…And whoever sees his house demolished, he will gain this money if it is old ….

…Whoever sees a city wall or castle wall being demolished, it indicates the death of the ruler of that city ….

And whoever sees that a building is ravaged by the land and then turned around so that he hardly sees anything of that, then it indicates that a great decay has occurred, the most senior people go until they no longer have a trace, and likewise if it is lavished with trees and palms, and God Almighty knows the right thing ….

…Building If you see large and beautiful buildings with green meadows stretching in front of them, then this is a sign of a long life characterized by wealth, and travels and frequenting remote countries . Newly constructed small homes indicate happy homes and profitable undertakings, but if the buildings are old and dirty, the dream will be followed by ill health and decline in love and work ….

…And if he saw that he was expanding a house, he would be clouded and demolished the Grand Imam’s house, a break in the mouths of the Muslims, and the house was demolished in any way, the sound of a sael ….

…On the land, its mountains, its soil, its country, its villages, its role, its buildings, its palaces, its forts, its facilities, its mirages, its sand, its hills, its baths, its baskets, its markets, its shops, its roofs, its gates, its roads, its prisons, its sale, its churches, the houses of its fire, its corridors, and the like. The world is in the world, and the sky is over the Hereafter, because the world is nearer, and the Hereafter is delayed, especially since Paradise is in the sky, and the well-known earth indicates the city in which he is, and its people and inhabitants . And it indicates travel, if it is a traveled path like deserts and prairies, and indicates a woman if she is one of what he perceives her limits, and he sees the first and the last of them . And she indicates the woman and the wife, because she stepped in, plowed, sowed, and watered, so she would carry, give birth, and lay her plant until its completion . Perhaps the earth was a mother because we were created from it . He who owns an unknown land, gets rich if he is poor, gets married if he is single, and he gets married if he is a worker . And if he sells land or goes out of it to another, he will die if he is sick, especially if the land to which he moved is unknown, and he is poor if he is affluent, especially if the land he parted with was grass and pasture, or he left from a doctrine to a doctrine, if he was an overseer . If he goes out from arid land to fertile land, then he moves from heresy to Sunnah, and if it is otherwise, then the matter is against him, and if he sees that he is hoping to travel, then it is what he meets in his journey, and if he sees as if the earth has split apart then a young man leaves from it, enmity appears among its people If an old man came out of it, their grandfather was happy and gained fertility, and if he saw it split, nothing came out of it and nothing entered into it, an evil event occurred on the earth, and if seven came out of it, it indicated the appearance of an unjust ruler, and if it came out alive, then it remains torment in that area . And if the land was split with plants, its people gained fertility, and if he saw that he was digging the earth and eating from it, he obtained money with cunning, because digging is deceitful, and if he sees a land that breaks up with the plant and he thinks it is his possession and rejoices in that, he indicates that he gets what he desires and dies quickly, for God Almighty says : Even if they rejoiced at what they had come, we took them suddenly . ~ And whoever folds the land with his hand, he will be given a possession, and it has been said that the fold of the land has acquired an inheritance . A narrow land, narrow living . And from his word the earth is good, he attained good in religion and the world, and her suspicious words of unknown meaning, money of suspicion ….

…And Jaafar al-Sadiq said, “Ash” refers to nine aspects of unacceptable work, forbidden money, false speech, strife, immorality, deceit, heartbreak and regret, and an act of no good. As for the law, its expression was presented in one of the chapters of the thirty-third chapter on the mention of buildings. As for the fire of Hell, it was mentioned also in one of the chapters of Chapter Four ….

…He saw that he entered Heaven : He will enter it, God Almighty willing, and that is a good tidings to him about what he did for himself or what he offered . If he sees that he struck from its fruits, ate them, or gave it to someone else, then the fruits of Heaven are acts of righteousness and goodness, so he is attaining righteousness and goodness in proportion to that . If he struck her and did not eat anything from it, or did not reach his food, then he would have knowledge and goodness in his religion and would not benefit from it . And if he gave it to someone else, he would benefit from his knowledge other than him . As for its kindergartens and buildings, they are as exact as their appearance . As for her women, they are matters of righteousness according to their beauty . If he sees that he was in Paradise residing in it and he does not know when he entered it, he will still be a blessed, dear favorite, made for him in his affairs, deflecting misfortune until he comes out of it for good, God willing ….

