Night is in a dream indicates unemployment . And if the time was night and moonlight was apparent and people were trapped, the blockade would go away from them, and if they were at high prices, the prices would be cheaper . And the night indicates the union of the spouses, and the day indicates their separation . And the dark nights indicate black slave girls . And darkness is misguidance . And whoever saw darkness in his home, he traveled far away . The night and the day are two opposing powers, the night is an infidel and the day a Muslim, and they may refer to the two opponents or the two . Perhaps the night indicated rest, and the day indicated fatigue . Perhaps the night indicated marriage and the day indicated divorce . Perhaps night indicates the sea, and the day indicates land . And perhaps the night indicated death because God Almighty passed away the souls of the sleepers, and the day indicates resurrection . And whoever sees the whole age at night and the people of that part of him in agony, then he is poverty, hunger and death . Perhaps day and night indicated the proximity of the distant to good and evil, because they are all new . And the night indicates the black woman, and the day indicates the white woman . Seeing the night on the dress and the day indicates the pension . And the night indicates the right, because God Almighty says : (And the night when it fades .) Seeing bright nights as the Night of Power in a dream is a good tidings, as well as the night of the fifteenth of Shaban, the night of Isra and Friday night ….

…What do you think of spreading the hypocritical news of the Night of Power in a dream? It is common among people on such days every year about determining Laylat al-Qadr, and that it is the night of such-and-such, and last year it was rumored for me that I set the Night of Power as the night of twenty-five, and for the discharge of responsibility I would like to clarify the following : Question / Is there interest Determine the Night of Power? What is the ruling on what some do in informing or limiting them – based on visions – and under the pretext of urging them to do so, or to strive for them? I answer this question through the following points : 1 / The expression of visions is based on conjecture and is not based on cutting. I also warn against introducing visions to the aspect of worship, for religion has been completed . 2 / We acknowledge that the believer’s vision is true, and that it is part of the parts of prophethood, and we also support preaching the good with evidence : the Prophet’s saying [ There is nothing left of the prophethood except the evangelists . They said : What are the good news? He said the righteous vision is seen by the believer or seen by him ], but the believer’s vision may also be false, and there is no reference for him to infallibility today that can be decided by this or that . 3 / That this ummah issued better sayings and better deeds than the last, and they lived the whole month, and this ummah will not be fit except for what is righteous at the beginning of it . 4 / The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not inform the Companions of a specific night, but rather told that it was in the last ten days, or the last seven days, and this he said after he learned that some of his companions, may God be pleased with them, saw the Night of Power in a dream, so he said as in the hadith that he narrated. Al-Bukhari in his Sahih : [ I see your visions colluding – that is, they agreed – in the last seven days, so whoever investigates them should investigate them in the last seven days . ” This issue was one of the important matters that the Companions worked with, may God be pleased with them, until it was reported that they used to perform I’tikaaf in the middle ten days, seeking it, and this is before the Prophet specified it in the last ten days . 5 / I see the Prophet peace be upon him much of the night, and went out to tell the companions out, then Onisseha, and told that he saw in a dream that he prostrate in water and mud, came a cloud Vmatart until Sal roof of the mosque – was palm fronds – prayer and held, the narrator said : I saw The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, prostrate in water and mud, until I saw a trace of mud on his forehead, and this is a confirmation of his vision, may God bless him and grant him peace, so he left the morning prayer with his face filled with mud and water . 6 / It came in the Sahih that, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said : [ I went out to tell you of the Night of Destiny, and peered – that is, quarreled and argued – so-and-so, and it was raised, and hopefully it would be good for you …….] Hadith . Al-Subki al-Kabeer deduced from this story, as stated in Fath al-Bari 4/286: It is desirable to conceal the Night of Power to those who saw it . This is because God decreed to his prophet that he did not inform him of it . And all good is in what is destined for him, so it is desirable to follow him in that . 7 / The meaning of his saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : [ May it be good for you ]: If the Night of Power is appointed on a particular night, it will be restricted to it, then worship missed in another, and this happened and is happening from many people, so that there are some who stand up for the night that is rumored to be Laylat al-Qadr, and leave the rest , and this is a big mistake – as we explained earlier -. 8 / It is better for Muslims not to transmit such news about determining Laylat al-Qadr, or to publish some of the sayings of those who express it, as the night of such-and-such of the month, when it is proven from the correct narrations, that concealing it was for wisdom and there is good for the ummah, and good in following what came From the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace . 9 / required of Muslims in general diligence and worship and work in this whole month, the last of it and ten in particular, was the Prophet peace be upon him as stated in an interview with Aisha : If ten entered tightening the apron, and live for the night, and woke up his family ] , and in this reference to Urging to improve the conclusion, God seals for us well. Amen, O Lord of the worlds … And God knows best ….

