…Butter If you dream that you are eating fresh and golden butter, then this is a sign of good health and the implementation of your plans well . This dream will lead to the possession of property, wealth and knowledge . If you eat spoiled butter, this means that you will get enough through manual labor efforts . The sale of butter indicates a small profit ….

…Al-Baidar is interpreted to collect money tiredly and store it with his wife. Al-Kirmani said: Whoever saw that he bought a bedra or ( given to him ) indicates the request of a woman with that aforementioned characteristic, and the sale and purchase are interpreted according to some aspects of them who hate them, and some of them said selling is better than buying and some of them said selling what was its kind Hateful, it is acceptable to disagree with him ….

…In a dream, he is a reformer . The vision of gold and tin by the ilk indicates comfort and gain by evil and strife, or the corruption of what is hoped for goodness . And perhaps it indicates spending money in gold and silver on people of evil and disputes, lying and slander . The hams and the holders of the belongings are people who have preferred their world to their religion if they take its prices, and if they sell it and do not take its price, and there is something in their sale that does not spoil their debt, then they influence their religion on their world and be grateful to God . If they sell it and take its price, then they corrupt their religion, gain their livelihood through words and disputes, and affect health over livelihood and goodness ….

…Pleasure is in a dream a comfort and a benefit for the one who does it . The pleasure indicates the actions that lead to the punishment of God Almighty, such as fornication, usury, or a corrupt sale. The Almighty said : (And make God as equals to go astray from His path, say enjoy, for your fate is to Hell ). Perhaps pleasure indicated vanity with money and soul ….

…Al-Bayaa ‘His vision in a dream, or the transition to his position, and to his livelihood indicates immoral faith . And disrupting prayer, underestimating the measure, and eating . Usury and impurity . And seeing the barley sell indicates a man who loves the world . And if he saw that he took dirhams or dinars or sold for compensation, there is nothing wrong with him . The seller of yarn indicates travel . The sale of expensive clothes is of trustworthiness and majesty, and has a risk and affair that does not take a price for selling it . A man who sells fruits and fruits and the like is a man who prefers his religion over his worldly life, and he is very tired in seeking his livelihood . And Bayaa Al-Rayyan is the owner of sorrows and weeping, or he is a man who reads the Qur’an . And the birds selling the slaves of slaves . And selling bullets has a weak command ….

