Ablution: Whoever sees in a dream that he perform ablution during his ablution with what is permissible to perform ablution, for it is light over light, as stated in the report : ( Ablution over ablution is light over light ). And perhaps ablution indicates the fulfillment of the needs of the owners of the breasts, if the completion of ablution indicates the attainment of his purpose, otherwise not . Ablution is valid in all religions and is safe from God Almighty . And whoever performs ablution in a flock or baths, he will gain something that was stolen for him . And if he does ablution with what is not permissible to perform ablution, then he is in an effort waiting for relief, and that thing that he does is not completed . And whoever prays without ablution and is a merchant, then it is a trade that has no capital, and if he is the owner of a guardianship then he does not have soldiers . And whoever prays in a place where it is not permissible to pray, like a garbage dump, then he is confused about his matter and is not able to do it . And whoever sees that he performs ablution in his bed while he is sick, his vision indicates the paradox of a wife or friend . And if he performs ablution in markets or bathrooms, it indicates the wrath of God Almighty and his angels . If he does ablution on his companion’s head, then he will inherit it, and if he sees that his companion does ablution on his head, he will be hit by many disadvantages and a severe scandal . It was said : Ablution is a trust that he performs, a debt that he fulfills, or a testimony that he establishes . And whoever sees that he performs ablution and completes his ablution, and if he is anxious, God Almighty will return his concern, or fear God Almighty security of what he fears, or a patient who has been cured by God Almighty, or a debtor that God has decreed his debt, or a sinner, God Almighty has disbelieved from his sins, and if he sees that his ablution has not been completed, then it is not completed His command, who is his seeker . And whoever sees that he does ablution with hot water, or bathes with it, or with it, he will become ill and sick ….

…Whoever sees that his prayer has passed its due time, or does not affect a place where he prays it, then that is a difficulty in his matter that he is asking for in terms of religion or world . If he sees that he missed a prayer and did not complete ablution or was not able to do that, then he does not fulfill his command that he is asking for, unless he sees that he has completed his ablution previously . And if he sees that he completed his ablution without what is permissible to perform ablution, then it is like the one who did not perform his ablution . Likewise, the ritual washing of impurity if it is done is done for him, and if it is not washed then his command is not fulfilled . If he sees tayammum, and he is unable to reach water, then it is permissible and the course of what we have mentioned will follow ….

…Whoever sees that he performs ablution with water and completes his ablution, and if he is anxious, then God will be relieved of his concern, and if he is in debt, God will spend his debt, and if he is sick, God Almighty will cure him, and if he is a sinner, God will forgive him and forgive his sins, and if he is afraid, God Almighty will protect him and it is good in every case ….

Whoever sees that he performs ablution with clear water and completes his ablution. If he is concerned, God’s relief is worried, or feared, may God protect him, or he is sick, God cured his debt, or he is in debt, or he has sinned by God’s disbelief. His ablution is completed, because something is not completed for him, he is seeking him, and it is hoped that he will succeed. They hit him or get sick, and whoever sees that he is seeking ablution and cannot find water, then it is difficult for him in his matter until he performs ablution and completes his ablution, then it is easy for him to do it

…Whoever sees that he prays without ablution in a place where it is not permissible to pray, then he is confused about a matter from which he cannot find salvation . It was said that ablution in a dream is a trust that he performs, a debt that he fulfills, or a testimony that he establishes . The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, narrated : “ I saw a man from my ummah who was tormented in the grave, and his ablution came to him and he saved him from that .” And whoever sees that he is doing ablution, his private parts are close, and his rest is close, because ablution is a sign of relief close to God Almighty…

…And whoever sees that he does ablution with what it is not permissible to perform ablution in the same way as he who does not perform his ablution and it was said that he who does ablution with milk or honey is good in religion ….

…Whoever sees that he has missed his prayer or that he cannot find a place to pray . That is hardship in his order . As well as if he missed ablution and did not perform ablution . As well as ablution and ablution ….

