…Mineral water Drinking mineral water in a dream predicts that luck will favor you and that you will fulfill your wishes ….

…And whoever saw that he was drinking hot water from the sea, then a misfortune occurred and they were angry, because God Almighty said, “They gave warm water. ” And if it had a foul taste and a smell, then it was a victory for his opponent, and perhaps it was distressing living by the king ….

…And the moon is devolved by the minister of the Sultan or his handler, as well as the five stars of the car: Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Whoever sees her kindness and turnout, he will have glory and elevation. He greeted, and whoever saw that he imitated them was guided and interpreted also according to the supervision of the people, and whoever saw her gathered together in a state of sunshine, then he is good in the condition of the honorable people and the meeting of their affairs. He eats it, for that is backbiting and a fall from the people, and whoever saw that he took a star from the sky, and if his wife was pregnant, he had a son, and whoever saw stars swooped on his head or saw her in his house, he had a power and a lift, and whoever saw a star that fell on the ground indicated that a great man had fallen from his position, even if he had Absent, present on him or pregnant…

…Who rode the cable car : It indicates passing severe difficulties such as debts and exams, and for the traveler it indicates reaching the area where the traveler is traveling, and it may also indicate an invalid deed, because God Almighty says : … He makes his chest narrow and critical, as if it is ascending in the sky …? ( Al-An’am : 126)….

…The wheel : a man of benefit, a believer who seeks in the affairs of people from matters of the world and religion, so whoever sees that he draws water with it to perform ablution with it, then he has the help of a believing man adhering to the religion of God Almighty, because conception is a religion . If he does ablution and his ablution with it, then all worry, distress, and religion will suffice . And it was said that the bucket denotes whoever is attributed to the claim, and from him they brought us to this and that, or begged us, and who made his bucket in a well I looked at his condition, and if he was a marriage seeker, he was married, then he was infallible and his covenant was the marriage, and the bucket mentioned him, his sperm water and the well his wife, and if he had a lamb A boy, as in the verse of the Almighty : “ So he made his bucket, and said, Oh good tidings, this is a boy .” Otherwise, it will benefit from a travel or a demand, because the car found Yusef, peace be upon him, when they poured their bucket and bought it and sold it with a profit and interest. The poet said : And he did not ask for a living by wishful thinking … But throwing buckets in the buckets will come to fill them in a phase and phase … It comes with sludge and a little water, even if it is A bucket-taker seeking knowledge, the well was his teacher from whom he drew his knowledge, and what he collected of water is his luck, his division and his share ….