…Psychotherapy Some sleep disturbances, such as nightmares, disturbing dreams, walking during sleep and talking during sleep, are caused by unresolved problems and conflicts and surrounding experiences. Therefore, the individual should undergo psychological treatment, as it is done through the process of emotional discharging and free association to identify such conflicts and try to explain them to the patient and then increase Astbesarh by which helped him to return to normal sleep and see : ~ Encyclopedia of Psychiatry ~ – Volume I – d . Abdel Moneim El Hefny . ~ Behavioral disorders and their treatment .~ D. Jumu’ah Syed Yusuf c : The Jathoom : It is derived from our saying : The person or animal perched perched , and its meaning remained in place and did not leave , or what it means is : sticking to the ground, so he perched . A nightmare and called Word in Jathaam or al Koran 🙁 they became in their house Jtman ) ( usages : 78 ) This Arabic word is called baroque Alnidlan , may be located in a pressure on the chest of the sleeper is not able to move with him (1). To illustrate this , I explain to you as to whether he saw a man in a dream of so – called Paljathom described to sense the sleeper Bshi E mutes himself , nor can it salvation , and trying to wake up , can not only after strenuous attempts, Vistiqz has reached its fatigue severe amount sweats and hand , and troubled himself , and the feel of this case came to him before he Kalmchlol waking up , and hopes that one slide , no doubt that this case that man hit the sleep of panic . The peace be upon him know when his companions dread this prayer : ~ I seek refuge in the words of God , full of anger and from the evil of His slaves and from the evil demons Bibliography , and attend ~ (2). As stated in the isti’aadhah of intimidation in a dream narrated by Malik he said : Khalid bin Walid said on sale! : O Messenger of Allah , I am in a dream . He said peace be upon him : ~ Say : I seek refuge with Allah ‘s perfect Ichaelmat from the evil of anger and torment and evil cult , and Bibliography of demons , and attend ~ (3). Here meditator in these conversations noticed that the Prophet peace be upon him directed the servant when you see such disturbing dreams , nightmares , guided by the recourse to God and seek refuge with him from the evil of anger and anguish , and Bibliography of demons and annoyance , in order not to attend him , and staged a sit -in God Esme God . There is no doubt that the reflection of the state of people today notice when most of them away from God and to rely on the world and the pleasures and distance from the Book of Allah and wird Sayings , and replace it by listening to musical instruments and songs, so that some young people sleep and headphone music in his ears and whether such attend him Mullah Ikh and descend upon him mercy ? But today that mosques have become infested by music , became like her to deprivation ; This is because of the mobile devices, most of whose tones have become musical pieces that harm the hearing of the worshipers during their prayers , and whose owners may prevent the descent of mercy and the presence of the angels , according to Abu Bakr bin Musa who said : I was with Salem bin Abdullah bin Omar , so I passed the companionship of the mother of the boys in it bells , Salem came to pass his father from the Prophet peace be upon him , he said : ~ angels do not accompany them Rkpo jingle ,~ and Algelgel : small bell attached to the necks of animals (4). Many have chosen people today are far from God , and the distance from the Koran , and the distance from the male , and therefore replaced by the choice of good companionship bad Balrvqh , Is not God in his book says : )omn live mention Rahman antithesis of his devil he is his spouse ) ( Zukhruf : 36 ). What is meant : displays for Rahman and his unification Contrary to any make his companion of the devil he is his companion in this world and in the Fire (5). And this devil adorns him with falsehood and evil , bored him with dhikr and obedience, and makes his happiest times with amusement, music and singing , and like this it is necessary for him to hold himself accountable and correct for it , and to resemble the righteous and the last who remember God standing and resting and on their side , the remembrance is not separated from their tongue , people in Gflathm cut Flathm . It is also felt like this kind of visions desolate and afraid of them , explain to him to seek refuge with them , stone son said in al- Fath was mentioned in the recipe seeking refuge from the evil vision effect is true , narrated by Sa’eed ibn Mansoor and Ibn Abi Shaybah and Abdul Razak isnaads correct Ibrahim Nakha’i said : ~ If you saw in a dream what he hates , let him say if he woke up : I seek refuge with Aazt by God ‘s angels and messengers of this evil that strikes me where my vision Maol in religious Dnaaa ~(6). I advise all sleep here wanted to read wird before Sayings sleep and can be found more easily than many leaflets in mosques and libraries , and the most important of these wird : 1 – State of the chair . 2 – “ Say, He is God is one ” 3 – Al- Mu`wadhatan : ( Say I seek refuge in the Lord of people ) , ( Say I seek refuge in the Lord of people ). 4 – I seek refuge in the complete words of God from the evil of what He has created . 5 _ I seek refuge in the words of God full of every devil and every eye is important for the nation . 6 _ In the name of God , who does not hurt anything with his name on Earth nor in the Heavens and He is the Hearing , the Knowing . 7 _ Your name Lord put my side and your Lord wear it up , if I grabbed myself Varahmha , and sent him save it, including reservation righteous slaves . 8 _ Oh God , I submit myself to you and directed me to you and authorized my order to you , and my back to you desire GATT and the awe of you , not a refuge nor spared you only to you , secured your book , which was revealed and Npik that you sent . 9 _ in your name Oh God , I die and live . 10 – verses of the three days of Sura starting verse . : “ God is what is in the heavens and what is on the earth, and that you manifest what is in yourselves …” the verses . These Awrad be – God willing – Caldra , which protect you from PROD accursed Satan and his harm , and this is exactly like the battle entered and the dress of war, The arrival of the spears and swords to him have difficulty , and up to him and hurt him to prevent it her of dress and so too , who sleeps and shelter before sleep this wird The legend does not reach Satan with the help of God (7). ________________________________ (1 ) lexicon mediator – op – r (107 ). (2 ) hasan hadeeth narrated by Imam Tirmidhi in the book calls the door of what Gah held in praise by hand – op – 0 narrated by Imam Ahmad in the palm of Almktherin companions, palm Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al – Aas , may Allah be pleased with them – op – And it was narrated by Abu Dawood in the Book of Medicine, Bab How to Raqqa – previous reference -. (3 ) visions of the Prophet peace be upon him ( p . 19 ) – op – and reported by Imam Ibn Hajar in al- Fath (371/12 ) and attributed to Imam Malik and women, different Bosanao, said originally Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi and classed as ruler And correct it . See : Zaad for the son of values (2 /468 ) – op -. (4 ) Narrated by Imam Women in the door decorations Algela Gel book , Imam Ahmad in the palm of Almktherin companions , palm Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him , a director in the right chain of Albany (4 \ 493 ) – a reference earlier -. (5 ) interpretation of Ibn Abbas – op – ( p . 413 ). (6 ) See : Ibn Hajar – Fath al – Bari , (12 /371 ) – op -. (7 ) See : Zaad Ibn values – op – (365 \ 2 ) , I said : proved a lot of scientists have the effect of modern jinn human beings, and they said : is the real effect if the phenomenon is not visible ; And they inferred the entry of air, microbes and others into the human body . This confirms the possibility of entering the jinn to the human body as well . ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…

…Khula ‘a man took off his wife from his infallibility in a dream, parting with death, isolation, or travel. God Almighty said : (They are clothes for you, and you are clothes for them ). She takes off her clothes . Perhaps khula in a dream indicated a sale, provided it was returned . It may indicate apostasy from Islam . And Khula ‘in a dream indicates the guardianship of the isolated and the isolation of the saint, and perhaps the Khula’ was ongoing according to the value of the ritual ….