…And whoever sees that his ablution is completed or is unable to do so, then no matter is completed for him, he is seeking him and he is hoping for success from the virtue of ablution ….

…And whoever sees that he prays without ablution, then he will get sick ….

…If a merchant sees that he is praying without ablution, then he is trading without capital . And if the prince saw this vision, he would not meet a soldier, and if a professional saw it, he would not be settled by a decision ….

…If he sees it as if he is praying without ablution in a place where it is not permissible to pray, such as the cemetery and the dump, then he is asking for what he does not attain, or he follows a state without soldiers ….

…And whoever sees that he does ablution for prayer, it is safety from God Almighty ….

…And whoever sees that he does ablution with hot water, there is no good in him ….

…And whoever sees that he performs ablution with cloudy water and the like, then he is distressed, but he hopes for relief ….

…And whoever sees that he seeks ablution and does not find water, the matter that he is asking is difficult for him, but it is hoped for him from the grace of God to facilitate it ….

…And whoever sees that he does ablution while he is junub, then he enters into something that is difficult for him and that is not easy ….

And whoever sees that he has done a bath, then he is relieving something, and the brother is lazy, who cleanses his sins and uncovers the worries ….

And whoever sees that he is doing ablution in a place where there is no water, and he completes that, then his expression is like a complete expression of ablution and washing, and whoever sees that he is doing ablution and water is present indicates that he is deviating from the Sharia, let him repent to God Almighty

…Swarm : Every fossil on the ground is deceit, so whoever sees that he is digging a swarm or someone else digging for him, then he is deceiving or deceiving by someone else . If he saw that he entered it, that deceit would return to him and not others . If he sees that he entered him until the sky is hidden from him, then thieves enter his house and steal the belongings of his house . If he is traveling, he is blocking the road . If he sees that he performs ablution in that flock and the ablution of prayer or ablution, then he will gain what was stolen from him or be compensated sooner and his eye becomes clear, because he takes the interpretation of water . And if he had a debt that God Almighty ruled . If he sees that he extracted from what he dug or dig for him running or stagnant water, then that is a living in the deception of the one who digs ….

