…The water bottle and other things are in a dream a travel, and perhaps a woman was carrying and falling . It indicates poverty and wealth . See also El Gouna ….

…And whoever sees that the ring of his ring is broken or falling away from him and the clove remains, then his authority will be removed and his remembrance, money and appearance remain ….

…Antelope Seeing an antelope in a dream foretells that your ambition will be high but it can be realized with great energy . If a girl witnesses a deer getting off its foot and falling from a high place, this indicates that the love that she aspires to will reveal its destruction ….

…Nisas is in a dream a man of little mind, destroying himself, and falling from the eyes of people . Seeing nisas indicates endearment to people with good manners, and flattery for them, because of the benefit that it leads, and indicates stupor and forgetfulness ….

…Thunderbolts : denotes the needs and calamities that our Lord afflicts with whom He wills and disperses them from whom He wills . Such as locusts, hail, winds, thunderbolts, sickles, brambles, smallpox, plague, and fever, because people are terrified of them, and their vibration with them and their yellowing of their sense, while spoiling and destroying them when they encounter them . It may indicate great health and a great command, which comes from the king, in which there is destruction, fondness, or destruction . It may indicate the advent of an unjust ruler, and his descent on the land in which it fell . It may indicate other than that from the well-known incidents and Tuaregs mentioned, which people seek to locate and test their condition, such as gruesome death, fire, demolition and thieves . Whoever saw a thunderbolt that fell in his home, if he was sick, he died, and if he was absent from it, he gave his obituary, and if there was suspicion and corruption, a worker would descend it and a police owner guarded it, and if its owner roamed the Sultan, he carried out his order, otherwise a thief knocked on him, or a fire happened to him. Or demolishing, to the extent of increasing the vision, and what God Almighty will help him to pass through . And if he sees lightning strikes falling in the rounds, then maybe there are people among the people who give in the absence of the pilgrims or the Mujahideen, or a fond of people being thrown at me . And if it falls in acres and orchards, then the mosques of the owners of tithes and collections, and that place is covered with injustice and corruption ….

…And if he sees his hand falling short of what he wants from working with it and oppression or withered, then its interpretation in the same hand and ability does not obtain what he wants, and he is let down by those who seek his help . And if he sees in his hand the virtue of strength and relaxation in oppression, then his interpretation is in his hand and his ability to do what he wants, and the aid of those who seek help from him, and there is another aspect in it, that its length, shortness, strength and weakness is a product of its owner, to whom the hand becomes, and a hand of good hands In his view, as was the saying of Abu Bakr and Saeed bin Al-Musayyib, they used the phrase ~vision~ with names and their meanings, and relied on that vision . If he sees that his hand has weakened, opened, dried up, or its wind stinked : excluding others of the prey, then this is a corruption of the work of its owner, to what it has become, or he left its completion with him, or a weakness of his power over him . If he sees that his hand has turned the hand of a prophet from among the prophets or some of the righteous, then see how that prophet or that righteous was like in the one who guided God on their hands from misguidance, or who saved him from perdition, and how his destiny was among his people, what he suffered from them of harm, and how it was The consequence of their command and command, so also God guides a people by the hand of the visionary, and it is the hand that has been described, and by which God delivers a people from misguidance to guidance, and whatever harm is caused in that, similar to what the Prophet met in God, so his condition and his deeds are in its consequence, like the crafts That Prophet, and this is an honorable vision that only people of virtue and met with hardly see . And whoever sees such a vision in particular without the people of virtue, piety and ability, and whatever it is described is impossible for it to be accepted and rejected ….

…And whoever sees that he has put a hot morsel in his mouth, it indicates that he is falling into a calamity from someone’s words ….