…Does the expression of the vision differ according to the different countries of the seer? A : Yes, the expression differs according to the different status and organization of the seer, as we mentioned, and this includes his industry, stature, religion, and age … The question here about the country and his knowledge is important in the expression, for a hot country differs from a cold country, and a petroleum country that depends on oil, It differs from the agricultural country, and the country that depends on sea water and its fishing differs from the country that is located in the desert and depends on land hunting, and a country with a mountainous nature differs from a flat country .. For example, seeing snow for them is through livelihood, fertility, or the arrival of rain . And the vision of green farms for the people of the agricultural country may indicate the abundant sale of crops and the safety of the crop from pests, and it is for non-residents of this country that may not be such an accurate expression with regard to agricultural crops . Thus, the customs of the country are important. If a person in a country sees that he is practicing the habit of his country and it is disapproved at the crossing, then the expresser should not hurry and ask the seeker about his customs in his country, for it may be benign at the time when the crossing finds it objectionable, and customs are referred to the prevailing custom, and it differs from one country to another ….

…In conclusion of this book and in response to the desire of many, these are examples of what I expressed from my visions : Many desires came asking me to mention some of the visions that I expressed, and then they were fulfilled, and I would like here not to disappoint those who hold these requests, but I also like to clarify something that I am keen on secrets Therefore, I will not mention the names of the visionaries, nor will I mention the visions in which there may be very special things, for example, and I apologize in advance to everyone who read this topic and objected to it among the visionaries themselves . 1 / A questioner said that her aunt sees that she has golden bracelets on her, and harassed her, so I told her : If you believe your vision, it may be a simple infection in the windpipe and it will heal with God’s help . And she said, Glory be to God, I really have a tracheitis, may God reward you . 2 / A caller said I see a man I know is knocking on the door . So I said, What is his name? Muhammad Al-Wahaibi said, I said that, God willing, he will have a son, so he said, I have had the grace of God. I said : I called him Muhammad? He said yes, then I thank God . 3 / One of the questioners told me I see that I am hunting goats, or ducks, so I said, God willing, she will propose to a good girl, and her father will be a muezzin. He tells me later, when I wanted to engage, I went and found a man giving the call to prayer in the neighborhood mosque in which the girl lives, so he is the daughter’s father . 4 / A questioner said to me I saw that I would pay a chair to King Fahd – may God bless his life – so I said you would be employed with a job with such-and-such salary, she says, and from the next day she was hired for a little less, and she did not believe that she would be employed . 5 / A doctor told me : My husband sees that he never gets out from under his car . I said, are you going to travel? She said yes . So I said, Praise be to God, for safety, but I hope to check the car from below, specifically the column that turns underneath the car, and I did not know its name, and she told me later, my husband went in the car and found a defect in the place that you indicated to us . 6 / A woman said, I see that I cut the hair of a young daughter of mine, and her hair reaches her hip, so I said: Are you one of those who circumcise girls? She said, ~Yes, so I said, do the Sunnah in circumcision, and do not reduce it more than the limit stated .~ 7 / A father called Ali and said that his son sees that his back molar hurts him, so I said that your son suffers from the cruelty of the science teacher, so could I ask him, and he answered yes, so I said : Praise be to God, see the teacher, and he did . 8 / A man told me : I see that I go up the roof in the house, and I see a ladder, and I go up . I told him that someone is investigating and asking about you, and perhaps you addressed his daughter, and when I saw him after a while, he told me that what I mentioned about him has happened . 9 / A woman said I saw that I was breastfeeding a boy, and the amount of milk came out from my breasts forcefully and hit the wall . So I said I think you have a problem with the hormone milk, and you will recover and get pregnant, God willing . She said is what you say, thank God . 10 / A man told me I see my sister, and I see the sun rising from sunset . I said, I promised her and I left her, so I will fulfill what I promised her . He said, I promised her to perform Umrah and I could not . 11 / A woman said I see that I am slaughtering a sheep . So I said it is a vow that you did not fulfill, so do it . And she said yes . 12 / A woman said I see that I look at the Kaaba and it is destroyed . I said, ‘You are in a western country and you are always thinking of leaving it, but you do not . She said is what you say by God . 13 / A man called and said that I see that I am hunting a free bird and I got a dear camel, and I went up a mountain and found people who offered to buy the bird, so I said it is not for sale, and he mentioned the rest of the vision . So I said you are pursuing and practicing hunting? And you are the brother of one of the princes, and you have submitted a land grant and the matter will come out to you, and then some will offer you to buy it, so think carefully before selling . He said, “I love hunting, and I go out to him and I follow the time of the migration of birds. I submitted to one of the princes a request for a land grant and did not go out until now .” So I said, Praise be to God . 14 / One of the callers saw a woman coming to her, and she mentioned her name . 15 / A man called me and said I saw Gabriel, may God bless him and grant him peace, flying . So I said, ~Do you work in a job related to aviation?~ He said, ~Yes, I study flying,~ so I said I finished 600 flying hours and you had half left, so he mentioned a number very soon, praise be to God . 16 / Continuous: She said I see that I take two white and black strings out of my mouth, so I said to her : Sometimes you come from Satan with some obsession, and doubt about religion, so fear God . And she said, By God, that sometimes I observe the supererogues in addition to the obligatory prayers, but sometimes I hope and leave everything until prayer …. so pray for her that God confirm them on the religion 17 / A man said : My deceased father came to me and said to me : Do not destroy the mosque beacons, so I said : Yes, I said : Do not do this, it is not permissible . 18 / A man said to me : I see that I circumambulate and not complete . I said : You intend to multiply and do not do it? He said : Yes . 19 / A questioner called and said : I see that I am moving around and my mind is not with me !! I said : You know a man who took your mind but is manipulating you , so beware , and she said : It is what you say , and may God reward you well , and here is the benefit of warning about the bad meaning in some visions , and its impact on the life of its owner . 20 / A man said : I see that I eat rice and there are those who steal !! So I said to him : This is your project, and you are telling the idea of ​​an dishonest man . He said : Yes , what you said happened . 21 / man contact the program and told me : I saw the sun and the moon in the earth , and this was before the holy month of Ramadan , in 1428 of , I said to him : This is a difference between the people of vision , and the people of the account in determining the entry of the month , was what I got some of the bickering between the two parties ! 22 / A man said to me : I saw that I took a fuselage out of my mouth without pain , so I said : This is a child that annoys you , and he said : Yes, that is . 23 / A woman said : I see a snake in the mouth of a rose , so I said : Your husband promises you and succeeds , and you pray for him? She said : Yes , which is what I said , so I warned her and feared God ….

