…And whoever sees that his hands or one of them are broken, then he will suffer trouble in himself, or his money is gone, or someone who is dear to him or that he gets harm from authority dies ….

…And whoever sees that his chest has been broken or lost from it, it indicates a lack of his pride and worth, his heart disease, or his wife dies ….

…And whoever sees that the measure is broken or burnt, it indicates the loss of his money ….

…And whoever sees that his chariot is broken on land, then a calamity will happen on the side of Majestic ….

…And whoever sees that his boat is broken, then he indicates a great calamity on the part of his father ….

And whoever sees that it is a molar, then he is failing his family ….

As for the teeth : they are the people of the man’s house, so the upper ones are the men of the household, and the lower ones are the women, the fang is the master of his house, the right is the father, the left is the uncle, and if they are not two brothers or sons, if they are not then two brothers, the fourth is the cousin, the maidens, maternal and aunts And whoever takes their place in the advice, grandparents’ molars, young sons, the lower right-hand fold of the mother, and the left-hand aunt, if not there are two sisters or two daughters or their substitute, the lower quadrant is the daughters of the uncles and daughters of aunts, and the lower fangs are the daughters of the maternal and aunts And lower molars, the farthest from the man’s household, are women and young girls . The movement of some teeth is evidence of one who is interpreted in the disease, and his fall and loss is evidence of his death or his absence from him by the absence of someone who does not return to him, and if he struck him after losing it, then he returns, and his erosion is evidence of a calamity afflicting those who belong to him . Teeth chatter on an argument between his family . If he sees a scab in his teeth, then it is a defect in his household, he should return to it . Stinking teeth is the ugliness of praise for the household, and the weariness of the teeth is the weakness of the people of his household, and the purification of the teeth from the plaque indicates the financial expense in the denial of their worries . And the whiteness of the teeth, their length and their beauty, an increase in strength, money and prestige for the household . If he sees as if he grew up with his folds like it, then his household will increase . If he sees that growing up with her is harmful to her, then the extra in the household will be a disgrace and a scourge for him . If he saw as if he had pulled his teeth, his visions indicated that he had cut his womb, or that he would spend his money on disliking him . If he sees as if he is throwing his teeth with his tongue, the affairs of his household are spoiled by words he speaks . If he sees as if his teeth are of gold, and if he is from the people of knowledge and words, his visions are praised, otherwise they are not praised, because they indicate illness or fire in other than knowledge and his people, and if he sees as if they are of silver, it indicates a loss of money . If he sees it from glass or wood, it indicates death . If he sees the sockets of his teeth, they fall out, and they grow in another place, indicating that his affairs and measures have changed . And it was said that whoever saw his upper teeth fell into his hand, then it is money that becomes his . If he saw her fall in his lap, then he is a son, because God Almighty says : ~ And he speaks to people in the cradle .~ I mean in stone . If he saw her fall to the ground, it is death . If he saw as if he caught the fallen from his sheep and did not bury him, then he benefits instead of someone like him in compassion and advice, as well as interpretation in the rest of the members if a pest afflicted it and did not bury it . If he sees as if teeth have grown in his heart, then it indicates his death, and it was said that the falling of the teeth indicates an obstacle that hinders what he wants, and it was said that it is the evidence of paying off debts . If he sees as if all his teeth have fallen out, and he takes them in his sleeve or his stone, then he lives a long life until his teeth fall out, and the number of his household increases . And if he sees as if all his teeth have been cut off and gone from his sight, then his household will die before him, and that may have been the death of his own age . Of people, and his peers in age . And if he sees as if people are rubbing him with their molars or biting him, then he can humble people and not be humiliated, and it was said that he should make the mouth like the house, and the teeth are like the inhabitants, so what is in them on the right side indicates males, and what is from the left indicates females. All people except a little of them . And it was said that whoever saw his teeth break, he should spend his debt a little bit . If his teeth fall out without pain, this indicates actions that are invalidated . If he sees that it is falling without pain, it indicates that something in his house has gone . And if the teeth fell out, they prevented a person from doing anything that is done by speaking and saying . If there is still pain or blood or flesh coming out, then that nullifies or spoils the desired matter . As for the healthy, free and traveling, if all their teeth fall out, this indicates a long illness and falling into tuberculosis without dying, and that is that a person cannot obtain strong food without teeth, but he uses cups and juices, but rather does not die because the dead do not lose their teeth, and the thing that He does not offer the dead to the dead. He is a savior for the sick. For this reason, he became praiseworthy in illness . And if all their teeth fall out, then it indicates the speed of their survival from the disease, and as for the traveling merchants, it indicates the lightness of their pregnancy, especially if he sees that these teeth are moving, and if he sees as if some of his teeth have long and become more bone, then this indicates an argument and a quarrel in a house . And if his teeth were black, decayed and crooked, and he saw their fall, he would be saved from all adversity . If he sees as if his teeth are falling out while he takes them in his hand or with his beard and in his lap, this indicates that his children are cut off, so he is not born for him, and what he gives birth to is neither left nor raised . And he narrated that a man saw all his teeth fell out, and he was so sad, and he narrated his vision on a crossing, and he said : All your teeth will die before you, and it was so . And another saw as if he had taken three teeth from his mouth in his palm, and he attached his fingertips to them, so he told him that he had found a dirham and a half ….