…Water : denotes Islam and knowledge, and life, fertility, and prosperity, because it contains the life of everything, as God Almighty said : “ Let us give them water that is pouring out of it in order to entangle them in it .” And perhaps he indicated the sperm, because God Almighty called it water, and the Arabs call a lot of water a semen, and it indicates money because he earns with it, so whoever drank pure pure water from a well or a watering water and did not absorb the last of it, if he was sick, he would recover from his illness and his life did not precipitate his death. He was not sick and married if he was celibate, to have the pleasure of drinking and the flow of water from above to his mention, and if he was married and did not marry his family on a night he met with her and enjoyed her . And if none of that, then he embraced Islam if he was a disbeliever, and he obtained knowledge if he was good, and knowledge was a student, otherwise he obtained a permissible debt if he was a merchant, unless something spoiled the water, which indicates his forbidden and sin, such as drinking it from the role of the dhimmis. Either science is corrupt or bad or malicious money . If the water is brownish, bitter, or stinky, then it becomes sick, spoils his earnings, continues his livelihood, or changes his doctrine, for each person according to his destiny and what is appropriate for him and the place he drank from and the vessel in which he was . As for the one who carried water in a bowl, if he was poor, he would benefit from money, and if he was a single he married, and if he was married, his wife or mother carried him from him, if he was the one who emptied the water in the container or his wife or servant from his well or his minister or relative . As for the flow of water in homes and its entry into the dwelling, there is no good in it, and if that was a year in which people entered into temptation, fondness, captivity, sickness, or plagues, and if that was in a private house, I looked into its matter, and if there was a patient in it who died, then the people sought him in his obituary. Crying and tears . Likewise, if gutters flowed in the house or eyes exploded in it, they are weeping eyes at the death of the patient, or when the traveler farewell, or about evil and speculation among its inhabitants, afflictions that befall him from the disease of Sultan . Likewise, the flow of water or its stagnation heralds a gathering of people . Its flow in places of plants signals fertility, and its abundance and predominance over the dwellings and houses from the eyes of the earth or its flow is an affliction from God Almighty upon the people of that place, either a sweeping plague or an exterminating sword if the dwellings are destroyed and people drown in it, otherwise it will be a torment from the Sultan or a pandemic of pandemics . If he saw that he gave water in a mug, that indicates the boy, and if he drank pure water in a mug, he got good from his son or wife, because the glass is the essence of women and water is fetus . Some of them said : Whoever saw it as if he was drinking hot water, he became clouded, and if he saw that he was thrown into clear water, a surprise . And it was said that the spring of water for the people of righteousness is good and a blessing, because God Almighty says : ~ Two eyes flow from them .~ And for those who are not righteous calamity . And the explosion of water from a wall of grief from men, such as a brother, son-in-law, or friend, and if he sees that the water has burst and left the house, then it comes out of all worries, and if it does not come out of it, it is a permanent concern . If that place is pure, then it is sadness in the health of a body . And all of this is in Al-Ain as she was not a maid, and if she was a maid, then he is the best neighbor for his owner, alive and dead, until Judgment Day . And some of them said that if he saw that there was a running water in his house, he would buy a maid . And if he sees as if the eyes have exploded, he gets money in a reprimand . And pure water is cheap and fair, and whoever sees it as if he drank too much water than his habit of awake, his life will be long . It was said that drinking water is a safety from the enemy, and chewing it is a treatment for fatigue and distress in living . And spread the hand in the water stirring money and spend it . And stagnant water is weaker than running water in any case, and it was said that stagnant water is confinement, and whoever sees that he has fallen into stagnant water is in confinement and distress, and salty water is cloudy, and as for lions if he drains from the well, then she is a woman who marries her and there is no good in her . It was said that seeing black water ruined the role, and drinking it went away . And stale water is an agonizing life, and stinking water is forbidden money, and yellow water is a disease, and the depth of water is isolation, humiliation, and the disappearance of grace, for God Almighty says : “ Say : If your waters become depressed, then who brings you certain water ”. The hot, very hot water, if he saw that he used it at night or during the day, was severely struck by the Sultan, and if he saw as if he had used it at night, he would be frightened by the jinn . Water chagrin is hard and tired, and drinking it is disease . Water froth is no good money . And whoever drinks from the sea water when it is brownish, they will be struck by them from the king . And whoever sees it as if he looks in clear water and sees his face in it as he sees it in the mirror, he will obtain much good . If he sees his face in it well, then he is doing good to his household . And pouring water is to spend money in other than his conditions, such as a bundle or a robe of evidence of the valley, because he thinks that he has achieved it and not . And ablution from water is not disliked, whether it is clear or dark, hot or cold after it is clean, it is permissible to perform ablution, because ablution is stronger in interpretation than the outlets and differences of water . And hated from the eyes of water chagrin did not run . And walking over water is vanity and risk, and if he gets out of it, his needs are fulfilled . And whoever sees that he is in a lot of deep water and falls into it and does not reach its bottom, then he afflicts a great world and gets tired, and it is said that it falls into the matter of a great man . Washing with cold water is a repentance and a cure for sickness, a release from imprisonment, the elimination of debt and security from fear . And whoever sees it as if he drank plenty of fresh water, it was a long life and a good life. If he drank it from the sea, he obtained money from the king, and if he drank it from the river, he obtained it from a man, like that of a river in rivers, and if he drew it from a well, he hit money with trick and deceit . And whoever sees that he draws water and irrigates an orchard and cultivation with it, he will benefit from money from a woman, so if the orchard or seedlings bear fruit, he will give that woman money and a child, and water the orchard and the planting, intercourse with his wife . And the water is in a boy’s glass mug, if the mug is broken and the water remains, the mother will die and the child remains, and if the water is gone and the mug remains, the child will die and the mother remains . Ibn Sirin was asked about a woman who had a vision that she was drinking water, so he said : Let this woman fear God and not seek lying among people . A man came to him and said : I saw as if I was drinking from the rags of my garment, delicious, cold water, and he said : Fear God and do not be alone with a woman who is not permissible for you, so he said : She is a woman whom I proposed to myself ….