…Whoever saw that he was carrying a check : It indicates victory and support, and it may also indicate a sale or loan, and it may also indicate the purchase of new clothes ….

…As for the corn, it is devolved with sustenance from Yemen, and it may have been a man from that place, and the sale of it is not Mahmoud ….

…Taurus : Originally a working bull with strength, power, power, money and weapons for his horns, unless he has no horn, for he is a despicable, poor, humiliated man, deprived of grace and power, like an isolated worker and the poor president . Perhaps the bull was a boy, because he was one of the workers of the earth . And perhaps indicated the marriage of men because he plowed a lot . And perhaps he indicated the man who appeared and the plowman, and perhaps he indicated the rebel because he raises the ground and turns the top down . And perhaps indicated by help, slave, brother and friend, his aid to the plowman and his service to the people of the desert . Whoever owns a bull in a dream, if she is a woman, her husband humiliates her, and if she is without a husband and she gets married, or if she has two daughters, their wife . And whoever sees that, whoever has authority will triumph over him and rule over him as he hopes, and if his knee is stronger, that will be stronger . And whoever slaughters a bull, if he was a sultan, he killed one of his workers, or whoever revolted against him . And if he was from some people, he subjugated a person, conquered someone who feared him, and killed a person with a testimony he witnessed . If he slaughtered him from his back or without a slaughter, then he oppresses a man and attacks him or betrays him in himself or his money, or marries him behind him, unless he intended to slaughter him in order to eat his flesh or to take his fat or to tan his skin . If he was a sultan who helped others and ordered his money to be plundered, and if he was a merchant who opened his store for sale or got interest, then if he was fat he won, and if he was lean he lost it . And whoever rides a loaded ox, it will be good for him, so long as the ox is not red, and if it is red then it is said that his son is sick . The transformation of the bull as a wolf denotes a just worker who becomes unjust . A single bull is for the governor, for a year, and for a merchant, for one year . And whoever owned many oxen, he was led by some workers and bosses . And whoever eats the head of a bull will get leadership, money and pleasure, if not red . If he sees it as if he has bought a bull, then he is managing the virtues and the Brotherhood with good words . And whoever sees a white bull will be well . If he butted him with his horn, God Almighty would wrath him, and it was said that he butted him, God blessed him with good children . If he saw as if the bull was falling for him, he traveled far, and the word or word of the bull took place between him and a rival man . And it was said that whoever falls upon an ox, he will die . Likewise, whoever was slaughtered by a bull and who was bitten by a bull, he would be ill . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if a great bull came out of a small hole, and we marveled at it, and then the ox wanted to return to that burrow, and it was not able and pressed for it . He said : It is the great word that comes out of the man’s mouth. He wants to return it, but he cannot . It was narrated on the authority of Ibn Sirin that he said bulls are stalwarts, and what exceeds fourteen bulls is war, and what is lacking is an argument . As for whoever gored a bull, he removed it from his possession, and if he was a wali, he would be removed from his jurisdiction, and if he was otherwise, a worker removed him from his place . And the skin of the bull is a blessing from whom the bull is attributed ….

