…Expressions and expressions apply the word ( expression ) to the interpretation of the vision in particular . The expression is : the passage from apparent vision to its interior . This is Ragheb’s opinion . It was said : the consideration of the thing is considered some of it even gets some understanding of this is narrated by al – Azhari . The origin of the expression is derived from : lessons , which is overtaking from the event to event , and teams of linguists between water and non – water bypass, they said : the water exceeds a swim or a ship or other so- called : transit . They said : mind the lesson is the case that reaches out from the viewer to know what is not the scenes . It said : crossed any mitigation interpreted the vision . And : crossed by stressing the exaggeration in it . In the download : ~ If ye pass over to the vision of ~ (1) which you pray to an end and you will remember her money . The crossing : the name of an actor from the act through , said : through the vision and crossed any words interpreted . Abu Bakr was may Allah be pleased with him of the most prominent companions renowned interpretation of visions and expression , and how does his teacher is the Messenger of Allah , the teacher of the nation all , has been described as one of the Companions , as in the ~ conquest ~ (2): ~ One of the express people ‘s vision after the Messenger of Allah upon him ~ . It is also notorious for their words , visions of Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Sirin Ansari Basri loyalty , born in 33 of the deceased in 110 of and attributed to him a book ( expression of vision ) , a printed and mentioned by Ibn al – Nadim in the index , which is the book rolling between his people on behalf of : ( team talk in the interpretation of dreams ), and see the flags button total (25 \ 7 ) find adequate translation pursuant to a mighty Zrcelli and ended in which the proportion of non – validity of the books of Ibn Sirin . Another world is : Abdul Ghani bin Ismail Nabulsi , one of the Sufis , and has many publications including : ( perfuming creatures in the expression of a dream ) contains things and perceptions and the names of women and women may not occur only rarely as it may be impossible to see some of the afterlife and this and that it was the Sufis is It is true that it is said that it has been fulfilled and increased in this field , and many writers have praised his work, such as Professor Muhammad Qutb , then I say : In this part I will talk about the methodologies of the expressers and the necessary matters that must be provided in the crossing , and before this I point out that there are many modern and old expressers , I am not looking for this in their names, but I will talk about the approach that many of them follow through my follow-up on this topic . . I say : Mabro visions recently divided into three sections : 1 – Section I : The owners of this section does not reflect only a little shy away from the expression and closes the door of learning expression , and that he was told a question about the expression and quality replied : that insight breed with one and prevents learning , and destination this matter we’ve heard from some old Mchaikhana esteemed God have mercy on those who died , and bless us in the present age . B – Section II : The Hola Unlike the first section , expanding the expression , and the rhetoric of the question of visions in each council , Palmchaffhh, transportation , and even by writing to the owner or others , and some of Hola find tells you challenged through construing and how the interpretation of the vision responsible for them . C – Section III : section between Hola and Hola crosses but Palmchaffhh only , and requires that the owner of the vision is fluid and prevents the transfer only narrowly , and Hola , so much uninhibited expression : and tell you about how the interpretation sometimes . Perhaps the indulgence in the expression of visions , and open the door at each board and a lecture something accident in these days , and here I am not against the expression of visions as a science , but against leniency in the expression of visions , and open the door at all the board and lecture anything accident in these days and here I am not against the expression Visions as a science, but against indulgence in expression, not investigating, not asking about the state of the visionary, and asking about the vision, its wording, and its time. These are things that are required for the crossing to enable the optimal expression , and therefore you find among the expressers who tolerate hearing visions stating that the degree of correctness in his expression by reading it does not exceed fifty in Cent !! I do not say that only Almtsahlain are to blame , but that the first section as well as the owners are wrong – in my humble opinion – The term visions not only discernment , but discernment and learn and practice the skill of gaining and develop and mastered , they differ from one person to another ; Yes , it is discernment when Joseph son of Jacob them peace and blessings of the Almighty said ~ Ijetbik as your Lord and teach you the interpretation of conversations and the grace of you and all of Jacob , as completed by the parent by Abraham and Isaac that your Lord is Knowing , Wise ~ ( Yusuf : 6 ). Ibn Abbas said in his interpretation ( and teach you the interpretation of conversations ) any of the expression of vision , and teach you as well as knowing what people interpret him talk (3)). Yes , it is discernment when Jacob , and when Abraham and Daniel and Muhammad upon them that prophets and peace , as well as companions when Abu Bakr , may Allah be pleased with him and Omar ibn al – Khattab and Othman bin Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib and Abdullah bin Abbas and Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al – Aas and Anas bin Malik Salman Al-Farsi, Huzaifa bin Al-Yaman, Aisha bint Abi Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with them all , and others . But when others do not . . . , Not all of it is a firaasa , but it contains firaasa , inspiration , and deduction from the Qur’an, Sunnah, language , proverbs , and other things that are known to anyone interested in this art . Came in the right agreed to talk about Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him said : I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him say : ~ not only prophecy left of the missionaries ~ , they said : What missionaries? He said : “The Righteous Vision ” (4) and this is Bukhari’s wording . The datum of Imam Ahmad peace be upon him , he said : ~ dreams are seen by the Muslim or see him ~ (5). Meaning : that the revelation interrupted by his death peace be upon him and remains what it teaches him what will be only the vision seen by the believer , as well as inspiration, the the news as it will be located not prophets also told the Prophet peace be upon him at the age of the saying has been in the United Nations before you Mahdthon – any visionary and it was said : are right and Bukhari said : being right on their tongues . It was not in my nation , including one of the Omar bin al – Khattab were ~ agreed upon (6). He told many of the saints about Omowo absent , were also told this inspiration , we might ask , what inspiration and why say today? I say : Imam Ibn Hajar said in Al-Fath : The secret was in the cycle of inspiration in his time, may God bless him and grant him peace and its abundance after him , the predominance of revelation to him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who was awake and wanted to show miracles from him , so it was appropriate that nothing happened to him in his time , and when the revelation was interrupted by his death the inspiration fell For whom God has singled out for security from confusion in that .. and in denying that this happened despite its abundance and his fame is arrogance of those who deny it . Ibn Hajar detailed in al-Fath the difference between inspiration and vision and mentioned that inspiration is : what moves the heart to a science that he is tempted to act upon without inference. Abizaid Dabbousi of the imams of the tap , said that the public that it is not permissible to act only when it has all of the arguments in the door is permissible , and said words last Shinar . he was the Prophet peace be upon him sometimes cut vision companions Viabbarha one it either on his words , And this is from the matter of education from him, may God bless him and grant him peace, and what is narrated about this is what was reported by Ibn Sh Wahab said : saw the Prophet peace be upon him a vision Vqsa to Abu Bakr said : ~ O Abu Bakr , I saw as if I preceded you and I Vsbaktk degree Bmrqotin and a half ~ and hemostats : class . Abu Bakr said : O Messenger of Allah , Allah Iqdk to His mercy and forgiveness , and I live after you two years and a half . This hadith was mentioned by al-Suyuti in the major characteristics and attributed it to Ibn Saad, but it is mursal (7). This is a firaasa from Abu Bakr . Ibn al- Qayyim said his book ( runways ) (8): ~ The physiognomy was and will remain the status of homes :~ Beware of worship and you are we ~(9) , and that only because it is the light of God hurls in the heart of his servant differentiates him between right and wrong and the current unemployed and sincere and false . the current unemployed and saying : the current is adorned and analysis, the unemployed against him , said : women disrupted any empty ornaments are unemployed , and meaning that he differentiates between one thing and against him , and this physiognomy according to the power of faith on , it was stronger faith it is one of discernment . Ibn Masood may Allah have said about him : Avars people three : Aziz Yousef , where he said to his wife : ( he said that he bought from Egypt to his wife Akrami resting place may be Infna or our son ) ( Yusuf : 21 ). the daughter of Shoaib when she said : ~ Astijrh ~( stories : 36). Abu Bakr in Umar , may Allah be pleased when Astkhalafh . it was a lot of companions , God bless them Athlon them , and the friend may Allah be pleased with him in the forefront of it is the greatest nation discernment and after Omar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him , it is what he said to something : I think as well , but he also said , and enough in Frasth OK Te Rabbo in positions known – which is not the field of our conversation (10), and as I also said : discernment companions believe physiognomy , and out of this kind of physiognomy of life and light , which Ahbhma God for whom He wills of His slaves , and live heart so and enlightened can hardly Frasth wrong , this confirms the verse : ~ I believe it was dead Vohieddinah and made him Nora walks in people like him in the darkness is not outside of them as well as Zain for the unbelievers what they were doing ~ ( Anaam : 122 ). If the expression of visions Balfrash there is a lot when Ancestors does not mean that it refrains when others , but I have the difference in terms of the few and the multitude only , there may be in this age of God grants him physiognomy , was Jah in the talk : ~ Fear the insight of the believer , it is seen by the light of God (11). According to the divine hadith narrated via Abu Hurayrah said Abu Hurayrah said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : that God said : It is unusual to me and Leah was Aznth war , and closer to my servant , something I like to than assumed by him , and still Abdi draw near to Balnoavl until I love him , if I loved you heard that he hears , and his sight with which he sees , his hand with which he strikes , and his foot with which he walks , and asked me to Oattiynh , and while my seeks refuge to Oaivnh . What I hesitated about something I am an actor hesitation about the same believer hates death and I hate Madsth ~(12), and to be that it makes him benefit from what they hear from science, wisdom and preaching the good experiences useful and makes it also sees the light of God is in the heavens and the earth from the states of standing , his faith and his belief . He said mark Mnari in his book , commenting on the talk that preceded : ~ fear the insight of the believer .~ physiognomy : the inference bodies of human and forms , and colors and his words , on his morals and virtues , and vices , God has Tepe on sincerity , saying : ~ if the verses of Mtosameen ~ ( stone : 75 ), and said : ~ you know Besimhm ( Baqarah : 277 ), which is the derivative of saying the mare seven language ewe , and called on the seven he preys distances in keeping , was physiognomy embezzlement of Arif consider , for example , the person and identify the case , which is of two types : The first : A type that occurs to a person from a mind that he does not know its cause – and it is a kind of inspiration, which is called the updated owner, as in the news : “ If there is a modernist in this nation, then it is Omar. ” (13) This inspiration may be in a state of waking or dreaming , this is the first type And its truth is that it is : a thought that attacks the heart and bounces upon it like a leap The lion is on its prey, and this firaasa is according to the strength of faith . Second : be industry educated , which is to know what the colors, shapes and between temperaments and ethics , natural acts , and knew it was a constant understanding , strong on physiognomy (14). . . The conclusion I Come to it after all this talk . . . There is someone who crosses the vision with inspiration, there are those who cross it with inspiration, and there are those who cross it with industry and education, but it must be pointed out here that it is better for a person not to say about himself that his expression comes under the heading of physiognomy or inspiration, because this is the purification of the soul, and God Almighty says : “ Do not purify yourself. you know is warded ~( star : 32 ). The term visions is not based only on physiognomy but it is based, and on the other inspiration, and ingenuity in the science – based expression on the knowledge of the Koran and the Sunna and knowledge of the origins of this art of interpretation in the sense or the derivation of the names and an example of this is narrated in Saheeh Muslim from Anas ibn Malik He said : The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “ One night I saw the sleepers as if I was in the garrison of Uqba ibn Rafi, and we came to Rutab from Rattab Ibn Tabab – a man from the people of Medina attributed to him this kind of good wet – He said, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : So I turned greatness for us in this world and the consequence for us in the afterlife, and that our merry ~(15) , which is fulfilled and settled its provisions . Messenger peace be upon him the first hurdle : a consequence, Rafie : seniority, and merry : the stability of religion and the completion of its provisions . Something other than hermeneutics Balostakkak : interpretation which hit the proverbial and likeness : narrated by Bukhari in his Saheeh from Abdullah ibn Umar that the Prophet , peace be upon him , said : ~ I saw as if the rebel head , a black woman came out of the city – until the Bmhaah was said : Mhaah Of great weight, which is al – Juhfa – which are the names of places in the city – so I stated that the city’s plague was transferred to it ”(16). Muhallab said : This vision of the Department of vision expressive . It was hit by the ideals, and the face of representation that is derived from the name of the ( black ) , two words : bad, and the disease if installed two words with each other to the left word to you : black, Valrcol holy peace be upon him exit , including A collection of her name, and the eruption of her poetry also interpreted, that what stirs up evil comes out of the city . She noted here that not all the blackness frowned upon in a dream as the visions as I told you : you should consider several things, including the time of Revelation, and the city was that time land infested, so proven Aisha , may Allah be pleased , said : ~ We made the city a Oba land God ~(17) . The Prophet called holy peace be upon him to convey God Abaha to the handsome said :~ Oh dear to us , the city and move protected by the handsome ~(18), so you may see behind the vision and the color of black , thus expressed his derived from Sovereignty is not from bad , and so what is important here is the diversity of expression and its methods , and the diversity of the expression of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for visions, and the Messenger of God was with his companions who would express the vision and tell them the reason for his expression as the previous example . . . Take this example also : On the authority of Abu Musa on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said : I saw in a dream that I was migrating from Mecca to a land with palm trees, so he and I went to the point that it was Al-Yamamah or Hajar. So if Madinah is smacking, and I saw in my vision that I shook a sword, then his chest was cut off. He was injured by the believers on a Sunday, then another shook him, and he returned the best that was. So, it is what God brought with him from the conquest and the gathering of the believers, and I also saw in it a cow, and God is good. So if they are a group of believers on a Sunday, and if goodness is what God has brought with it after the reward of honesty that God has brought to us after the day of Badr ~ . this is the text of a Muslim (19). Valmlahz here that the Prophet peace be upon him tell companions the vision and he put it , and this education from it , and which is also narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad narrated from Anas that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , he said : ~ I saw while sleeping see if I Mirdif ram was Zbh my sword broken , has been placing I kill the owner of the battalion , and a man of the people of my house kills ~ (20). , killing the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Talha bin Abi Talha owner of the banner of the infidels , and killed Hamza bin Abdul demand may Allah be pleased with him . Al- Nawawi said in explaining the true Muslim Commenting on the hadeeth of Ibn Abbas : that the Messenger of Allah was making me Saying to his companions : “ Whoever among you sees a vision, let him tell it, pass it to him . . . ~ Etc. (21), the judge said : the meaning of the term they often do as well, as if he said : would . In modern induction aware of the vision , and the question about the interpretation, the scientists said : a laptop and ask that God bless him and teach them interpret the virtue and include According to what God Almighty wills of informing the unseen, and it came in the authentic hadith of Al-Bukhari. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : While I was asleep, I came with a cup of milk, and I drank it so that I could see the water . ”(22) The hadith has already been mentioned and it was the first of the Messenger, may God’s prayers be upon him. He gave the milk to the knowledge , and it is important to us here when we are talking about the legality of teaching the vision and asking about it what came from the narration of Abu Bakr bin Salem that God’s prayers and peace be upon him. He said to them : “ Give it. ” They said , O Messenger of God, this is knowledge that God gave you , so He filled you with grace , so I preferred a bounty and I gave it Omar He said : “You were injured. ” Here , may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, from the Companions ’news of lending visions to their questioning of them . He, may God bless him and grant him peace, as Ibn Hajar says in Al-Fath : He was fluent in the expression of the vision, and he had a participant in that among them because the multiplicity of this saying is not issued to those who trained in it and trusted with a woman . Commenting on the hadith, he said : In the hadith, the legitimacy of the scholar to question questions and test his companions in their interpretation . He said in another place : the virtue of expression of vision , what it involves access to some of the unseen and the secrets of organisms (23). The crossing also needs to be familiar parables in the Koran and its meanings , and to consider the notification and proverbs and derivation of the language and their meanings and be a world of what is happening on the tongues of the people , and it needs the crossing as well as to learn a lot about the state of the seer , there is no defect to ask him about his work or his job , age , social status and all What he deems necessary is what is evidenced by the knowledge of his issue or his vision , and the crossing here is like a doctor. If the patient withholds information about his illness, he may make a mistake in the diagnosis and may prescribe a wrong medicine for him, and it is necessary to not rush to the questioner and the responsible, and it was reported from Ibn Sirin, may God have mercy on him, that he was If there is a mechanism of a vision issue in which he stayed full of the day, he asks its owner about himself, his industry and his people, and this of course may happen to the able crossing and it is not a shame for him to quench such a time, and there is no doubt that most of what was narrated on the authority of Ibn Sirin does not need a long time when expressing it and contemplating it. But I mentioned him because the presence of this from him despite his scarcity and his skill in expression is evidence of the importance of narration, and narration is useful for verifying the narrator’s words and getting to know his condition in terms of righteousness, truthfulness, justice, and the time of vision . . And other things that may be needed by the crossing, and should not be bored or angry questions crossing – especially – when you do not know any way liquid as much falls in this age as a result of telephone calls from people – male or female – do not know them the crossing, it needs to question His questions about them may be rejected by some of the questioners and interpreted by interfering with his privacy . As well as the question of an important religion of the crossing, and the administrator must honesty in the answer Vslah man or evildoers, with a strong relationship , art said : to eat honey for a Muslim interpretation sweetness of the Koran and the male in his heart, which is the infidel sweetness of the world and the Gnimetha, Valray contrasting by religion, creeds and countries must – when transferring vision – proficiency transferred to the crossing, and to tell him about its owner , male or female, his social age . . . Etc., and all what he sees as the crossing is necessary to express the vision transmitted was mentioned by Ibn Hajar interest on the words of the Prophet peace be upon him : ~ From the vision of Vliqsa Oabbarha him ~ (24) verse said : ~ Vliqsa ~ to remind her story and follows the fractions until nothing left of them Cut the effect if you follow it . The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, asked and inquired, and he is the Messenger of God . It came in the hadith : A man named Muti’a ibn al-Aswad saw in his dream that he gave him a pouch of dates , so he mentioned that to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he said : “ Has any of your daughters been pregnant? ” He said. : Yes, with a woman from my son . Laith . . She is the mother of Abdullah. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him , said : “ She will give birth to a boy. ” And she bore a boy , so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, called him Abdullah and Hanakah with a date and called him blessing . . This hadith was mentioned by al-Haythami in Majma ‘al-Zawaid (25) and attributed to al-Tabarani, and it was not included in one of the nine books . 77 ________________________________ (1) Yusuf : 43 (2) Ibn Hajar . Op – (434 \ 12) (3) Elvir and Zabadi – interpretation of Ibn Abbas . Op . Cit . P . 193 (4 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression door missionaries , see the opening (12 \ 375 ) – op – narrated by 0 Ahmad in Musnad Abu Hurayrah – a reference earlier . (5 )) Narrated by Muslim in the prayer book door is forbidden to read the Koran in the bowing and prostration as in the nuclear (4 /196 ) – op -. (6 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the Book of Virtues of the Companions door of the virtues of Umar ibn al – Khattab , as in the opening (7/42 ) – op -, and Muslim in the book of the virtues of the Companions door of the virtues of Umar ibn al – Khattab , as in the nuclear (15 /166 ) – previous reference -. (7 ) Jalaluddin Suyuti – Major characteristics – (2 /115 ). (8 ) runways between the homes beware of worship and Thine aid we seek to Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr Ayoub Zorai – Arab Book House – Beirut , i 2, in (1393 – 1973 ) to achieve : Mohammed al – Feki . ( P . 115 ). (9 ) light : 5 . ( 10 ) جاء في الحديث الصحيح الذي أخرجه مسلم من طريق ابن عمر عن عمر قال : قال : عمر : ( وافقت ربي في ثلاث : في مقام إبراهيم وفي الحجاب وفي اسارى بدر ) انظر : النووي شرح صحيح مسلم ( 167\15 ) , ولا شك في فضله رضي الله عنه كما قال حين احتج نساء النبي عليه في الغيرة : عسى ربه إذ طلقكن أن يبدله أزواجأ خيرا منكن فنزلت الاية بذلك , وجاء في الحديث الذي ذكره مسلم أيضأ موافقته في منع الصلاة على المنافقين ونزول الأية بذلك ( 167\15 ) وجاءت أيضأ موافقته في تحريم الخمر , قال النووي : فهذه ست وليس في لفظ الحديث السابق ما ينفي زيادة الموافقة , والله أعلم . ( 11 ) رواه الترمذي في كتاب تفسير القران باب تفسير سورة الحجر . ورواه الطبراني والبخاري في التاريخ , وحكم عليه الألباني بالضعف . ( 12 ) أخرجه البخاري في كتاب الرقاق باب التواضع ( 11 / 341 ) كما في الفتح – مرجع سابق – . ( 13 ) يشير إلى الحديث الذي سبق ذكره في فضل عمر وسبق تخريجه ص 58 .(14 ) Mohammad Razi Almsthr Bouktaib illiterate – physiognomy guide to the knowledge of the ethics of the people and their natures as if they were an open book – the achievement of Mustafa Ashour – published the Koran r Library 21-22. (15 ) Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh in the Book of Revelation , as in the nuclear (15 / 31 ) – op -. (16 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression if the door saw that thing out of Keh and live here last subject (12 /425 ) and in the door : black women (12 /426 ) – op -. (17 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of the virtues of the city gate of hatred of the Prophet peace be upon him that the city naked conquest (99/4 ) – op – Muslim in the Book of Hajj and the door of the city favored the carrot in a residential city to explain nuclear (9 /0 15 ) – op -. (18 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of the virtues of the city , the door of the hatred of the Prophet peace be upon him that the city was uncovered as in the conquest – the previous reference . (4 /99 ), as explained in the nuclear true Muslim . Previous reference . In the book of Hajj and the door of the city favored the carrot in a residential city (150 \ 9 ). (19 ) Agreed and pronunciation of Muslim See : Fath Bari , a book in the virtues of prophecy talk of signs (627 \ 6 ) – op -. And to explain nuclear Muslim in the book of Revelation (31 \ 15 ) • op .. (20 ) Narrated by Ahmad in the rest of the palm Almktherin in the palm of Anas bin Malik . (21 ) Narrated by Muslim in the Book of Revelation , as in the nuclear (30 \ 15 ) – op -. (22 ) while I was sleeping , I came Bakdh milk and drank from it until I see irrigation . . Offers discharged p . 30 . (23 ) Ibn Hajar Fath al – op – (440 437 394 \ 12) 0 (24) provides alumna, p . 65 . (25) Al -Haythami – previous reference – (7/184) ** Quoted from Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…
Dreaming about companions
(30 interpretations and meanings of dreams about companions)…Can you learn the expression of dreams? Or is the gift of God gives it to whom He pleases of worship , as is common among a large sector of the border crossings of dreams , and people ? Is it a science that can be acquired and learned and then progressed in it – according to its talents – or it continues on one level in it as a result of its abilities , which cannot be surpassed? Is it a miraisah with which its owner is cut off , or is it speculation and assumption , and the assumption misses and befalls? That is clear to those who read this book , the author tends to be aware of the expression on a high, and singled out God by some of the prophets , peace be upon them Kyousef, Abraham, Jacob , and Mohammed, and excelled when many of the companions venerable Abu Bakr, Omar, and Aisha, and others, but this is not science Farasa is born with its owner, not just the marijuana, and if the crossing of the vision is one of the owners of these two types is better and his opinion is more correct, but this does not make us close the door to teaching the vision other than these two types ! Yes , it expresses the vision of the door physiognomy or the inspiration provided to jealousy, but I have a simple question here : Who is classified as of these two types of non – apostles of non Ancestors, companions and followers of the acclaimed? Who has to give others this right is the apostles – peace be upon them . ? Perhaps among them was Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when he testified to some of his companions of their superiority in some sciences and knowledge. Therefore, he testified to Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, to excel in this aspect, to Omar in the aspect of inspiration, and to Ibn Abbas in the science of interpretation and so on, there are many questions, but the Messenger, peace be upon him And peace be upon him, may God be glorified and praised, said: “ What is uttered about whim (3) that it is nothing but a revelation suggests (4)”. From this point we analyze the question to find the answer through our understanding of the texts, and Bastaradhana stories received for senior crossings, what do we find? We find that this divine science grant in origin, but it can be learned and learning by studying how to express it when those lined up , of the apostles and righteous, or excelled in it who came after them , who saw him from the people of this science . It assigns this point of view, the emergence of a lot of companions in this side and teach him at the hands of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him . Let us look at the words of Abu Bakr , the Prophet peace be upon him on one occasion when cut by the Prophet ‘s vision which is : Ibn Shihab said : saw the Prophet peace be upon him a vision Vqsa to Abu Bakr said : ~ O Abu Bakr, I saw Kanye preempted you and I degree Vsbaktk Bmrqatin and a half ~ , he said : O Messenger of Allah, may Allah Iqdk to His mercy and forgiveness , and I live after you two years and a half, mentioned by Suyuti in large and attributed to Ibn Saad properties ‘1`). Here we find the Prophet peace be upon him Biskute the expression of Abu Bakr as if giving him health certificate for this expression . . We find in another position other vision says , which is : peace be upon him , said him : ~ I saw if I come mass pass Vagamtha in my mouth and I found the nucleus Aztna Vlfeztha , then took another Vagamtha where the nucleus Vlfeztha found, and then took a third Vagamtha and found the nucleus of Vlfeztha ~ , So Abu Bakr said : Let me cross it. He said : He said : “ Cross it .” He said : It is your army that you were sent to greet and gain, and they will cast a man, and he will seek them in your duty, and he will call upon them . He said, ~ Likewise said the king .~ Narrated by Ahmad in Musnadah, here he noticed that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when asked Menna Abu Bakr to cross it, did not flatter the truth, and had it not been for his knowledge of Abu Bakr’s ingenuity, he would not have agreed to a drum, and he noticed here that the noble Messenger said this . Time to Abu Bakr : ~ King also said ~ , give him a high testimony to the health of his words . Someone if you might say : that Abu Bakr , who inspired this science there is no room for error with him, and respond to this point of view that towards Abu Bakr and saw him, here, sinners in another subject , and this proves that this science learns, her may succeed to learn has He fails and may make mistakes . See this other position . Ibn Abbas , may Allah be pleased that it was happening that a man came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , said : ~ I saw tonight in a dream sunshade ` 1` Tnnzv `2` ghee, honey, and I see people Atkvvon including ` 3` Valmcetkther and independent, and if Cause ( 4` ) He went from the earth to the sky, and I saw you took the money, then a man was actually taken after you, another man was actually taken by him, then another man was taken by him and he cut him off and then he actually reached him . Abu Bakr said : O Messenger of God , my father you and God let me Flaabrnha said to him , the Messenger of Allah : ~ Oabbarha ~ , and in the novel prizes : ~ through ~ Abu Bakr said : The canopy Islam is . As for the Antef of honey and ghee, the Quran Hlaute Tntef Valmcetkther from the Koran and the future . The reason connecting from heaven to earth, the right that you’re it takes him Vialik God, then takes by a man Viallo him, then take him another man Viallo him, then take him a man shall be cut off him, and then connects him Viallo him . he told me , O Messenger of Allah , my father you I was shot or I missed? and he said the Prophet peace be upon him : ~ I was some and missed some? Abu Bakr said : By God, O Messenger of God, did you tell me what I did wrong? He said : ~ Do not swear ,~ agreed upon . Crown with this modern long pause which is : that Abu Bakr here was not hurt in some of his words and thus responding to a man who says : that Abu Bakr , who expresses the vision or discernment and inspiration there is no room for the story of the martyrdom of expression , I have learned the vision . He who was with him before the prophethood did not mention the expression visions from them . Rather, in my view, they are graduates from the school of the nation’s teacher, who used to ask them when they saw them, and he often said to them as he passed by us : “ Whoever of you saw a vision .” As in Sahih Muslim `2` , and the people said science : that the benefits of this talk : induction aware of the vision , and the question about the interpretation, and the Prophet peace be upon him to teach them the interpretation of visions and virtues, and included it from the news of the unseen, this is as you see daily from the Prophet lessons peace be upon him on the ears of companions, in which not only teach, but teach and dialogue and explain to and develop , and Hola who excelled in the expression of visions of them are Kaltlamiv in the hands of their teacher, some of whom excelled in the science of interpretation, and some of them excelled in jurisprudence, Some of them excelled in the science of inheritance, and some of them excelled in modern science, it is no wonder that there are some of them excelled in the science of expression . And if we accept this . Theoretical learning theory, as well as can be proficient in our time some scientists in the science of expression and can these to study this art to others , and this view may be a stranger to some in this science particulary but perhaps Thrjhm of this science being more like inspiration and physiognomy as if it is an imitation of the apostles and found embarrassment From this side , and from the writer’s point of view that this opinion is minor and obliges others to do what is not necessary. This is said to those who violate those who try to ask about visions and learn the expression. Al-Nawawi said, commenting on the hadith of Samarah bin Jundub : If the Prophet prayed the morning, he came to them with his face and said, ~ Did anyone see Did you have a vision yesterday? ~ This includes the desirability of asking about the vision and taking the initiative to interpret it and expedite it at the beginning of the day, and it includes the permissibility of speaking about knowledge and interpretation of the vision and the like . Imam Ibn al- Saadi said (2 /442 ) , commenting on the verse that Allaah bestows upon Yusuf interpretation conversations : that where originally an expression of vision, the science of expression science mission that God gives it to whom He pleases of His slaves, and that human science will be rewarded On instruction and learning . And therefore it proved that Umar ibn al – Khattab was asking Umays girl names Ktamip for Taperalraaa as Tahdheeb Ibn Hajar (12 \ 399 ). According to Ibn Sa’d in classes (7 \ 124 ): Saeed bin Musayyib was to express people ‘s vision , and he took it from the girl Abu Bakr names and took the names of her father and took him Abu Bakran Waller Sol Karim peace be upon him . Ibn Abd al – Barr as in the boot (1 /313 ) Commenting on the interview Samra also : This hadeeth indicates that in honor of science vision and virtues ; Because he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, only asked about her to tell him and pass it on . And so that the companions know how to speak about its interpretation, and Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab said, as in the collection of his books ( 5/130 ), the science of expression is a true science that God blesses with whom he wills from worship . He also said (5 \ 143 ): Revelation is a true knowledge of God mentioned in the Koran , and for it was said : does not reflect the vision only is one of the scholars Ptooelha, because it is the revelation of the sections . Has warned Shatibi mercy of God in approvals (2 \ 415): that there is no advantage and veiled give it Alnaa peace be upon him only as exempted, but has been given his nation model, this teaches Extrapolation, and that it gave the revelation to him, and his nation was given a vision Good . Ibn Hajar said : urging the vision of science education and its expression on the left and the omission of the question and curse virtue of what graduate include access to some of the unseen and the secrets of the objects . E his words . So if the learner has the tools of this knowledge of knowledge of the Qur’an, the Sunnah, mastery in the Arabic language, the proverbs and the minutes of this knowledge, then what prevents him from learning the expression and then expressing it? I think that this is a legitimate right, and knowledge is broad and not surrounded by it, but my point of view must be a student who is good at this knowledge and is good at exporting it to others who are endowed by God to simplify the information and facilitate it to the recipients. We must not open the way to the public who do not have the tools of this art from those who solve for themselves and are deprived Based on a fleeting dream . Here ‘s images simple absurdity minds of some of them : Some Palestine have the courtyard of the Grand Mosque waiting Akhosv army , which will come the house of God and cleanse from Tdnashm and dropped planes and spent prescriptions based on dreams and so the list goes on Will I wonder our nation has become a nation of dreams? Even worship entered into dreams from the widest of its gates, look at the Night of Power, you find it defined through visions, and look at charity to find its biggest motive, the dead say to these people ! Many people see the door of charity does not open until Itsedk explains his dream as falling short in the door . Do you want more examples and greater pictures? By God, some of them throw a woman with fornication because of a dream in which he saw a woman, so a lesson for himself by reading some books that she is an adulterer, so he divorced her ! There are even those who claim that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him came to him in a dream and ordered him Nhah, and when he became aware of people and began working as in these visions ! The browser , for example , the Internet watching the quantum god Il analyzes and treatises that browsed and found based on a vision from here or there, and perhaps jokes what I read confirms that the Mahdi was pilgrims in such and such, and the incident of stabbing a pilgrim allegedly piercing that the Antichrist building the vision saw her the night of the incident ! The writer wonders important question : when to wake up the nation of her dreams take it and attached to science at the time of science? Science has its conditions, tools and methods, which can not be overcome, knowing expression of Ashraf science is not worth any human being to express visions must be knowledge of the Koran and its words . If he saw one , for example , something, he should consider the Koran first, the found a link between the vision and the state of verses linking them here and give examples : the ship , for example , may cross to escape the words of God Almighty : The Almighty said : ~ We saved him and the owners of the ship ~ ( Spider : 15). And wood may pass through the hypocrites for the saying of the Almighty : “ as if they were backed wood ” (Al- Munafiqun : 4). The infant may pass by the enemy for the saying of the Almighty : “ So the Pharaohs picked him up, so that they would have an enemy and of sorrow . And ashes may pass through the vain action of the Almighty saying : The parable of those who disbelieved by their Lord their deeds as ashes with which the wind strengthened ( Ibrahim : 18). Thus the Sunnah, the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, laid down the basic principles and rules for this art, and he used to tell the Companions about their literature and types and asked them about their visions and expressed them for them. Examples and aspects of it have been mentioned in the folds of the book, so there is no need for repetition, but he must know here that the prophets ’visions are true. From God, the duty of execution on the face of it, or it responds to the image of symbols, and these symbols are explained by the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to her companions, and then they watch them realized as tangible material facts . This is one of the experiences that these companions went through, so they benefited from it, and later on, may God be pleased with them . It is also necessary to know the origins of this art, that the time of spring is one of the best times for visions, based on the saying, peace and blessings of God be upon him : “ When time approaches, the vision of the believer hardly lies .” (1) Muslim narrators, and I have indicated to him and that its meaning is equal. Night and day and this spring time gets over jealous . . He must also know the values of the people who tell their visions on him, so the vision of simple workers is not the vision of the people of positions and scholars, and he must know about their countries, doctrines, and the time of the vision . Likewise, he must know that lions and birds – except what is rare – are in the expression men and that wheat, barley, honey, wool and iron are often money, and so this art has rules and it is not easy to attain. Rather, it must be studied and apprenticed at the hand of Majid who is perfect for it for those who want to learn, and God I know ….
…Visions of some of the Companions : Perhaps one of the most prominent visions of the vision of the great companion Abdullah bin Zaid Al – Ansari and the legitimacy of prayer and detail of this vision in the following account : ( b – 1) Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Zaid from his father said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him they may trumpet and ordered Bnaqos he hewed , Varta Abdullah bin Zaid said in a dream : I saw a man carrying it Thawbaan Akhaddran a bell , I said to him : O Abdullah sells bell? He said : What do you do with it? I said : Call him to prayer . He said : Should I not show you better than that? I said : What is it? He said : says : Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar . I bear witness that there is no god but God . I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God . Come to pray . Come to pray . Live on the peasant . God is great , God is great , there is no god but God . He said : went out Abdullah bin Zaid until he came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and told him what he saw » He said : O Messenger of Allah , I saw a man carrying it Thawbaan Okhaddran a bell . . . Tell him the news . The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “ Your friend saw his visions , so he went out with Bilal to the mosque and threw it to him and called Bilal , for he . He made a voice from you. ” (1) What is meant by a voice from you is : stronger and more able than you to vote , and the panda is after the vote has gone , and I do prefer it . To go back to the story . . Abdullah bin Zaid said, so I went out with Bilal to the mosque, and made me throw it to him while he called for it . He said : heard Omar ibn al – Khattab sound , went out , he said : O Messenger of Allah , and Allah I have seen like the one he saw . The secret of this companion much of what he said in that : Ahmed God The glory and The Glory Praise the software so much as it came to me by al – Bashir of God Vokrm him I have glad tidings in the nights and to them three more made me of courtesy came ( b – 2 ) as well as examples visions companions what came from Abdullah ibn Umar , may Allah be pleased with him : the man in the life of the Prophet peace be upon him if he saw a vision Oqsa the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him , said : I was a boy , a young Azba – and lone from did not have a pair is said Him : celibate and singles Friday – he said . . I slept in the mosque at the time of the Messenger of Allah is Knowing him and I saw in sleep ka n kings Okhaddana They went me to the fire , if the country Kti well and if you have two horns Kqrna well and the meaning of this : centuries the well aspects that build from the stones placed on the gallows that The reel is attached to it , and usually every well has two horns , and we go back to the hadith. Ibn Umar said : And if it has two horns like the two of the well, and if there are people in it that I know, I have said : I seek refuge in God from the fire , I seek refuge in God from the fire , I seek refuge in God from the fire . He said : Then a king met them, so he said to me : You did not ravage so that there is no fear on you or harm . Her story on Hafsa . Vqstha the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him said the Prophet , peace be upon him : Yes Man Abdullah if he prayed the night . Salem said : Abdullah was then not sleep at night except a little ( agreed upon , and the word for peace ). In the novel Bukhari : said : I said to myself : if you good to see what I saw like these , when he crouched night I said : Oh God , if you know in good vision Varney . . . Agreed talk and word of the steam . (2) These brief examples of some of the visions of the Messenger of Allah and the best of creation after him and they are companions E and publicly after this brief presentation , we turn to the sections of the visions which we will talk about in the next part of this book . _______________________________________________________ (1 ) Narrated by Ibn Majah in his Sunan in the Mobile Book , and the word , the door of the start of Mobile – op – and Tirmidhi narrated in the book of prayer door what came to start Mobile – op Abu Dawood in the prayer book door : How Mobile – Previous reference – and it was included by Ahmad in the beginning of the Musnad al-Madani, may God be pleased with them, the hadith of Abdullah bin Zaid, may God be pleased with him, and it was included by al-Darami in the Book of Prayer, chapter on beginning the call to prayer – previous reference -. (2) See Fath Al-Bari (12/418) – previous reference – and Al-Nawawi Ali Sharh Sahih Muslim (38/16) – previous reference ** Quoted from Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…
…He was slaughtered in a dream because he insulted the Companions 82 – Ibn al-Qayyim also mentioned on the authority of al-Qayrawani that he mentioned in ( Kitab al-Bustan ) on the authority of some of the predecessors, he said : I had a neighbor cursing Abu Bakr and Omar – may God be pleased with them – when one day more than he insulted them, then I took him and ate me, and I went to my house while I was I fell asleep and sad, so I slept and left dinner, and I saw the Messenger of God ( PBUH ), in a dream, and I said : O Messenger of God so and so curses your companions, he said : ( Who are my companions ) ? I said : Abu Bakr and Omar said : “ Take this knife and slaughter it with it .” So I took it , and I laid it and slaughtered it, and I saw as if my hand hit it from his blood , so I threw the tide and I brought my hand to the ground to wipe it, so I noticed when I heard the screaming from around his house so I said : What is this screaming : They said : So and so died suddenly when We came and looked at him, so the slaughter site line . 83 – He said : Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Muhabili said : I saw in a dream as if I was in the arms of the son of so-and-so, and if the Prophet ( PBUH ) was sitting on a hill with Abu Bakr and Umar standing before him, Umar said to him : O Messenger of God, this is insulting me and insulting Abu Bakr , and he said : Come by O Abu Hafs ), came a man . If he Omani was famous Bsabhma Prophet said to him ( r )) Addjah ), Faddjah then said ( Azbha ) Vzbha , said : what alerted me , but Siaha I said : what I do not tell him hoping to repent when he courted His house I heard a lot of crying , so I said : What is this crying? So they said : The Omani was slaughtered yesterday on his bed . He said : I got close to his neck, so from his ear to his ear a red path like trapped blood ….
…And whoever sees one of the Companions, may God be pleased with them, let him take the lead from deriving his name, such as Saad and Saeed, for he will be happy, happy and sound-minded, and perhaps his actions have improved. It was said that whoever saw one of them would be in the path of the religion of Islam, strong, sporting, sincere words and good deeds, and he may imitate the actions of those who saw him for saying against him. Peace : My companions are like stars. Whichever do you follow ?…
…Whoever saw them in his sleep with good qualities, that was evidence of his good belief in them and his followers of their Sunnah . Perhaps their vision indicated the movements of soldiers and sending missions . Perhaps it indicated the spread of knowledge, enjoining good and forbidding evil . Their vision also indicates familiarity, love, brotherhood, help, and safety from enmity and envy, and the removal of prejudices, because they were, God pleased with them, for that . If the visionary is poor, he becomes rich because they are, may God be pleased with them, conquer the states . And if the seeker is rich, he will choose the Hereafter on the world and spend his life and money on the pleasure of God Almighty . And their vision, may God be pleased with them, indicates honorable buildings such as mosques and the purity of lineage, tribes and clans . Their turning away from the seer or insulting him in a dream indicates falling into trees among them, and preferring some of them to others, and their hatred for him, and their vision indicates repentance and giving up on anything but God Almighty . Their vision, may God be pleased with them, indicates goodness and blessing according to their homes and their well-known values in their path and path . Perhaps seeing each of them indicated what was revealed to him and what was in his days of sedition or justice . And whoever sees that he is crowded with the companions of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he is one of those who seek integrity in religion . And whoever sees one of the Companions, let him interpret for him the derivation, such as Saad and Saeed, then he will be happy . Perhaps he had a share of his biography and actions . And whoever sees any of them alive, or that all of them are alive, his visions indicate the strength of religion, and indicate that the visionary attains glory and honor and is supreme . If he sees as if he has become one of them, he will experience hardships and then the nail will be soft . And if he sees them repeatedly in his sleep, his livelihood is narrow . As for the Ansar and their children and grandchildren, seeing them in a dream indicates repentance and forgiveness . Seeing immigrants indicates good certainty and confidence in God Almighty, departure from this world and asceticism in it, and honesty in speech and action ….