…In conclusion of this book and in response to the desire of many, these are examples of what I expressed from my visions : Many desires came asking me to mention some of the visions that I expressed, and then they were fulfilled, and I would like here not to disappoint those who hold these requests, but I also like to clarify something that I am keen on secrets Therefore, I will not mention the names of the visionaries, nor will I mention the visions in which there may be very special things, for example, and I apologize in advance to everyone who read this topic and objected to it among the visionaries themselves . 1 / A questioner said that her aunt sees that she has golden bracelets on her, and harassed her, so I told her : If you believe your vision, it may be a simple infection in the windpipe and it will heal with God’s help . And she said, Glory be to God, I really have a tracheitis, may God reward you . 2 / A caller said I see a man I know is knocking on the door . So I said, What is his name? Muhammad Al-Wahaibi said, I said that, God willing, he will have a son, so he said, I have had the grace of God. I said : I called him Muhammad? He said yes, then I thank God . 3 / One of the questioners told me I see that I am hunting goats, or ducks, so I said, God willing, she will propose to a good girl, and her father will be a muezzin. He tells me later, when I wanted to engage, I went and found a man giving the call to prayer in the neighborhood mosque in which the girl lives, so he is the daughter’s father . 4 / A questioner said to me I saw that I would pay a chair to King Fahd – may God bless his life – so I said you would be employed with a job with such-and-such salary, she says, and from the next day she was hired for a little less, and she did not believe that she would be employed . 5 / A doctor told me : My husband sees that he never gets out from under his car . I said, are you going to travel? She said yes . So I said, Praise be to God, for safety, but I hope to check the car from below, specifically the column that turns underneath the car, and I did not know its name, and she told me later, my husband went in the car and found a defect in the place that you indicated to us . 6 / A woman said, I see that I cut the hair of a young daughter of mine, and her hair reaches her hip, so I said: Are you one of those who circumcise girls? She said, ~Yes, so I said, do the Sunnah in circumcision, and do not reduce it more than the limit stated .~ 7 / A father called Ali and said that his son sees that his back molar hurts him, so I said that your son suffers from the cruelty of the science teacher, so could I ask him, and he answered yes, so I said : Praise be to God, see the teacher, and he did . 8 / A man told me : I see that I go up the roof in the house, and I see a ladder, and I go up . I told him that someone is investigating and asking about you, and perhaps you addressed his daughter, and when I saw him after a while, he told me that what I mentioned about him has happened . 9 / A woman said I saw that I was breastfeeding a boy, and the amount of milk came out from my breasts forcefully and hit the wall . So I said I think you have a problem with the hormone milk, and you will recover and get pregnant, God willing . She said is what you say, thank God . 10 / A man told me I see my sister, and I see the sun rising from sunset . I said, I promised her and I left her, so I will fulfill what I promised her . He said, I promised her to perform Umrah and I could not . 11 / A woman said I see that I am slaughtering a sheep . So I said it is a vow that you did not fulfill, so do it . And she said yes . 12 / A woman said I see that I look at the Kaaba and it is destroyed . I said, ‘You are in a western country and you are always thinking of leaving it, but you do not . She said is what you say by God . 13 / A man called and said that I see that I am hunting a free bird and I got a dear camel, and I went up a mountain and found people who offered to buy the bird, so I said it is not for sale, and he mentioned the rest of the vision . So I said you are pursuing and practicing hunting? And you are the brother of one of the princes, and you have submitted a land grant and the matter will come out to you, and then some will offer you to buy it, so think carefully before selling . He said, “I love hunting, and I go out to him and I follow the time of the migration of birds. I submitted to one of the princes a request for a land grant and did not go out until now .” So I said, Praise be to God . 14 / One of the callers saw a woman coming to her, and she mentioned her name . 15 / A man called me and said I saw Gabriel, may God bless him and grant him peace, flying . So I said, ~Do you work in a job related to aviation?~ He said, ~Yes, I study flying,~ so I said I finished 600 flying hours and you had half left, so he mentioned a number very soon, praise be to God . 16 / Continuous: She said I see that I take two white and black strings out of my mouth, so I said to her : Sometimes you come from Satan with some obsession, and doubt about religion, so fear God . And she said, By God, that sometimes I observe the supererogues in addition to the obligatory prayers, but sometimes I hope and leave everything until prayer …. so pray for her that God confirm them on the religion 17 / A man said : My deceased father came to me and said to me : Do not destroy the mosque beacons, so I said : Yes, I said : Do not do this, it is not permissible . 18 / A man said to me : I see that I circumambulate and not complete . I said : You intend to multiply and do not do it? He said : Yes . 19 / A questioner called and said : I see that I am moving around and my mind is not with me !! I said : You know a man who took your mind but is manipulating you , so beware , and she said : It is what you say , and may God reward you well , and here is the benefit of warning about the bad meaning in some visions , and its impact on the life of its owner . 20 / A man said : I see that I eat rice and there are those who steal !! So I said to him : This is your project, and you are telling the idea of ​​an dishonest man . He said : Yes , what you said happened . 21 / man contact the program and told me : I saw the sun and the moon in the earth , and this was before the holy month of Ramadan , in 1428 of , I said to him : This is a difference between the people of vision , and the people of the account in determining the entry of the month , was what I got some of the bickering between the two parties ! 22 / A man said to me : I saw that I took a fuselage out of my mouth without pain , so I said : This is a child that annoys you , and he said : Yes, that is . 23 / A woman said : I see a snake in the mouth of a rose , so I said : Your husband promises you and succeeds , and you pray for him? She said : Yes , which is what I said , so I warned her and feared God ….

…Traveling in a dream is a good omen and means profit and happiness . If you travel in rugged and unknown places, this heralds the presence of dangerous enemies and you may be ill . As for traveling on barren rocky slopes, it means an apparent profit for you, but in reality this will end in loss, sadness and worry . If you see on your travels that the hills and valleys are green and fertile, then this means happiness and prosperity of conditions . If you travel alone in a car, then you will have a fruitful and happy journey . But if you traveled in a crowded car with others, this means that you take a lucky adventure and get to know new and friendly friends . If you travel in a dream, this foretells that you will have an inheritance along with the wealth that you got from your work . If you dream of a painful trip in which an accident occurred, then this means instability and a false emotional relationship ….