…The wheel : a man of benefit, a believer who seeks in the affairs of people from matters of the world and religion, so whoever sees that he draws water with it to perform ablution with it, then he has the help of a believing man adhering to the religion of God Almighty, because conception is a religion . If he does ablution and his ablution with it, then all worry, distress, and religion will suffice . And it was said that the bucket denotes whoever is attributed to the claim, and from him they brought us to this and that, or begged us, and who made his bucket in a well I looked at his condition, and if he was a marriage seeker, he was married, then he was infallible and his covenant was the marriage, and the bucket mentioned him, his sperm water and the well his wife, and if he had a lamb A boy, as in the verse of the Almighty : “ So he made his bucket, and said, Oh good tidings, this is a boy .” Otherwise, it will benefit from a travel or a demand, because the car found Yusef, peace be upon him, when they poured their bucket and bought it and sold it with a profit and interest. The poet said : And he did not ask for a living by wishful thinking … But throwing buckets in the buckets will come to fill them in a phase and phase … It comes with sludge and a little water, even if it is A bucket-taker seeking knowledge, the well was his teacher from whom he drew his knowledge, and what he collected of water is his luck, his division and his share ….

…Whoever sees it as if he is performing ablution or washing in a flock, he will gain something that was stolen for him . And whoever sees as if he is performing ablution and enters into prayer, he will leave his worries and thank God Almighty for relief ….

…Janaabah is in a dream of being in a state of impurity, and it is a need for which he did not perform ablution, so whoever sees as if he is junub then he pursues in a need without ablution, and whoever sees that he prays while he is junub then he travels in obedience, and it was said : He is corrupt of religion . And it was said : impurity is a confusion of the matter for those who see it . And whoever sees that he is junub and does not get water to wash it, then it will be difficult for him to do what is required of the matter of this world and the Hereafter ….

…Whoever sees as if he performs ablution with what it is not permissible to perform ablution with, then he is waiting for relief and does not attain it ….