…Is there a difference between night visions and day visions? This question is good because of the large number of those asking about it, and the abundance of illusion and error resulting from the lack of knowledge in it, so you often hear from here or there a formula that is repeated. I saw after the Fajr prayer, as if this sentence wanted her to raise the level of his vision, just as a good hadith for others is good for itself. For others, the Sahih rises to true for its own sake, and the truth is that this is not true, so the day’s vision or the vision of witchcraft is not different from others, and it has been proven that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, saw visions during the day and saw visions at night and told them and told them about their interpretation, and often The hadith, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was issued by saying : (( While I was asleep yesterday … or I showed such-and-such tonight …)) This is understood from him by night, and he often slept in his house or in the house of one of the Companions during the day, then he saw a vision, like his visions when He slept in the house of Ubadah bin Al-Samit with Umm Haram bint Melhan, when he saw her with those who invade in the way of God and said : I pray to God to make me one of them, and he said : (( You are among the first )) and the time of his sleep was during the day, and Bukhari referred to him in Sahih : The door of those who visited a people and said to them . That is, one of those who said it is sleeping in the noon (Al- Mu`jam Al Muheet – pg. 771) Ibn Aoun said on the authority of Ibn Sirin : A day’s vision is like a night’s vision . Ibn Hajar was entitled in Al-Fath : Chapter : The night vision, and he mentioned immediately after it a chapter : the day vision, so there is no difference in terms of time, day or night, and it is not considered, and it was said : There is a difference between them and that the vision of sorcery is more accurate and faster interpretation, especially when dawn breaks And it came in the Musnad through Abu Sa`id al-Khudri with a chain of transmission : ((The most sincere vision is through the sorrows )) , and this indicates the speed of interpretation and the fallout , not the truth, and God knows best . It is reported here that some drivers of cars, and in the severity of their fatigue, may relax at some traffic lights, and in this short period of time, they may see the honest vision….

…And whoever sees an hour of the night, then it is interpreted in two ways, that its rule is half a month and there is no ruling for it, because God Almighty said: ~ So we erased the sign of the night. ~ And some of the expressions said that there is no expression for the hours of the night except as presented in the index of considering the time and what has passed from it, either to edit his hour and the rule of its expression It is originally fallen, and there is much discussion and difference between the two expressions. The expression of night and day, heat and cold has been presented in its chapter, and God knows what is correct ….

Night If you dream that the night is surrounding you, this predicts the expectation of crises and distress in the vicinity of knowledge . If the night seems to be gone then the bad things will turn out for the better and your business will return to its prime ….

…What do we Muslims believe in the reality of sleep? Sleep is a sign of God ‘s miracle function perfection ability and resurrection of the dead, and God made him rest for the body and spirit together, as he says : [ and mercy make you day and night to repose in it , and you may seek from the bounty of the meaning ] stories 73. The Almighty says [ God who made the night find repose in the day – sighted ] Ghafir 61 says the Almighty [ who is a God comes to you at night , you live in it ..] stories 72 and say grateful , including the creation of verses including the night [ unconformity Alabbah make night accommodation, sun and moon thunderbolt ] cattle 96 , he said the Almighty [ and Halna Nomkm repose and made us night clothes and made the day a pension ] news 9 11 If God made in the night verse indicates his ability and then worship and monotheism to him, and make at night serenity, tranquility and security, and progress and said : [ as Agshekm sleepy safe from him ] Anfal 11…

…The Light : After the darkness, for those who saw it to the public, if they were in trial or confusion, they will be guided, and sedition will give birth to them, and if they have an injustice that will go away from them, and if they are in hunchback, rejoice on their behalf, drink and fertilize . It indicates the unbeliever to Islam, the sinner to repentance, the poor to the rich, the celibate over the wife, and the pregnant woman to give birth to a boy, unless he was confined to her tent, or put him in her dress, or put him in her pocket, and he gave birth to her a beautiful veiled slave girl . As for night and day, they are two powers, who seek one another . And the night is an infidel, and the day is a Muslim, because it goes in darkness, and God Almighty expressed in his book about disbelief with darkness, and about his religion with light, and they may indicate the two opponents and the two cohorts, and perhaps the night indicates rest, and the day indicates fatigue and swindling . Perhaps the night indicated marriage, and the day indicated divorce, and perhaps the night indicated depression and the holiday of craftsmen and travelers, and the day indicated the hypocrisy of markets and prices, and perhaps night indicated imprisonment because it prevents acting with its darkness, and the day indicates the lamp, salvation and salvation, and perhaps the night indicates the sea, and the day indicates the Righteousness ….

…Abu Sa`id, the preacher, said : The vision of the night is interpreted as a delusion, and whoever sees that the whole time is a night and there is no day in it, then the people of that place are distressed, dread, dread and fear, and the darkness is injustice to those whose people are ….

…Does it count to see someone who slept for a very short time, such as a person who sleeps a short sleep during the day, or puts his hand on the desk, during work, for example, and then falls asleep for a very short nap, and some may even relax at the traffic lights and close their eyes, and see this moment as a sleep Or a vision, are these visions reliable, and do they express ….. ? This is a question frequently asked by those interested in this art, and my answer to it is that visions in such cases are reliable and expressive, and they may even be truer than the visions that are seen with a long, drawn-out sleep . So you find scientists who are interested in this art prefer visions of witchcraft, or naps; It is a midday sleep, unlike others . Some have inferred their words with the hadith of Abu Sa`id [the most truthful of the revelation by the sorcerers ], which was provided by Ahmad with a marfoo ‘and authenticated by Ibn Hibban . In Al-Fath, Ibn Hajar called the chapter on the night vision, and he said, explaining it : That is, a person’s vision at night, does his visions in the day equal or differ, and are there differences between the times of each? It was mentioned that Nasr bin Yaqoub al-Dinouri said : The interpretation of the vision at the beginning of the night slows down its interpretation, and from the second half it speeds up with the varying parts of the night, and that the fastest interpretation of the visions of magic, especially when dawn breaks . On the authority of Jaafar al-Sadiq : That the fastest interpretation of the vision of the siesta is . And if all of this is in preference to the vision of the day over the vision of the night, then we find some say that there is equal between them, and that there is no difference between them, and from what came from what was narrated about this is what came in Sahih al-Bukhari, on the authority of Ibn Sirin who said : The vision of the day is like the vision of the night . Al-Qayrawani said, explaining to her : That is, there is no difference in the ruling of the phrase between night and day visions, as well as the vision of women and men….

