Quarrel Seeing quarrels and quarrels in a dream indicates unhappiness and the occurrence of strife, followed by intense verbal quarrels . As for a girl, this dream foretells the occurrence of important events that have bad effects together . For a married woman, this predicts her separation from her husband or the continuation of quarrels and quarrels between them . If you hear two brothers quarreling, that indicates a lost business and unsuccessful business . Seeing a quarrel in a dream denotes bad luck, loss at work, and an unhappy life ….

…Hell : a sign of authority for its essence and authority over what is below it, with its harm and benefit, and perhaps it indicates Hell itself, and the punishment of God, and it may indicate sins, sins and forbidden, and everything that leads to it and brings it closer to it . From saying or doing . Perhaps it indicated guidance, Islam, knowledge and the Qur’an, because with it it is guided in the darkness, along with the words of Moses , peace be upon him : “ Or find guidance on fire, ” and he found and heard the words of God Almighty with guidance . Perhaps it indicates livelihood, benefits and wealth, because it contains goodness in the pension for the traveler and the present, as God Almighty said: “ We have made it a reminder and a pleasure for the faithful .” It is said to him who is poor or dies, his fire is extinguished . Because the Arabs were offered as gifts to Ibn al-Sabil and the discontinued guest, in order for her to be guided and sheltered to her, so that they would express with her presence generosity and wealth, and her inaction from miserliness and poverty . Perhaps it indicated the jinn because they were created from poisonous fire . And it may indicate the sword and sedition, if it has a sound, thunder, tongues, and smoke . Perhaps it indicated the torment of the authority, because it is the torment of God and he is the authority of the two worlds . Perhaps it indicated the barrenness and locusts . And it may indicate diseases, smallpox and plague . Whoever sees a fire falling from the sky in houses and shops, and if it has tongues and smoke, then it is sedition and a sword that dwells in that place, especially if it is in the homes of the rich and the poor, and a lover throws it on the people, especially if it is in the homes of the rich in particular, and if it is coals without tongues They are diseases, smallpox or epidemics, especially if they are general in mixing people . But if the going down of fire is in the dunes and feddans and places of cultivation and plants, then it is a barrenness that burns plants or locusts that burn and catch them . As for whoever kindles a fire on a path that is walking, or for people to be guided by it if he finds it when he needs it, then it is knowledge and guidance that he attains, or he broadcasts it and publishes it if he is worthy of that, otherwise he will gain authority, companionship and benefit, and the people benefit with him . If the fire is on a road other than the way, or it burns someone who passes by it or sparks it or harms him with its smoke, or it burns his garment or his body or harms his eyesight, then it is a heresy that he makes or oversees, or an unjust authority who takes refuge in him or is injustice to him according to the extent of his service to it or his escape Of them . But if it was a great fire that did not resemble the fire of this world, it was kindled for him to be thrown into it, then many of his enemies wanted to plague him, so he would gain victory over them and be superior to them, and if they threw him into it, he would have saved Ibrahim, peace be upon him . And all of that if those who committed it were his enemies, or the object in him was a righteous man . But if he sees her threatening him in particular, or those who took over the lighting of it are dating him, let God fear his Lord and take away from what he is from the deeds of the people of Hell before he comes to her, then he rebuked her because he feared her . As for the one who sees fire with him in a furnace, oven, canon, or the like of the places in which he is burnt, then it is riches and benefits that he attains, especially if his livelihood is for the sake of fire, especially if that is also in winter . And if he sees his fire extinguished or extinguished, or turned into ashes, or water or rain extinguished it, then he will lack and be suspended from his work and industry . And if someone who does not live on from it in such places to fit in with food, he would like money or livelihood to serve a ruler or to his authority and aid, or by litigation, stewardship, strife and brokerage, otherwise he will be attacked by words and evil and bad words . As for whoever sees it, it is burned with food, oil, or anything from sales, then he is exaggerating, and perhaps the Sultan will ask for him and the people will take his money with him . As for the death of eating fire, it is forbidden money and a pernicious livelihood that he eats, and perhaps it is from the money of orphans, because of what is in the Qur’an. If he saw fire speaking in a jar or a bag or a bowl of other vessels indicating both males and females, then what is attributed to that vessel will hit the jinn and its entrances , Until he speaks on his tongue . Some of them said : Fire is war if it has a flame and a sound, and if the place where you see it is not a land of war, then it is a plague, pain, smallpox, or death that occurs there . Abu Amr Al-Nakha’i said to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : I saw a fire that came out from the earth and turned between me and a son of mine, and I saw it saying : A flame of sight and a blind one, feed me that all of you eat your family and your money, so he said, peace be upon him : This is a trial that will happen at the end of time, killing people In front of them, then they quarrel with dishes and quarrel between his fingers, and the offender thinks that he is a philanthropist, and the blood of the believers is better for the believers than drinking water . And whoever blazes a fire in order to burn it, he rages an order to fill his poverty, because the cold is poverty . Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw a lamp on his thumb and said : This is a blind man led by some of his son . If I stir it up to roast meat with it, I enlighten something in which people are backbiting . If I hit the barbecue, I would have a little livelihood with sadness . If he stirred it up to cook a pot with food in it, he raised something that would benefit from the value of his home . If there is no food in the pot, then he should attack a man with words and make him do something unpleasant . Whatever hits the fire and burns from the body or clothing, it is harm and calamities . And whoever catches fire will hit forbidden money from Sultan . And whoever is hit by the glow of fire, people will backbite him ….