…Examples of visions : This part I will talk about the examples of some of the visions of the Prophet peace be upon him and some of the visions of the companions may Allah be pleased with them , and I begin . Visions of the Prophet peace be upon him : ( a ) the visions of the Prophet peace be upon him : I note here to the agreed Aisha narrated by Bukhari in his Saheeh said : ( the first is the start of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him from the revelation of the true In sleep, he did not see a vision unless it came to him, like the morning leg. ) (1) The novel came in another good vision , and the sincere and good sense for one of the matters of the Hereafter in the right of the prophets . As for the minimum of things , Valsalehh differ from sincere ; As good single out , Fraaa prophets are all honest , may be valid and is the most , may not be valid for a minimum also signed on a vision when he saw a vision and through the killing of the owners . And likened Pflq waxing without the other , because the sun of prophecy was the vision Mpadi lights, there is still that light can accommodate even the sun shone , it was inwardly Noria was in the ratification Bakraa Ka my firstborn , and was inwardly dark was in disbelief Khvacha as Abu ignorance , and the rest of the people between These two statuses each of them as much as was given light . (2) Examples of visions of the Prophet peace be upon him the following example : ( a – 1) from Anas , may Allah be pleased with him from the Prophet peace be upon him , he said : ~ Paradise Fright entered a palace of gold . I said : For whom is this . They said : For a young man from Quraysh , I thought I was him. They said : To Omar bin Al-Khattab . (3) This talk came in the novel by another : ~ While I was sleeping , saw me in paradise ~ and said : ~ They said : Omar , ~ saying : Jibril and his Mullah Ikh ~ came in the correct from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him said : The Messenger God, may God bless him and grant him peace : “ While I was asleep, you saw me in Heaven , and there was a woman doing ablution next to my palace , so I said , Who is this for? They said Omar stated his jealousy Follette foul play . ~ Cried Omar may Allah be pleased with him and said : You attacked O Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him? In the novel when Imam Ahmad : Abu Hurayrah said : Cried Omar We are all in this Council with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Omar said : father of you , O Messenger of Allah , Oalik attacked? and ablution here Alaudhaeh which is cleanliness and Hassan as the paradise is not a house assignment , has son said stone (4) that the woman who watched the Apostle next to the palace is a sound or was in alive then he saw her Prophet peace be upon him in paradise along with short life shall he put it from the people of Paradise because the seer is the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him , and being along with short life is subject to indicate that it is aware of his succession and it was so . ( a – 2 ) On the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said : “ While I was asleep, when I saw a cup with milk in it , I drank it so that I could see that my irrigation was running in my nails. ” Then I gave my favor Omar bin Al-Khattab . They said : What did you interpret that, O Messenger of God? He said, ~ Science .~ (5) Here Wa’el the Prophet peace be upon him milk science Some scientists link between milk and science by saying : milk Rizk created by God ‘s good between the slags of blood Vrt such as science light shown by God in the darkness of ignorance , Vdob proverbial in a dream as those who concluded milk Out of blood and blood, he is able to create knowledge from out of doubt and ignorance, and to preserve work from negligence and misstep . In the talk that the science of the Prophet peace be upon him in God it does not reach a degree in it , because he drank until he saw irrigation out of the limbs , and while giving him preferred age is subject to a reference to what happened to the age of God , so that he Aeachzh in God to blame . (6) ( a – 3 ) and Aisha , may Allah be pleased with her : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ~ Aritk in a dream three nights, I received your king in the theft of silk says : This Amrotk . Vokhv from your face . If you are , I say : That this is from God, it will be passed on . Agreed upon word of the steam ). (7) and the meaning of : theft of silk : dress or white cloth of silk . It is noted in the first example , the third example of the visions of the Prophet peace be upon him that the Prophet peace be upon him not Aabarhama Omar and Aisha , Understanding if they are of visions in which the vision is on her face and face value does not need to express and interpret , was son said a stone in His explanation of the hadith of Ibn Omar and his vision of fire that some visions need no expression . (8) The vision of Abdullah bin Omar was through the Prophet peace be upon him the vision when the first drink Omar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him milk science —————– (1 ) agreed upon Aisha . Narrated by Bukhari in the book to express the door of the first is the start of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him true dreams (351 \ 12 ) , and directed by a Muslim as in the nuclear explained in the book of faith in the door of Leptis revelation to the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him (2 /197 ) – previous reference . (2 ) See Fath al – op – (355/12 ). (3 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression , the palace door in a dream (416 \ 12 ) – op – narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad in the palm Anas bin Malik, see explanation eg Thiat Ahmed Saffarini (739 \ 1 ). Previous reference . And Tirmidhi narrated in Sahih Sunan al – Tirmidhi in the book character and the door of the virtues of Omar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him – published Dar revive Arab heritage – Beirut . (4 ) Fath al – Bari • op – (12 /416 ). (5 ) Narrated by Bukhari as in the opening (12 /393) _ op – Muslim as in the nuclear (15/16 ) op . (6 ) Fath al – Bari (12 /41 0 ) – op -, Mohamed Abdelaziz Halawi : Visions of the Prophet peace be upon him and dreams of the companions , published Dar Vanguard , Cairo : 1412 of R 5 . (7) It was included by Al-Bukhari as in Al-Fath (12/399), previous reference and (7/223), and it was narrated by Muslim as in Al-Nawawi (15/202) in the Book of the Virtues of the Companions and in the virtue of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, previous reference . (8) Ibn Hajar – Fath Al-Bari – previous reference (12/419). ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…

…The basin is in a dream an honest, generous, wholesome man . If he sees a basin full of money, he will gain dignity and honor from a generous and honest man . If he perform ablution from it, he will save those who are, God Almighty willing . And if he drank water from it, he would earn a living from a generous king . See Fosqia ….