…In a dream, it is the world of a man, so whoever sees that he has a new home that is solid and full of facilities, for if he is poor he is well-off, and if he is worried, he will be freed, and if he is a worker who attains a state as good as the house, and if he is in disobedience he repents, and that the capacity of the house is the capacity of his worldly life and his knowledge And his generosity . She was distressed by his miserliness, and she found her to renew his work, and to settle her religion, and her rulings were to manage him, and her houses were his women . And the house of iron has a long life for its owner . If he enters an unknown house and sees dead people in it, then it is the hereafter, and if he sees that he has entered it and is not able to leave, then he will die. If the house is solid, that is his condition in the hereafter . If it was of plaster and bricks, this indicates a bad condition in it . If he enters and leaves it, then he is overseeing death, and then he will be saved . And if the house is alone and it sees the dead in it, then everyone in it will die . If he leaves his home angry, he is imprisoned . If he sees that a man entered his house, he enters his secret . If he is an immoral, then he is betrayed by his wife or his livelihood . For Imam al-Adel, the house is one of the mouths of Muslims . Whoever sees that his house has collapsed, and if it was the home of the just Imam, then that is a notch in some of the mouths of Muslims . The building of the house is in an unknown or known location if a woman is celibate . And whoever sees a house from afar, it is a distant world that he can attain, and if his income is built of mud, and it is not separate from the dawr, then it is a world that befalls it as permissible . If it is made of plaster, then it is a forbidden world, and his departure from these buildings is his departure from this world or from what he possesses . If he sees that he has entered a modern house and he is rich, then he will increase in wealth, and if he is poor he becomes rich if the owner or inhabitant of it is mastery of the house . And whoever sees that he is in his old home, and it is destroyed, then he will inherit an inheritance from a relative . And it was said : Whoever built a house, some of his relatives or one of his children died . Whoever sold his house divorced his wife . If he sees for himself a good house, then it is his righteous deed, and if it is narrow and ugly, it indicates bad deeds . Perhaps the house indicated politeness, and perhaps the fluctuation with the rotation of the age . The house of a man indicates his body, soul, and personality because he is known and known by it, and it is his glory, his zeal, and the concealment of his family . And perhaps it indicated his wealth, which is his strength . Perhaps she indicated his garment to enter him, if his body was her door and his face, and if his wife was her door was his private part . And whoever saw that he was sweeping his house, suddenly he became stricken with money . And it was said : Sweeping the house will be the removal of sadness . It was said : The demolition of the house is the death of its owner . And whoever saw that he was demolishing a new house, they were struck by them and evil . Whoever builds or buys a house will become very good . And whoever sees that the yard of his house or its roof has expanded beyond its known destiny, then that is a capacity in his world and he has luck in his life . And if the patient sees that he has left his home while he is silent and does not speak, that indicates his death ….