…In a dream, it is expressed by the imam, so what happened in terms of a decrease or increase in it attributed him to the imam or to the religion of the visionary . And whoever saw Makkah as his home and was a freed slave, even if he was a free man, he attained glory from the Sultan, and people resort to him for knowledge that teaches them, and whoever puts Mecca behind his back leaves his ruler or ruler . And whoever sees Makkah destroyed, he will pray little . And perhaps Mecca indicated to her inside a beautiful bride who had many suitors . Entering Mecca for the disobedient is repentance, the unbeliever has Islam, and the celibate has a wife, and if the seer is a quarrel, he indicates his oppression in his quarrel . Perhaps entering Mecca indicated security out of fear . And whoever sees that he goes out to Mecca to perform Hajj, then he will provide for Hajj, God Almighty wills, and if he is ill, then his illness will prolonged and he may die . And whoever sees that he is adjacent to Makkah, he will be returned to the lowly of life . And if he sees that he is in Makkah with the dead, then he will die a martyr . Whoever goes to Mecca only because of trade, he will be keen on this world . He who sees it fertilized is good ….

…If you dream that you are walking with your sweetheart in a green orchard full of ripe fruits, then this means a generous reward for your loyalty to the one for whom you work, abundant goodness and success in work . As for wives, this dream means a happy home and obedient children . If you dreamed that you were in a grove and saw cows eating fallen fruits, then this means that you will dissipate your dreams in your quest to demand what is not yours . If you dreamed that you were gathering fruits from a grove, this bodes well and blessings for everyone . If you see in a dream that an agricultural pest has hit a grove, this means that you will fall into poverty after affluence and wealth . If you dreamed that you were walking in a grove and caught among intertwining blackberry plants, this warns you that there are competitors who will envy you . But if you are married, then this means a quarrel and quarrel with the marriage partner . If you dreamed of seeing a barren orchard, this means that the chances of rising to higher levels in life will escape from you . If you see in a dream a bare orchard with no green , then that means your preoccupation with the pleasures of the present and your distraction from securing your future . Seeing a storm ravaged orchard means that a heavy guest will descend upon you or you will do a difficult job ….