…Bayat, which is the idol of the Jews, so whoever sees in his dream that there is a pledge of allegiance in his house, his saying about the destiny is equivalent to that of the Jews . Likewise, if he sees that his house is a pledge of allegiance, he will rebel against his boss . If he sees that he is in pledging allegiance, then his doctrine is the doctrine of the Jews . The pledge of allegiance in a dream is a sign of wisdom, abrogated sciences, and doctors. If he sees himself doing what its people are doing, he indicates that he has cohabitation with Jews, or those who have their morals, or that he desires their doctrine . If he sees the mosques and the sale destroyed, he indicates the concerns of the enemy and their victory over the Muslims . Perhaps the pledge of allegiance indicated the piety and obedience to God Almighty ….

…The market : denotes the mosque, just as the mosque denotes the market, because both of them trade in it and profit . And it may indicate a battlefield in which a people win and a people lose in it. God Almighty called jihad a trade in his saying : “ Shall I guide you to a trade that will save you ”. The people of the markets are striving against each other with themselves and their money . And it may indicate a place in which there are rewards of reward and profit, such as the house of knowledge, bonds and the Hajj season . And from what is sold in the market inference to evidence . All of this was not the market was unknown, so the meat market is like a place of war with blood shed and iron . And the market of essence and fine linen is like something like the throat of dhikr, and the role of knowledge . And the exchange market, something like the ruler’s house, because of the variations in speech, weight and balance . Whoever sees himself in an unknown market has missed a deal or profit in a commodity, and if he was awake in a jihad, he missed the martyrdom and was a deliberate guardian, and if he was on Hajj, he missed or spoiled it, and if he was a student of knowledge, he stopped doing it or missed an appointment and asked for something other than God, and if there was nothing of that, then he missed the congregational prayer in the mosque . As for the one who steals in his market in his sale and purchase, if he is a mujahid, he is a pilgrim, and if he is a pilgrim who is forbidden to hunt, have intercourse or enjoyment, and if he was a scholar who was unjust in his debate or betrayed in his fatwas, or else he saw his prayer, or his imam preceded it with his bowing or prostration, or not completed This is in the prayer of himself, because that is the worst theft, as in the report . As for the well-known market : whoever sees it is full of people, or sees a fire that has fallen in it, or a pure waterwheel running in the middle of it, or the hay is stuffed in its shops, or a good wind blows through it, the livelihood of its people is brought about, and they are accustomed to profits, and hypocrisy will come to them . If the people of the market see sleepy, or the shops are closed, or the spider has spun on them or on what is being sold, then there is a depression, or a holiday has fallen to its people . And if he sees a market that has moved, the status of the migrant has moved to the essence of what it has moved to, such as the market of linen, where you see the butlers in it, for he increases the profits of the fabricators, as the goods are separated and left . And if the owners of pottery and scarcity see it, their profits will decrease and their earnings will be weak . And if the owners of pots and pans saw it, an ordeal would descend upon it, either from a fire, a river, or a demolition, or the like . Some of them said : the minimum market, the widening of the market, the breadth of the world . And it was said that the market indicates turmoil and riot because of the people who meet with it . As for the one who lives from the market, it is a good sign if he sees in it a great creation or work, but if the market is calm, then it indicates the unemployment of the marketers ….