…If things are transformed from their usual norms, such as the church that has turned into a mosque or the dry tree that has become fruitful, then this indicates a change in the rulers of positions, or the different conditions of the world from evil to good, and from good to evil, as well as the transition of prey from their jewels and people from their forms, so whoever sees He is praised, and was not like that, for that is goodness in his religion, reverence for him and an increase in his honor . And whoever sees that he is a boy there is no good in him anyway, then he aspires and acts in ignorance . If a woman sees that she is old or half, and she is not like that, then this is good for her in her religion and this world . And whoever sees an elderly person in a dream has become a young man, and if he is poor, he becomes indispensable, and if he is one of those who have arranged his life, he will return to him, and if he is sick, his ailment is cured . And whoever sees that it has become a beautiful soft branch, it will die quickly . And whoever sees that he is prolonged in a dream, his life will be prolonged and he will have money and children, and whoever sees that he is shortening his house or his livestock, or any of the benefits he has, may fear death for him . And whoever sees a decrease in some of his creation, that is a decrease in his worldly life . And whoever sees that he is in the form of a woman and her adornment, he will be afflicted with humiliation and affliction within himself, unless he sees that he has returned to his state . And it was said : If he is in a quarrel, let him reconcile with his opponent, for the argument is against him, for his favor is victorious by his need . If the woman saw that she had become a man, and she had an absent son, she contacted him, and if she was pregnant she would bring a boy, and if she was not pregnant then she would never give birth to a child, and if she gave birth to a child the boy died before reaching his age, and perhaps the interpretation devoted to her values ​​or owner, and he had a mention in People, and honor as much as the male bone . And whoever turns his body in a dream to the body of an animal, and if he is seven, he will dominate over him without him with his money or his authority and the severity of his grief or his cunning and deceit . If it is to an animal that can be eaten, it indicates its goodness or humiliation . And whoever sees himself as a feather or a wing, that is leadership and goodness that befalls him . If he sees that he is flying with his wing, then he travels in authority as far as he is on the ground . And whoever sees that his body is made of clay, he will not stay . And whoever sees that he has become of iron, his life will be long . And whoever sees that he has become a bridge or a bridge over which people cross, then he becomes a sultan, or the owner of the authority, or the equivalent of the sultan, or a scholar among the scholars, with whom people can reach in their affairs . And whoever sees that he has turned a stick, there is no good in it, for he is corrupt in his religion and in his world, except that he is tired in this world . If he sees that it has become a mace, then it is so, except that he does not obtain from him what he asks for the integrity of his command or his request . If he sees a sick child who has become a bird, it is evidence of his death . And whoever sees that he is deformed or likened to a monkey, that is the vanish of the grace of God Almighty . And whoever sees that he has been transformed into a camel or an animal or a seventh and the like, there is no good in him in religion, especially in any case . If he sees that he has turned into a bird, then he will be a car on the earth who travels, and his life in this world will be similar to that of that bird . Whoever sees that he has become a monster, he will leave the Muslim community and isolate them . And whoever sees that he has turned into a deer, he will have pleasure in living with women . And whoever sees that he has turned into a pig, his livelihood is fertile and humiliated in himself . And whoever sees that he is a spider, then he becomes a repentant worshiper of many sins ….

…The planet is in a dream from the nobleness of people . Whoever sees enlightening stars in his house, a number of rulers will gather with him, and if he sees them in his house and there is no light for them, a group of the noble ones will gather in calamity . And whoever saw a planet fell from the sky to a place, a calamity occurred in that place in a man of honor . The planets are common among the sultans, and their supervision is the strongest, among the scholars the most knowledgeable, and among the common people the richest . And whoever sees his status as having many planets, he will have many offspring . And whoever sees the seven planets, the car, it indicates the industries, trade, science and the Sultanate . And whoever sees a bright planet, he will receive pleasure and joy and people are led to him . And whoever sees that the planets have gone from heaven, then his money is gone if he is rich, and if he is poor, he will die . If he sees planets on his head, then he will be mentioned and surpass his counterparts . If he sees that he is riding a planet, then he will gain authority, mandate, power, goodness, benefit, and presidency . And whoever sees the stars under the roof indicates the destruction of his house so that their light will be inside the house, or it indicates the death of the owner of the house . And whoever sees that he eats the planets, he eats of people’s money . And whoever swallowed the stars might insult the Companions, may God be pleased with them . Whoever absorbs the planets, he will learn from scientists . And whoever sees the stars scattered is the death of kings, or it indicates war . And whoever saw the stars falling to the ground from the sky, this indicated the destruction of many people . And whoever saw that the stars of the sky had fallen, he became bald and his hair shed . And whoever sees the planets during the day is evidence of scandals and fame . The morning planet signifies the bride’s wedding . And the small planets with weak light indicate slaves, slaves and common people . Whoever becomes a planet gets rich . And the planets that denote winter are worry and sadness, and that indicate summer life and goodness ….