…Entering a house and other people who saw in a dream that he entered the house of a man, because he is overcome by his worldly life . And whoever sees that he has entered the Imam’s house, and settled in it and is reassured, he will enter him in the properties of his command . And the entry of Imam al-Adl to a place indicates the descent of blessing and justice in it . And if he is a unfair imam, then his entry is corruption and calamities, and if he used to enter that place, it does not harm him . And whoever sees that he has entered Heaven, then he will enter it, God Almighty willing, and that is a good tidings to him about what he did for himself or what he offers . And whoever sees that he has entered Hell and then left it, this is seen by the owners of sins and major sins, and it is a warning to him to repent and return . And it was said : Whoever enters Hell, whether he is an unbeliever or a believer, will be struck by a fever, poverty, and imprisonment, and if he is a vulgar, he comes large, or inside the infidels and the ungodly, and it was said : Entering Paradise for the pilgrim is evidence that he is performing his Hajj and reaches the Kaaba, and if he is an unbeliever, he is Muslim, and if he is A sick believer is cured of his illness, and if he is an unbeliever, he gets rid of his infidelity, and if he is celibate, he marries, and if he is poor, he becomes rich, and he may inherit an inheritance . And whoever enters a house whose construction, soil, location and family is unknown, and it is separate from the role, especially if he sees in it dead people who know them, and it is the afterlife, then he dies, and if he enters it and leaves it, he will oversee death and then be saved . And whoever sees himself in the hereafter and was sick, leads to it peacefully, free from the temptations and evils of this world, and if he is not sick, then it is a good tidings according to the extent of his work, such as pilgrimage, jihad, asceticism, worship, knowledge, charity, connection or patience for a calamity . And whoever sees that he enters the hereafter and sees what is in it, for the vision of one who was good and effective does it with knowledge and ability, and indicates unemployment and harm, and whoever was afraid, worried, or overwhelmed, his fear, delusion and distress are gone, and whoever sees that he has returned from the Hereafter after entering it, then he returns from alienation To his country . And if after time indicated that he would remain in estrangement . And entering Makkah in a dream the disobedient has repentance, the unbeliever has Islam, and the single has a wife, even if the seer is a quarrel, indicates his victory in his quarrel, and his entry into Mecca indicates security out of fear . And whoever enters the shrine of Abraham, may blessings and peace be upon him, and was afraid of security, and perhaps entering the shrine indicates the assumption of the honorable position as king, or confronting the benefit of knowledge, or inheriting from his father or mother . And entering the house and the Grand Mosque is evidence of entering the house with a bride . And entering the Grand Mosque indicates security from fear and sincerity of promise . And entering the market is diligence in seeking a livelihood . Entering the home indicates the intention of marriage . And entering the mosque resignation from sins . And entering the church corruption of religion ….