Miswak is also part of the nature, and this is the vision of the Sunnis . Whoever sees that he is consuming, then he will be a benefactor to his relatives, reaching out to his mercy . If he sees that he consumes something unclean, then he is spending unlawful money in obedience ….

Siwak is a person who sees in a dream that he consumes it, because he establishes a year of the Sunnahs of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, according to the extent of his stubbornness, and he will be a benefactor to his relatives, bearing their burden . For he saw that he took possession of an excuse, because he is staying for a year with forbidden money . And if he sees that he is consuming and the blood is coming out of his teeth, he is freed from his sins and sins, or that he is a man who eats people’s meat . The siwaak indicates being careful in saying, and it may indicate purity from sins, Islam after infidelity, and perhaps it indicates work that is close to God Almighty, and the fulfillment of the promise . And perhaps indicated by bachelorette marriage ….

As for the siwaak, it is interpreted with a reward and benefit, and whoever thinks that it is consumed, it is better for the one to whom that is attributed, and it was said that it is better for the family and relatives of his household ….

…As for the teeth in interpretation, the people of the house and kinship, as for the higher ones, the men and the lower, the women, the fang is the master of the people of his household or whoever suits him, and the right upper fang was said to be a boy who takes the place of his father and the left one is below him. He saw something of beauty and beauty or against them, so he sees that in the one who attributed the tooth to him, and whoever saw that he grew up with a side of that similar to him, then he benefits from those who are attributed to him from the mentioned or whoever takes his place, and whoever sees his teeth, then he is a defect of his household and perhaps this indicates an increase Al-Hassan and your teeth touching is evidence of an argument between the people of his household, and the discrepancy of the teeth indicates that he spent money in denying the worries and the whiteness of the teeth, their length and perfection, an increase in the strength of his face, and whoever sees that he grows a tooth while he is in pain is a disgrace or affliction and whoever sees that someone pulls his teeth indicates that he cuts his womb or He spends his money on hating him, and whoever sees that his tooth falls on the ground and meets him indicates that a child is born to him. If he did not find him, it indicates the death of one of his relatives, and if he sees that his teeth have decreased, then this is not Mahmoud. Some of them said that the smallness of teeth indicates good and their oldness indicates the good news. A link defect It is in vigilance, it is in three aspects: they are, sadness, bankruptcy, the death of kinship or weakness of energy, and whoever sees that all his teeth have fallen and gone, then he is in five ways the death of all his relatives and the length of his life and his money and his livelihood and his religion and he may die and if they fall into his lap or his hand, or in what happens to be preserved Ten ways of getting money, having a lot of offspring, meeting his relatives in a place, demolishing his house, paying debts, going money in interest, passing twenty-eight years of life and having lived for a period of thirty two years and a fine of thirty dirhams to thirty thousand depending on the place and money going at the expense and whoever thinks that he cleans his teeth during the period of time, this is not Mahmoud And whoever sees that there are no teeth in his mouth and then new ones have sprouted, then in three ways things change and a long life and his management is in the interests of himself and some of them said that he who saw that there is nothing in his mouth but a tooth, then it indicates a year, and if he sees more than that than that of less than ten, then one expression of it is a year. A tooth in a place where it is not necessary to grow it, it indicates something that is not praiseworthy, and whoever thinks that he swallowed his teeth or some of them, he eats what is not permissible for him of money…

And whoever sees that he has grown up next to something of that counterpart, he will benefit from those who are attributed to him on behalf of the aforementioned or whoever takes his place, and the clenching of the teeth is evidence of an argument between the people of his household ….