…The wheel is in a dream a beneficial, believing man who strives in people’s affairs and helps them in matters of religion and the world . And whoever sees that he uses it to perform ablution, he will seek the help of a believing man who adheres to the religion of God Almighty, and that conception is a debt . And the pulley may refer to the active slave girl in her movement, or the wife or the boy who talks a lot ….

…Urination is in a dream, spending his money on something that is not permissible for him, or having intercourse with something that is not suitable for him . And diuresis in a dream is evidence of generating livelihood . And holding the urine and its hardness may indicate his urgency in matters and lack of rightness, and that the injector does not settle for a decision until he pays what he has frozen from it . And urinating in a dream is forbidden money . And whoever sees as if he is in an unknown place will marry a woman in that place . And it was said : Whoever sees it as if he is urinating, he spends an alimony that goes back to him . And whoever sees himself as worn out in a well, he will spend from the money that is permissible earnings . And whoever sees that he has worn out on a commodity, he will lose that commodity . Pal in a niche gives birth to a scientist son . And whoever sees as if he has worn out on the Qur’an, one of his children will memorize the Holy Qur’an . And whoever sees himself as if he pours some and confines some, if he is rich, some of his money will be gone, and if he is upset, some of his distress will be gone . If he sees it as if another person is urinating with him, then their urine is mixed up, and they fall into a continuation and affinity . If he sees that he is an injector, he will get angry with his wife . If the urine is strong on him, and he cannot find a place for that, he wants to bury money and cannot find a burial ground . If he sees that he has urinated in the place of urine, then he will be released if he is poor, and if he is rich, he loses his money . If he saw people wiping his urine, a boy would be born to him, and the people would follow him . If he sees a person known to be bad about him, then he humiliates him by spending his money on him . If a man sees that he is urinating milk, then he will lose his instinct. If a known person drinks it, then he spends on him lawful money in his world . And whoever sees that he urinates blood, he will come to a divorced woman, or a woman with a mahram, and he does not know that . If he sees that he urinates Zaafarana, he will have a sick son . If he sees that he has no juice, then he spends his money . If he sees as if he does not have dirt or mud, then he is a man who does not improve ablution . For the fire was born to him a son of authority . The pale trifle committed an indecency with his family . If vomit comes out instead of urine, that indicates a forbidden child . And if a bird comes out, a child will be born that fits the essence of that bird in goodness and corruption . And whoever wanders standing then spends his money out of ignorance . He who wears his shirt will have a son, and if he does not have a wife, he will marry . If he sees that he urinates in his nose, then he comes forbidden . And whoever sees that he urinates in one of the market places, he will be considered an account of the market . Saw the father of Ardashir son of Sasan was a shepherd like a pal and exalted him steam uncle of the whole sky, he asked Babak the crossing, he said : Do not Oabbarha you even attributed to a son Bold you, Vuadh this, he said : born to you Ghulam have prospects was well . And whoever sees that he has lost his life in a people’s home, community’s neighborhood, or a people’s mosque, country, or village, then he throws his sperm in a marriage with them . And whoever sees that he urinates in a flask or a basin, or a jar, a well, or a ruined one, then he will marry a woman . It is felt that in mind the sea to come out money to the Sultan in ten or zakat and other . And whoever saw that he thought his children would be spread out . And whoever sees that a penis comes out of his genitals, then a child is born for him who participates in all knowledge, because the pen preserves all knowledge . And if he sees that a pill has come out of his body, then a boy is born for him, and he will have an enemy . And whoever sees that he has urinated much, contrary to habit, or contaminated it, or that it smells foul, or that he has urinated while people look at him, that is evidence of malice or the manifestation of evil that is exposed . And drinking urine indicates suspicion of gains or forbidden money ….

