…Abu Sa`id, the preacher, said: “Whoever sees that he eats nuts, he will hit money from a wealthy man. As for pistachios, Ibn Sirin said: The heart of pistachios indicates wealth and grace .”…

…As for pine nuts, it is money in any case obtained from the generous horse of those who eat it or collect it ….

Pine : remote man high sound eyeballs, bad manners parsimonious, is home to the darkness and thieves, as home to the pine Hada owls and crows . And the door made of pine wood is to the Sultan, a portent of bad creation, unjust, and the merchant, Hafez, oppressive, thief ….

…And whoever sees that he eats cheese with walnuts and bread, he will be ill ….

A pine tree indicates in a dream a distant, thin man, little money for lack of fruit, little good, scarce, where thieves shelter owls and crows ….

…Walnut is in a dream hoarded money . If you hear him rattling, he is a quarrel and a commotion . And the walnut tree is a pauper, miserable, miserable man with sleeping money . And whoever sees that he is on a walnut tree, he is attached to a huge, foreign man, and if he descends from it, there is nothing between him and his owner related to him . If he falls from it and dies, then he is killed in front of a huge man or a king, and if the tree breaks, that huge man perishes . He may see that he died when he fell, and if he did not die he survived, and if he sees that his hands and feet are broken at that, then he is on the verge of perdition, and he attains great affliction, except that he is saved from after . And whoever saw that he chopped down a walnut tree killed a foreigner, and the nut was its fruit and money would not come out except with labor and exhaustion, because the nuts are not eaten until after breaking . And its fat does not come out except in an afternoon . If he sees that he has picked nuts from a grove, then he is given money by a woman . If he was peeled, then he provided provision, and if he ate the nut husks, he backfired a poor man, and if his wife scolded him, he burned his clothes . And whoever sees that he is playing with walnuts, he is going into forbidden money . Walnuts are represented by righteous people, presidents and brothers, and walnuts are explained by the health of the body and the length of travel, and if the seeker is a woman, then the nut indicates longevity . The nut denotes the husband to the opposite of his letters, the husband’s nut, and the permissibility of difficult matters . And broken nuts are money without fatigue ….

…Abu Sa`id, the preacher, said: “Whoever saw that he picked nuts from a garden, he would get money from a woman’s side, and the peeling of the nuts is different about it. Some of them said he was not Mahmoud, and some of them said otherwise, and perhaps it was considered a stingy man. As for the Indian nuts, which are narcissus, they disagreed about it. Some of them said Money from the side of an astrologer, and the seer may be following the astrologer in his words, and if he eats it, then he will believe the words of an astrologer ….

…Dreaming of walnuts is an omen of fruitful pleasures and favors . If you dream that you break a pitted nut, then this means that your expectations will lead to bitterness and unfortunate collapse . And if a girl dreams of spotting walnuts on her hands, this indicates that her lover will direct his eyes to another, and that she will only regret her previous unreserved behavior . If you dreamed that you were collecting nuts, its interpretation is success in your business and success in the ocean of passion . If you dream that you eat nuts, this is a good omen, as you will win the chances of success and live sweet days . If a woman dreams of seeing walnuts, then she is of good luck and her sign is ascending ….

…Abu Sa`id, the preacher, said : Pistachios are happy money, and they earn money and they are praiseworthy in terms of the sentence. As for nuts, money does not happen except through fatigue, and turning the nuts is money that gets easy ….

…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said the juice of oil, if it was sesame, then it is a man of leadership and money, and if it is of nuts, then he collects money with fatigue and hardship ….