…Al-Kirmani said: ~Whoever sees that he throwing fire at people, it indicates that enmity is cast among the people, and if a merchant sees that the fire has been set ablaze in his shop, his cloth and his belongings, then he indicates his sale, which is equal to one dirham for three dirhams, and he has no pity on a creature .~…

Al-Khalqani is an average man, and his creation indicates poverty, and his sale indicates the disappearance of poverty

…On the land, its mountains, its soil, its country, its villages, its role, its buildings, its palaces, its forts, its facilities, its mirages, its sand, its hills, its baths, its baskets, its markets, its shops, its roofs, its gates, its roads, its prisons, its sale, its churches, the houses of its fire, its corridors, and the like. The world is in the world, and the sky is over the Hereafter, because the world is nearer, and the Hereafter is delayed, especially since Paradise is in the sky, and the well-known earth indicates the city in which he is, and its people and inhabitants . And it indicates travel, if it is a traveled path like deserts and prairies, and indicates a woman if she is one of what he perceives her limits, and he sees the first and the last of them . And she indicates the woman and the wife, because she stepped in, plowed, sowed, and watered, so she would carry, give birth, and lay her plant until its completion . Perhaps the earth was a mother because we were created from it . He who owns an unknown land, gets rich if he is poor, gets married if he is single, and he gets married if he is a worker . And if he sells land or goes out of it to another, he will die if he is sick, especially if the land to which he moved is unknown, and he is poor if he is affluent, especially if the land he parted with was grass and pasture, or he left from a doctrine to a doctrine, if he was an overseer . If he goes out from arid land to fertile land, then he moves from heresy to Sunnah, and if it is otherwise, then the matter is against him, and if he sees that he is hoping to travel, then it is what he meets in his journey, and if he sees as if the earth has split apart then a young man leaves from it, enmity appears among its people If an old man came out of it, their grandfather was happy and gained fertility, and if he saw it split, nothing came out of it and nothing entered into it, an evil event occurred on the earth, and if seven came out of it, it indicated the appearance of an unjust ruler, and if it came out alive, then it remains torment in that area . And if the land was split with plants, its people gained fertility, and if he saw that he was digging the earth and eating from it, he obtained money with cunning, because digging is deceitful, and if he sees a land that breaks up with the plant and he thinks it is his possession and rejoices in that, he indicates that he gets what he desires and dies quickly, for God Almighty says : Even if they rejoiced at what they had come, we took them suddenly . ~ And whoever folds the land with his hand, he will be given a possession, and it has been said that the fold of the land has acquired an inheritance . A narrow land, narrow living . And from his word the earth is good, he attained good in religion and the world, and her suspicious words of unknown meaning, money of suspicion ….

…And the merchant is interpreted by a great man who is dangerous to people, and the merchant may be the owner of worries and heresy because he sells his goods for gold .) And whoever sees a merchant bartering an item for another type, then it is good and beneficial, and some of the expressors said it, and perhaps the merchant and selling it indicates that something is permissible because God Almighty has permitted sale and prohibited usury ….

…It is a sign of the end of the term in a dream . Teeth may indicate money, animals, wage earners, death and life, and indicate deposits and secrets . The teeth are the inhabitants of the man’s household, the higher ones are the men on the side of his father, and the lower ones are the women on the side of his mother . The upper two are the father and the uncle, or sisters and two sons . The quartet is the man’s cousin . The fang is the master of his household . And premolars males and sons of maternal uncles . And molars ancestors . The two lower folds are the mother and aunt, or the two sisters and two daughters . The lower quadrant is a cousin or aunt’s daughter . The lower fang is the master of his household . And the lower premolars, the daughter of his aunt or the daughter of his uncle . The lower and upper molars the farthest from the household of the man and the grandmother . If a single tooth moves from it then it is a disease, and if it falls or is lost then it is death . If a person sees some of his teeth eroded, he will be afflicted with calamity . And if he sees that his fold is longer, more beautiful and whiter than it was, then his father and uncle will gain strength and an increase in their money . And if he saw that he was treating his teeth, he extracted them, and if he spends his money on hate or cuts the uterus . And if he sees a blackening in his teeth, then he is a defect in his household . If he sees a stink of his teeth, then he is ugly praising the people of his household . If his teeth move, it is the disease of his relatives . If he sees that his teeth are broken, then one of his relatives or friends will die . Whatever teeth on the right side indicates males, and what was on the left side indicates females, and the teeth on the right side indicate elderly men and women, and the teeth on the left side indicate juveniles from them . The maqadim of the teeth indicate the boys, the fangs denote the half of them, and the molars of the molars indicate the elderly among them . If a person sees that his teeth are of gold, that is praiseworthy and evidence of a fire occurring in their homes or jaundice . If he sees that his teeth are of glass or wood, that indicates a death that defeats him, and if he sees them of silver, then it is evidence of harm and loss . And if he saw that his depressing was broken, his son died . And if he sees one or more worms in the extraction site, then he will succeed them . If he saw that some of his teeth were long, he would quarrel with his family . If he saw that he pulled out all his teeth, his family would die before him . And whoever sees his teeth burrowing, his family let him down . And whoever sees that he has a fault in his teeth indicates that his family has been dispersed and that there is a defect between them or a decrease in his money . And if the flesh is cleaned from between his teeth, he will backbite a people . And it was said : The teeth indicate the pearl necklace for women . Ibn Sirin, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said : The molar was pulled out in a dream, the uterus of a boy was cut . The weariness of the teeth indicates the weakness of the people of his household . And the windows in the dream followers . The extraction of the tooth indicates the arrival of the absent or the death of someone he is dear to . He pulled his teeth out with his hand, he spent his money in a bad way, or tied with his family without being known, or he did something reprehensible and regretted it, so if he pulled his teeth out to him, someone indicated his need for a mortgage or sale . And renewing the teeth taken off in a dream is evidence of opposition and profit after loss ….