…The vision of Al-Mobtan on the authority of Makhzum bin Hani Al-Makhzoumi on the authority of his father – and a hundred and fifty years have passed over him – he said : When the night on which the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was born, a fractured iwan shook and fourteen balcony fell from it, and the fire of Persia was extinguished and did not quench a thousand years before that , and the lake descended. Saveh , and opinion Mobman Ebla difficulties leading the horses godfather was cut off the Tigris and spread in her country , when he became fractional horrified what opinion Vsber should encourage , and then view that does not conceal it from his ministers and Mrasbeth He put his crown and sat on his bed and putting them to him when they met him told them on him that sent them in it and invited them And while they are like that, when a book was mentioned to him in the dying out of the fire , he increased from his distress , and the apostates said : And I reformed God the king , I saw on this night – and told him the vision in camels – then he said : What is this Yamauban and he knew to himself about that – then he said : Accident It is from the Arabs , so he wrote at that : He who broke the king of kings to Nu’man ibn al-Mundhir , but after he directed to a man who knew what he wanted to ask him about , and he directed to him Abd al-Masih bin Amr bin Hayyan bin Baqila al-Ghassani. When he came to him, he said to him : Do you know what I want to ask you about it? He said : Let the king tell me if I have knowledge of him Otherwise, I told him who he knows . They tell you what the opinion , he said : aware of it for free I lived the outskirts of al – Sham said to him Facet , said : death ask him what I asked him and I missed his answer , he rode Abdul Christ camel even presented on Facet has overseen the death and greeted him and life did not Ihr Facet Gowaya he created Abdul Christ He says a deaf mother who hears the gathers of Yemen and mentioned seven verses of poetry . When Satih heard his hair, he raised his head and said : The servant of Christ on a camel falling to the roof and he has fulfilled the tomb. The valley of Ashawah and the lake of Sawa overflowed, and the fire of Persia was extinguished, so the Levant is not for the surface of Shama, from whom there are kings and queens according to the number of balconies and all that is coming. Then Satih spent his place, so Abd al-Masih went on a journey and he said – and he mentioned to him seven verses of poetry. When Abd al-Masih came to Kashri, I was told by saying Suatih said until he had fourteen kings among us, which were matters and matters. Ten of them ruled over four years, and the rest to the succession of Othman bin Affan – may God be pleased with him – and from the vision that took place what was ordered by Abdul-Muttalib bin Hashem, the grandfather of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who dug Zamzam after Anders its location and pardoned its effect. Ibn Ishaq told me Yazid bin Abi Habib al-Masri, on the authority of Murthad bin Abdullah al-Yazni, on the authority of Abdullah bin Zaryer al-Ghafiqi, that he heard about Ibn Abi Talib – may God be pleased with him – the hadith of Zamzam occurs when he ordered Abdul Muttalib to dig it, so Abd al-Muttalib said that I sleep in When the stone came to me, he said : I dig good. He said : I said, What good? He said : Then he departed from me. When the next day I returned to my bed and slept in it, he came to me and said : Dig a well . He said : So I said : It is not right . He said : Then he left . When tomorrow was the day, I returned to my bed and slept in it , so he came to me and said : Dig the crazy , he said : So I said : What is the one who is insane? He said : Then he left me . When the next day I returned to my bed and slept in it, he came to me and said : Dig Zamzam , he said : I said : What is Zamzam? He said : Never bleed or mourn , the greatest pilgrims are watered , and it is between the grain and the blood , at the pit of the mighty crow , at the village of ants . Ibn Ishaq said : When between him that indicated by the place and knew that he had ratified tomorrow Bmaolh and his son Harith bin Abdul Muttalib not him that day was born other haf when he appeared to Abdul great demand folding Quraish knew that as he realized his need and they to him and they said : O Abdul Muttalib it well Our father Ishmael, and that we have a right in it . So we were with you in it . He said : I am not doing this matter. This matter was assigned to it without you and I gave it from among you . So they said to him, so do we do justice to him , for I do not leave you until we quarrel with you about it . He said : So make between me and you who you want, I judge you to him , they said : Priestess Bani Saad bin Hudhaim? He said : Yes , he said : And it was under the supervision of the Levant, so Abd al-Muttalib rode with a group of his father’s sons from Bani Abd Manaf and rode from every tribe from the Quraysh of Nafar. He said : And the land, then , is a contingent . He said : So they went out even if there were some of these shifts between the Hijaz and the Levant. The Muttalib and his companions were thirsty until they became certain of the death, so they sought from the Quraysh tribes with them, and they refused and said : We are in a metaphor and we fear for ourselves like what happened to you . When Abdul Muttalib saw what the people did and what he fears for himself and his companions, he said : What do you see? They said : We have seen nothing but follow your opinion, so we went through what you want . He said : I see that every man of you dig it for himself when you now have much strength. Whenever a man dies, his companions push him into his pit and then show him until the last of you is one man, the scandal of one man , a captive of a village he rode all together . They said : Yes, what I ordered . So each one of them arose, dug it, and then sat waiting for death of thirst . Moreover, Abd al-Muttalib said to his companions : By God, if we throw us into our hands, so is death. We do not strike on the ground and do not seek for ourselves due to powerlessness. Hopefully God will provide us with water in some countries. emitted by the burst of Takht Khvha was appointed fresh water magnify Abdul Muttalib and the size of his companions then came down and drank and drank his companions and drew even filled Osagathm then called the tribes of Quraish said : Come to the water God has given us to drink Vacherboa and Astqgua they came Fsharbwa and Astqgua then said : may God spent you to us , O Abdul Muttalib, by God, we never quarrel with you in Zamzam . The water which is given you to drink this in this wilderness , which is a given you to drink Zamzam refer to Sagaatk adult , and he came back and returned with him and did not reach the priestess and passed away between him and them . Ibn Ishaq said : This is the one who reached me from the hadith of Ali bin Abi Talib – may God be pleased with him – in Zamzam . In the novel Bayhaqi context is the context in which the foregoing and in which he said : haf even entrusted water Fajrgaha in the decision and then Tbhrha do not even bleed and then he built a swimming Vtefq he and his son Bntzaaan . They fill this basin this results in him Haj Vixrh people separately from the Quraish night Faisalha Abdul Muttalib when it becomes , when he ate his corruption called Abdul Muttalib Rabbo Vari in a dream that was said to him : Say : O Allah , I do not solve it for bather but is Sharp solution Lobel , then Kvihm , so he Abdul Muttalib when Quraish disagreed in the mosque cried with him that I then spend did not spoil his pelvis by one of the Quraish Except throwing a disease in his body until they left his pelvis and watering ….