…Whoever saw that he treated something of his teeth : until he pulled it out, or he saw that that cured him from something else and pulled it out, then he is disliked with a fine for money or something similar . If he sees all of his teeth falling out and falling into his hand or in his possession, then he will increase the number of the descendants of the people of that house . If he saw that they all fell, then people with his teeth would die before him, according to Saeed bin Al-Musayyib . Saeed used to use names in interpretation a lot, and if he saw that he had lost some of his teeth, he would estrange those who attributed that tooth to him, and Al-Qayrawani said : Perhaps the teeth indicate the teeth that have a human body, and that sustenance is connected to the abdomen . The money may indicate what a person uses to seek and earn his livelihood, such as livestock, servants and comfort . Whoever saw his teeth all fell out, I looked at his state, his time and his alertness . If all of his household were sick in a plague and the like, they perished, and he remained after them . And if he has no family and he has money, his money will be robbed and his blessing is taken away . If he was poor, the one to whom his teeth were attributed died, and remained after them . As for the loss of a single tooth, if it was without treatment and you went from it when it fell, the patient died from his household, or was hit by money . And if at the time of its fall, he took it in his hand or squeezed it into his garment, then look at his condition, and if he had a pregnancy, a child came to him according to the value of the tooth’s essence and its location, otherwise it is good for a brother or relative who had cut him . And if there is blood, then that is the sin of severing the uterus, unless it owes a debt, and it is required and treated to eliminate it ….

…It is a sign of the end of the term in a dream . Teeth may indicate money, animals, wage earners, death and life, and indicate deposits and secrets . The teeth are the inhabitants of the man’s household, the higher ones are the men on the side of his father, and the lower ones are the women on the side of his mother . The upper two are the father and the uncle, or sisters and two sons . The quartet is the man’s cousin . The fang is the master of his household . And premolars males and sons of maternal uncles . And molars ancestors . The two lower folds are the mother and aunt, or the two sisters and two daughters . The lower quadrant is a cousin or aunt’s daughter . The lower fang is the master of his household . And the lower premolars, the daughter of his aunt or the daughter of his uncle . The lower and upper molars the farthest from the household of the man and the grandmother . If a single tooth moves from it then it is a disease, and if it falls or is lost then it is death . If a person sees some of his teeth eroded, he will be afflicted with calamity . And if he sees that his fold is longer, more beautiful and whiter than it was, then his father and uncle will gain strength and an increase in their money . And if he saw that he was treating his teeth, he extracted them, and if he spends his money on hate or cuts the uterus . And if he sees a blackening in his teeth, then he is a defect in his household . If he sees a stink of his teeth, then he is ugly praising the people of his household . If his teeth move, it is the disease of his relatives . If he sees that his teeth are broken, then one of his relatives or friends will die . Whatever teeth on the right side indicates males, and what was on the left side indicates females, and the teeth on the right side indicate elderly men and women, and the teeth on the left side indicate juveniles from them . The maqadim of the teeth indicate the boys, the fangs denote the half of them, and the molars of the molars indicate the elderly among them . If a person sees that his teeth are of gold, that is praiseworthy and evidence of a fire occurring in their homes or jaundice . If he sees that his teeth are of glass or wood, that indicates a death that defeats him, and if he sees them of silver, then it is evidence of harm and loss . And if he saw that his depressing was broken, his son died . And if he sees one or more worms in the extraction site, then he will succeed them . If he saw that some of his teeth were long, he would quarrel with his family . If he saw that he pulled out all his teeth, his family would die before him . And whoever sees his teeth burrowing, his family let him down . And whoever sees that he has a fault in his teeth indicates that his family has been dispersed and that there is a defect between them or a decrease in his money . And if the flesh is cleaned from between his teeth, he will backbite a people . And it was said : The teeth indicate the pearl necklace for women . Ibn Sirin, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said : The molar was pulled out in a dream, the uterus of a boy was cut . The weariness of the teeth indicates the weakness of the people of his household . And the windows in the dream followers . The extraction of the tooth indicates the arrival of the absent or the death of someone he is dear to . He pulled his teeth out with his hand, he spent his money in a bad way, or tied with his family without being known, or he did something reprehensible and regretted it, so if he pulled his teeth out to him, someone indicated his need for a mortgage or sale . And renewing the teeth taken off in a dream is evidence of opposition and profit after loss ….