…Hearing in a dream is a lie and gossip, and the peek may become hated on the part of the Sultan . And whoever sees it as if he is listening to a person, and if he is a merchant, he resigns from the sale contract, and if he is a wali, he is dismissed . If he sees as if he is listening to a person, he wants his secret and scandal to be breached . And whoever sees it as if he hears gossip and follows the best of them, he will gain good news . If he sees as if he is hearing and pretends not to hear, then he is lying and getting used to that ….

…And whoever sees that he sells flour, it indicates the sale of his debt by his physicality ….

…Bananas : As for bananas, the seeker of this world has a livelihood that he receives according to his grooming, and the one who seeks religion in it according to his will has power in his worship . The tree bananas indicate a rich man believer good manners, and its plant in Dar evidence of the birth of a son, God Almighty said : ~ The Talh plantains ~ , a banana, not hurt him , color and acidity nor premature, a money total . His tree is one of the most generous trees, and its leaves are the best and broadest of paper, and the interpretation of that is good for the person to whom his tree is attributed . And every sweet fruit except what has been described, which has a yellowish color or is sour, was not realized in its known time, for it is provision, money and goodness . Its survival is as long as that fruit remains with the fruits, and the lightness of its supply and the hastening of its emergence and its benefit to its people, except for black grapes and figs, for there is no good in them anyway . And whoever thinks that he has struck something from the fruit, then there is nothing wrong with it in his time if it contains what is desirable from the kinds of goodness described, such as livelihood, religion and knowledge . If his conscience is that these fruits are among the fruits of Paradise, then it is a science and religion that is beyond doubt. Otherwise, according to what the venerable tree has been described, a man of abundance . And whoever is plucked from a tree while sitting, it is money that befalls him without hard work or fatigue . His word, the tree, was what he agreed with, and what was said about that was a wondrous matter that people marveled at . It was said that the tree is a woman, if she has something similar to a woman, and that woman should be the mother of a king, a woman, a daughter of a king, or a servant of a king ….

…A man is in her house if he sees that he is the best, money will appear to him ….

…Milk Drinking milk in a dream indicates an abundant harvest for the farmer, joys at home, and a successful trip for the traveler . As for the woman, this dream is a good omen . Seeing large quantities of milk in a dream indicates wealth and wealth . As for a dream that you are involved in the milk business, it means an increase in your wealth . If you dreamed that you were distributing milk for free to others, then this means that you are good and zakat for the best of your wealth . If milk is spilled in a dream, this means that you will suffer a slight loss and temporary problems at the hands of your friends . But if you dream of dirty milk, this means that you will encounter simple problems . If the milk in the dream was sour, it means your preoccupation and your anxiety for the problems of friends . And if in a dream you are trying in vain to drink milk, this means that you are in danger of losing something valuable or you will lose the friendship of a high-ranking person . If you dream of hot milk, this means that you will enter into a struggle, at the end of which your desires and aspirations will be fulfilled . As for bathing with milk, it means the joy and company of good friends ….