…Role : The role, it is a function headed, what it came down from the demolition or narrow or capacity or good or evil, so he returned to her family and headed and its inhabitants . The walls are men, and the ceilings are women, because men are the protectors of women, because they are above them, and push them to the worst of them, so they are like strength, so what was confirmed its significance, he returned to him and worked on it . The man’s house denotes his body, his division, and himself, because he knows it and knows him. It is his glory, his memory, his name, and his family’s jacket, and it may indicate his money in which he is in shape, and perhaps it indicates his dress for his entry into it, and if it was his body, her door was his face, and if it was his wife, it was her door His relief, and if it was his world and his money, then her door was the door that he caused and his sustenance, and if it was his garment, then its door was his collar . If the door is alone, it may refer to the head of the house, and the individual who opens and closes, and the other individual may refer to it to his wife who embraces her at night, and turns away from her when entering and leaving during the day, and in which the male and the female are inferred in the form and closure, the one in which the closure is the male, and the one in it The lug is the female, his wife, because the lock inserted into the lug is male, and the total shape if it breaks apart is like a couple, and it may indicate the two sons of the owner of the house, a male and a female, and the two brothers and partners in the ownership of the house . As for the lintel of the door and its rounds, and everything that enters it with a tongue, that is for the wife and servant, and as for its lists, it may indicate male children or slaves, brothers and servants . As for his legs and the door ring, they indicate the permission of his owner, his eyebrow, and his servant, and whoever sees something of that, a decrease, an occurrence, an increase, or a novelty, this is used to the addendum by increasing the evidence and evidence of vigilance . As for the unknown house other than the known, it is the abode of the Hereafter, because God Almighty called it a house and said : “And that house is the Hereafter .” Likewise, if it is known to have a name that denotes the Hereafter, such as the abode of Uqba or the abode of peace, then whoever sees himself in it and was sick, leads to it in peace and is free from the temptation and evil of this world, and if he is not sick, then it is good news for him, according to the extent of his work, from Hajj or jihad Or asceticism, worship, knowledge, charity, connection, or patience over a calamity, inferring what he led to her, and for whose sake he preached increased vision and vigilant evidence, and if he saw with him in a dream books about which he learned, then his knowledge led him to it . And if there is a worshiper in it, then he attained his prayers, and if he had his horse and his sword, then his struggle reached it, then on the meaning, and as for awakening, he looks at the most famous of her deeds with himself and the closest in his sleep to the rest of his obedience, if they were many, then the good news was in a dream . As for the one who built a house other than his own in a known or unknown place, look at his condition, and if he is sick or has a sick person, then that is his grave, and if there is none of that, then it is a world that benefits it if it is in a known place, and if he built it with milk and clay, it was permissible and if It was made of bricks, plaster and lime, it was forbidden for the sake of the fire that kindled his work . And if he built the house in an unknown place and was not sick, if it was with milk then it is a good deed that he does for the hereafter, or he has done it . And if they are in remuneration, then they are reprehensible deeds that he regrets in the Hereafter, unless he returns to demolishing them in a dream, then he repents from them, and as for the house of unknown structure, soil, location, and individual families about the role, especially if he sees in it dead people who know them, then it is the abode of the Hereafter. His income, then he dies if he does not come out of it, and if he enters and leaves it, then he is on the verge of death and then escapes, and whoever sees that he entered a new house with complete facilities and was between the houses in a known location, if he is poor he becomes rich, and if he is rich then he becomes more rich, and if he is anxious Release him, and if he was disobedient, he repented, and according to her goodness and capacity, if he did not know her companion, if she had a companion, then it was for her owner, and if she was solid, that was permissible, and if she was plastered then that was forbidden . And the capacity of the house is the breadth and generosity of his world, its narrowness, the narrowness of his world and his miserliness, and it is found to renew his work, and to settle his religion, and as for its tightening, it is the precision of his management, and the purpose of it is his happiness, and the house is made of iron for the longevity of its owner and his state . And whoever leaves his home angry, he will be imprisoned, because God Almighty says : ~ And He has gone out of his house in anger .~ If he sees that he has entered his neighbor’s house, he enters his secret . If he is an immoral person, then he is betrayed by his wife and his livelihood . Building a house for a celibate is an elevated woman he marries, and whoever sees a house from afar attains a distant world, and if he entered it from a building and mud and was not separate from the houses and houses, then it is a world that befalls her . And whoever sees his leaving the buildings, oppressed or transformed, then he is leaving his world or what he possesses according to the extent of what is indicated by the face of his exodus . It was narrated that a man from the people of Yemen came to the crossing and said : I saw as if I was in an old house of mine, and it destroyed me . He said : You find an inheritance, and soon a relative died and inherited six thousand dirhams . And another saw as if he was sitting on the roof of a house of flasks, and he had fallen from him naked, so he recounted his vision on a crossing and said : A woman from the king’s house is beautiful, but she dies sooner, and it was so . The houses of the house are the women of its owner, the styles and the raggas are men, the balconies of the house are the honor of the world and the leadership, and its treasury is its custodian of his money from the people of his house, its health is in the midst of a worldly state, its surface is his name, its elevation, and the house of the Imam al-Adl is a gap from the holes of the Muslims, and the demolition of the strengthened King’s house is a lack of his authority . The fact that the man was on an unknown roof obtained a lift and sought the help of a high-ranking man, and he asked for help . The Christians said: “Whoever saw it as if he was sweeping his house, he was stricken with grief or died suddenly, and it was said that sweeping the house is going to go away, and God knows what is right ….

