…In a dream, it is the world of a man, so whoever sees that he has a new home that is solid and full of facilities, for if he is poor he is well-off, and if he is worried, he will be freed, and if he is a worker who attains a state as good as the house, and if he is in disobedience he repents, and that the capacity of the house is the capacity of his worldly life and his knowledge And his generosity . She was distressed by his miserliness, and she found her to renew his work, and to settle her religion, and her rulings were to manage him, and her houses were his women . And the house of iron has a long life for its owner . If he enters an unknown house and sees dead people in it, then it is the hereafter, and if he sees that he has entered it and is not able to leave, then he will die. If the house is solid, that is his condition in the hereafter . If it was of plaster and bricks, this indicates a bad condition in it . If he enters and leaves it, then he is overseeing death, and then he will be saved . And if the house is alone and it sees the dead in it, then everyone in it will die . If he leaves his home angry, he is imprisoned . If he sees that a man entered his house, he enters his secret . If he is an immoral, then he is betrayed by his wife or his livelihood . For Imam al-Adel, the house is one of the mouths of Muslims . Whoever sees that his house has collapsed, and if it was the home of the just Imam, then that is a notch in some of the mouths of Muslims . The building of the house is in an unknown or known location if a woman is celibate . And whoever sees a house from afar, it is a distant world that he can attain, and if his income is built of mud, and it is not separate from the dawr, then it is a world that befalls it as permissible . If it is made of plaster, then it is a forbidden world, and his departure from these buildings is his departure from this world or from what he possesses . If he sees that he has entered a modern house and he is rich, then he will increase in wealth, and if he is poor he becomes rich if the owner or inhabitant of it is mastery of the house . And whoever sees that he is in his old home, and it is destroyed, then he will inherit an inheritance from a relative . And it was said : Whoever built a house, some of his relatives or one of his children died . Whoever sold his house divorced his wife . If he sees for himself a good house, then it is his righteous deed, and if it is narrow and ugly, it indicates bad deeds . Perhaps the house indicated politeness, and perhaps the fluctuation with the rotation of the age . The house of a man indicates his body, soul, and personality because he is known and known by it, and it is his glory, his zeal, and the concealment of his family . And perhaps it indicated his wealth, which is his strength . Perhaps she indicated his garment to enter him, if his body was her door and his face, and if his wife was her door was his private part . And whoever saw that he was sweeping his house, suddenly he became stricken with money . And it was said : Sweeping the house will be the removal of sadness . It was said : The demolition of the house is the death of its owner . And whoever saw that he was demolishing a new house, they were struck by them and evil . Whoever builds or buys a house will become very good . And whoever sees that the yard of his house or its roof has expanded beyond its known destiny, then that is a capacity in his world and he has luck in his life . And if the patient sees that he has left his home while he is silent and does not speak, that indicates his death ….

…And whoever sees that the mountain is burned, then it is the death of the king of that land ….

…And whoever sees that a thunderbolt has occurred in a country and its land is burned, then that is a power that descends in that place, or corruption, war, high prices, or diseases that pervade the people of that place, and if it falls without fire, then it is a future property that people think bad and save from his misfortune ….

…Ibn Sirin said: Whoever saw that its roof, roof, or wall fell from the house, or it was burned, then a calamity will occur in his house ….

…If someone sees his hidden being snatched from him, burned, or overpowered, then half of his money is spent from the livestock in the Persian land ….

…Ash : false speech that does not benefit from it . And whoever kindles a fire at the gate of Sultan, he will obtain possession and power . If he sees a high, bright fire that has a great light for the benefit of the people, then he is a royal man of benefit . If he sees that he is sitting with a saying about a fire that saves its inhabitants, that is a blessing, a blessing and a strength, because God Almighty says : “ Blessed are those who are in the fire and those around it .” And if he saw a fire, you were taken out of his home, he would attain a state, trade, or power in a trade. If he saw a fire that fell from his head or came out of his hand and had light and rays, and his wife was pregnant, she gave birth to a boy, and he would have great news . If he sees a flame of fire at the door of his house and there is no smoke in it, then he should perform Hajj . If he sees her in his home, he is wedding in that house . If he spoils a fire in a dark night, he attains strength, victory, pleasure, grace and authority, according to the story of Moses, peace be upon him . And whoever sees in his skirt a burning fire, his wife will carry it if he is fit . If he saw fire descending from the sky and burned it and the burning did not affect him, then the soldiers would descend his home . If he sees fire coming out of his finger, then he is an unjust writer, and if it comes out of his mouth, then it is a dimple . If it comes out of his palm, he is an unjust maker . And whoever burns a fire in ruin and calls people to it, he calls them to misguidance and heresy, and he answers him from his injury . And whoever sees his house burned, his house will be destroyed imminently . And Ibn Sirin came to a man and said : I saw as if I was praying with my fear with fire, so one of them fell into the fire and it was burned, and the fire hit from another . Ibn Sirin said : You have cattle on the land of Persia, and half of it has been changed and gone, and a little bit of the other half has been hit . It was so . And whoever sees as if he is in fire and does not find its freedom, he will obtain charity, a king, and victory over his enemies, according to Abraham’s story . And whoever sees an extinguishing fire or flame or evil, he will live in riots, strife and distress in the place where it is extinguished . And whoever sees a fire being lit in his house, its people will be lit by it, it is extinguished, for the values ​​of the house will die, and if that is in a country then it is the death of its world leader . If it is extinguished in his garden, it is his death or the death of his family . If the wind goes out and there is a wind in his house and lights it, the thieves enter his house . If he saw that he lit a fire and was awake at war, then if he was put out, oppression, and if he was a merchant, he did not win ….