…Tailor Your vision of a tailor in a dream indicates that you will undertake a journey that will cause you worries and sadness . If you disagree with a tailor, this means that you will be angry at the results of your project . And if you see a tailor taking your measurements, you will quarrel and quarrel with others ….

…And whoever sees that he is reading the Torah whoever memorizes it, not from a book, he will gain his need after a quarrel ….

…Crying : the pleasure and palpitations of the heart, leaving a matter of quarrel, travel, or marriage ….

…And whoever sees that he has a ring that someone gave him, he will quarrel with his relatives ….

…This drought is a sinister dream that indicates suspicious conflicts between nations and a lot of bloodshed . Disasters will happen, ships will drown, families will quarrel and separate . The dream will cause a disease harmful to you, and your deeds will be perverted ….

…Soldier If you see soldiers walking in a dream, this means for you a period of success and progress, and you will attain the highest ranks despite the nose of the envious, and if you see wounded soldiers, this means that the misfortune of others causes you great problems . Your affection overrides your wisdom and logic . If you dream that you are an obedient soldier, you will achieve your ideals . If women dream of seeing soldiers, this means that they may quarrel with each other ….

…Ibn Sirin said the vision of the lion is interpreted by a strong and very powerful enemy, and whoever sees that he is fighting the lion, it indicates a quarrel with an enemy that has dominion over him and who is victorious because they are two types ….

…Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever thinks that he has a lot of almonds in its peel indicates a quarrel with someone .”…

…The whole, if all the tongue in a dream is praising or slandering, and there was a trial that shortened his argument and subjugated him in his quarrel, otherwise everyone would return poorly to the people, or he would become one of the people of calamity without a child ….

…Jew If you dream that you are accompanying a Jew, then this indicates a comfortable ambition and an uncontrollable yearning for wealth and a high position, and this will be achieved to some extent . If you have dealings with a Jew you will legally prosper in important business matters . If a girl dreams about a Jew, this foreshadows her that she will make mistakes, so she will consider flattery as the truth, and she will discover that she is only seeking pleasure . If a man dreams of a Jew, then this means that his desires are balanced with sensuality and easy comfort . He must consider himself an advocate for women . If a non-Jew dreams of the Jews, then this indicates worldly concerns and the benefit from dealing with them . If you quarrel with Jews, your reputation is in danger from a business point of view ….

…Whoever is in a quarrel sees as if he is sitting in the place of rulings, and that he is the ruler, then he does not prevail, and that is because the ruler does not judge himself, but over others ….

…And a weaver interprets a man who is a messenger and a traveler who wanders around the world, and whoever sees a weaver weaves a weave, then he indicates a quarrel with others ….