Whoever sees that he has a pavilion struck, then he will strike a great authority and good, and whoever sees that he has a pot battered or a dome beaten, then he will hit a sultana without the pavilion. And whoever sees that a sultana has departed from this al-Akhbiyyah a parting exit, then he shall depart from his authority of that, and whoever sees that the buildings have been folded, his authority to that goes away, or his life is running out.

…Whoever saw them in his sleep with good qualities, that was evidence of his good belief in them and his followers of their Sunnah . Perhaps their vision indicated the movements of soldiers and sending missions . Perhaps it indicated the spread of knowledge, enjoining good and forbidding evil . Their vision also indicates familiarity, love, brotherhood, help, and safety from enmity and envy, and the removal of prejudices, because they were, God pleased with them, for that . If the visionary is poor, he becomes rich because they are, may God be pleased with them, conquer the states . And if the seeker is rich, he will choose the Hereafter on the world and spend his life and money on the pleasure of God Almighty . And their vision, may God be pleased with them, indicates honorable buildings such as mosques and the purity of lineage, tribes and clans . Their turning away from the seer or insulting him in a dream indicates falling into trees among them, and preferring some of them to others, and their hatred for him, and their vision indicates repentance and giving up on anything but God Almighty . Their vision, may God be pleased with them, indicates goodness and blessing according to their homes and their well-known values ​​in their path and path . Perhaps seeing each of them indicated what was revealed to him and what was in his days of sedition or justice . And whoever sees that he is crowded with the companions of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he is one of those who seek integrity in religion . And whoever sees one of the Companions, let him interpret for him the derivation, such as Saad and Saeed, then he will be happy . Perhaps he had a share of his biography and actions . And whoever sees any of them alive, or that all of them are alive, his visions indicate the strength of religion, and indicate that the visionary attains glory and honor and is supreme . If he sees as if he has become one of them, he will experience hardships and then the nail will be soft . And if he sees them repeatedly in his sleep, his livelihood is narrow . As for the Ansar and their children and grandchildren, seeing them in a dream indicates repentance and forgiveness . Seeing immigrants indicates good certainty and confidence in God Almighty, departure from this world and asceticism in it, and honesty in speech and action ….