…And whoever saw a path upon it, he would be struck by the house until the end of his life . Whoever the flower appeared on, he received the favor and so did Jupiter . And whoever rides a planet, he will have authority, jurisdiction, benefit, and rule . Some of them said : Whoever sees that the planets have gone from the sky, his money is gone, if he is rich, and if he is poor, he will die . For whoever sees small stars in his hand, he will attain male or dominance among people . And whoever sees a planet on his bed, then he becomes mentioned, then he surpasses his peers, or he serves an honorable man . And whoever saw the stars gathered together and lit up, he indicates that he will gain good in terms of travel . If he is traveling, he will return to his family with pleasure . Some of them said : Whoever sees the planets under a roof, then it is a bad evidence, and it indicates the destruction of the house of its owner, and it indicates the death of the owner of the house . And whoever sees that he eats the stars, he eats people and takes their money . And whoever swallows it without eating, the noble people will interfere with his affairs and his secret, and perhaps insult the Companions, may God be pleased with them . And whoever absorbs the planets, he will learn from the scholars . As for the five-car, Saturn : the owner of the king’s torment . The buyer : the owner of the property’s money . And Mars : the king’s war owner . Venus : The King’s Woman . And Mercury : the king’s scribe, and Suhail : a publican, and so was a freak . Al-Shari : Worship without God, may He be glorified and exalted, and its interpretation is false . Banat Coffin : An honorable scholar, because she is one of the stars that he guides in the darkness of land and sea . And whoever sees the stars scattered from the sky, it is the death of kings or a war in which a group of soldiers perish . And whoever sees that the ark is rotating with it or moving, then he travels and moves from home to house and his condition changes . And whoever turns a star from the stars that he is guided by, then people need him in their affairs, his management and his opinion ….

…This dream is a bad omen . You will see, if you are a farmer, your crop withered and your livestock lean and sick . For businessmen, it means debts that they cannot afford due to their accumulation . For young people, it means unsuccessful marriage and the death of loved ones . If you see your coffin in a dream, this indicates a defeat in the field of work and the possibility of family grief . If you dreamed of a coffin moving by itself, then this means illness and marriage between relatives . Sadness and pleasure intertwine . Death may be followed by this dream, but there will be good . If you see your body in a coffin, this indicates that courageous attempts will repel you with defeat and enmity . If you dream that you find yourself sitting on a coffin in a moving dead car, it means despair if it is not a chronic disease that afflicts you or afflicts someone who is allied with you . It may also indicate quarrels with the opposite sex . It will rethink your behavior towards a friend . If you see a coffin, this indicates a catastrophic loss and the early annihilation of a dear relative. If you see a coffin covered with flowers in a church, this indicates an unlucky marriage ….

…Tunnel If you see yourself passing through a tunnel, this is a bad omen and it means failure in terms of love and work . If you see a train approaching you while you are in the tunnel, this predicts problems in terms of health and a change in the nature of the profession . If you pass through a tunnel with a car, this foretells that your business is not booming and that you will make a lot of unsuccessful and expensive trips . If you see a tunnel collapsing, this foretells that the failure of cunning enemies are surrounding you . If you are watching a tunnel, this foretells that you will soon have to face unfortunate and sad events ….

…Orthodontics : It indicates the order of financial affairs of the seer, and it may indicate justice after injustice, and it may indicate the repair of the car, and the amendment of the date of birth ….

…Driving If you dream that you are driving a cart, this indicates an unfair criticism of your apparent extremism . You will be forced to do things that do not seem great . If you dream that you are driving a public car, then this indicates a low job with little opportunity for advancement or promotion . If it is a bus, it will remain in bad conditions for a while . But if others market you in these media, you will benefit from the high knowledge of the world and you will always find a way out in the midst of difficulties . If you are a man, your desires will flow to a rapid completion in romantic relationships with women . And if you are a woman, you will occupy or dominate the hearts of men in a mean way after you succeed in controlling them ….

…The feet are in a dream the adornment of a man’s money, his steadfastness, and his acts of righteousness . And her fingers are the decorations of the man’s daughters, his concubines and his men . And her bones are his money, which he has to ride and his livelihood . And hair on the feet is a religion . And the feet indicate his carriage and his money, and if he sees his feet cut off, his car will perish and his money is gone . And if he sees that he has an extra leg, his livelihood increases . And if the sinner sees that his foot has improved, he indicates his repentance, and that indicates to the unbeliever his Islam . Perhaps this indicates the footing in matters and the good outcome in what he wants . Perhaps good footing indicates the completion of prayer . See also the man ….

…Dam If you dream that you are driving a car along a dam, this foretells that trouble and misery threaten you . If you continue your journey without upsetting accidents, you will succeed in converting these concerns into a useful benefit along the way . If you ride a horse along a dam, this indicates that you will face without fear the pitfalls that block your path to wealth and happiness and you will overcome them . If you walk along a dam, this indicates that you will face a difficult struggle to rise but that you will eventually reap a successful reward ….

…Train Seeing a train in a dream denotes that you will take a trip after a short period . If you are in a train that does not tow wagons behind it and it is setting off quickly, this predicts that you will worry a lot about matters that soon end in your favor, if you see a freight train in a dream, this predicts that changes will occur that will lead to the rise of your star and your success, if you dream that you are sitting on the roof of a sleeping car On the train, this predicts that you will go with a companion that you do not like, and you will waste time and money with whom you can benefit from them in another way that is more meaningful, so you must strive to avoid that person ….