…And whoever sees that he has given nuts or almonds, he will strike money to the extent of that, and the pomegranate is a large, honorable man who has been fertilized, and the fig is a present money that does not lie, and nothing of the fruits can be amended, and the olive tree is a blessed man. If it is sweet, or a sum of money, or a boy that befalls him, or it is better for a son, perhaps it is a woman, whoever sees that he owned a pomegranate and ate from it, then he must be a slave girl. His possession, he receives from that vigor as much as he possessed of it, and it was said that whoever saw that he had hit a lot of apples, he hit money according to what he saw from its number, and who saw that he had struck an apple that he smelled, then he has a son who smells it, and bananas have money for the owner of this world and a debt for the owner of the debt and a lot of money and debt is the equivalent of bananas And if it is one, two or three trees, they are many children, and the vineyard is a generous man. If he sees that he is the king of a vineyard, then he is with a generous man, and it was said that he who saw that he planted a vineyard, then he would be afflicted with splendor and pleasure, and the white grapes in his time are the freshness and goodness of the world and in other than his time he will receive money before the time that he He was begging him in it and it might be what There is no forbidden, raisins at all times, money in any case, and eating a yellow fruit in a dream, such as quince, pears, peaches, wet, watermelon, and the like is a disease, and what was green thereof is not a disease, and every acid of the fruits is a concern and sadness except for lemon, apples, and buckthorn, and every sweet fruit other than what was mentioned above is sustenance And money and goodness, and whoever sees that a large tree has a lot to carry it with its abundance of teeth, he will suffer a power and a nail, and his life will be prolonged. Whoever sees that he is picking the fruits from the roots of the trees, he quarrels with an honorable man and is victorious in his quarrel, and whoever sees that he is on a tall tree, he clings to a huge man or escapes from what he fears and warns. If he is celibate, then he marries a woman and whoever sees that he fell from a tree or fell from it, nothing between him has been completed. And between those who intend to be attached to him and whoever sees that he fell from a tree and dies, then he perishes at the hand of an old man, and if it is broken by him, that man perishes. And whoever sees that he owned a number of trees, then he follows a group in a state of leadership, honor, leadership, or so on, and whoever sees an unknown tree, naked From paper, he will be afflicted with sorrows and sorrows, and whoever sees a large, withered tree Because there is no good in his house and whoever sees in his house a tree that grows and lengthens, then his memory rises and his reputation rises, and if he sees that he has a tree that has fruit and has no paper, then the owner of it has religion except for good manners, and if it has paper and has no fruit, then its owner is of good manners and has no religion. A tree is uprooted, cut down, or withered, then he becomes severely ill or dies and may indicate the death of some of his family in his place. If the tree is for someone else, then a man falls out of his livelihood or kills him, and whoever sees inside or outside his home or its lower or higher in which there are types of trees growing and in which the two winds are in That house is a misfortune where women gather to cry and grief, and whoever sees that he eats gum from trees, he eats a connection of a man’s money as much as gum…

…It is rare that a woman came to Ibn Sirin and she said, “I saw a daughter of mine who died, so I said to her, my daughter, which works are better.” She said : O mother, you have nuts and swear to the poor. Ibn Sirin said: If you believed your vision, then you buried a treasure with you, so take it out and give the poor their share of it, and she said: You bury it in the days of the plague. ….

…Al-Kanz : denotes the woman’s pregnancy, because gold is young men and silver is concubines . Perhaps it indicated abundant money, or knowledge of the world, provision for the merchant and the guardianship of its people in justice . It has been said that treasure indicates martyrdom, and treasures are actions that a person can attain in many countries, and some said : Whoever sees as if he found a treasure with money indicates the severity of his affliction . And it was narrated that a woman saw a dead girl, and she said to her, “My intention, which works have you found good?” And she said you have the nuts, then divide them among the poor . She recounted her vision to Ibn Sirin, and he said : Let this woman give out the treasure that she has, so let it be given in charity, and the woman said, ask God for forgiveness, that I have a treasure that I buried from the days of the plague . And a man saw three consecutive nights as if he had come to him, so he said to him: Go to Basra, for you have a treasure in it, so carry it, and he did not turn to his vision until he told him to say on the third night, so he decided to go to Basra and collect his belongings, and when he returned it he made a ten-day tour around its sides Nothing appeared to him, and Ace blamed himself for what he had endured, so he entered a ruined day and saw in it a dark house, so he searched it and found a notebook in it and took it out and looked at it, but he did not know anything of it and it was written in Hebrew, and he did not find anyone in Basra to read it, so he went with it to a young man in Baghdad. When the young man looked at it, he asked him to sell it to him, but he refused and said : Translate it into Hebrew for me to pay it back to you, so he translated it for him and that book was in the expression ….