…The vision of Al-Mobtan on the authority of Makhzum bin Hani Al-Makhzoumi on the authority of his father – and a hundred and fifty years have passed over him – he said : When the night on which the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was born, a fractured iwan shook and fourteen balcony fell from it, and the fire of Persia was extinguished and did not quench a thousand years before that , and the lake descended. Saveh , and opinion Mobman Ebla difficulties leading the horses godfather was cut off the Tigris and spread in her country , when he became fractional horrified what opinion Vsber should encourage , and then view that does not conceal it from his ministers and Mrasbeth He put his crown and sat on his bed and putting them to him when they met him told them on him that sent them in it and invited them And while they are like that, when a book was mentioned to him in the dying out of the fire , he increased from his distress , and the apostates said : And I reformed God the king , I saw on this night – and told him the vision in camels – then he said : What is this Yamauban and he knew to himself about that – then he said : Accident It is from the Arabs , so he wrote at that : He who broke the king of kings to Nu’man ibn al-Mundhir , but after he directed to a man who knew what he wanted to ask him about , and he directed to him Abd al-Masih bin Amr bin Hayyan bin Baqila al-Ghassani. When he came to him, he said to him : Do you know what I want to ask you about it? He said : Let the king tell me if I have knowledge of him Otherwise, I told him who he knows . They tell you what the opinion , he said : aware of it for free I lived the outskirts of al – Sham said to him Facet , said : death ask him what I asked him and I missed his answer , he rode Abdul Christ camel even presented on Facet has overseen the death and greeted him and life did not Ihr Facet Gowaya he created Abdul Christ He says a deaf mother who hears the gathers of Yemen and mentioned seven verses of poetry . When Satih heard his hair, he raised his head and said : The servant of Christ on a camel falling to the roof and he has fulfilled the tomb. The valley of Ashawah and the lake of Sawa overflowed, and the fire of Persia was extinguished, so the Levant is not for the surface of Shama, from whom there are kings and queens according to the number of balconies and all that is coming. Then Satih spent his place, so Abd al-Masih went on a journey and he said – and he mentioned to him seven verses of poetry. When Abd al-Masih came to Kashri, I was told by saying Suatih said until he had fourteen kings among us, which were matters and matters. Ten of them ruled over four years, and the rest to the succession of Othman bin Affan – may God be pleased with him – and from the vision that took place what was ordered by Abdul-Muttalib bin Hashem, the grandfather of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who dug Zamzam after Anders its location and pardoned its effect. Ibn Ishaq told me Yazid bin Abi Habib al-Masri, on the authority of Murthad bin Abdullah al-Yazni, on the authority of Abdullah bin Zaryer al-Ghafiqi, that he heard about Ibn Abi Talib – may God be pleased with him – the hadith of Zamzam occurs when he ordered Abdul Muttalib to dig it, so Abd al-Muttalib said that I sleep in When the stone came to me, he said : I dig good. He said : I said, What good? He said : Then he departed from me. When the next day I returned to my bed and slept in it, he came to me and said : Dig a well . He said : So I said : It is not right . He said : Then he left . When tomorrow was the day, I returned to my bed and slept in it , so he came to me and said : Dig the crazy , he said : So I said : What is the one who is insane? He said : Then he left me . When the next day I returned to my bed and slept in it, he came to me and said : Dig Zamzam , he said : I said : What is Zamzam? He said : Never bleed or mourn , the greatest pilgrims are watered , and it is between the grain and the blood , at the pit of the mighty crow , at the village of ants . Ibn Ishaq said : When between him that indicated by the place and knew that he had ratified tomorrow Bmaolh and his son Harith bin Abdul Muttalib not him that day was born other haf when he appeared to Abdul great demand folding Quraish knew that as he realized his need and they to him and they said : O Abdul Muttalib it well Our father Ishmael, and that we have a right in it . So we were with you in it . He said : I am not doing this matter. This matter was assigned to it without you and I gave it from among you . So they said to him, so do we do justice to him , for I do not leave you until we quarrel with you about it . He said : So make between me and you who you want, I judge you to him , they said : Priestess Bani Saad bin Hudhaim? He said : Yes , he said : And it was under the supervision of the Levant, so Abd al-Muttalib rode with a group of his father’s sons from Bani Abd Manaf and rode from every tribe from the Quraysh of Nafar. He said : And the land, then , is a contingent . He said : So they went out even if there were some of these shifts between the Hijaz and the Levant. The Muttalib and his companions were thirsty until they became certain of the death, so they sought from the Quraysh tribes with them, and they refused and said : We are in a metaphor and we fear for ourselves like what happened to you . When Abdul Muttalib saw what the people did and what he fears for himself and his companions, he said : What do you see? They said : We have seen nothing but follow your opinion, so we went through what you want . He said : I see that every man of you dig it for himself when you now have much strength. Whenever a man dies, his companions push him into his pit and then show him until the last of you is one man, the scandal of one man , a captive of a village he rode all together . They said : Yes, what I ordered . So each one of them arose, dug it, and then sat waiting for death of thirst . Moreover, Abd al-Muttalib said to his companions : By God, if we throw us into our hands, so is death. We do not strike on the ground and do not seek for ourselves due to powerlessness. Hopefully God will provide us with water in some countries. emitted by the burst of Takht Khvha was appointed fresh water magnify Abdul Muttalib and the size of his companions then came down and drank and drank his companions and drew even filled Osagathm then called the tribes of Quraish said : Come to the water God has given us to drink Vacherboa and Astqgua they came Fsharbwa and Astqgua then said : may God spent you to us , O Abdul Muttalib, by God, we never quarrel with you in Zamzam . The water which is given you to drink this in this wilderness , which is a given you to drink Zamzam refer to Sagaatk adult , and he came back and returned with him and did not reach the priestess and passed away between him and them . Ibn Ishaq said : This is the one who reached me from the hadith of Ali bin Abi Talib – may God be pleased with him – in Zamzam . In the novel Bayhaqi context is the context in which the foregoing and in which he said : haf even entrusted water Fajrgaha in the decision and then Tbhrha do not even bleed and then he built a swimming Vtefq he and his son Bntzaaan . They fill this basin this results in him Haj Vixrh people separately from the Quraish night Faisalha Abdul Muttalib when it becomes , when he ate his corruption called Abdul Muttalib Rabbo Vari in a dream that was said to him : Say : O Allah , I do not solve it for bather but is Sharp solution Lobel , then Kvihm , so he Abdul Muttalib when Quraish disagreed in the mosque cried with him that I then spend did not spoil his pelvis by one of the Quraish Except throwing a disease in his body until they left his pelvis and watering ….
…And whoever sees that he is visiting one of the Companions, then he follows his will, and it was said that the vision of the noble city is based on seven aspects of security, mercy, forgiveness, salvation, relief from worries, troubles, good living, the necessity of paradise and guidance to the path of rationalization ….
…And whoever sees that one of his companions has lived, he hears a pleased news ….
And whoever sees Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, he will be an honest, sincere man of great goodness, and whoever sees Umar ibn al-Khattab has become long-lived telling the truth and may have provided for the pilgrimage in the house and the circumambulation. The place is devoted, courageous, sincere, and there may have occurred in this place a trial. And whoever sees one of the Companions, may God be pleased with them, let him devote him to the derivation like Saad and Saeed, then he will be happy
…And whoever sees that he is seated with Shatherwan and his companions are sweet, then he will receive pleasure, joy, abundant sustenance, and the attainment of purpose, and it was said that the vision of Saghroan, if he did not have it and realized that it is for someone else, then he will change the conditions of this world, and perhaps he died in estrangement ….
…The reward for cursing the Companions 84 – He said : Al-Qayrawani said : A sheikh from the people of al-Fadl told me : Abu al-Hasan al-Muttalibi, the imam of the Prophet’s Mosque – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – told me : He said : I saw a miracle in Madinah. A man was cursing Abu Bakr and Omar and they said : Oh Messenger of God this which hurts us and Aspena, said to me , the Messenger of Allah – peace be upon him -: (( you this , O Abu Qais )) ? I said to him : on, and I have a mechanism turned to the point of his hand has included his fingers and the extension of its causes and Central and intended my eyes , he said : that I lied, so God set your eyes and put his fingers in my eyes, and I woke up from my sleep while I was in this state. He used to cry for the good of the people and announced repentance 85 – On the authority of Abu Hatim Al-Zari on the authority of Muhammad bin Ali, he said : We were sitting in Makkah in the Grand Mosque, so a man stood half-black and half-white and said : Oh O people considered Pei Vanni you pick up the two sheikhs and Achtmanma while I am the same night asleep if you came to me and data he raised his hand Vltm my face , Li said : O enemy of God, punk not you curse Abu Bakr and Umar – may Allah be pleased with them – became and I am on this case (1)….
…What do you think of spreading the hypocritical news of the Night of Power in a dream? It is common among people on such days every year about determining Laylat al-Qadr, and that it is the night of such-and-such, and last year it was rumored for me that I set the Night of Power as the night of twenty-five, and for the discharge of responsibility I would like to clarify the following : Question / Is there interest Determine the Night of Power? What is the ruling on what some do in informing or limiting them – based on visions – and under the pretext of urging them to do so, or to strive for them? I answer this question through the following points : 1 / The expression of visions is based on conjecture and is not based on cutting. I also warn against introducing visions to the aspect of worship, for religion has been completed . 2 / We acknowledge that the believer’s vision is true, and that it is part of the parts of prophethood, and we also support preaching the good with evidence : the Prophet’s saying [ There is nothing left of the prophethood except the evangelists . They said : What are the good news? He said the righteous vision is seen by the believer or seen by him ], but the believer’s vision may also be false, and there is no reference for him to infallibility today that can be decided by this or that . 3 / That this ummah issued better sayings and better deeds than the last, and they lived the whole month, and this ummah will not be fit except for what is righteous at the beginning of it . 4 / The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not inform the Companions of a specific night, but rather told that it was in the last ten days, or the last seven days, and this he said after he learned that some of his companions, may God be pleased with them, saw the Night of Power in a dream, so he said as in the hadith that he narrated. Al-Bukhari in his Sahih : [ I see your visions colluding – that is, they agreed – in the last seven days, so whoever investigates them should investigate them in the last seven days . ” This issue was one of the important matters that the Companions worked with, may God be pleased with them, until it was reported that they used to perform I’tikaaf in the middle ten days, seeking it, and this is before the Prophet specified it in the last ten days . 5 / I see the Prophet peace be upon him much of the night, and went out to tell the companions out, then Onisseha, and told that he saw in a dream that he prostrate in water and mud, came a cloud Vmatart until Sal roof of the mosque – was palm fronds – prayer and held, the narrator said : I saw The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, prostrate in water and mud, until I saw a trace of mud on his forehead, and this is a confirmation of his vision, may God bless him and grant him peace, so he left the morning prayer with his face filled with mud and water . 6 / It came in the Sahih that, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said : [ I went out to tell you of the Night of Destiny, and peered – that is, quarreled and argued – so-and-so, and it was raised, and hopefully it would be good for you …….] Hadith . Al-Subki al-Kabeer deduced from this story, as stated in Fath al-Bari 4/286: It is desirable to conceal the Night of Power to those who saw it . This is because God decreed to his prophet that he did not inform him of it . And all good is in what is destined for him, so it is desirable to follow him in that . 7 / The meaning of his saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : [ May it be good for you ]: If the Night of Power is appointed on a particular night, it will be restricted to it, then worship missed in another, and this happened and is happening from many people, so that there are some who stand up for the night that is rumored to be Laylat al-Qadr, and leave the rest , and this is a big mistake – as we explained earlier -. 8 / It is better for Muslims not to transmit such news about determining Laylat al-Qadr, or to publish some of the sayings of those who express it, as the night of such-and-such of the month, when it is proven from the correct narrations, that concealing it was for wisdom and there is good for the ummah, and good in following what came From the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace . 9 / required of Muslims in general diligence and worship and work in this whole month, the last of it and ten in particular, was the Prophet peace be upon him as stated in an interview with Aisha : If ten entered tightening the apron, and live for the night, and woke up his family ] , and in this reference to Urging to improve the conclusion, God seals for us well. Amen, O Lord of the worlds … And God knows best ….