…Disordered panic sleep or Almkhaovh night : I would like to mention this kind of sleep disorders to differentiate between him and Ben nightmare , is a bout of severe panic and panic accompanied by high voices trailing movement : high levels of nervous involuntary activity , it promotes the individual from his sleep , sitting or standing so Usually during the first third of a night’s sleep, he shouts a shriek of terror, and often times he hurries to the door as if it was an attempt to escape . . It is usual to complete the Nuba are forgotten in the morning, and frequent seizures if the person is tired or suffering from a social psychological pressure . ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…

…And whoever sees that he walks in a lamp at night, he shall strive hard .)…

…If in your dream you hear one of the night songs that lovers usually sing under the windows of their girlfriends, then you will hear good news from absentee friends and your expectations will not disappoint you . If you are the one who sings under your girlfriend’s window, your future will be full of joyful things ….

…And whoever sees a good night of light and people find rest in it, it is interpreted with joy, happiness and good living ….

…Whoever recites Surat Al-Layl according to the clouds of the night and is protected from the indecent assault ….

…Jabir al-Maghribi said : Whoever sees the night as a bright day and the sun is rising, then he indicates goodness, benefit, and the attainment of what is desired, and whoever sees otherwise, then his expression is different from it ….

…Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees that he is walking in a dark night and the road is obscure for him when he thinks that he is on the road, then it indicates his integrity in the path of religion .”…

…Ibn Sirin said : Whoever sees a dark night indicates sadness and distress ….

…And whoever sees the night with a moon and planets rotating, there is nothing wrong with him ….

…And whoever sees that he prays all night, then he will attain good in this world and the hereafter with the greatest share from God Almighty ….

…And whoever sees that he twists the turban on his head at night, then he travels on a journey in male, pomp and turban, if it is of silk then it is not commendable, and perhaps it is money from a forbidden way, and if it is of cotton then money is permissible from a good face, and if it is of white wool it indicates goodness and religion And the tingling indicates richness ….

…Perhaps the night indicates death, because God Almighty dies in it the souls of those who sleep, and the day after the resurrection, and perhaps all of them are the just witnesses, because they bear witness to creation ….

…Interpretation of the sky, air, night and day, winds, rains, torrents, eclipse, earthquakes, lightning, thunder, rainbows, mud, sun, moon, planets, clouds, hail, snow, and frost, the sky indicates itself, so whatever came down from it came its counterpart from God, there is no cause in it, such as that fire falls from it In the role, people are afflicted with disease, pain, smallpox, and death . And if a fire fell from it in the markets, glorified and exalted is what is sold with it from the sales . And if it fell in acres, scarce and plant places, you would harm people, and the plant burned and hit it with a hail or locust, and if evidence of fertility, livelihood and money descended from it, such as honey, oil, figs and barley, then people would rain beneficial rains, the thing that came down from the sky would be beneficial for it, and perhaps the sky indicated that The strength of the Sultan and himself, because of their superiority over creation and their inability to reach it, with their vision and their volatility in its power, and their weakness to come out from under it . What was seen from it and in it or descended in it and on it, indications of good and evil, and perhaps it indicated his palace, the house of his possession, his courtiers, and the house of his money, so whoever ascends to it by peace or reason, will attain the elevation with the king . And he has, and if he ascended to it without cause or peace, he would have experienced great fear of the Sultan, and he entered into a great deal of abundance in his encounter or in what he hoped for him or from him . If his conscience was eavesdropping, he spied on the Sultan or sneaked into his house of money and his palace to steal it . And if he reached the sky, he reached the goal of the matter, and if he returned to the earth, he would be saved from what he entered, and if he fell from his place, he was damaged in his condition, according to the extent of his command in his fall, and what his organs were broken for him, and if the one who reached the sky was ill while awake, Then he did not return to earth, perished from his cause, and his soul also ascended to heaven . And if he returns to the earth, the harm has reached his goal and his people despair of him and then they will be saved, God willing, unless it is also while he descends in a well or Hafir and then did not come out of it, for that is his grave in which he returns after his return, and this is a good news of death for Islam, because Infidels do not open the gates of heaven for them, and their souls do not ascend to it . As for seeing the doors, it may indicate that if you increase usury, if people are in some of its evidences, or in the vision there are flies, bees, birds, or the like, and the like, and if the people are in dryness, rain and rain, God Almighty said : “ So we opened the gates of the sky with pouring water. ~ in particular , the inn of which shows compassion, fertile, like dust and sand without dust and damage . But if people threw arrows from them, if they were in some evidence of the plague, then its doors were opened to them . And if the arrows injure everyone who has been struck and bleed, then it is a confiscation of authority over every human being with his arrow, and if their intent is to the ears and eyes, then it is a trial of the straying of their arrows, in which the debt of everyone whose hearing or sight will perish in it . And if they are harmed, then they collect them and pick them up, then spoils from God, such as locusts, and varieties of birds such as sparrows, cuttings and manna, spoils and arrows because of the authority in jihad and the like, or livelihoods and gifts for which he opens his money houses and boxes, and as for the proximity of heaven, it indicates closeness to God, and that is for the people of Obedience and good deeds . Perhaps this indicates the distressed person who is in need, the caller, who accepts his supplication and is answered, because when making supplication with the eye to the direction of the sky, and perhaps this indicates proximity and proximity to the imam, the world, the father, the husband and the master, and everyone who is above you by a degree, the credit is based on the determination of every person in his vigilance and demand and more His sleep, and what fell in his conscience . With regard to the fall of the sky on the earth if he is traveling, it may also be due to the authority of the dreamer and the heads above him, whether a father, husband, or master and the like, and it may indicate its fall on the arid land, or the people were trampling it with legs after its fall while they were Hamid, and they were picking up Some of them are indicative of livelihood, fertility and money, for they are beneficial rains of great significance, and Arabs call rain a sky, because it descends from it ….