…Mud is in a dream, for whoever walks in it will get strife and hardship . And whoever sees that he is walking in mud, then they are fearful . Mud, if the patient sees it, is long after his illness, unless he sees that he has come out of it . And if the patient walks through it, he will enter into calamity or prison . And kneading the clay and striking it with milk is not good because it is indicative of grief, affliction and strife . The affliction of mud is a quarrel and distress, and it may indicate religion or talk in the show, and perhaps it indicates pregnancy for a woman with a male child, because God Almighty says : ( And we created man from a strain of clay ). And the mud indicates disrupting movements and cutting prayers . And the mud about if I missed it . Perhaps the mud was a tablet for the reader, and perhaps the mud indicated pride in blessings, polytheism, or thinking about God . Perhaps the mud was a sign of bad, difficult manners . And if the land was arid and he saw mud in a dream, it was good news for him that there was plenty of grass . If the mud was from a well, it indicated inheritance and the appearance of the pond, or deposits and secrets . See also clay ….

Surah An-Naml denotes the strength, understanding, and kings of those who seek him, if he is a scientist, otherwise he will fear oppression from some enemies, or he will have an argument and quarrel with women, or an argument with family and relatives, or an argument with everyone in the path of religion

Whoever sees that his hair is long and he desires that, then he gets rich and fulfills his debt, and if his length is misfortune among the people, then it is a debt that he rides and they said some of them said whoever saw his hair lengthened excessively, then it is they and grief, and if the woman sees that it is an adornment and an increase in glory and it was said seeing the length of the hair for those who were poor There is nothing wrong with it, and whoever sees that his hair is deficient, it is a deficiency they are and whoever sees that he shaved his head while he is used to that and loves it, then he is rich and if he is one who raises his hair and does not shave it, then he is not Mahmud and whoever sees that he shaved his head while he is in the months of Hajj or the sacred months, then he is good in his religion and expiation Because of his sins and the removal of his worries and distress, and it was said that if he saw that with a position, then it is not Mahmood, and if the woman saw that, it indicates the death of her husband or one of her mahrams or the breach of her veil, and if she saw that her hair was cut off or part of it, then it indicates a quarrel with her husband and it was said that a calamity occurred and seeing the eyebrows if a long time indicates that Money and adornment and it was said long life and whoever sees that his mustache is shaved or thinned, then it is good for the mustache, and the decrease in the mustache is disliked, and the increase in it may be an indication of an intoxicating drink, a ban on zakat and a denial of a deposit, and they are and whoever sees that his head does not have hair while he is bald or that he was dancing and hair has grown in his head indicates that Good

…Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees that he has fallen on his face, if he does not intend to prostrate, there is no good in him, and if he is in a quarrel, war or dispute, he will not be victorious .”…

…Mocking bird Seeing or hearing this bird in a dream means that you are invited to spend quality time with friends and your affairs will go forward . If a woman sees this bird dead in a dream, this foretells her quarrel with a friend or lover ….

…Shaving: Whoever sees in his dream that hair or a thread come out of his throat, so he stretched it out and did not cut it, and it did not come out completely, so his life lengthened and his quarrel with his boss . And if he was a minister, his knowledge increased . And the throat of Ibn Adam indicates the channel of the house and its well ….

…Bird If you dreamed of seeing birds, this means temporary anxiety or illness . If a woman dreams about birds, then this means a short-term illness or a quarrel with her friends ….

…The clog is in a dream repentance for the sinner, quarrel, knowledge, or showing a secret to those who want to conceal it . He who thinks that he is walking in a glass clog is a hypocrite of bad health ….

…Baldness If you see a bald-headed man, this indicates that fraudsters will strike a bargain against your interests, but if you remain vigilant, they will be outweighed by trick and cunning . If a man dreamed of a bald-headed woman, then this confirms that he will take a cunning quarrelsome woman as his wife . If a girl dreams of a bald man, then this is a warning for her to use a quarrel against listening to the next request for her marriage . Bald-headed children symbolize a happy home, loving companion, and obedient children ….