…The third type of visions : which is inspired by All the slave , and recorded some scholars visions saying : when clearing up himself , and get rid of his secrets of ideas bad , and respect to his heart , the remembrance of Allah , do not see the only really honest , and that is the true vision that Described as being part of Prophethood (1). The Holy Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, says in the agreed upon hadith which is with Ahmad in his Musnad also from the narration of Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him : “The vision of the believer is part of the forty-six parts of the prophethood ” (2). Crown when this talk pause lengthy because it involves some of the issues important : I say : This hadith narrated from a group of companions different verbally , narrated Anas this sheikhs , and narrated by Imam Ahmad and sheikhs like Bin silent worship , as well as Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi , and narrated by Imam Ahmad And the two sheikhs and Ibn Majah from the hadith of Abu Hurairah . For the number of parts : several novels came or mow limited to only the witness as stated in the explanation of Sahih Muslim – Nawawi detailed : it came in Bukhari and Muslim : ~ dreams are part ~ of the forty – six parts of the prophecy ~ as previously (3). According to the Muslim ~ of forty – five part ~, also stating : ~ seventy part .~ According to Tabaraani : ~ part of the seventy – six part ~ . to Ibn’Abd al-Barr ‘s novel : ~ twenty – six part .~ when Imam Ahmad ~ part of the fifty part .~ According to al – Tirmidhi : ~ part of the forty – part ~ . when Tabari : ~ part of the forty – nine part ~, and has also : ~ of forty – four .~ He also came from Ibn Abbas : ~ part forty part . ~ We are here in front of several novels and least part of the twenty – six and the most part of the seventy – six , Nawawi said in explaining the true Muslim (4): this difference refer to the case of the seer difference , the believer is good to be Rev. Weah part of the forty – six parts and the reprobate part of seventy parts , The difference of people love mattresses and whenever I said the portions were the vision closer to the truth , and it was said to be that of which the hidden part of the seventy , and obviously part of the forty – six . Sheikh said Muhammad bin Uthaimin, may God have mercy on him : The fact that the number is part of forty-six parts corresponds to reality in relation to the revelation that was revealed to me, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, because the first revelation was the righteous vision from Rabi ‘al-Awwal to Ramadan, and this is six months , then God revealed to him after this in awakening For the rest of his life , if you attribute this to the rest of the era of revelation, it was part of forty-six parts : because the revelation was twenty-three years and six months. ~(5) The fact that the vision was part of the prophethood has become problematic even though the prophethood was interrupted by the death of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and I will mention some of what was said in clarifying this . He said the meaning of the verse being a part of the prophecy : that the Muslim sincere good, fits the case if the prophets, which see the unseen, unlike the infidel and reprobate and blended, and track this to say Imam Muhammad Safaareeni by saying : ( but similar to the case of the prophets in the health of vision and clarity of his mind and touch his soul If he slept in the realm of the kingdom ). This is true not only knows the unseen is the Almighty said some scientists : the meaning of being part of the prophecy parts of a metaphor , which it comes to the approval of prophecy ; This is because it is part of the prophethood . It was said : meaning : it is part of her knowledge, because it was cut off and that prophecy Flmha remains . And it was said : The meaning of being part of the parts of the prophethood is similar to it in the truthfulness of news about the unseen ; The news of the unseen is one of the fruits of prophethood . Conclusion of this offer : that the vision of the infidel are not originally from parts of the prophecy , and after reprobate , which like the infidel , some of them mentioned that the vision of the reprobate is one of the maximum parts remains a good Muslim believer who vision of this kind says majesty Suyuti God ‘s mercy and is concerned about this talk : ( this talk me of similar conversations in which we believe and NCL means to be a writer peace be upon him and not go into this interpretation of the part of this number and wisdom, especially varied novels in the amount of number also provides God knows Balemrad what is meant by that ) a . E (6). The vision of the good of the sections of Revelation , may be the cause of the laws of some of the provisions and that the vision of Abraham peace be upon him , was Abraham was a vow that God ‘s living son of Sarah to slaughter a sacrifice , he saw in a dream : that Off your vow (7) , and an interview with the parasite brother Aisha , her mother About saying what God wills and Muhammad wills, and the Messenger then instructed them to say : What God wills alone , or what God wills and then Muhammad , and not say : What God wills and Muhammad (8), and Abdullah bin Zaid’s vision in the call to prayer and the legislation of the call to prayer after it has been proven. God be upon him and grant him peace that he said about it : It is a true vision . Abu Bakr , may Allah also (9) around the shield robbed him after his death and recovery of this vision and the implementation of the commandment by and grab the shield of those who are in his hand out , but Abu Bakr is the first caliphs Waller Ashden , a Among those who remembered the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, his diligence in this and the Companions ’acceptance of this ijtihad in the presence of the Qur’an indicating truthfulness is acceptable , and there are many evidences for such in the books of jurisprudence , but today the implementation of a will or matter related to the law through visions is not permissible, neither reason nor Sharia as no secret to anyone with the heart . This good vision came from this great companion to assure us of the existence of a righteous man , as the scientists acknowledged this art modern building on the Prophet peace be upon him , and he said : ~.. And Asedkkm vision of a newly Asedkkm …~ And he will reply, God willing . And saying peace be upon him : ~ the vision of the believer is part of ….~ Modern , includes a righteous believing woman as well , has Bukhari titled in his Saheeh : the door of seeing women , cited by Ibn Hajar : what Ibn Battaal agreed that the vision of the righteous believing included in saying peace be upon him : ~ the vision of the believer good part of the prophecy ,~ there is no difference between men and women in terms of visions , but there may be a difference in terms of Altobeirh Valmabron say : that if a woman saw what Esth his people of the E he is her husband , And they said : Likewise, the child has his visions most often for his parents , and God knows (10). I go back to the story of Thabit bin Qais bin Shammas, and it was one of the companions’s choice, may God be pleased with them , and it has been proven that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to him : “ O Thabit, do you not accept to live a good man and kill a martyr and enter Heaven? ” Said Malik bin Anas, who is one of the narrators of the hadith. : fixed bin Qais was killed on the dove martyr (11). Fixed and the story that mentioned the son of values (12) said : On the day of al – Yamamah , a war against the apostates , fixed with Khalid bin Walid came out to fight Musaylimah when they met and Tkhvoa constant , said Salim Mawla Abu Hudhayfah : Behold , so we were fighting with the Messenger of Allah On him and granting peace , then each one dug a pit, so he stood and fought until they were killed. On that day, a shield with precious stones came to him, and a Muslim man passed by and took her , while a Muslim man was asleep as he came to him in his sleep . Any fixed – he said to him : I advise you to beware testamentary says this is a dream Vtadhaah , I passed what killed me a man of Muslims took Deri , Venslh in the far people at his tent mare – Westin – which merely cheerfully activity . The palm of the shield screw any amount of stones – and above Twine left – which is placed on the back of an animal for the ride ‘ Bring the eternal is once to send out to Deri takes it , and if the city provided the Khalifa Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him means Abu Bakr , tell him : The Ali is of such-and-such religion and so-and-so from my old class , so the man comes to eternity , and tells him , so he sent to the shield, and he came and found it as he told them in the vision under the twine, and then the Persians as he , and Abu Bakr approved the rest of his will . Abu Omar bin Abd al – Barr said , and other senior , as well as Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saleh Al – Uthaymeen recently God ‘s mercy on them : passed Abu Bakr and whoop for the existence of evidence that show sincerity, Abu Omar bin Abd al – Barr said : We do not know anyone approved , his will after his death is a constant Bin Qais, may God have mercy on him, a . E (13). If you also note : agreed Khalid bin Walid and Abu Bakr and his companions with him to work in this vision , and the implementation of what came in . _________________________________________________ (1 ) Mohammad HLA Wei – op – p . 5 . (2 ) discharged : Narrated by Bukhari as in the opening (12 /373 , 383, 404 ) – op -, and as a Muslim in the nuclear (15 /22 , 23 ) – op -, and al – Tirmidhi In the Book of Revelation the chapter that the vision of the believer is part of forty-six parts of the prophethood – a previous reference – and in the chapter of what came in the vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the scale and the dowel narrated by Abu Dawud in the Book of Literature, chapter of what came in the vision – previous reference -, and Ibn Majah in They are placed in the book of the expression of the vision, the chapter on the righteous vision that a Muslim sees or sees to him, and the door of the truest people of a vision that has been attributed to them recently – a previous reference – and Ahmed in the rest of the Musnad of the many in the Musnad of Abu Hurairah and in the Musnad of Anas bin Malik – a previous reference -, and the Darami in the book of the vision is a chapter in the Muslim’s vision Part of the forty-six part of the prophethood – previous reference -. (3 ) See ibid . (4 ) Sahih Muslim nuclear explanation (15 /21 ) – a reference earlier . (5 ) Muhammad’Uthaymeen, say useful book on monotheism (2 /348 ) – op . (6 ) expansion See : Mohammed Safaareeni – op – (1 /808 ). (7 ) enlighten the size of the interpretation of Ibn Abbas Abu Taher Turquoise Abadi – Dar thought – Beirut ( p . 377 ) 0 and Ibn Hajar – op (12 /377 ). (8 ) Narrated by Imam Ibn Majah in the book Alkavarat door forbidding what to say , God willing , and you want – op -. (9) Ibn ‘ – op – (1 /349 ). (10) op – (12 /392 ). (11 ) This hadeeth was narrated by Ibn Hajar in al- Fath said this strong reference transmitter narrated by Ibn Saad Maan bin Isa for his owner . Narrated , Daaraqutni in the wacky by Ismail bin Abi Uys for the owner as well . (12 ) Spirit . Son of values fatawa , Arab Book House – achieve : d . Mr. Jumaili , i 1412 (13 ) See : Ibn fatawa values – op – p . 43 . ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…
…Ruya Atika bint Abdul-Muttalib 56 – On the authority of Muhammad bin Ishaq, he said : Muhammad ibn Muslim al-Zuhri, Asim Ibn Umar ibn Qatada, Abdullah bin Abi Bakr and Yazid bin Roman told me on the authority of Urwa bin al-Zubayr and other scholars on the authority of Ibn Abay – may God be pleased with them – each of them told me some this talk gathered to talk while nourished from the hadeeth of Badr, said : to Masama the Messenger of Allah – peace be upon him – Abu Sufyan coming from Sham scar Muslims to them and said : this Ir Quraish where their money fetched forth it may God Infelkmoha Vantdb people be afraid some of them and the weight of some of them and that they did not They think that the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – is throwing a war, and Abu Sufyan, when he approached from the Hijaz, was sensitive to the news and asked those who met from the Rukban fearing for the people’s affairs until he caught a news from some of the Rukban that Muhammad had appealed to his companions for you and for your reproach, so he warned that he hired Dhamdham bin Amr Al-Ghafari sent him to Makkah and ordered him to come to the Quraysh, and he would turn them off for their money, and he told them that Muhammad had offered it to his companions, so Dhamdham bin Amr went out quickly to Mecca . Ibn Ishaq said : So tell me who I do not accuse, on the authority of Ikrimah on the authority of Ibn Abbas, and Yazid bin Roman on the authority of Urwa bin Al-Zubayr, who said : Atika, the daughter of al-Muttalib, saw the advent of the annexation of Makkah in three nights, a vision that frightened me and feared that your people might enter from it evil and misfortune, so he concealed what he told you about. He said to her : What did you see? She said : I saw a passenger came to a camel for him until he stood in the bowl and then said at the top of his voice : Do not you alienate you, O family of treachery to your wrestler in three times, so I see people gathered to him, then he entered the mosque and the people followed him, while they were around him like him with his camel on the back of the Kaaba and then he shouted like it, Do not you alienate you Al Treachery for your wrestler in three times, then he represented his camel on the head of Abu Qubays, then he shouted like it, then he took a rock and sent it, and it came to fall, even if it was at the bottom of the mountain, it would be rejected . Al-Abbas said : By God, this is a vision, and you are, so conceal it and do not mention it to anyone . Then Al-Abbas came out and met Al-Walid bin Utbah bin Rabi’a and he had a friend . Al-Abbas said : So I went around the house, and Abu Jahl bin Hisham in Rahat from Quraish Qud spoke with a bleak vision, and when Abu Jahl saw me he said : O Abu Al-Fadl, if you finished your circumambulation, then come to us, so when you finished, you came and sat with them. Abu Jahl said to me : Oh Bani Abdul Muttalib When did this prophetess happen to you? He said : What is that? He said : That vision which she saw is indecent. He said : So I said : What did she see? O son of Abd al-Muttalib, did you not accept your men to prophesy so that your women would prophesy, and Atika claimed in her vision that he said, “Go ahead of you in three, and we will lie in wait for you of these three. If you are truly what you say, then it will be that if the three passes and there is nothing of that we write a book on you that you lie to the people of the Arab house. Abbas said : sure of what it was from me to him a big thing but I Jehdt it and Ankkrt to be seen something, he said : then divide us when I am the no longer a woman of the sons of Abdul Muttalib only came to me , she said : Oorteurtm this reprobate malignant that is located in your men and women may eat you you hear then you do not have Er , something which I heard, he said : I said : may God did what I had from me to him from a large HEM God Otardhan him the returned Okwilkenh, said : Vdot on the third day of the vision of Atika and Onaa iron irritated Ars I theyd missed it is like that he catches him, he said : I entered the mosque I saw him I swear I am walking toward him Otardh back to some of the door of the mosque intensifies , he said : I said to myself : what to him about God, eat this difference to me that Ohatmh, he said : If he has heard what I have not heard, The voice of joining Bin Amr Al-Ghafari shouting in the belly of the valley, standing on his camel, had stumped his camel and around his journey and tore his shirt while saying : Oh, live Quraish, Al-Latimah Al-Latimah, your money with Abi Sufyan. Muhammad offered it to companions that I don’t see that you will realize it. Relief is relief, he said : So he distracted me from him and what came from the order took away from me (1). * And in a narration : I was distracted by what came from the command, and it was nothing but the device until we left, and it hit Quraish with what happened on the day of Badr, by killing their nobles and capturing their choice . Atika bint Abdul-Muttalib said about what she saw, and what the Quraysh said about that : Was the vision not true and he came to you to believe it, because one of the people is a fugitive, so you said, and I did not lie, but whoever is a liar tells us truthfully….