…Medina : indicates its people and its inhabitants, and indicates the meeting and the greater mass, safety and fortification, because when Moses entered Middin, Shuaib said to him : Do not be afraid, I survived, and perhaps the village indicates the world, and the city indicates the Hereafter, because its bliss is more important, and its people are smoother, and its dwellings are greater . And the city may refer to the world, and the village to the mountain, because it is prominent and isolated from it with the negligence of its people . Perhaps the known city indicated the abode of the world, and the unknown city of the Hereafter . Perhaps the beautiful unknown city signifies paradise, and the hated black village on fire, because of the bliss of the people of cities and the misery of the people of Mour . If a person moves in his sleep from an unknown village to a city as well, look at his condition. If he is an unbeliever, he becomes Muslim, and if he is a sinner he repents, and if he is good, poor, and despised, then he is rich and proud, and if he is with his goodness for fear of security, and if the owner of a secret is married, and if he is With his goodness, a sick man, he died, and if that was for a dead person, his condition has changed and his house has changed, but there are two homes, one of which is better than the other, so whoever moves from the ugly house to the beautiful good deed escaped from the fire and entered Heaven, God willing . But who came out from the city to the village unidentified, In contrast to the first, but were Marovin considered their names and Jawaharhama, will rule for Relocated meanings so, as the outside of Bagaah to the city of Egypt, it concludes from the punk of questions and secure his fear, the verse : ~ Enter Egypt, God willing , Amenin . ~ If his departure was from the secret of the one who saw to Khurasan, then he happily moved to a bad time, his time had come . Likewise, the outside from Mahdia and the interior to Sousse, outside of Huda and right to evil and corruption, in this way and its consequences in all known villages and cities . As for the well-known gates of the city, their guardians or their rulers and those who guard and preserve them . As for its role, its people are among the chiefs and the elders of its locality, and every path is indicative of those adjacent to it, and those who are needed by the people of that locality in their tasks and affairs, and their accidents will be returned from them with his merit and authority, or with his knowledge and money . Some of them said : Medina is a man of knowledge, if you see it from afar, and it was said : Medina is a religion, and leaving Medina is fear, because God Almighty said : “ He went out from it in fear and awaits. ” And entering Medina is a reconciliation between him and the people, they call him to truth. God Almighty said : “ Enter into all peace ~ , the city, the city saw that the vintage, have ruined it shows old or born there a scholar or imam, is happening there pious and Nasca . And whoever saw that he had entered a country and saw a ruined city that had no walls, buildings, or monuments, for if on that day there were scholars who died and went and studied, and none of them or their offspring remained, and if he saw that he was aging, then he would be born from the descendants of the remaining scholars, a son will appear in him. those scientists, and saw the city or vacant countries of the Sultan, the food price go to extremes there, it saw a city or a country unfertilized good planting, it is better if the people, and said some of them : If the cities quiet static, they are in the fertile at night on famine, and in Fecundity is a guide to fertility . It is better for a person to see the rich and fertile cities, for they indicate a high and fertile one, and if he sees little fertility, the family indicates the lack of goodness and the town of man indicates the fathers, for example : that a man saw as if his city had fallen from earthquakes, so he sentenced his father to death . And narrated that Kie was with what Koutaiba walked from irrigation to Khorasan, he saw Wakee in a dream like demolishing Sharif , his city and blown up , he asked the crossing , he said : the supervision of the fall Jaham on your hand and Aosmon, was also ….

…It seeks in the service of Sadat from the scholars and righteous . Perhaps he traveled to that destination and reached his destination . If he saw that the mountain was rammed, then he would die or be isolated, and the seer may have received reverence and discipline . Mountains indicate kings, princes, righteous people and scholars . And perhaps the mountain pointed to the owner of a religion and religion . And whoever digs a well in a mountain or moves stones from it to another place, he is fighting a tough-hearted person, and he tries something right, hardship and fatigue . And if he sees the mountains walking with him, then it indicates a war in which the kings move to one another, or that there will be a difference or turmoil that will take place between the scientists of the earth in a trial and hardship in which the commoners perish . And whoever sees in a dream that he fled from a ship to a mountain, then he will be corrupted and perish because of the story of Ibn Noah, peace be upon him, or that he falls in contradiction to the opinion of the group, and is alone with passion and heresy. And ceasing heresy if he fled from something like that, or his fall was from a mosque or kindergarten and the like . And if the mountain was raised in the air on the heads of creatures, then it is a great fear that remains on the people from the side of the owner, and the children of Israel were raised the mountain above them like an umbrella in order to fear God Almighty for them, and a threat to disobedience . Walking a mountain may indicate a plague, and as for the mountain to return to ashes or dust, there is no good in it . And whoever sees that he is standing on a mountain, he relies on a big man, who will gain honor, goodness and rank on his hands, and whoever sees that he is attached to him, then he clings to a man as well . And whoever sees that he has demolished a mountain, a man will perish as much as the mountain, and it was said : his life will be destroyed . And whoever saw that he threw himself from the mountain, he carried out his words in power that befell him . And whoever sees that he is ascending a mountain with a sword in his hand, and he wears a garment there, or someone with authority with him, he will gain authority or gain good and honor . And whoever sees that he wants to go up the mountain, then he is flattering a tough-hearted man who is far-fetched . And whoever sees that the mountain sinks into the land, then the authority of that land will die ….