…The planet is in a dream from the nobleness of people . Whoever sees enlightening stars in his house, a number of rulers will gather with him, and if he sees them in his house and there is no light for them, a group of the noble ones will gather in calamity . And whoever saw a planet fell from the sky to a place, a calamity occurred in that place in a man of honor . The planets are common among the sultans, and their supervision is the strongest, among the scholars the most knowledgeable, and among the common people the richest . And whoever sees his status as having many planets, he will have many offspring . And whoever sees the seven planets, the car, it indicates the industries, trade, science and the Sultanate . And whoever sees a bright planet, he will receive pleasure and joy and people are led to him . And whoever sees that the planets have gone from heaven, then his money is gone if he is rich, and if he is poor, he will die . If he sees planets on his head, then he will be mentioned and surpass his counterparts . If he sees that he is riding a planet, then he will gain authority, mandate, power, goodness, benefit, and presidency . And whoever sees the stars under the roof indicates the destruction of his house so that their light will be inside the house, or it indicates the death of the owner of the house . And whoever sees that he eats the planets, he eats of people’s money . And whoever swallowed the stars might insult the Companions, may God be pleased with them . Whoever absorbs the planets, he will learn from scientists . And whoever sees the stars scattered is the death of kings, or it indicates war . And whoever saw the stars falling to the ground from the sky, this indicated the destruction of many people . And whoever saw that the stars of the sky had fallen, he became bald and his hair shed . And whoever sees the planets during the day is evidence of scandals and fame . The morning planet signifies the bride’s wedding . And the small planets with weak light indicate slaves, slaves and common people . Whoever becomes a planet gets rich . And the planets that denote winter are worry and sadness, and that indicate summer life and goodness ….