…Do you carry out the commandment of the dead through visions? This is a question frequently asked by callers or visitors to the site, and perhaps the simplest thing to say here is; I say : The implementation of the commandments through visions has been proven, based on the story of Thabit bin Qais bin Shammas, and it was one of the companions’s choice, may God be pleased with them, and it has been proven that the Holy Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to him : O Thabit, do you not accept to live benevolent and kill a martyr and enter Heaven ? . Malik, one of the narrators of the hadith, said : Thabit bin Qais was killed on the Day of Yamama as a martyr . And the story of Thabit bin Qais mentioned by Ibn al-Qayyim in the Book of the Spirit, he said : When the day of al-Yamamah was the war against the apostates, Thabit went out with Khalid bin Al-Walid to fight Musaylimah, and when they met and were exposed, Thabit and Salim, the master of Abu Hudhayfah, said : This is how we were fighting with the Messenger of God. Then each one dug a pit and stood and killed until they were killed, and upon Thabit that day a shield for him was precious, and a Muslim man passed by him and took her, and while a Muslim man was sleeping as he came to him in his sleep – that is, a fixed one – then he said to him : I will give you a commandment, so you should not say this is a dream that you lose, I am When I was killed, a Muslim man passed by me and took my shield, and his house was at the far end of the people, and at its hide a stallion horse – that is to run with joy and activity – and he was sufficient on the shield with a twine – that is, a number of stones – and above the twine he left – which was placed on the back of an animal to ride – so I came to immortal So he should be sent to Deri and take it, and if Medina came before the successor of the Messenger of God, meaning Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, then say to him : I have such-and-such from religion, and so-and-so of my class is old . So the man came to be immortal, so he told him, and he sent to the shield, and he brought it and found it as he told them in the vision under the twine, and then the Persians as him, and Abu Bakr approved the rest of his will . Ibn Abd al-Barr and other ancients, as well as Sheikh Muhammad bin Uthaymeen from the hadiths, may God have mercy on him, said : Abu Bakr authorized his will for the existence of clues that indicate its sincerity . Ibn Abd al-Barr said : We do not know of anyone whose will was approved after his death, not fixed bin Qais, may God have mercy on him . As the noble reader notes, Khalid bin Al-Walid, Abu Bakr and the Companions agreed with him to implement this vision and implement what was stated in it . But Abu Bakr, the Holy Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said about him : My years and the Sunnah of the Rightly Guided Caliphs should be upon you …. Etc. Hadith, and he is one of the merit, status and knowledge among the Companions in particular and Muslims in general, and his diligence in this does not make us acknowledge the implementation of the commandments of the dead through visions of others, especially those related to acts of worship, and this is one of the biggest doors through which many heresies and myths have entered us. Indeed, the strife that has caused the killing of many innocent people, and perhaps some of the Sufis, may God have guided them, have fallen into this dangerous slope by claiming that their noble prophet came to them and actually permitted him or blessed him for a deed. Endurance, it is rejected novel . What remains of this issue remains for one of the dead to come and ask one of the heirs for something that has nothing to do with religion, but rather a matter of public life or interests that relate to it, or an order that is established in the text of Sharia. Such as Sunnah, charity, Hajj, Umrah, ties of kinship, performance of the debt that he owes to God or to a human being, and other than these images. This is looked at, and after presenting the vision to those who are trusted with his knowledge, this deceased should be discharged and there is no embarrassment, God willing . And God knows best ….
…The second type of visions of what would be self – talk , and the work of vigilance , and may help them psychological concern, , and stress intellectual . An example of this many occurrence especially in this era abounded in which concerns and overwhelmed the article sometimes , and the pressures of life at other times , we find some before sleep thinks business Besvqath and some think about a new career , and some Bamthanh early in the morning , do not forget the women who frequently overnight with this type also Vtjd Some of them think about their problem with their husbands before sleeping , for example , and so each of them sleeps, and then these thoughts and worries or hopes and pains within each one of them turn into dreams or visions and this is very likely , and then this follows the question of many of them about these visions , which As I mentioned, it is nothing more than pipe dreams . And pressure in the language , the singular of it : compression, which is all that was gathered and seized by collecting the palm and the like, and in the revelation : “ Take a pressure in your hand, and I will strike with it and not perjury. ” It is said : He brought us with pressures of news , that is , with mixed strokes of it . Confused dreams : What was confusing them confused difficult interpretation , and called for mixing Odgatha Vhbht Bodgat plant which is : the package , which takes man from the ground where the small green and the ground and the big and so (1). It can be through the previous offer to note that these Alodgat are not disciplined , but are mixed equivocal , and this also sees some scientists come behind me for one of two reasons ( physical ) or ( myself ) One can either be in a healthy position physical oblique , or in the mood myself troubled , this is reflected on the man and his visions Vtakhtl sputtering and be Odgato divided into two sections : section I : pipe special dreams ; Any private owner only these abound in some categories at certain times Kalmrdy and Kaltalbh and students , such as exam or before a personal interview with one of the educational institutions such as universities , for example , and Kalmqublan to marry the next two employees to upgrade , and so on , and Hola by asking them before crossing Subtle facilitates the discovery of the type Their visions and they are nothing more than pipe dreams . Sayyid Qutb said in the shadows of the Qur’an : Dreams are a mixture of troubled dreams and not a complete vision that bears interpretation , as it does not refer to anything . A . A simple behavior , (2) and her example is the companion who saw his head cut off , and as if he saw the angels ordering him to do something forbidden . . . And other examples (3). Section II : pipe General dreams , and I mean the common folk here are significant for the whole nation as though where – in thought its owner – Bishara general , or public alarm or public event , CA NEWS policy , budget, salaries , vacations , and wars especially if these events or one of them has dominated and accounted for the atmosphere , you will find visions abound about this , see , for example visions after the events of September atheist , and plentiful during the US campaign in Afghanistan and noted the power of the media dominant and path for this campaign, ask yourself : Do you impact on the strong human Sharp or easy? These events have dominated the arena, so there is no voice louder than her voice, so her power becomes permeable to the minds , so if she succumbed to sleep she transformed into visions whose owner may think that they are good news or good news , specific to him or general to the nation , and it is not hidden today for everyone who has the predominance of passion, ignorance and intolerance for opinion Or group and lack of piety, religion, and piety among many people , then the example of someone who sees these visions is looking for someone who will express them to him , and he may anticipate the event and send them before asking about it via his e-mail or his mobile phone , so it becomes the talk of the hour , and the fruit of the councils in a short time ! Here I am not against a class or a particular group, but I am against ignorance, yes ignorance that may go a group or sect or Ani individuals claiming visions , and sedition campus and broadcast some of the interviews and confessions of some of those involved by , in favor of what I said and they were under the dominion of illusions and dreams , This applies to some of the Sufis who have always inferred visions in which the Messenger of God came to them, commanded them and forbade them , or favored a deed for them , and thus they put it in the degree of revelation that the Companions lost with the death of the Messenger of God , and they found him , Ibn Hajar said in (4): If the sleeper saw the Prophet, pray May God be upon him and grant him peace, commanding him to do something , is he obliged to comply with it and must : or must he present it to the apparent Sharia , for the second is the approved one . There is a difference between the rich and the chandeliers , yes . Visions of which have missionaries to an individual or group , or even a nation , but this is conditional on two conditions : First : there is a reference reliable exposure it this Alrai also presented a group of companions visions about much of the night on the Messenger of Allah , he said : ~ I see your vision connived in the seven nights , it was Mthariha Flethrha in the nights of the seven , ~ agreed (5), was Bukhari titled in his Saheeh ( door : collusion on the vision ), and Hafiz Ibn Hajar said commenting on the hadeeth : it follows from the talk that the consensus group on the vision of one D on sincerity And its health , as the power of news benefits from reporting on news from a group . Of . (6) The second : is the fairness of the seer and sincerity and not being a Hui , or a goal , or reckless , lived a case or convinced of the idea , Vsitrt his thinking , Vtmthelt his vision in a dream , and here distinguish between visions before the event , and the visions of case or after , And it is no secret that it is in the event of the event or after it, or weaker and weaker than it before it – just as it is not hidden for everyone interested in this art , so there is no lesson in the vision of a passionate , just as there is no lesson in the expression of Hui as well , so where is the reference that approves the visions as the Messenger of God? Wayne of similar companions honored the pure? _________________________________________ (1 ) ( glossary Intermediate 540 material : Dgt ( a group of authors published Dar Al Dawa 1980 – Cairo . (2 ) Sayyid Qutb – op – (4 /1993 ), and Muhammad Qutb – op – p . 6 . (3 ) Ibn Hajar opening 354 \ 12, op . cit . (4 ) see Fath al – op – (12 /389 ). (5 ) Narrated by Bukhari as in the opening (4 / 256 ) in the book Taraweeh prayers door petition for much of the night – op – – Muslim , as in the nuclear (8 /58 ) in the book of fasting door preferred night of treachery and urge their request – a reference earlier . (6) see Ibn stone – op – (12 /380 ) ** quoting Dr. Fahad Al – Osaimi…
…Q : Is it permissible for the prosecution to cut the vision? Prosecutors in Cut Vision welcome if the liquid woman find a conversation embarrassed at the crossing ,. And the questioner had seen a good vision in which there was clear good tidings to him, so he turned to others and bowed to know its expression . According to the hadith of Ibn ‘ Umar said : I saw in a dream Ka n in the hands of a piece of Aestbrq – which thicken the brocade – and not a place I want in Paradise not flew to him , he said : Vqsstha Hafsah , Vqstha the Prophet peace be upon him said the Prophet , peace be upon him : ~ I see Abdullah , a good man ,~ Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh (1) , as was reported by Ibn Umar also , he said : the man in the life of the Prophet peace be upon him if he saw a vision cut to the Messenger of Allah peace May God bless him and grant him peace, so I wished to see a vision that I would narrate to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace . He said : I was a boy young Azba , and I slept in the mosque at the time of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and saw sleep as if two kings Okhmana, they went me to the fire , If is folded Kti well , and if you have two horns Kqrna well , and if the people may know them they made I say : I seek refuge in God from the Fire ( three ). . He said : Vlekayama king said the Prophet peace be upon him : ~ Yes Man Abdullah if he prayed the night ~ . Salem said : Abdullah was then not sleep at night except a little agreed upon word of the steam (2). This hadith, as Ibn Hajar said in Al-Fath, contains the legitimacy of the prosecution in narrating the vision, and Ibn Umar’s politeness with the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and his fear of him as he did not tell his visions himself , as if when his aura did not affect him telling it himself , so he told it to his sister to prove it (3), likewise Not sure when expressing , and Al-Tabarani brought out with his chain of narrators on the authority of Abu Bakr that Aisha said : O Messenger of God, I saw three moons of Hein in my room . He said to her : “ If you believe your vision, he will be buried in your house the best of the people of Paradise. ” Then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him , seized his best moons, then Abu Bakr was captured, then Omar was taken , and they were buried in her house (4). The Sunnah for the crossing when you begin to express to say : good , or good or saw good , and this optimism . It was reported as stating that more than one of the companions of the Messenger of Allah , this Abu Bakr was saying when the expression : that ratified your vision and before the Prophet peace be upon him , has prizes out in Snih narrated from Umm Fadl said : O Messenger of Allah I saw Ka n In my house a member of your members . He said : ~ I have seen good . Fatima gives birth to a boy and breastfeed him ~ (5). Well or she bore Hasina » Vordath milk her son Qtm son of Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib . It is reported that the Prophet peace be upon him , he said : ~ From the vision offered to him , let him say to those who offered him : good ~ . Thus walked the rest of his companions on this approach , was Omar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him , if he recounted the vision , said : Oh God , if it is good , we have , and that was evil Vltna . He said Abdul Razak Muammar Ayoub Ibn Sirin said : Abu Bakr if he wanted to express Alraia , he said : to be ratified as well as your vision, as well as (6). As well as the crossing to differentiate between what praise in a dream and disparage in vigilance , like this drag shirt for men , she is in a dream Mahmoud has been through it the Prophet peace be upon him to the age of religion but in the wake of God Almspl has vowed garment , and this priest . I emphasize here is very important not hope for an order of recurrence , that the vision that endured more than the face of it is located according to the words of the first transient that hit , and did not hurt it for those infected after , because it is not orbit only on the injury right in the expression of a dream , to reach this To God’s desires in what he set as a proverb, as Ibn Hajar and others said (7). If he was hit, he should not ask someone else , and if he was not, then he should ask about the second one , and the questioner should inform him of what he has . Some scholars have stated some of the other literature that there is no evidence it including : that does not reflect the visions at sunrise and at sunset and at noon and at night , which is – in my opinion – there is no evidence it is no sin for those who work otherwise , there is nothing wrong On those who crossed at sunrise or at sunset, or at night , and what was reported about the sun setting between the horns of Satan is not related to the expression of visions, and God knows best . __________________ (1 ) Narrated by Bukhari as in the conquest of expression in the book of the door Alaestbrq and enter heaven in a dream (12 \ 03 4 ) – op – and Muslim narrated in the book of the virtues of the son of the virtues of the Companions of Ibn ‘ Umar , as in the nuclear (16 / 38 ) – op -. (2 ) already discharged , p . 33 (3 ) Open (12 /437 ) – op -. (4 ) did not find him in the nine books narrated by al . (5 ) Narrated by Ibn Majah in the book of Revelation expression – the door of the expression of Revelation – 0 and narrated by Ahmad in the rest of the palm Ansar – the hadeeth of Umm al- Fadl ibn Abbas , a sister of auspicious may Allah be pleased with them all 0 and sentenced to mark the Albanian weak . (6 ) Ibn Jawziyyah – increased re – a reference earlier . (2 /459 , 460 ) (7 ) See Ibn Hajar . Previous reference . (12 /396 – 432 ). ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…