And whoever sees that he prays the last supper, then he treats his relatives and gets pleasure for him, and it was said that deceit and weeping would happen to him because God Almighty said: ~And they came to their father a crying dinner .~…

Cricket ~ cricket ~ If one hears Jdjadda in his dream, this refers to the sad news may be the death of distant friend . Seeing a cricket in a dream indicates a cruel struggle with poverty ….

…What is the reason for those who say that I do not dream ?? I often have a meeting or a conversation with someone who tells me : I do not dream … and you see him annoyed sometimes ! And you see him say this sarcastically sometimes ! And a state tongue; I am not someone who cares about your major ! By analyzing a number of personalities who live in this phenomenon, we can say that this phenomenon exists in the beginning, and it has appeared to me that the most important reasons behind it are the following : 1 / Forgetfulness . Many who dream or see a vision may forget it, or forget it, and this is the wisdom of the Mighty and Mighty One . Therefore, there may be someone who suddenly remembers a dream he saw, or a sincere vision that he saw . 2 / The severity of falling asleep for someone who suffers such a phenomenon, and so he who takes too much sleep in his sleep resembles the dead, and this kind little remembers what he sees in his sleep . 3 / Whoever works sometimes during the day and sometimes at night, and sometimes at night and at other times during the day, and so forth, and these people often do not remember their dreams or visions, and I reached this last category recently and after extensive investigation and examination, and I published it here for the first time. The reason behind not remembering their visions or dreams is that they are not as comfortable in their sleep as those who have a fixed sleep regime at night, and those who sleep at night, are the ones who get the greatest benefits of sleep . 4 / He who has personal attitudes against this knowledge because of some of the commentators, and whether the reason is correct or wrong, then he sees him hostile to this knowledge by this means, and he says that he does not dream or does not see the vision . 5 / He’s really poor vision . These are some of the reasons for this phenomenon, and God knows best ….