…And whoever sees a carpet in a foreigner’s house and he does not know the rug or the place, then it indicates a change in his condition, and if he sees it folded or burned, then it is interpreted as his death in estrangement ….

…And whoever sees that he threw his bed outside his home or door and then returned it, this indicates a revocable divorce ….

…And if he sees that and that he does not speak to anyone while he is outside his home, perhaps this indicates his death ….

…And whoever sees a clear eye flowing to his home, and from there a known amount, then that is provision and goodness to be driven to him ….

…If he sees the Kaaba as his home, then he is still of servants, authority, prestige and reputation among the people, unless he sees the Kaaba in a poor form, then that is no good for him ….

…The effects of the home in a dream indicate memories and sermons . Perhaps it indicated the years or the number of days by whom he was a migrant from the people of his country . And the renewal of antiquities indicates the enjoining good and forbidding evil ….

…And whoever sees that a known grave has been turned into his home, it indicates the intermarriage of someone from his heels ….

…Whoever enters a new home : gets rich and gets married, because the single house is a woman ….

…And whoever sees that the criminals are working in his home or in a place in which he is, he disputes his kinship or forsakes his friend or something similar ….

…Whoever saw laborers working in his home, he quarreled with his relatives, and deserted a friend ….

And whoever saw the Kaaba his home, he would still be of authority and fame among the people,

…And whoever sees the Kaaba in his home, then he will be of glory, majesty and inviolability, or he will marry a woman of revered worth who is one of the people of goodness and payment ….

…And whoever sees a chaotic in his home and people benefit from what is in it, it is interpreted by the arrival of money that grieves in the way of good ….

And whoever sees that an accident occurred in his cap from burning, removing, falling, or the like, then he shall interpret that in his case with his superior ….

And whoever sees a fire that burns a part of it or a garment, then he will suffer as much damage as he burns it or misfortune for the one he is dear to ….

…Longing for the homeland is in a dream a sign of separation from husbands or friends, and wealth after poverty . And there is no good in him in a dream if he is with him mourning and mourning ….

As for the vision of the house of unknown structure, location, and origin, if it is separated from the role, then it is the abode of the Hereafter, so the seeker should consider that and consider his condition, or if he enters and exits it, then he is overseeing death and then escapes, and if he does not come out of it indicates death ….

And whoever sees an ant leaving his house while flying in the air, it is interpreted by the travel of his family, and their companionship and their number may be safe in travel, and their promises are oblivious ….

And whoever sees a lot of pigeons frequenting his house, he is interpreted by the abundance of children and relatives ….

And whoever sees a genie who enters his house, thieves enter it, and perhaps the vision of the jinn indicates the vision of people who have fraud in worldly matters and their vanity ….

And whoever saw that his house was turned into a mosque, he struck an honor, calling people from falsehood to truth ….

The collapse of the house, or some of it, the death of a person in it . And the death of a person in the house, and he did not have the appearance of the dead, such as crying, shrouding, or the like . Because it collapsed some of the house, and broke the ship while the death of the boy ….

And whoever sees that he is bound in a house, he will have good ….

House facilities : kitchen : cooker . Al-Mubarraz : A woman, if he is spacious, clean and with no apparent smell, then his wife is well-mannered, clean, good, obedient, and less stinky, well-built . And if it is narrow and full of an excuse, and its owner cannot find a place to sit in, then it is disobedient . If it smells rotten, then it is sluggish and is famous for salad . And the depth of its well-managed and established in its affairs . And if he looked at her and saw blood in her, then his wife would come when she was menstruating, and if he saw her well filled out, then he should manage it and prevent her from spending a great deal for the man for fear of extravagance, and if he sees in his hand a tree he moves with it in the well, then in his house there is a divorced woman . If the well is full, he does not immediately fear, for his wife is pregnant . And whoever sees that he is put in a resting place, he is plotting with him, and if his door closes on him, he will die . It was mentioned in the beginning of the chapter on Al-Kunif and Al-Mubarraz that is sufficient ….