…Psychotherapy Some sleep disturbances, such as nightmares, disturbing dreams, walking during sleep and talking during sleep, are caused by unresolved problems and conflicts and surrounding experiences. Therefore, the individual should undergo psychological treatment, as it is done through the process of emotional discharging and free association to identify such conflicts and try to explain them to the patient and then increase Astbesarh by which helped him to return to normal sleep and see : ~ Encyclopedia of Psychiatry ~ – Volume I – d . Abdel Moneim El Hefny . ~ Behavioral disorders and their treatment .~ D. Jumu’ah Syed Yusuf c : The Jathoom : It is derived from our saying : The person or animal perched perched , and its meaning remained in place and did not leave , or what it means is : sticking to the ground, so he perched . A nightmare and called Word in Jathaam or al Koran 🙁 they became in their house Jtman ) ( usages : 78 ) This Arabic word is called baroque Alnidlan , may be located in a pressure on the chest of the sleeper is not able to move with him (1). To illustrate this , I explain to you as to whether he saw a man in a dream of so – called Paljathom described to sense the sleeper Bshi E mutes himself , nor can it salvation , and trying to wake up , can not only after strenuous attempts, Vistiqz has reached its fatigue severe amount sweats and hand , and troubled himself , and the feel of this case came to him before he Kalmchlol waking up , and hopes that one slide , no doubt that this case that man hit the sleep of panic . The peace be upon him know when his companions dread this prayer : ~ I seek refuge in the words of God , full of anger and from the evil of His slaves and from the evil demons Bibliography , and attend ~ (2). As stated in the isti’aadhah of intimidation in a dream narrated by Malik he said : Khalid bin Walid said on sale! : O Messenger of Allah , I am in a dream . He said peace be upon him : ~ Say : I seek refuge with Allah ‘s perfect Ichaelmat from the evil of anger and torment and evil cult , and Bibliography of demons , and attend ~ (3). Here meditator in these conversations noticed that the Prophet peace be upon him directed the servant when you see such disturbing dreams , nightmares , guided by the recourse to God and seek refuge with him from the evil of anger and anguish , and Bibliography of demons and annoyance , in order not to attend him , and staged a sit -in God Esme God . There is no doubt that the reflection of the state of people today notice when most of them away from God and to rely on the world and the pleasures and distance from the Book of Allah and wird Sayings , and replace it by listening to musical instruments and songs, so that some young people sleep and headphone music in his ears and whether such attend him Mullah Ikh and descend upon him mercy ? But today that mosques have become infested by music , became like her to deprivation ; This is because of the mobile devices, most of whose tones have become musical pieces that harm the hearing of the worshipers during their prayers , and whose owners may prevent the descent of mercy and the presence of the angels , according to Abu Bakr bin Musa who said : I was with Salem bin Abdullah bin Omar , so I passed the companionship of the mother of the boys in it bells , Salem came to pass his father from the Prophet peace be upon him , he said : ~ angels do not accompany them Rkpo jingle ,~ and Algelgel : small bell attached to the necks of animals (4). Many have chosen people today are far from God , and the distance from the Koran , and the distance from the male , and therefore replaced by the choice of good companionship bad Balrvqh , Is not God in his book says : )omn live mention Rahman antithesis of his devil he is his spouse ) ( Zukhruf : 36 ). What is meant : displays for Rahman and his unification Contrary to any make his companion of the devil he is his companion in this world and in the Fire (5). And this devil adorns him with falsehood and evil , bored him with dhikr and obedience, and makes his happiest times with amusement, music and singing , and like this it is necessary for him to hold himself accountable and correct for it , and to resemble the righteous and the last who remember God standing and resting and on their side , the remembrance is not separated from their tongue , people in Gflathm cut Flathm . It is also felt like this kind of visions desolate and afraid of them , explain to him to seek refuge with them , stone son said in al- Fath was mentioned in the recipe seeking refuge from the evil vision effect is true , narrated by Sa’eed ibn Mansoor and Ibn Abi Shaybah and Abdul Razak isnaads correct Ibrahim Nakha’i said : ~ If you saw in a dream what he hates , let him say if he woke up : I seek refuge with Aazt by God ‘s angels and messengers of this evil that strikes me where my vision Maol in religious Dnaaa ~(6). I advise all sleep here wanted to read wird before Sayings sleep and can be found more easily than many leaflets in mosques and libraries , and the most important of these wird : 1 – State of the chair . 2 – “ Say, He is God is one ” 3 – Al- Mu`wadhatan : ( Say I seek refuge in the Lord of people ) , ( Say I seek refuge in the Lord of people ). 4 – I seek refuge in the complete words of God from the evil of what He has created . 5 _ I seek refuge in the words of God full of every devil and every eye is important for the nation . 6 _ In the name of God , who does not hurt anything with his name on Earth nor in the Heavens and He is the Hearing , the Knowing . 7 _ Your name Lord put my side and your Lord wear it up , if I grabbed myself Varahmha , and sent him save it, including reservation righteous slaves . 8 _ Oh God , I submit myself to you and directed me to you and authorized my order to you , and my back to you desire GATT and the awe of you , not a refuge nor spared you only to you , secured your book , which was revealed and Npik that you sent . 9 _ in your name Oh God , I die and live . 10 – verses of the three days of Sura starting verse . : “ God is what is in the heavens and what is on the earth, and that you manifest what is in yourselves …” the verses . These Awrad be – God willing – Caldra , which protect you from PROD accursed Satan and his harm , and this is exactly like the battle entered and the dress of war, The arrival of the spears and swords to him have difficulty , and up to him and hurt him to prevent it her of dress and so too , who sleeps and shelter before sleep this wird The legend does not reach Satan with the help of God (7). ________________________________ (1 ) lexicon mediator – op – r (107 ). (2 ) hasan hadeeth narrated by Imam Tirmidhi in the book calls the door of what Gah held in praise by hand – op – 0 narrated by Imam Ahmad in the palm of Almktherin companions, palm Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al – Aas , may Allah be pleased with them – op – And it was narrated by Abu Dawood in the Book of Medicine, Bab How to Raqqa – previous reference -. (3 ) visions of the Prophet peace be upon him ( p . 19 ) – op – and reported by Imam Ibn Hajar in al- Fath (371/12 ) and attributed to Imam Malik and women, different Bosanao, said originally Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi and classed as ruler And correct it . See : Zaad for the son of values (2 /468 ) – op -. (4 ) Narrated by Imam Women in the door decorations Algela Gel book , Imam Ahmad in the palm of Almktherin companions , palm Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him , a director in the right chain of Albany (4 \ 493 ) – a reference earlier -. (5 ) interpretation of Ibn Abbas – op – ( p . 413 ). (6 ) See : Ibn Hajar – Fath al – Bari , (12 /371 ) – op -. (7 ) See : Zaad Ibn values – op – (365 \ 2 ) , I said : proved a lot of scientists have the effect of modern jinn human beings, and they said : is the real effect if the phenomenon is not visible ; And they inferred the entry of air, microbes and others into the human body . This confirms the possibility of entering the jinn to the human body as well . ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…
…Can the science of expressing visions and dreams be learned and instructed? It is no secret for anyone interested in this art that this knowledge is very honorable, and that is why God is grateful to His Prophet Yusef by saying the Almighty [and also your Lord will answer you and teach you about the interpretation of hadiths …] , and our Prophet Muhammad [ peace and blessings be upon him ] used to express visions and often asked the Companions as In the hadith of Samra bin Jundub : When the Prophet [ peace and blessings be upon him ] prayed the morning, he came to them with his face and said : Did any of you see a vision yesterday ? In fact, I have a point of view on this issue. I mean the possibility of learning, and teaching this science, which is that it can be learned, and taught . And this opinion may be strange to some; This is because this science is more like inspiration and physiognomy, and as if it imitates the messengers, so he found embarrassment in this regard, but I hope that we will raise this issue for discussion so that our proposal is objective . Here is the most important thing that makes me inclined to this opinion, and I have spoken about it in detail in my book : The expression of the vision, contemporary terms, questions and answers, p. 96 , and beyond, the publisher : Dar al-Tadmuriyya . Nuclear Commenting said on an interview Samra former : it is mustahabb to ask about the vision, the initiative to interpret, and accelerate the first day, and it is permissible to speak in science and interpretation of Revelation, and the like .15 / 30 Ibn Hajar said , commenting on the previous talk as in the opening 12/437: Induction To teach the science of vision and its expression, and to neglect the question about it, and its preference because it includes access to some of the unseen and the secrets of beings . Ibn Abd al-Barr said, as in al- Tamheed 1/313, commenting on the previous hadith : This hadith indicates the honor and virtue of the knowledge of the vision, because he [ may God’s prayers and peace be upon him ] was only asking about it to tell him and pass it on, so that his companions knew how to speak about its interpretation . Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab said, as in the collection of his books 5/130: The science of expression is a true science that God bestows upon whomever He wills of His servants . And he said in another place 5/143: The term vision is a true science mentioned by God in the Qur’an, and for this reason it was said : Only those who are knowledgeable can interpret the vision , because it is a part of the revelation . Al- Shatibi, may God have mercy on him, warned in Al- Muwwafaa 2/415: that there is no merit and a veil that the Prophet [ may God’s prayers and peace be upon him ] gave except what was exempt, except that his ummah was given a model, and this is known by introspection, and from that he gave revelation to him, and his ummah was given the righteous vision . Imam Malik said, and he was asked : Does the vision explain every Sunday? He said : He plays with prophethood, then he said : Only the best of the vision will pass the vision . If he sees something good, tell him, and if he sees something unpleasant, let him say something good or keep silent . And Imam Ibn Al-Saadi said in his Tafsir 2/442: And among them are the benefits of the previous verse : that it has an origin for the expression of the vision, for the knowledge of expression is one of the important sciences that God gives to whomever He wills . He also said 2/449: Including that knowledge of expression is one of the Sharia sciences, and that a person will be rewarded for his learning and teaching . And what indicates the existence of learning and education among the Companions – Ashraf al-Khalq – is what was proven that Umar ibn al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, used to ask Asma bint Umais al- Khatha’a’miya about the expression of the vision as in Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb by Ibn Hajar 12/399. Ibn Saad mentioned in al- Tabaq 7/124: Said bin al-Musayyib was the one who crossed the people to the vision, and this was taken from Asmaa Bint Abi Bakr, and names took him from her father Abu Bakr, and Abu Bakr took this knowledge from the noble Messenger, who used to let him sometimes cross some Visions, and he corrects him sometimes, and he may mistake him like any teacher and his student, and this student was proficient in many situations in which he was examined, and therefore we find him after one time, and he was expressing a vision that the Messenger saw, the Messenger says to him with admiration for his expression : Likewise said the king . But it also happened to him that I made a mistake in his ijtihad, and the Messenger [ may God’s prayers and peace be upon him ] did not compliment him, rather he did wrong. So he said to him once after he passed over to him : Tell me, O Messenger of God, of my father, are you wrong or wrong? The Prophet said : You hit some and you missed the other . Aisha, may God be pleased with her, also had educational attitudes with her father, so she presented visions to him, and he had some situations with the Messenger of God [ may God’s prayers and peace be upon him ] . Therefore, she was violent once when she expressed a vision to a woman that her husband was dying and giving birth to a child who was wronged by saying : [ What, O Aisha If you express the vision to the believer, then express it to him in goodness ….] And the witness from the hadith asked Aisha to follow a specific approach to expression, which is to spend it on good . Imam Ibn Khaldun stated in his introduction, p. 389, that this knowledge is one of the Sharia sciences, and it is an accident in the religion when the sciences became artifacts and people wrote about it, and its expression is found in the predecessors and the back, and this knowledge is still transmitted between the predecessors ….