…As for the spear : he is with the weapon, a Sultan who carries out his command . And the spear alone is a boy or a brother . And stabbing with a spear is a defect and a wedge, and therefore it was said to a stab and a hiss, and it was said that the spear is a testimony of truth . It was said it is a travel . It was said that he is a woman . And whoever sees a spear in his hand while a boy is being born to him, if he has a tooth in it, then he is a son, then he is the custodian of the people . And whoever sees in his hand a spear while he is riding, then he is power in power and exaltation . And his brokenness is in the hand of the passenger, and they are in his power . And breaking a spear attributed to a boy or brother will yield to the son and brother . If the fracture is something that is intended to be repaired, it is cured . If the fracture is not compelling, then it is the death of one of these . And he broke the spear to the governor of his removal . And the loss of a tooth is the death of a boy or a brother . And Al-Marzak indicates what is indicated by the spear . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I had a spear in my hand while I was walking in the hands of the Emir . He said : If you believe your vision, you will witness testimony in the hands of the Prince . It was narrated that Abu Mukhalled saw in a dream as if he had given a ruddy spear, and he gave birth to a boy, and he called him Yeni Red . And he saw a man as if a spear had fallen from the sky and wounded him on his one leg, so he was stung alive on that man . And the stabbing by the spear is the words of the appellant in the stabbed ….

…The heart : the king of the body, the one who carries it, and the mastermind of it, and whoever sees his tooth moves, because it is the sickness of the one to whom it is attributed, and if he sees that it has fallen into his hand or her eyesight in his garment, then he benefits a child or a brother or a sister . If he sees that it has eroded or studied, then some of these will afflict him with a calamity that no one benefits from, nor is he himself ….

…As for the breaking of the teeth, it will be applied to all that is attributed to that tooth, as mentioned above in the separation of organs ….

…Khalal is like a broom in a dream . And the breach by which the tooth is broken is evidence of sustenance, purity, repentance and forgiveness . Seeing him in a dream indicates a wage earner, a boy, or a beneficial boy ….

…And whoever sees that he has a spear for two years, then he will have a son and be a guardian of a people, and if the spear is broken, the boy’s death if it is not repaired by sliding or bifurcation and the spear’s curvature is devolved by walking on the uneven path and breaking the spear for the position holder is the isolation and loss of the tooth is a reflection in matters ….

…Khalal is like a broom in a dream . And the breach by which the tooth is broken is evidence of sustenance, purity, repentance and forgiveness . Seeing him in a dream indicates a wage earner, a boy, or a beneficial boy ….

…Ibn Sirin said: Whoever saw that his tooth fell on the ground and met him indicates that a child is born to him, and if he did not receive it, this indicates the death of one of his relatives ….

…Spear Seeing spears in a dream denotes war, strife and disputes, and denotes stabbing symptoms and unlawful gain . And the victory of the seer over his opponents . And the spear is the equivalent of the king in the capacity of the state . And the spears denote the reformer of the hypocrites and the people of the warp . And the spears realize the great tasks and the great spoils . And the spear in a dream is a stick from the lute, a channel from a cannula, and a line of error . And the spear is a woman or a boy or a certificate of truth or travel . Whoever sees that he has a spear in his hand, he will give birth to a young boy . If the spear was in Sinan, then his son would be custodian of the people . Spear breakage is a bug in the boy . And every fracture is not good enough for it . And whoever sees in his hand a spear while he is riding, then he is a power of elevation and glory . If the spear was attributed to the sultan and was then broken, then an accident occurs within his authority . And if it is attributed to a brother, then it is a misfortune in him, that is if it breaks and throws it and cannot be repaired . And the loss of the tooth is the death of his brother or son, and the mazraq as well . And the spear is a brother or owner who defends its owner . And whoever sees in his hand a spear while he is driving it through the market, then he will have a male son, and if he puts it behind his door or covers it by hand, then his wife gives birth to a maid . And the spear without iron is a daughter of the pregnant woman, and that girl had daughters according to the number of knots of the spear if the seer counted her . And whoever sees a sultan give him a spear, he assumes a mandate . And if the spear was a flag, the state had a reputation . And whoever sees a person stabs him with a spear, he injures him with his tongue, and stabs his honor . And if a king sees that his spear has gone too far, then he is darkening his flock . And whoever saw that he was stabbed with a spear and blood flowed from him, he will be rewarded for what he hit from the striker . And it was said : His body is healthy and his money is abundant . If he was absent, he would return to his family safely . And whoever thinks that he is wounded by a spear and the wounds become more severe, then the wounded person strikes from the wounded person forbidden money, so if the spear is cut with a flesh or an organ, and this becomes in the hands of the perpetrator, then he strikes from the injured person something that is reprehensible in debt . And whoever sees that he has fought the enemies with his spear, he will obtain unlawful money ….