…Seeing the home being demolished in a dream indicates the death of its owner, and death indicates the demolition of the house . And whoever sees that he demolishes an old house or structure, then evil will befall him . And whoever sees that his house is destroyed or some of it is destroyed, then a person dies in it, or a great calamity or gruesome accident befalls its owner . If a woman sees that the roof of her house has collapsed, then her husband dies ….

…The names of horses are the horses, one of which is the horse, the mare, the horse and the foal, and among them are the kaddish, the berth, and the stone . Whoever sees a horse with him in a dream indicates the breadth of his livelihood, and his victory over his enemies . If he saw that he was riding on a horse, and he was suitable for riding a horse, he received honor and money, and perhaps he befriended a man as a horse, and perhaps he traveled and that travel is derived from the Persians . If a horse was shielded from its enemy, and if it was a dowry, a beautiful boy was given, and if he was a barzone he lived neither rich nor poor, and if he was a stone he married, if he was a single wife with money and offspring, and the original is honorable to the non-purebred . Perhaps the Persians indicated the abode of construction . And the meteors are glorified and triumph over the enemies because they are among the horses of the angels, and the most important are worries, and the blond, veiled is knowledge, piety and religion, and whoever rides a dead person may drink wine because it is one of their names . And whoever rides a boat to someone else who has reached his status or the work of his year, especially if he is a well-known boat and is suitable for his rider . And the stone is his wife. Or, apply to the size of the second compound . And if he passed away when he was coming down, he was alienating her, walking, or wilting in the event that he came down on the ground with blood, then he is engaged in adultery with her . The stone denotes the knot of money and yields, and the demolished stone is a religious woman who is rich in reputation and remembrance . And the meeting woman is famous for beauty and money . And the blonde with joy and activity . And the meteor has a debt, and whoever sees that he rode it without a saddle or a bridle, he marries a woman without infallibility, and the bald eagles of the paradise and the mare of authority . The blond is a war, and whoever sees a saddled horse without riders, they are women who gather for a funeral or a wedding . A Persian in a dream is a man or a child of a knight, a merchant, or a worker who has a knight in his work and trade . And the mare is a partner, so whoever sees that he has a horse who died in his home is the man’s destruction . If he sees that he is a rider on a mare that lures a mujahid, and walks on him slowly in clothes suitable for riding, then he strikes honor, power, authority and chivalry among people, and the enemies do not reach him badly, and if he is a merchant, then he is a trustworthy and he is in a comfortable life . If he is Adham, then he is the greatest of fate and honor, because he is money, authority and stewardship . If it is dead, then it is more in entertainment and rapture, and more in fighting and bloodshed . And whoever sees that he has sold his horse, then he will leave his job by his own choosing . And whoever sees that he slaughters his horse and does not want to eat his meat, then he spoils his livelihood from authority . And whoever sees that an unknown mare enters a land or a house that does not know his owner, then an honest man enters that place, who has danger in people as much as the danger of the mare . And whoever sees that the unknown mare is leaving his position, he is leaving an old man with death or travel . And whoever sees that cavalry run around in the round, and also enter a land or a camp, it will be rain and torrential rains that hit that place . And whoever sees that he is a companion to a well-known man, then he will reach that man to what is required of a religious or worldly matter, or that man will have a follower, partner, or successor after him . If he is an unknown man, then he is an enemy after all . And whoever sees that a horse has trampled or walked on it, then he is isolated from his authority or his work, or he gets something wrong and humiliated, and people bite him with their tongues . And whoever rides a wheelbarrow, or owned it, or bought it, and was a single woman, married an honorable, blessed woman, if she had a dowry, then a son would be hit from her . If the man is married, or someone who is not waiting to marry, then he strikes a village or an estate, which will benefit him in his livelihood . And whoever sees that his wheel is dead, stolen or lost, then that event is with his wife . And whoever sees that his blessing is a result, he will generate his livelihood and increase his money . And whoever sees that he is drinking the milk of the raccoon, the Sultan will bring it closer to himself and obtain good from him . And whoever sees his horse’s hair a lot, his wealth and his children will increase, and if he is a ruler, his army will increase . A eunuch denotes a servant . And the bear without a shackle is an adulterous woman, because she walked however she wanted . And the postal horse is close to those who rode it in a dream . Weakness of the mare may indicate weakness of prestige ….