…Examples of visions : This part I will talk about the examples of some of the visions of the Prophet peace be upon him and some of the visions of the companions may Allah be pleased with them , and I begin . Visions of the Prophet peace be upon him : ( a ) the visions of the Prophet peace be upon him : I note here to the agreed Aisha narrated by Bukhari in his Saheeh said : ( the first is the start of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him from the revelation of the true In sleep, he did not see a vision unless it came to him, like the morning leg. ) (1) The novel came in another good vision , and the sincere and good sense for one of the matters of the Hereafter in the right of the prophets . As for the minimum of things , Valsalehh differ from sincere ; As good single out , Fraaa prophets are all honest , may be valid and is the most , may not be valid for a minimum also signed on a vision when he saw a vision and through the killing of the owners . And likened Pflq waxing without the other , because the sun of prophecy was the vision Mpadi lights, there is still that light can accommodate even the sun shone , it was inwardly Noria was in the ratification Bakraa Ka my firstborn , and was inwardly dark was in disbelief Khvacha as Abu ignorance , and the rest of the people between These two statuses each of them as much as was given light . (2) Examples of visions of the Prophet peace be upon him the following example : ( a – 1) from Anas , may Allah be pleased with him from the Prophet peace be upon him , he said : ~ Paradise Fright entered a palace of gold . I said : For whom is this . They said : For a young man from Quraysh , I thought I was him. They said : To Omar bin Al-Khattab . (3) This talk came in the novel by another : ~ While I was sleeping , saw me in paradise ~ and said : ~ They said : Omar , ~ saying : Jibril and his Mullah Ikh ~ came in the correct from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him said : The Messenger God, may God bless him and grant him peace : “ While I was asleep, you saw me in Heaven , and there was a woman doing ablution next to my palace , so I said , Who is this for? They said Omar stated his jealousy Follette foul play . ~ Cried Omar may Allah be pleased with him and said : You attacked O Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him? In the novel when Imam Ahmad : Abu Hurayrah said : Cried Omar We are all in this Council with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Omar said : father of you , O Messenger of Allah , Oalik attacked? and ablution here Alaudhaeh which is cleanliness and Hassan as the paradise is not a house assignment , has son said stone (4) that the woman who watched the Apostle next to the palace is a sound or was in alive then he saw her Prophet peace be upon him in paradise along with short life shall he put it from the people of Paradise because the seer is the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him , and being along with short life is subject to indicate that it is aware of his succession and it was so . ( a – 2 ) On the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said : “ While I was asleep, when I saw a cup with milk in it , I drank it so that I could see that my irrigation was running in my nails. ” Then I gave my favor Omar bin Al-Khattab . They said : What did you interpret that, O Messenger of God? He said, ~ Science .~ (5) Here Wa’el the Prophet peace be upon him milk science Some scientists link between milk and science by saying : milk Rizk created by God ‘s good between the slags of blood Vrt such as science light shown by God in the darkness of ignorance , Vdob proverbial in a dream as those who concluded milk Out of blood and blood, he is able to create knowledge from out of doubt and ignorance, and to preserve work from negligence and misstep . In the talk that the science of the Prophet peace be upon him in God it does not reach a degree in it , because he drank until he saw irrigation out of the limbs , and while giving him preferred age is subject to a reference to what happened to the age of God , so that he Aeachzh in God to blame . (6) ( a – 3 ) and Aisha , may Allah be pleased with her : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ~ Aritk in a dream three nights, I received your king in the theft of silk says : This Amrotk . Vokhv from your face . If you are , I say : That this is from God, it will be passed on . Agreed upon word of the steam ). (7) and the meaning of : theft of silk : dress or white cloth of silk . It is noted in the first example , the third example of the visions of the Prophet peace be upon him that the Prophet peace be upon him not Aabarhama Omar and Aisha , Understanding if they are of visions in which the vision is on her face and face value does not need to express and interpret , was son said a stone in His explanation of the hadith of Ibn Omar and his vision of fire that some visions need no expression . (8) The vision of Abdullah bin Omar was through the Prophet peace be upon him the vision when the first drink Omar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him milk science —————– (1 ) agreed upon Aisha . Narrated by Bukhari in the book to express the door of the first is the start of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him true dreams (351 \ 12 ) , and directed by a Muslim as in the nuclear explained in the book of faith in the door of Leptis revelation to the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him (2 /197 ) – previous reference . (2 ) See Fath al – op – (355/12 ). (3 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression , the palace door in a dream (416 \ 12 ) – op – narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad in the palm Anas bin Malik, see explanation eg Thiat Ahmed Saffarini (739 \ 1 ). Previous reference . And Tirmidhi narrated in Sahih Sunan al – Tirmidhi in the book character and the door of the virtues of Omar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him – published Dar revive Arab heritage – Beirut . (4 ) Fath al – Bari • op – (12 /416 ). (5 ) Narrated by Bukhari as in the opening (12 /393) _ op – Muslim as in the nuclear (15/16 ) op . (6 ) Fath al – Bari (12 /41 0 ) – op -, Mohamed Abdelaziz Halawi : Visions of the Prophet peace be upon him and dreams of the companions , published Dar Vanguard , Cairo : 1412 of R 5 . (7) It was included by Al-Bukhari as in Al-Fath (12/399), previous reference and (7/223), and it was narrated by Muslim as in Al-Nawawi (15/202) in the Book of the Virtues of the Companions and in the virtue of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, previous reference . (8) Ibn Hajar – Fath Al-Bari – previous reference (12/419). ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…
…And whoever saw that he sat on a large rug in his house or his companions or with his companions, it is good and blessing, and he is quoted in the expression as mentioned above ….
…Homes : A man’s house is his hidden wife in the house to which he is staying, and from it it is said that so-and-so entered his house, if he gets married, so he takes it for her because she is in it, and his door is her vagina or her face, and the closet and closet are a virgin as his daughter or stepdaughter because she is veiled, and the man does not live with her . And perhaps he indicated his house to his body as well, the house of service his servant, the store of wheat his mother, who was the reason for him to live with milk for growth and education, and the cenef indicates the servant who made for sweeping and washing, and perhaps he indicated the wife who is alone with her to meet his needs, free of his son and the rest of his family . And looking at a person from the niches of his house indicates that his wife’s vagina was being watched or managed, and he returned to that in terms of deficiency, cultivation, demolition, or repair, he returned to what was attributed to him, such as saying : I saw as if I built a new house in my home, and if he was sick, he would wake up and his body was healthy. Likewise, if there is a patient in his home indicating his goodness, unless it is his habit, he burying the one who died for him in his home, then that will be the grave of the patient in the house, named if it was built in an impossible place, or it was nevertheless painted with white, or it was in The house at that blossom or two winds, or what is indicated by calamities, and if there is no patient, he married if he was single, or his daughter’s husband and brought her in with him if she was old, or he bought a secret according to the extent of the house and its danger . And whoever sees that he is demolishing a new house, he has been struck by them and evil, and whoever builds a house or buys it will suffer a great deal of good, and whoever sees that he is in a new stuccoed unknown house that is separate from the houses, and with that words indicating evil, it is his grave . And whoever saw that he was imprisoned in a house bound and closed with his door, and the house is in the middle of the houses, he will be well and well . And whoever saw that he had endured a house or a mast, he would take the provisions of a woman . If a house or a mast would bear it, a woman would bear his supplies . And the door of the house was a woman, as well as she shrouded it, and whoever saw that he was closing the door married a woman . And the doors open, the gates of livelihood . As for the vestibule, a servant on his hands performs the solution, the contract and the strong matter . And whoever sees that he enters a house and closes his door on himself, he will refrain from disobeying God Almighty, because God Almighty says : “And the doors are closed .” If he saw that he was bound by him, the doors were closed and the house was flat, he would be well and healthy . If he sees that his house is made of gold, a fire hits him in his house, and whoever sees that he is leaving a narrow house, he goes out of them . The house has no roof and the sun or moon has risen, a woman marries there . And whoever sees in his home a spacious house that is not in it, then she is a righteous woman who will add more to that house . If it is plastered or built with bricks, then it is a hypocritical and virulent woman . If there is a swarm under the house, then he is a cunning man . If it is of clay, then it is deceitful in religion . The dark house is a woman of bad character, of bad character, and if the woman sees it, then it is also a man . If he saw that he entered a sprinkled house, they would hit him from a woman as much as wetness and as much mud, then it would be removed and fixed . If he sees that his house is wider than it was, then the good and fertility will expand on him and he will be well received by a woman . And whoever sees that he is engraving a house or adorning it, there will be a dispute and commotion in the house . A bright house is a good guide and good morals for women . The Wall : A man, and perhaps the man’s state of his world is if he sees that he is standing on it, and if he falls from it, he will be removed from his state . If he saw that he had pushed a wall, then he threw it out, then he cast a man out of his rank and destroyed him . And the wall is an abstaining man who has debt, money and destiny, as much as the wall in its width, tightness, and height, and the architecture around it because of it . And whoever sees walls building a list in need of a pitcher, then he is a scholar or imam whose state has gone . If he sees people throwing them, then he has companions throwing his affairs . And whoever sees that he has fallen on a wall or something else, he has committed many sins and hastens his punishment . A crack in a wall, a tree, or a branch is the fate of one of his household, and two are like earrings and two nipples . And whoever sees walls of study, then he is a just imam, his companions and his family went . If he renewed it, they would renew and return to their first state in the country . If he sees that he is attached to a wall, then he is attached to a thin man, and his strength is as much as he can from the wall . And whoever looks at a wall and sees his example in it, he will die and be written on his grave ….
…The khan : the man’s hotel, indicating what his house indicates in terms of his body, his glory, his name, his memory, his bath, his furnace and his judiciary council . As for the unknown ones, it indicates travel, because it is their home . And perhaps he indicated the house of the world, because it is a travel house from which some people leave and others descend . And perhaps he indicated the collection because it is the home of someone who travels from his home and goes out of his homeland to another country, while he was away, until he leaves it with his companions and his companions . Whoever sees as if he has entered an unknown hotel, will die if he was sick or traveled if it is correct, or moved from place to place . As for the one who went out from a hotel to a hotel and rode an animal when he left, or he got out from the middle of it, I looked at his condition, and if he was sick he went out on his own, and if he was on a journey he moved on and traveled on his behalf, and likewise if he saw a companion coming down in an unknown hotel as riders or they got out of it as well , It is an epidemic of people or comrades, as mentioned above . Or he goes out with a difference between the two matters of companionship and their conditions in wakefulness, and because of them, their known, their unknown, their righteousness and their boats ….
…The river of wine is evidence of drunkenness from the love of God Almighty and hatred for His incest . And the honeymoon is evidence of science and the Quran . Eating the fruits of Paradise will result in good deeds, husbands and children . The Blessed Tree is a sign of the one who sought refuge in its shade and relied on it on the good of the future, and perhaps indicates cessation and celibacy for worship, and the benefit from companions and lords of wealth and Surat al-Muntaha is a sign of all reaching the purpose of all that is promised . Perhaps the trees of Paradise are indicative of the working scholars, the leading imams, the poplar, and the children of their companion . And the vision of the poplar and the children of the idiosyncratic standing in wakefulness with the relationships, and the vision of the workers on them is an indication of their deeds, or of what is considered blessed in this world, such as housing, plentitude, and kinds of pleasures . Entering its palaces indicates attaining high positions, wearing luxurious clothes, marrying silks, and wealth and goodness . Wine is evidence of drunkenness from the love of God Almighty and hatred of His incest . And the honeymoon is evidence of science and the Quran . Eating the fruits of paradise will result in good deeds, husbands and children . The Blessed Tree is a sign of the one who sought refuge in its shade and relied on it on the good of the future, and perhaps indicates cessation and celibacy for worship, and the benefit from companions and lords of wealth and Surat al-Muntaha is a sign of all reaching the purpose of all that is promised . Perhaps the trees of Paradise are indicative of the working scholars, the leading imams, the poplar, and the children of their companion . The vision of the poplar and the children of the idiosyncratic standing awake with the relationships, and the vision of the workers on them is indicative of their deeds, or of what is considered blessed in this world, such as housing, the pleasure of living, and the kinds of pleasures . Entering its palaces indicates attaining high positions, wearing luxurious clothes, marrying silks, and wealth and goodness . And the vision of Radwan, peace be upon him, the keeper of paradise, indicates the goodness of the king’s treasurer and his messenger to fulfill the promise, fulfill the needs, and answer the supplication . And whoever sees that he has entered Paradise and does not eat its fruits or drink from its rivers, then he will not benefit from what he has gained from knowledge . Whoever sees that he was expelled from Heaven, he lacks the story of Adam, peace be upon him . And whoever sees that he is roaming paradise, this indicates his livelihood and high status, and security from fear . And whoever was frightened and saw that he had entered Heaven felt reassured, and if he was concerned, he would be relieved of his distress, and if he was single he married ….
…Guarding : If he sees that someone else is guarding him, then he is in distress, because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, as long as his companions guarded him, was in distress. When God Almighty relieved him, he said to his companions : “ Go back, God has protected me .” .. If he saw as if he was guarding someone else so that he would not be wronged , It secures Satan’s evil . When it was narrated that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : “ Three eyes cannot be touched by fire : An eye guards for the sake of God. ” The fire in interpretation is power, and it was said that the guardian of others provides jihad for this news that we told ….
…Fadl forward Ahmed 73 – Mohammed bin Roses said : I heard Yahya evacuation – or Aleben conciliator – said : Mazert some people from standing days ordeal Venalone including hate Vsrt to my house and I joyless so Vkdmn to my wife dinner , I told her : I do not eat, Verwath grown and I saw the Prophet – May God bless him and grant him peace – In sleeping inside the mosque and in the mosque there are two circles, one of them in which is Ahmed bin Hanbal and his companions and the other in which is Ibn Abi Dawad and his companions. He stood between the two rings and pointed with a hand and said (For those who disbelieve in it ) and pointed to the circle of Ibn Abi Dawad (for we entrusted with it a people who are not unbelievers And he referred to the episode in which Ahmad bin Hanbal (2)….
…Where rare was some Shiite when near him recommended to be buried at the feet of Musa bin Jaafar satisfaction and recommended to write on his grave and their dog stretched forth his arms Balusid saw him , some of his companions in a dream and asks him about case Voncd poetry : ( spoiled bad sectarian … in sects of good doctrinal ) ( not My lord recommends … to the companions of the Prophet )…
…** His vision, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he would circumambulate the Sacred House .. And from the apparent vision also the vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that the house and his companions would come and circumambulate it. This was before the Umrah of al-Hudaybiyah when the polytheists stopped them from entering Makkah in the year of Hudaybiyah and the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, reconciled them On the condition that they return to their year of that and perform Umrah in the next year, Umar – may God be pleased with him – said to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace : Didn’t you tell us that we will come to the house and circumambulate it? He said : ( Yes, so I told you that we will come to him in general ). He said : I said : No. He said : (For you are coming and wrapped in it. ) The vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, occurred in the period of judgment, when he and his companions came to the house and roamed it while they were safe and did not fear, and God mentioned this sincere vision in the Almighty saying ( God and His Messenger have believed The vision of the truth is to enter the Sacred Mosque, God willing, it will open soon. ) This conquest is the reconciliation that took place between the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and the polytheists of Quraysh. Al-Zuhri said : “ Without that, he made a clear opening. ” I mean, the Hudaybiyah peace and what opened in Islam was greater than it ….
…** A vision in which the four backgrounds are after the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, on the authority of Saqina Mawla of Umm Salamah – may God be pleased with her – who said : The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when he prayed in the morning, came to his companions and said : ( What do you think tonight is a vision ) ? He said : He prayed prayed Fajr accept his companions said : ( Which of you view night vision ) ? He said : He prayed one day and said : ( Which of you have seen a vision ) ? A man said : I saw, O Messenger of God, as if a balance was evident from the sky, so I put it on one side and put Abu Bakr on another one, so I jumped Abu Bakr and it popped and left Abu Bakr in his place. then raise Omar Othman and raise the balance said : altering the face of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and then said : ( a succession of prophecy thirty years and then be king ) Saeed bin Jhman said : he said to me ship : grabbed the years of Abu Bakr and ten age and twelve Othman and six on – Radhi God on their behalf – and on the authority of Samra bin Jundub – may God be pleased with him – that a man said : Oh Messenger of God, I saw as if they drove my guide in the sky. Ali, he took her Iraqi woman, and she became active and something spilled onto him ….