…Q : Is it permissible for the prosecution to cut the vision? Prosecutors in Cut Vision welcome if the liquid woman find a conversation embarrassed at the crossing ,. And the questioner had seen a good vision in which there was clear good tidings to him, so he turned to others and bowed to know its expression . According to the hadith of Ibn ‘ Umar said : I saw in a dream Ka n in the hands of a piece of Aestbrq – which thicken the brocade – and not a place I want in Paradise not flew to him , he said : Vqsstha Hafsah , Vqstha the Prophet peace be upon him said the Prophet , peace be upon him : ~ I see Abdullah , a good man ,~ Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh (1) , as was reported by Ibn Umar also , he said : the man in the life of the Prophet peace be upon him if he saw a vision cut to the Messenger of Allah peace May God bless him and grant him peace, so I wished to see a vision that I would narrate to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace . He said : I was a boy young Azba , and I slept in the mosque at the time of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and saw sleep as if two kings Okhmana, they went me to the fire , If is folded Kti well , and if you have two horns Kqrna well , and if the people may know them they made I say : I seek refuge in God from the Fire ( three ). . He said : Vlekayama king said the Prophet peace be upon him : ~ Yes Man Abdullah if he prayed the night ~ . Salem said : Abdullah was then not sleep at night except a little agreed upon word of the steam (2). This hadith, as Ibn Hajar said in Al-Fath, contains the legitimacy of the prosecution in narrating the vision, and Ibn Umar’s politeness with the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and his fear of him as he did not tell his visions himself , as if when his aura did not affect him telling it himself , so he told it to his sister to prove it (3), likewise Not sure when expressing , and Al-Tabarani brought out with his chain of narrators on the authority of Abu Bakr that Aisha said : O Messenger of God, I saw three moons of Hein in my room . He said to her : “ If you believe your vision, he will be buried in your house the best of the people of Paradise. ” Then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him , seized his best moons, then Abu Bakr was captured, then Omar was taken , and they were buried in her house (4). The Sunnah for the crossing when you begin to express to say : good , or good or saw good , and this optimism . It was reported as stating that more than one of the companions of the Messenger of Allah , this Abu Bakr was saying when the expression : that ratified your vision and before the Prophet peace be upon him , has prizes out in Snih narrated from Umm Fadl said : O Messenger of Allah I saw Ka n In my house a member of your members . He said : ~ I have seen good . Fatima gives birth to a boy and breastfeed him ~ (5). Well or she bore Hasina » Vordath milk her son Qtm son of Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib . It is reported that the Prophet peace be upon him , he said : ~ From the vision offered to him , let him say to those who offered him : good ~ . Thus walked the rest of his companions on this approach , was Omar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him , if he recounted the vision , said : Oh God , if it is good , we have , and that was evil Vltna . He said Abdul Razak Muammar Ayoub Ibn Sirin said : Abu Bakr if he wanted to express Alraia , he said : to be ratified as well as your vision, as well as (6). As well as the crossing to differentiate between what praise in a dream and disparage in vigilance , like this drag shirt for men , she is in a dream Mahmoud has been through it the Prophet peace be upon him to the age of religion but in the wake of God Almspl has vowed garment , and this priest . I emphasize here is very important not hope for an order of recurrence , that the vision that endured more than the face of it is located according to the words of the first transient that hit , and did not hurt it for those infected after , because it is not orbit only on the injury right in the expression of a dream , to reach this To God’s desires in what he set as a proverb, as Ibn Hajar and others said (7). If he was hit, he should not ask someone else , and if he was not, then he should ask about the second one , and the questioner should inform him of what he has . Some scholars have stated some of the other literature that there is no evidence it including : that does not reflect the visions at sunrise and at sunset and at noon and at night , which is – in my opinion – there is no evidence it is no sin for those who work otherwise , there is nothing wrong On those who crossed at sunrise or at sunset, or at night , and what was reported about the sun setting between the horns of Satan is not related to the expression of visions, and God knows best . __________________ (1 ) Narrated by Bukhari as in the conquest of expression in the book of the door Alaestbrq and enter heaven in a dream (12 \ 03 4 ) – op – and Muslim narrated in the book of the virtues of the son of the virtues of the Companions of Ibn ‘ Umar , as in the nuclear (16 / 38 ) – op -. (2 ) already discharged , p . 33 (3 ) Open (12 /437 ) – op -. (4 ) did not find him in the nine books narrated by al . (5 ) Narrated by Ibn Majah in the book of Revelation expression – the door of the expression of Revelation – 0 and narrated by Ahmad in the rest of the palm Ansar – the hadeeth of Umm al- Fadl ibn Abbas , a sister of auspicious may Allah be pleased with them all 0 and sentenced to mark the Albanian weak . (6 ) Ibn Jawziyyah – increased re – a reference earlier . (2 /459 , 460 ) (7 ) See Ibn Hajar . Previous reference . (12 /396 – 432 ). ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…

…Surat Al-Muzzammil whoever recites it will love to pray regularly at night . Al-Kirmani said that he celebrates the night with obedience and acts of worship, and it was said that he may be accustomed at night to do the remembrance of Allah, and he neglected that, so let him persevere with it . Jaafar Al-Sadiq said he gets success for obedience and worship ….

…I suffer from not waking up , what is the solution? Sometimes the assembly brings me together , or the conversation sometimes brings me together with someone who suffers and says : I am very heavy sleep , and no one can wake me up even for prayer !! Is there a cure for these ??? First of all, I say that we are living countless many blessings, and this sleep is nothing but a very simple example, then I say that someone who suffers from difficulty getting up from his sleep, or suffers from a sleep disorder in him, I do not find for him a better treatment than the five prayers, a beneficial and healing treatment, God willing, God, glory be to Him, when he said : [ The prayer was on the believers on time ] He has set a secret for prayer in terms of time, so whoever adheres to the prayers on time, he will not sleep, so that he has a satisfactory phenomenon, and it is known that he who suffers from staying up late at night, for example He is one who takes his right to sleep during the day, and he who sleeps early at night is one who wakes up at the beginning of the day, and this is often, otherwise there may be someone who sleeps early and finds it difficult to wake up at dawn, but the treatment is for these if they know; He is keen to perform each prayer at its time, and if each one of these applies this system, I am certain that the problems of staying up late, or lack of sleep, or difficulty sleeping, and turning on the bed will end a lot, and you only have to try and then judge, and beware of being Whoever wakes up for his work, for example, and his work with all difficulty and great difficulty, but he is defeated in the same battle with sleep at the time of the dawn prayer, this is our permanent battle, and I remember by the way that my son told me I hate studying because it makes us wake up very early !! So I said to him, son : if you did not wake up to study, you would wake up for Fajr prayer, because the problem will remain with you while sleeping, and there is no solution for it except that you are satisfied with sleeping at the beginning of the night ….