…The struggle of the sun goes out against the king, and the diminution of the sun’s rays will degrade the king’s prestige . If he sees the sun split in two halves, then half of it remains and the other is gone, then it comes out to the king outside, and if the remaining half follows the golden half and joins and returns to a healthy sun, then the outside takes the whole country, and if the going half returns to the remaining half and the sun returns as it used to be his king returned to him and he won the outside . If each of the two halves becomes the Sun on his own, then the outside possesses what is with the king from the king, and becomes his counterpart, and takes half of his kingdom . If he sees the sun fall, it is calamity for the values ​​of the earth or for the parents . If he saw as if the sun had risen in a house and lit up the whole house, the people of the house would have glory, dignity and sustenance . And whoever saw that he had swallowed the sun, he would live in a heavy life . If he saw that, the king would die . And whoever is hit by sunlight, God will give him great treasure and money . And whoever sees the sun descended on his bed, he will get sick and inflamed his body . If he sees as if he is doing good to him, he indicates fertility and left, and indicates in many people the health . And whoever the sun takes something from him or gives him something, it is not Mahmoud . One of the indications of good deeds is that a person sees the sun in its normal form and habit, and an increase or decrease in it may be harmful . And whoever finds the heat of the sun and takes refuge in the shade, he will be saved from grief . And whoever finds cold in the shade and sits in the sun, his poverty is gone, because the cold is poverty . And whoever is able to see the sun when it is black and muddled, the king is obliged to him in any matter . And it was narrated that the judge of Homs saw as if the sun and the moon were killed, and the planets separated, so it was split with the sun, and it was split with the moon . He recounted his visions on Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him . He said to him : Which one were you with? He said : With the moon . Umar read : “ So we erased the verse of the night and made us see the verse of the day .” And he diverted him from the work of Homs, so he ruled that he went with Muawiya to two rows, and he was killed . And whoever sees the sun, moon, and stars gathered in one place and their king, and they have light and rays, then the saying is acceptable to the king, the minister and the presidents . If it is not light, then there is no good in it for the visionary . If he sees the sun and moon looking down on him, his parents are satisfied with him . If they do not have a ray, they are angry with him . If he sees a sun and a moon on his right and left, in front of him or behind him, then he will be afflicted with fear or calamity and defeat, and he is forced to flee with it, because God Almighty says : “And the sun and the moon have gathered together, and the person shall say that which is the day of escape .” And the blackness of the sun, moon and stars and their rotation, change the blessings in this world . And a solar eclipse, happened with the king . And whoever sees clouds covering the sun until its light is gone, the king will get sick . If he sees it not moving in the clouds or coming out of it, then the king will die, and the sun may have been a scientist who knows how the clouds evacuated, then sadness will evacuate from him . Moon : Originally the minister of the greatest king, or a sultan without the greatest king, and the stars around him are soldiers . And his homes and dwellings, or his wives and maidservants . And perhaps he indicates the scholar and the jurist and all the evidence that he guides, because he is guided in the darkness and shines in the public . It indicates the boy, the husband and the master, and the wife and son, for his beauty and light, likening him to the beauty of women and men, so it is said as if the full moon was as if it were a lunar moon . Then his accidents are interpreted and practiced as similar to what was previously mentioned in the sun, and it may indicate an increase or decrease, because it increases and decreases, such as money, works and bodies, along with the previous pronouncement of traffic, such as a patient who sees at the beginning of the month has descended on him or brought him to him, then he will wake up from his problem He is spared from his illness . And if it is a month short, then its age is gone, and its deadline approaches the amount left of the month, it may be days, and it may be a collection, months, or years, with evidence added to that in a dream or in waking life . If he descends at the beginning of the month, or if he appears absent from his place, he has left his place and has come from his journey . And if that was at the end of the month, after traveling and leaving his homeland . And whoever sees him with him or in his lap or in his hand, he will marry a husband according to his light and light, whether he is a man or a woman . Aisha, may God be pleased with her, saw three moons that fell in her room. She recounted her vision to her father, may God be pleased with him, and said to her : If your vision is true, three are buried in your room, they are the best of the people of the earth ….

…And it was said that he who saw that he abandoned a workmanship and learned another craft, and if it was better than it or similar, then it would be interpreted with good and benefit in his earnings, and if it was different from him, then he is in his possession, and God knows best ….

…And whoever sees dust carried with wind until he does not see the world, then it will happen to them and grief, and God knows best ….

…In a dream, he is a man with worries, so whoever sees him has been hit by him, they do not know its consequences . And whoever sees that he eats watermelon, he will get out of prison, because God Almighty says : ( So send one of you with your papers to Madinah, so let him see which of them is the best food, so let him bring you a provision from it ). Means watermelon . Ibn Sirin said : Whoever saw that he reached out to heaven and took watermelon, he would seek a king and get it quickly . As for the Indian watermelon, whoever sees it has given it to people, it is heavy and cold in the eyes of the people, or he speaks heavy words . And the cooked one is for men of their own, and watermelon is good for those who want to love another person, and for those who want to circumcise another person, and for those who want to do business, watermelon is bad for him and indicates unemployment . And whoever sees that watermelon is being thrown into a house, he will die from his family by the number of each one of it, and watermelon in the dream is a disease, and the raw green from which it has not ripened is healthy for the body . And the green watermelon is a town, a boy or a wife . Yellow watermelons are women or men who have good praise and goodness, and may indicate a woman with beautiful qualities or poor faults because of the roughness of the crust and the yellow color of the red color indicates the types of jewelry . See the arc ….