…Basil refers to the boy if it grows in the garden, and it indicates to the woman if it was gathered in a bundle, and indicates the calamity if it was cut and discarded out of place, or there was no wind . And it was said that basil is a blessing, because God Almighty says : ~ Joy and souls and a paradise of bliss .~ In Persian it is chasirm, and the sheep denotes the king, and the dove is the tooth fever ….

…If he sees that he is swallowing iron nails : or a tooth, a thorn, or a stone, or he dries it with his roughness and permissibility in his throat except for food and drink, then he will suffer anger as much as it is difficult and rough in his throat, and he is patient with him as much as he can bear it . And if what he swallowed of the essence of food or drink was that rough in his throat, then his interpretation is that his life, livelihood, and earnings make him difficult, to the extent that . Likewise, if the demand is as much bitterness, salinity and acidity, or heat and cold, so that he refrains from permitting his throat, then it is for a shortage in his life and his livelihood, and if he sees that he does not have a sweet milk, or something sweet, then it is good life, living, lowering and letting, except That it be something objectionable in hermeneutics, such as figs, black bear and yellow watermelon, and hated grains in hermeneutics, pulses, hums and sahnaa, so the interpretation of that is a concern and there is no good in it ….

…Pain is in a dream a remorse from guilt . Whoever sees a molar from his molars or a tooth ache, then he hears an ugly one from his relative . The soreness of the neck indicates that the owner abused sexual intercourse until it resulted from his complaints, and the neck pain may indicate that he betrayed a trust but did not perform it, and a punishment was inflicted on him . And the pain of the shoulder indicates a misfortune in his gain and hard work . Abdominal pain indicates that he spent his money in sin while he regrets, and it was said : stomach pain indicates the health of relatives and household members, and the pain of the navel indicates that it comes to treat his wife . The pain of the heart is evidence of his bad bed in matters of religion . Liver ache is evidence of abuse of the boy . The pain of the spleen is evidence of great corruption of money that was in it and that of his family and children . And if his pain became so severe that he feared death, that indicates the departure of the religion . Lung pain is an indication of the approaching term, and back pain indicates the death of the brother, and if he sees in his back a bend of pain, then it indicates lack and aging . And thigh pain indicates that he is offensive to his clan . A man’s pain indicates walking without obeying God Almighty, and it was said : A man’s pain indicates an abundance of money ….

…Indicates in a dream his longevity without his age counterparts . If he sees that all his teeth have fallen out, he will live a long life . And if he sees that all his teeth have fallen out and he no longer sees them, then his household will die before him or get sick . And whoever sees that his upper teeth have fallen into his hand, then it is money that becomes his, and if it falls in his lap, then he is a male boy, and if it falls to the ground, then it is a misfortune of death . And whoever sees that his lower teeth have fallen out, he will suffer pain and pain, illusion and anguish . And whoever owes a debt if his teeth fall out in a dream, this indicates that he is fulfilling his debt . And if he sees that one of his teeth has fallen out, he will pay off all of his debts at once . And if all his teeth fall out, everyone in that house and his friends will perish . And whoever sees that his teeth fall out while he takes them in his hand, this indicates the death of children . And it was said : Whoever saw his teeth falling out indicated harm to some of his friends . If he sees that his fold has fallen, then he benefits a son or a brother or a sister . And the loss of a single tooth if it was not treated and he took it by his hand, and if he was pregnant, a son came to him, otherwise he would be in favor of a brother or relative who had cut it . And it was said : The falling of the teeth indicates an obstacle that hinders him from what he wants . It was said : It is evidence of debt elimination . And if he took what fell from his teeth, he might have spoken a mistake and regretted it and kept it secret . And perhaps the loss of teeth indicated to the masters of jihadists on the necessity of nothingness . And whoever sees that his teeth have fallen out and he is unable to eat, he will lack ….

…If he sees a person denouncing him : and he finds from him the smell of drink or a stinky wind, then the abhorrent person abandons him with ugly words and hears from him words as well as the stinky smell . And if he does not find a detestable wind, then he can speak with him and find it as much as the smell of the mouth . If he finds a detestable wind from some of his teeth, then it is an ugly praise from whom one of his family attributes that tooth to him, and perhaps he forsakes that . If he sees that he vomited an excuse, he will return what he took of forbidden money . And whoever sees that he puts clay or plaster until that covers him and is absent, then he dies ….