…Visions of some of the Companions : Perhaps one of the most prominent visions of the vision of the great companion Abdullah bin Zaid Al – Ansari and the legitimacy of prayer and detail of this vision in the following account : ( b – 1) Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Zaid from his father said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him they may trumpet and ordered Bnaqos he hewed , Varta Abdullah bin Zaid said in a dream : I saw a man carrying it Thawbaan Akhaddran a bell , I said to him : O Abdullah sells bell? He said : What do you do with it? I said : Call him to prayer . He said : Should I not show you better than that? I said : What is it? He said : says : Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar . I bear witness that there is no god but God . I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God . Come to pray . Come to pray . Live on the peasant . God is great , God is great , there is no god but God . He said : went out Abdullah bin Zaid until he came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and told him what he saw » He said : O Messenger of Allah , I saw a man carrying it Thawbaan Okhaddran a bell . . . Tell him the news . The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “ Your friend saw his visions , so he went out with Bilal to the mosque and threw it to him and called Bilal , for he . He made a voice from you. ” (1) What is meant by a voice from you is : stronger and more able than you to vote , and the panda is after the vote has gone , and I do prefer it . To go back to the story . . Abdullah bin Zaid said, so I went out with Bilal to the mosque, and made me throw it to him while he called for it . He said : heard Omar ibn al – Khattab sound , went out , he said : O Messenger of Allah , and Allah I have seen like the one he saw . The secret of this companion much of what he said in that : Ahmed God The glory and The Glory Praise the software so much as it came to me by al – Bashir of God Vokrm him I have glad tidings in the nights and to them three more made me of courtesy came ( b – 2 ) as well as examples visions companions what came from Abdullah ibn Umar , may Allah be pleased with him : the man in the life of the Prophet peace be upon him if he saw a vision Oqsa the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him , said : I was a boy , a young Azba – and lone from did not have a pair is said Him : celibate and singles Friday – he said . . I slept in the mosque at the time of the Messenger of Allah is Knowing him and I saw in sleep ka n kings Okhaddana They went me to the fire , if the country Kti well and if you have two horns Kqrna well and the meaning of this : centuries the well aspects that build from the stones placed on the gallows that The reel is attached to it , and usually every well has two horns , and we go back to the hadith. Ibn Umar said : And if it has two horns like the two of the well, and if there are people in it that I know, I have said : I seek refuge in God from the fire , I seek refuge in God from the fire , I seek refuge in God from the fire . He said : Then a king met them, so he said to me : You did not ravage so that there is no fear on you or harm . Her story on Hafsa . Vqstha the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him said the Prophet , peace be upon him : Yes Man Abdullah if he prayed the night . Salem said : Abdullah was then not sleep at night except a little ( agreed upon , and the word for peace ). In the novel Bukhari : said : I said to myself : if you good to see what I saw like these , when he crouched night I said : Oh God , if you know in good vision Varney . . . Agreed talk and word of the steam . (2) These brief examples of some of the visions of the Messenger of Allah and the best of creation after him and they are companions E and publicly after this brief presentation , we turn to the sections of the visions which we will talk about in the next part of this book . _______________________________________________________ (1 ) Narrated by Ibn Majah in his Sunan in the Mobile Book , and the word , the door of the start of Mobile – op – and Tirmidhi narrated in the book of prayer door what came to start Mobile – op Abu Dawood in the prayer book door : How Mobile – Previous reference – and it was included by Ahmad in the beginning of the Musnad al-Madani, may God be pleased with them, the hadith of Abdullah bin Zaid, may God be pleased with him, and it was included by al-Darami in the Book of Prayer, chapter on beginning the call to prayer – previous reference -. (2) See Fath Al-Bari (12/418) – previous reference – and Al-Nawawi Ali Sharh Sahih Muslim (38/16) – previous reference ** Quoted from Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…