…A mountain : a ruthless, subdued king or ruler, or a man who is as great as a mountain, its length, its shortness, and its height . And he teaches the world and the hermit, and indicates the high ranks, honorable places, and good boats, and God Almighty created mountains as pegs of the earth when it was disturbed, as they are like scholars and kings, because they hold what the vertical mountains do not hold, and may indicate the goals and demands, because the one who ascends to him does not ascend except towards him. Whoever sees himself on a mountain, propped to it, or sits in its shadow, approached a chief man, became famous for him and took shelter with him, either as a Sultan or a jurist, a scholar who worshiped a hermit, so how about if he was above him calling the call to the Sunnah, the future of the qiblah, or he was thrown from a bow in his hand Because his fame in the people extends as far as his voice, and his books and orders are carried out to the place that his arrows reached . And if he who saw himself fearful of him while awake was security, and if he was in a ship, he was hit in his sea by hardship and an obstacle for which he would be bribed, and his ascent over him was impeccable , because God Almighty said : “I will go to a mountain that protects me from water .” Ibn Sirin said : The mountain at that time is infallible, unless it is seen in a dream as if it fled from a ship to a mountain, as it perishes and perishes, according to the story of Ibn Noah . This may indicate a person who was not awake in a ship or a sea, on the paradox of the group’s opinion and the exclusivity and heresy, so how about if he had the monster of the mountains and their sevens, or the ship from which he fled to the mountain had a judge, a chief in knowledge, or a just imam . As for climbing mountains, it is a demand he is asking for and something he wants, so he asks about what they are in while awake, or his hope in it from the company of the Sultan or a scientist, or standing up to them in need or on a journey on land and the like . And if his ascent to it was like climbing mountains, stairs, or a safe road, then all his family would be easy for him, and everything around him was feared for him . And if he was adversely affected by him, or he ascended to him without stairs, peace or reason, he would be feared, and his matter was all deceitful . If he concluded above, he escaped after that . And if he gives from his sleep without reaching, or falls in a dream, he perishes in what is wanted and is forbidden between him and what he wants, or his debt is corrupted in his work, and then he descends from damage and injury from harm, calamity and sadness, to the extent of what is broken from his members . The fall over the mountain and Alkuada and hillocks ceilings 0 Upper walls and palm trees and trees, it shows the paradox of the shows that thing that fell from him in the interpretation of it, from the Sultan , or the world , or a husband or a wife or a slave or a king or action or event, ask the seer On the most important thing that he is in his awakening, that which he hopes and fears him and presents and delays him in his separation from him, and his persistence with him, if the awakening is formed due to the abundance of the demands and conditions in it, or because of its change of hopes, he is judged paradoxically for him who fell from him in the dream according to his evidence in interpretation . The distinction between his affairs is evidenced by the extent of his evidence, and that his knowledge of his completion of the thing that was on him and his strength, weakness and turbulence, may have led to him from his fall from aridity, fertility, bumpy, plain, stone, sand, land or sea, perhaps he returned to it in his body while His fall, and indicates a fall into sins, seditions and debasement, if his fall was in evidence of that, such as falling to the beast, ravens, snakes, and rats of the rat, or to filth and sludge, and this may indicate abandoning sins and refraining from heresies, if he fled from such a thing. Or his fall was in a mosque or kindergarten, or to a prophet or kindergarten, or to a prophet or taking a Qur’an, or to a group prayer . As for what came back to the mountain in terms of fall, demolition, or professionalism, it indicates the destruction of the one who drove the mountain upon him, or his destruction or his killing, unless he rises in the air over the heads of creation, because it is a great fear that remains on the people from the king’s side, because the children of Israel raised the mountain Above them is like a canopy, to fear God for them, and a threat to disobedience . As for the running of the mountains, this is evidence of an ongoing resurrection, either a war that moves in which the kings are moving against one another, or a difference and turmoil that takes place between the scientists of the earth in a trial and distress, in which the commoners perish, and this may indicate death and plague, because it is one of the signs of the resurrection, and the return of the mountain is butter or Ashes or dirt, there is no good in it for the one who pointed the mountain to him, neither in his life nor in his religion, and if he was added to him who was glorified after his humiliation, and was safe after his disbelief, and he feared God after his tyranny, he returned to what he was and returned to his first state, because God Almighty The creation of the garb, as they claim, is water foam, and the foam is invalid, as God Almighty said in His book . And the mountain that has water, plants and greenery, it is the property of a debtor . And if there is no plant or water in it, then it is an unbelieving dominant king, because like the dead, God Almighty neither praises nor sanctifies him . The standing mountain that is not fallen is alive and is better than the fallen, and the fallen who has become rocks is dead, because he does not mention God or praise him . And whoever rises on a mountain and drank from his hundred and was worthy of the guardianship, he obtained it from a man of a hard-hearted king, and what he does not appreciate is what he drank . The obstacle is a punishment and severity, if it falls from it, it will survive, and if it ascends, it will rise and sway with fatigue . And the rocks around the mountain and the trees pimp that place . And every ascension is an elevation, every fall is a position, and every ascension indicates a problem, so its descent indicates a relief, and every ascension indicates a state, so its descent indicates isolation . And if he saw that he carried a mountain and was heavy on him, then he is carrying the supplies of a huge man or a merchant who weighs on him, and if he is afraid, fear for him . If he sees that he has entered a mountain cave, then he will gain rationality in his religion and affairs, take over the affairs of the Sultan, and be able to . If he enters the cave of a mountain in a cave, then he is plotting a king or an impregnable man, and if a mountain meets him, they or a travel or an impenetrable man or a difficult matter or a difficult and cruel woman will meet him, and if he sees that he has ascended the mountain, then the mountain is the goal of his demand, as much as he ascended, until Leveled above it . Every ascent that a person sees, or an obstacle, a hill, a roof, etc., is to obtain what is demanded from the elimination of the need he wants, and the ascent is equal, hardship and no good in it . If he sees that he descended from a hill, palace, or mountain, then the matter that he is asking is diminished and not fulfilled, and whoever sees that he is demolishing a mountain, then he perishes a man, and whoever sees that he is interested in climbing a mountain or practicing it, then that mountain was a goal to which it rises, and if he is above it he attains his hope If he falls from him, his condition will be expelled . And the praiseworthy ascent on the mountain is to limp in that as the one who ascends the mountain does . And all the elevation is praiseworthy, unless it is level, because God Almighty says : ~I will burden him ascent .~…