighty, and no one has a favor for that ….

…Shaving the beard If you dream that your beard is shaved, this means that you will allow hypocrites and charlatans to deceive you . If you shave your beard yourself, this means that you will run your own business and will pay attention to your family needs, but the authority and ferocity of your wife’s tongue will drag you into quarrels . If your face looks shaved, you will be calm and your friends will find no loophole in your behavior . If you have a long beard, then you will be faced with problems at the household level . If the razor blinks and cuts your face, it will give your friends a chance to criticize your private life . If you have a gray beard, this means that you will be insensitive to those who claim their rights . But if a woman sees men shaving their beards, this foretells that she will tarnish her reputation by indulging in sensual pleasure . If a woman dreams that she is shaving her beard, then this means that her behavior will be untamed and that men will flee from her with disgust ….

…Earring in the ear : As for the earring for men, it does an act of hearing, and the pleasure of the ear is not befitting except for women, such as singing and beating the tie, otherwise he does what he should not, and he enriches the Qur’an, and if there is no such thing, she looks at the pregnant woman from his family, as for his wife or daughter, it is She gives birth to a boy if the earring is gold, and if the earring is silver, and she gives birth to a female . And whoever sees a woman or a maid in her ears, an earring or a shanf, then he will see a trade in a crowded country, a picnic in which there are slaves, and there are women who are adorned, because the woman and the maid are a trade, and the ear on which the earring is placed is slaves and women. The world and its beauty, because the beauty of everything is pearl, and the Qur’an and religion are blessed, good voice and perfection in its affairs . And if he was nevertheless a schooner, he would have a daughter . If a pregnant woman sees this, she will have a male son . The earring and the shaf are equal for men and women, and if the earring is of gold then a singer man, and if it is of silver, then it saves half of the Qur’an . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if there was an earring in one of my ears, so he said to him : How did you sing? He said that I have a good voice ….