…Nut acorn Seeing an acorn in dreams means pleasant things that look forward to you, and a lot of profit should be expected . Pick it up from the ground predicts success after grueling work . If a woman eats it, then this indicates that she will rise from the status of work to a position of comfort and pleasure . Shaking it from the trees indicates that you will quickly fulfill your wishes in business or love . If you see acorns growing green, or seen scattered over the ground, things will change for the better . Worn or stiffened oak nuts have a meaning of disappointments and setbacks . To pull it green from the trees, this means that you will harm your interests with haste and recklessness…

…As for the Indian nuts, they are interpreted by the words of astrologers and their divisions and eat them with the sincerity of the sayings of astrologers. It was said that the vision of the coconut is interpreted by a tough-hearted man or an Indian slave girl ….

…Playing in a dream is evidence of vanity, mockery and lack of debt . Playing with dice is highness, prestige and prestige . And playing with the protractor are pilgrims . And playing with the ring is a cover for orders or a sign of the lost . And heeled play . Playing with the ball is peace between the enemies, and if the player is sick, he is good and righteous . And playing with nuts is an argument followed by peace and comfort ….

…Zumar is good news in a dream . And the crowd in a dream is mourning for the one who heard it, and if he is the one who buzzes, then he mourns a person . And it was said : Whoever sees the flute with his hand, and puts his fingers on the nuts of the flute, then he will learn the Qur’an and know what he reads . And whoever saw that he was given a flute from a ruler, he attained a principality, escaped temptation, and gained piety and isolation from people ….

…Chess : null and void . As well as dice, and playing with the cube, and playing with nuts is a dispute and a quarrel if it moves and falls . If it does not move and does not have a sound, then it is prohibited money . If he saw that he broke it and ate it, he would hit money from a foreigner . And rebuked the bird and soothsaying : untruths . And the poet’s saying : If there is no wisdom in it nor the mention of God Almighty, then it is false, and the Prophet calls the poet a false author, and God Almighty says : “The poets are followed by the deceitful ones . Did you not see that they wander in every valley, and that they say what they do not do? ” The poet said : Rather, the poet is crazy about a dog … what comes most about it is a lie…

…Sagittarius is a woman who is quick to give birth, or a boy, a brother, or a travel or proximity to God Almighty . And the bow in the cover of a boy in his mother’s womb . The bow with other weapons, Sultan and Glory . And whoever gives his wife a bow, she gives birth to a girl, and if the woman gives him a bow, he will have a son . Extending the bow without an arrow is a travel guide . And whoever sees that he has extended an Arab bow, he will travel to an honorable man to travel in Glory, and if the bow is Persian, he will travel to the people of Ajam . Cessation of the tendon is evidence of obstruction from travel, and indicates a woman’s divorce . And the broken arc is evidence of the death of the woman or the boy and the partner or some relatives, and perhaps the arch indicates a mandate, and its brokenness indicates isolation . The difficulty of the bow is an indication for the traveler of too much fatigue, for the merchants to lose, in the child to disobedience, and in the woman to disobedience, and her ease indicates the opposite of that, and if he throws an arrow on her and hits the purpose, he attains his goal . And perhaps seeing the bow indicates proximity to some of the nobles , because God Almighty says : “ Then he came down and hung down ” the verse . And whoever extends a bow without an arrow, he will travel far and return to good condition : if the string is cut off, he stays in the position to which he traveled if he had reached it . And if his bow was broken, a calamity befall him in his authority, by ordering and forbidding . Throwing from the bow of nuts is tossing those who throw it . Whoever takes a bow will strike a young boy and gain more authority . And whoever sees that he carves a bow and is single and intends to marry, he will marry and his wife conceives when he enters with her . And if he takes office, the parish does not obey him . Rather, he made the interpretation of the bow a woman, because people say : A woman is like a bow , if her level is broken . The bow attributed to the boy is a child who has writing and letters, and if he extends a bow that has a clear voice and throws it away and carries out the arrow, then he follows a dignified state and carries out his command on justice and fairness . It was said that he who saw in his hand a broken bow married a free woman ….