…Thunder : It may be indicative of the Sultan’s feast, threatening and threatening him, and from it it is said that it thunders and shines . Perhaps he indicated good promises and short orders, because he commands the King of the Clouds to rise and be generous to whomever they were sent to . Thunder also indicates the drums of crawling and rebirth, clouds on soldiers, lightning on arrowheads and colorful published items and flags, rain on spilling blood, and thunderbolts over death . Whoever sees thunder in the sky, they are commands that come from the Sultan, and if he sees that from his goodness in the rain and the people are in need of him, this indicates the rain or the promises of the good Sultan, and he may point to the two faces and preach the two things, even if the person with the vision is someone who will be harmed by the rain, such as the traveler, the minors and the washing And building and harvesting, and whoever runs their course, either rain harms him and does it and spoils what he has done, and they have authorized it before its dawn, so that they warn to take the gift and prepare for the rain, and either the Sultan’s orders, or a felony for that is harmful . How about if the rain at that time was as harmful as summer rain ? And if he sees thunder with lightning, then the significance of the promise is confirmed in what he indicates . And if the sun was prominent at that and there was no rain, then drumming and items coming out from the Sultan to open it came to him, and the good news was presented to him, or to lead the contract of some of his rulers, or to send him out or receive it from some of his pimps . And if there is rain, darkness, and thunderbolts, then either plagues from the sky, such as hail, wind, locusts, and bear, or plague and death, or strife or war if the country is a country of war, or people expect that from an enemy . Some of them said : Thunder without rain of fear. If he sees thunder, then he will pay off a debt, and if he is sick, he is innocent, and if he is imprisoned, he will be released . As for the thunder, lightning and rain, it is an honor for the traveler and greed for the resident . Thunder was the owner of a great police force . Some of them said : Thunder without lightning indicates assassination, deception, falsehood and lies, because it expects thunder after lightning . It was said the sound of thunder indicates quarrel and controversy . Lightning : denotes fear of the ruler, his threat and his promise, the blade of blades and the striking of the whips, and perhaps the authority indicated against that, the good promise, the laughter, the pleasure, the desire and the greed of desire and hope, because of what he has of torment, torment and stone, mercy and rain, Because from what the people of the news describe, the king of the clouds who is entrusted with her whip, and his voice thunder over it with the words of the Almighty : “The lightning shows you with fear and greed .” It was said out of fear of the traveler and greed for the resident, the farmer, because of the rain that would be with him . Whenever lightning indicates it, it is fast and urgent, due to the speed of its departure and the lack of its transmission . Whoever sees lightning without people, or sees its lights striking him or snatching his eyes, or entering his home, if he is traveling, he will be in a vacation, either by rain or by the command of a ruler, and if he is a farmer whose land has dried up and the thirst of planting it, he will preach to chastity and mercy, and if his master, father, or authority is indignant with him. , And laughed at him . And poets likened laughing to lightning, and crying with rain, because laughter among the Arabs is the display of hidden things and the appearance of concealments, so they are called pollens if they heal at the eyelid as laughter, and if there is rain with it, it indicates the ugliness of what appears to him than what he cries on, then it is either lightning . Words weeping, or a whip that cries him, and the rain will be his blood or a sword that takes his soul . And if he is sick, his eyesight shines and his eyes are tearful, and his family wept and said his persistence and the hastening of his death quickly, and whoever sees that he ate the lightning or struck it or its clouds, then a person urges him to do something righteous and good . And lightning indicates fear with benefit . And it was said lightning indicates the benefit from a far place . And whoever saw lightning burned his clothes, his wife would die if she was sick ….

…Ibn Sirin said: Whoever saw that he shaved his head during the days of Hajj, then it is goodness in religion and an expiation for sins, and if it is during the sacred months or some of them, then it is the fulfillment of a debt and the disappearance of their distress and distress, and it was said that if he saw that with a position then it is not a praiseworthy, and if the woman sees that, then it indicates death Her husband or one of her mahrams, and if she sees that her hair has been cut off or some of it, then it indicates a quarrel with her husband and it was said that a calamity has occurred, and if she sees that all of her hair has become white, then it indicates that her husband is an immoral man in a manner other than that ….

…And whoever saw that he found a lying ring, and with that there was evidence of good, then he would marry a woman of good, and if he was not in presidents who inferred good, then he interpreted a quarrel with his kinship ….