…Can you learn the expression of dreams? Or is the gift of God gives it to whom He pleases of worship , as is common among a large sector of the border crossings of dreams , and people ? Is it a science that can be acquired and learned and then progressed in it – according to its talents – or it continues on one level in it as a result of its abilities , which cannot be surpassed? Is it a miraisah with which its owner is cut off , or is it speculation and assumption , and the assumption misses and befalls? That is clear to those who read this book , the author tends to be aware of the expression on a high, and singled out God by some of the prophets , peace be upon them Kyousef, Abraham, Jacob , and Mohammed, and excelled when many of the companions venerable Abu Bakr, Omar, and Aisha, and others, but this is not science Farasa is born with its owner, not just the marijuana, and if the crossing of the vision is one of the owners of these two types is better and his opinion is more correct, but this does not make us close the door to teaching the vision other than these two types ! Yes , it expresses the vision of the door physiognomy or the inspiration provided to jealousy, but I have a simple question here : Who is classified as of these two types of non – apostles of non Ancestors, companions and followers of the acclaimed? Who has to give others this right is the apostles – peace be upon them . ? Perhaps among them was Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when he testified to some of his companions of their superiority in some sciences and knowledge. Therefore, he testified to Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, to excel in this aspect, to Omar in the aspect of inspiration, and to Ibn Abbas in the science of interpretation and so on, there are many questions, but the Messenger, peace be upon him And peace be upon him, may God be glorified and praised, said: “ What is uttered about whim (3) that it is nothing but a revelation suggests (4)”. From this point we analyze the question to find the answer through our understanding of the texts, and Bastaradhana stories received for senior crossings, what do we find? We find that this divine science grant in origin, but it can be learned and learning by studying how to express it when those lined up , of the apostles and righteous, or excelled in it who came after them , who saw him from the people of this science . It assigns this point of view, the emergence of a lot of companions in this side and teach him at the hands of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him . Let us look at the words of Abu Bakr , the Prophet peace be upon him on one occasion when cut by the Prophet ‘s vision which is : Ibn Shihab said : saw the Prophet peace be upon him a vision Vqsa to Abu Bakr said : ~ O Abu Bakr, I saw Kanye preempted you and I degree Vsbaktk Bmrqatin and a half ~ , he said : O Messenger of Allah, may Allah Iqdk to His mercy and forgiveness , and I live after you two years and a half, mentioned by Suyuti in large and attributed to Ibn Saad properties ‘1`). Here we find the Prophet peace be upon him Biskute the expression of Abu Bakr as if giving him health certificate for this expression . . We find in another position other vision says , which is : peace be upon him , said him : ~ I saw if I come mass pass Vagamtha in my mouth and I found the nucleus Aztna Vlfeztha , then took another Vagamtha where the nucleus Vlfeztha found, and then took a third Vagamtha and found the nucleus of Vlfeztha ~ , So Abu Bakr said : Let me cross it. He said : He said : “ Cross it .” He said : It is your army that you were sent to greet and gain, and they will cast a man, and he will seek them in your duty, and he will call upon them . He said, ~ Likewise said the king .~ Narrated by Ahmad in Musnadah, here he noticed that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when asked Menna Abu Bakr to cross it, did not flatter the truth, and had it not been for his knowledge of Abu Bakr’s ingenuity, he would not have agreed to a drum, and he noticed here that the noble Messenger said this . Time to Abu Bakr : ~ King also said ~ , give him a high testimony to the health of his words . Someone if you might say : that Abu Bakr , who inspired this science there is no room for error with him, and respond to this point of view that towards Abu Bakr and saw him, here, sinners in another subject , and this proves that this science learns, her may succeed to learn has He fails and may make mistakes . See this other position . Ibn Abbas , may Allah be pleased that it was happening that a man came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , said : ~ I saw tonight in a dream sunshade ` 1` Tnnzv `2` ghee, honey, and I see people Atkvvon including ` 3` Valmcetkther and independent, and if Cause ( 4` ) He went from the earth to the sky, and I saw you took the money, then a man was actually taken after you, another man was actually taken by him, then another man was taken by him and he cut him off and then he actually reached him . Abu Bakr said : O Messenger of God , my father you and God let me Flaabrnha said to him , the Messenger of Allah : ~ Oabbarha ~ , and in the novel prizes : ~ through ~ Abu Bakr said : The canopy Islam is . As for the Antef of honey and ghee, the Quran Hlaute Tntef Valmcetkther from the Koran and the future . The reason connecting from heaven to earth, the right that you’re it takes him Vialik God, then takes by a man Viallo him, then take him another man Viallo him, then take him a man shall be cut off him, and then connects him Viallo him . he told me , O Messenger of Allah , my father you I was shot or I missed? and he said the Prophet peace be upon him : ~ I was some and missed some? Abu Bakr said : By God, O Messenger of God, did you tell me what I did wrong? He said : ~ Do not swear ,~ agreed upon . Crown with this modern long pause which is : that Abu Bakr here was not hurt in some of his words and thus responding to a man who says : that Abu Bakr , who expresses the vision or discernment and inspiration there is no room for the story of the martyrdom of expression , I have learned the vision . He who was with him before the prophethood did not mention the expression visions from them . Rather, in my view, they are graduates from the school of the nation’s teacher, who used to ask them when they saw them, and he often said to them as he passed by us : “ Whoever of you saw a vision .” As in Sahih Muslim `2` , and the people said science : that the benefits of this talk : induction aware of the vision , and the question about the interpretation, and the Prophet peace be upon him to teach them the interpretation of visions and virtues, and included it from the news of the unseen, this is as you see daily from the Prophet lessons peace be upon him on the ears of companions, in which not only teach, but teach and dialogue and explain to and develop , and Hola who excelled in the expression of visions of them are Kaltlamiv in the hands of their teacher, some of whom excelled in the science of interpretation, and some of them excelled in jurisprudence, Some of them excelled in the science of inheritance, and some of them excelled in modern science, it is no wonder that there are some of them excelled in the science of expression . And if we accept this . Theoretical learning theory, as well as can be proficient in our time some scientists in the science of expression and can these to study this art to others , and this view may be a stranger to some in this science particulary but perhaps Thrjhm of this science being more like inspiration and physiognomy as if it is an imitation of the apostles and found embarrassment From this