Seeing the towers and walls, and whoever sees that he is in a tower, let him despair of what he is asking for, and if he is sick dies, and whoever sees the wall of a castle demolished or a notch of it, then it indicates the death of its ruler, and if he sees that he built a wall on himself or his house, if he was a sultan who saved from his enemy or the poor, he would benefit from money or property He gets married and whoever sees that he entered a siege, then he is safe from the evil of the enemy, and if he sees that he has emerged from a siege, then the enemy is victorious.

…And whoever sees that he builds a close structure, and if he is a student of religion, then he does a righteous work, and if he is a student of this world, then he is fit for his worldly life. If his construction is with milk and clay, then his work is good, and if it is with bricks and plaster, his work is not good, and if he sees that he builds a house or a bathroom, he builds with a woman. An unknown location is his grave, and whoever sees that he demolishes a house or an old house, then he will suffer a lot of good, and if he demolishes a new one, then it is they and evil. And whoever sees that his house is destroyed against him will hit money and whoever sees that his house is destroyed or part of it, then a person dies with it or its owner suffers a great calamity and if she sees a woman The roof of her house was demolished, for her husband’s death and whoever saw that a place of construction was devastated or fallen, then they are calamities in that location, and whoever sees that the cylinder of his house is broken and torn down, then the head of the house or some of his family will die….

…And whoever sees that he has demolished a wall, then he will forfeit or destroy a person from his livelihood ….

…And whoever sees that he flees from a ship to a mountain, he will be damaged by the story of Noah, peace be upon him, with his son, or whoever sees that he has demolished a mountain, then he destroys his life ….