…Tayammum indicates in a dream the proximity of the vagina, so whoever sees that he is doing tayammum for prayer or purification from impurity has approached his vagina, and that tayammum is evidence of a vagina close to God Almighty . Tayammum in a dream is evidence of travel or a warning of illness in which the ablution is needed . Perhaps it indicated the traveler’s lack of water, because he was orphaned with sand, or with something that was not attached to the hands, which was evidence of the impossibility of travel, the availability of licenses, and work with pleasure . And tayammum indicates poverty after wealth, the sickness of the healthy, the well-being of the sick, and tayammum with water indicates invalid deeds . The view that the tayammum was with the lack of water is indicated near the vagina, and the demise of the intensity, albeit with the presence of water is subject to five statements : one : to be a seer would prefer to marry concubinage . The second : That he be one of those who prefer to travel on land rather than travel at sea . And the third : That he be one who hopes for forgiveness while insisting on the guilt . And the fourth : To be one of those who prefer this world over the Hereafter . Fifth : He should be manipulating his religion and follow the concessions from the sayings of scholars, and it was said : It indicates escape from illness or imprisonment ….

…As for defecation : it was said that it is the provision of injustice, and it was said that it is the evidence of relief, and whoever sees that it is new, his grief is gone . If he has money, he must pay zakat on his money . And if he sees that he has spawned a lot of stool and was on a journey, he is not traveling and the road is cut off . Eating a virgin : to catch it and obtain it, is forbidden money with regret . Perhaps it was a speech that he regretted for greed, and whoever brought up the event was static, he would spend some of his money on wellness . And if he was asking, he generally spends his money . If the place of the event is known, such as the ablution, then his expense is known by his desire . If it is unknown, then he spends unlawful money on something he does not know that he is neither rewarded for nor thanks for, and all of that is with the kindness of a soul of it . Whatever comes out of the stomachs of people and animals from the inheritance, it is money, but its analysis and prohibition, as much as it smells, dirty, and people harm it, unless it is something very dear from the virginity of people that is almost mud, it is they or fear of authority . If he introduces a newer immoral to his clothes, and if he introduces him to his pants, he gets angry at his wife and saves her dowry on her, and if he sees that he has created a place and covered him with dirt, then he is covering up money . The latest on himself fell into a sin . If he caused a prolonged illness in his bed, because he only does that while awake, and he who is unable to get up, and this vision also indicates the man’s departure from his wife . And it was said whoever saw that he was eating bread with an excuse, indicated that he was eating bread with honey while awake, and it was said that it is contrary to the Sunnah . If he defecated unintentionally, then carry it in his hand, for he is blessed with a bag of forbidden dinars according to the amount of excrement and whoever sees as if it is happening in the passing markets, or in the baths and congregations, indicates the wrath of God against him and the angels, and he receives a great scandal, a great loss, and the emergence of what man conceals And it also indicates a deficiency presented to the visionary . If it occurs in a dustbin or the shore of the sea, or in a place that does not deny that, then it is evidence of goodness and the removal of worry and pain . If he sees as if a well-known person throws him with some of the people’s dung, then that indicates hostility, disagreement and injustice, and he will be exposed to someone who threw him with it, and a great harm . And the large number of people scum also indicates a hindrance to the movements, and the demand for many harms . Smudging is human paresthesia, disease or fear . It is also a good sign of his ugly deeds, and we have tested that this is from what they benefit from . As for the misfortune : it is a speech that contains humiliation, so whoever is miserable will be afflicted with distress, and if it is among the people, then it will fall into disgrace . And whoever sees it as if someone else has passed out while he is sniffing, then he will pass it by . Whoever sees it as if he is in prayer and a wind is not stinking from him, he seeks a need, and calls God for relief, and speaks words that contain humiliation, and that matter becomes difficult for him ….