side , and from the writer’s point of view that this opinion is minor and obliges others to do what is not necessary. This is said to those who violate those who try to ask about visions and learn the expression. Al-Nawawi said, commenting on the hadith of Samarah bin Jundub : If the Prophet prayed the morning, he came to them with his face and said, ~ Did anyone see Did you have a vision yesterday? ~ This includes the desirability of asking about the vision and taking the initiative to interpret it and expedite it at the beginning of the day, and it includes the permissibility of speaking about knowledge and interpretation of the vision and the like . Imam Ibn al- Saadi said (2 /442 ) , commenting on the verse that Allaah bestows upon Yusuf interpretation conversations : that where originally an expression of vision, the science of expression science mission that God gives it to whom He pleases of His slaves, and that human science will be rewarded On instruction and learning . And therefore it proved that Umar ibn al – Khattab was asking Umays girl names Ktamip for Taperalraaa as Tahdheeb Ibn Hajar (12 \ 399 ). According to Ibn Sa’d in classes (7 \ 124 ): Saeed bin Musayyib was to express people ‘s vision , and he took it from the girl Abu Bakr names and took the names of her father and took him Abu Bakran Waller Sol Karim peace be upon him . Ibn Abd al – Barr as in the boot (1 /313 ) Commenting on the interview Samra also : This hadeeth indicates that in honor of science vision and virtues ; Because he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, only asked about her to tell him and pass it on . And so that the companions know how to speak about its interpretation, and Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab said, as in the collection of his books ( 5/130 ), the science of expression is a true science that God blesses with whom he wills from worship . He also said (5 \ 143 ): Revelation is a true knowledge of God mentioned in the Koran , and for it was said : does not reflect the vision only is one of the scholars Ptooelha, because it is the revelation of the sections . Has warned Shatibi mercy of God in approvals (2 \ 415): that there is no advantage and veiled give it Alnaa peace be upon him only as exempted, but has been given his nation model, this teaches Extrapolation, and that it gave the revelation to him, and his nation was given a vision Good . Ibn Hajar said : urging the vision of science education and its expression on the left and the omission of the question and curse virtue of what graduate include access to some of the unseen and the secrets of the objects . E his words . So if the learner has the tools of this knowledge of knowledge of the Qur’an, the Sunnah, mastery in the Arabic language, the proverbs and the minutes of this knowledge, then what prevents him from learning the expression and then expressing it? I think that this is a legitimate right, and knowledge is broad and not surrounded by it, but my point of view must be a student who is good at this knowledge and is good at exporting it to others who are endowed by God to simplify the information and facilitate it to the recipients. We must not open the way to the public who do not have the tools of this art from those who solve for themselves and are deprived Based on a fleeting dream . Here ‘s images simple absurdity minds of some of them : Some Palestine have the courtyard of the Grand Mosque waiting Akhosv army , which will come the house of God and cleanse from Tdnashm and dropped planes and spent prescriptions based on dreams and so the list goes on Will I wonder our nation has become a nation of dreams? Even worship entered into dreams from the widest of its gates, look at the Night of Power, you find it defined through visions, and look at charity to find its biggest motive, the dead say to these people ! Many people see the door of charity does not open until Itsedk explains his dream as falling short in the door . Do you want more examples and greater pictures? By God, some of them throw a woman with fornication because of a dream in which he saw a woman, so a lesson for himself by reading some books that she is an adulterer, so he divorced her ! There are even those who claim that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him came to him in a dream and ordered him Nhah, and when he became aware of people and began working as in these visions ! The browser , for example , the Internet watching the quantum god Il analyzes and treatises that browsed and found based on a vision from here or there, and perhaps jokes what I read confirms that the Mahdi was pilgrims in such and such, and the incident of stabbing a pilgrim allegedly piercing that the Antichrist building the vision saw her the night of the incident ! The writer wonders important question : when to wake up the nation of her dreams take it and attached to science at the time of science? Science has its conditions, tools and methods, which can not be overcome, knowing expression of Ashraf science is not worth any human being to express visions must be knowledge of the Koran and its words . If he saw one , for example , something, he should consider the Koran first, the found a link between the vision and the state of verses linking them here and give examples : the ship , for example , may cross to escape the words of God Almighty : The Almighty said : ~ We saved him and the owners of the ship ~ ( Spider : 15). And wood may pass through the hypocrites for the saying of the Almighty : “ as if they were backed wood ” (Al- Munafiqun : 4). The infant may pass by the enemy for the saying of the Almighty : “ So the Pharaohs picked him up, so that they would have an enemy and of sorrow . And ashes may pass through the vain action of the Almighty saying : The parable of those who disbelieved by their Lord their deeds as ashes with which the wind strengthened ( Ibrahim : 18). Thus the Sunnah, the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, laid down the basic principles and rules for this art, and he used to tell the Companions about their literature and types and asked them about their visions and expressed them for them. Examples and aspects of it have been mentioned in the folds of the book, so there is no need for repetition, but he must know here that the prophets ’visions are true. From God, the duty of execution on the face of it, or it responds to the image of symbols, and these symbols are explained by the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to her companions, and then they watch them realized as tangible material facts . This is one of the experiences that these companions went through, so they benefited from it, and later on, may God be pleased with them . It is also necessary to know the origins of this art, that the time of spring is one of the best times for visions, based on the saying, peace and blessings of God be upon him : “ When time approaches, the vision of the believer hardly lies .” (1) Muslim narrators, and I have indicated to him and that its meaning is equal. Night and day and this spring time gets over jealous . . He must also know the values ​​of the people who tell their visions on him, so the vision of simple workers is not the vision of the people of positions and scholars, and he must know about their countries, doctrines, and the time of the vision . Likewise, he must know that lions and birds – except what is rare – are in the expression men and that wheat, barley, honey, wool and iron are often money, and so this art has rules and it is not easy to attain. Rather, it must be studied and apprenticed at the hand of Majid who is perfect for it for those who want to learn, and God I know ….