…Whoever sees in a dream that he has entered a city from Al-Madaen is safe from what he fears . And Ibn Sirin, may God Almighty have mercy on him, loved to enter cities, and he did not like to leave them, because God Almighty said : ( So he went out from them in fear and waited. He said : Lord, save me from the unjust people ). And it was said : The city ​​is expressed by a man of knowledge , for he, peace be upon him, said : ( I am the city of knowledge and I am at its gate ). And whoever enters a city and finds it in ruins, the scholars have lost it . And it was said : The city ​​is the death of its king or his oppression in it . In any city that is seen and there is no authority in it, food is overpriced in it . The known city is the world and the unknown is the hereafter . And whoever saw a city destroyed, the religion of its people has gone . The city of man that is attributed to his father is expressed by his father, so whoever saw that a city was ruined by earthquakes, his father died by murder . And whoever sees that he is in the country of Upper Egypt, his livelihood will be troubled and miserable, or his trust will increase . And whoever saw that in the country of Nubia he would have a blessing . And who saw that in Abyssinia, his prestige decreased . And whoever sees that he is in Egypt, God blesses his life and prolongs his life . And whoever sees that he is in the country of El-Arish, the good will be abundant . And whoever saw that in Constantinople he lost his money . And whoever sees that he is in the land of Jerusalem and Mount Tur Sinai, this is a year ahead for him . Whoever sees that he is in Bethlehem, his solidity will increase and his religion will be strengthened . And whoever saw that he was in the countries of the East, he would get good . Whoever saw that he supervised Baghdad came to the ruler because Baghdad was the home of the Imam . And whoever sees that he is in Jordan, he will receive a travel or humiliation . And whoever sees that he is in Damascus, God will provide for him . Whoever thinks that he is in the country of the Romans, then he has confidence in God Almighty, as well as the countries of Armenians . And whoever sees that he is in the countries of the Franks, his heart becomes blind . And whoever sees that he is in the land of the non-Arabs, he learns rudeness . Whoever sees that he is in the land of India and conquers his enemies and conquers his envy . And whoever sees that he is in ruins, he will be afflicted with a people who have no power over them . And whoever sees that he is in salted or sulfurous land, he will get sick . And the country is an oath, because God Almighty says : ( I do not swear by this country ). The country is safe from fear . Perhaps the country in a dream indicated repentance and forgiveness . The region may refer to his ruler, authority, ruler, or scholar . If a person owned a country in a dream he attained a king or guardianship, and if he was celibate, he married, or a sick person was cured of his illness, or an adulterer who repented, or a lost man, he was guided . And seeing the dead in a dream in a city may have been in heaven, just as if he was seen in a village indicates that he is in Hell, for its people to suffer and their misery . If the city has a name for Saleh, such as Sana’a, which denotes the fabrication, or Dhofar from the victory of the enemy, and the secret of whoever sees is of pleasure . And whoever leaves a sinner, he will be saved from a sinner . And the gates of the well-known city are its governors, rulers and guards . And whoever sees that he is in an unknown city, that is the sign of the righteous . And whoever saw the city wall demolished, its worker died or was dismissed from his work . And whoever saw that he had a notch in the city wall, until a lion, torrent, or thief entered Medina, weakening the command of Islam in it, or blocking the market of knowledge . See also The Village ….

…And whoever saw that he demolished someone else’s house, he would get money from others ….

…And whoever sees that she has been demolished or has a defect, then his wife may marry someone else ….

…Torrent : its entry into the city indicates an epidemic, if the people are in some of it, or its color is the color of blood or brownness . And it may indicate that he entered a military army in safety or company, if he did not have wealth and the people were not in fear of him, so if he demolished some of their houses and passed their money and livestock, then it is an enemy who jealous over them or a power that tries against them, to the extent of increasing the vision and the evidence of vigilance . Some of them said the enemy’s attack is torrential, and the enemy attack is torrent . If the torrent ascends the stores, then it is a flood or soldiers of an unjust ruler that attacked, and the torrent is a dominated enemy, and if he sees that the gutters are flowing without rain, then that is blood that is shed in that town or locality . If he sees that it flowed from rain and poured out its water, then these concerns are evident from the people of that place, and the fertility of a state is equal to the gutters, and if the gutters are not erected, then it is below that . If the gutter is focused on a person, he will be tormented . If the torrential path leads to the river, then the king is an enemy of him, and he seeks help from a man who escapes from his evil . And whoever thinks that he has drunk the torrent from his home, he will treat an enemy and prevent him from harm to his family or his death . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw the surprises flowing without rain, and I saw people taking from him, so Ibn Sirin said : Do not take from him . The men said : I did not do and I did not take anything from him, so he said : You have done well, and it was only a short time until the trial of Ibn Al-Muhallab ….

…Maritalizing the deceased : The object with which it affects the perpetrator is good . As for the living, perhaps he may gain from his inheritance or from one of his household or his heels, and as for the house, perhaps the neighborhood may give charity to him, or his family arrives or have mercy on him . And if the dead affliction is unknown, then he lives for him a dead matter that he asks for, either a ruined land that he builds, or a demolished well that he digs, or a dead land that he plows, or a dead demand that he revives by the request and the presence of the environment and the supporters, except that his mention is weak when having sexual intercourse or lazy upon desire, then he tries to do so. And he is unable to ….