Cotton If you dream of growing and young cotton fields, then this means great work and periods of prosperity. If you see cotton ready for collection, it means wealth and abundance for farmers . If factory owners dream of cotton, then this means that they are benefiting from the high prices of this material . For merchants, it means a change for the better in the business plan . If you see cotton in bales this is a positive sign for better times . If you see that cotton is increasing in price, then this means a rapid change from low prices to higher prices, and everyone will be in better conditions ….

Cotton is money in a dream without wool . Tease cotton scrutinize sins . The cotton plant is a humble man ….

…If you see a cotton dress in a dream, this means easy circumstances . This dream is not followed by major changes . If a girl dreamed of knitting a cotton dress, this means that she will have a practical and prosperous husband . For a married woman, it means a happy, but modest stay ….

…Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees that he is collecting cotton, he will get permissible money, and if he saves it in belongings, he will save for his family .”…

…And whoever sees that he is blowing cotton, he is quarreling with a human being and talks about something that is not appropriate for him, and if a woman sees him, then it indicates a man who has the benefit and gain of whoever did ….

…And whoever sees that he stuffs cotton into a pillow or something similar, then he marries a woman ….

…It felt that spin linen or cotton or so than women spinning like it affects humiliation and contempt works ) halal job and is not satisfied with it but saw a woman they spin and speed up the spinning they have been absent offering sooner but on travel , they travel and travels one of Talqatha or Take advantage of an order on her hands ….

Cotton clothes, the emergence of piety and humility, the lack of enemies and the attainment of security what he lived ….

…As for the cotton button, it devolves money that gets hard, and its abundance may indicate confusion ….

Cotton : money without wool, and a tease of it to scrutinize sins ….

…Whoever sees that he has a sandal braided from cotton, it is interpreted as a religious reader, who is well known ….

T-shirt, it is a good dream, meaning many loyal friends ….

. And Qattan : A man with money and fatigue ….

As for the clothes made of it, it has been expressed previously, as we mentioned in Chapter forty-five in detail ….

As for the shrouds, they are also mentioned in the mention of the dead. As for the twisting and weaving, they come in their place in Chapter 75 ….

It is interpreted in nine aspects such as concealment, benefit, money, clothing, dignity, prestige, religion, goodness and a good command ….

…If he saw that he sold or took away a garment in the winter, then that indicates his poverty and his need for people . He said Abu Said preacher clothing head of the man was probably his craft that he does and secure them from the poverty survey in which an error in the living and go wealth and expansion in free them and damage in winter favor ) and Almparty him if the inscription is indicated by a woman . Said Jafar Sadiq construed Paljarah or the boy whatever he saw it from Zain or Shin shall turn in them , and the subtraction of the clothes they devolve on aspects of it is felt that wearing something of which it is construed fine and benefit if they are from cotton , a clean and spacious and if Dd so Vtobeirh against him and if they are from Silk and nothing there is nothing wrong with it and the seller of it, for he chooses this world over his hereafter . Abu Sa’eed said the preacher ‘s vision coldness , whether detailed or not detailed , they show good narrated that Abu Bakr , may Allah be pleased with him said : O Messenger of Allah , I saw yesterday was on the papyrus petechia said : two sons Thabr them . And the ink is indicative of joy, happiness, and cold that is next to the course of snitching in expression, except that intimacy in the world is better than in religion, and it is in interpretation stronger than wool . It is felt that wearing Prada or mixed with cotton Bharir it without it even if it is haraam wealth silk and the decorations are clothed in the markets they are welcome and only in times of pleasure and omens as well as if they are in the role unless it kind of amusement . And whoever sees the sentence of the garment of the clothed person, it is interpreted in its entirety . And whoever sees that he wears summer clothes in the winter, it will increase the good and the benefit as much as the value of what he wears . He felt that he wears clothes women it increased money with them and fear, but its consequences are dire and survive if they saw a woman wearing clothes from the men it shows good and beneficial . Al-Karmani said: ~Whoever saw that he wore clothes less than his own, then it indicates the corruption of his affairs, and if they are more elegant than his clothes, then he indicates the order of his affairs .~ And whoever sees that he has the garments of the elders on him, then it indicates the height of the matter and the amount of it to which those clothes are attributed to him if he is a family for that, otherwise it is good and beneficial . And whoever sees that he has garments from the garments of corrupt people, he will have many sins and abounding sins . And whoever sees that he wears kings, it is interpreted on three aspects, drawing closer to them, obtaining goodness, benefit, and regularity of his affairs, and attaining the dignity and honor . It is felt that wearing clothes of scientists was Welcome to Salah it for science and charity world and the Hereafter .) He felt that he wears clothes from the wool it is interpreted to ensuring the money . It is felt that wearing clothes dhimmis or Aharbeyen or so , or Alrvdh it would be inclined to what he said Jafar Sadiq ‘s vision clothes never devolve on nine aspects of religion and wealth and prestige and benefit and live and work in favor of the justice of this and redress if it is not what you deny the expression and if the woman saw that she She wore what was mentioned of the praiseworthy clothes, and her interpretation made her right with her husband and the integrity of her affairs . And Daniel said a vision of the man’s clothes: If you put on clothes, you will be interpreted by gain, and if you see black garments, then the king has good and the parish is in distress . Al-Karmani said: ~Whoever sees that he wears black clothes, he will suffer from pain, distress and sorrows, unless he is one who wears them while awake and knows about them, and he will be troubled .~ Abu Sa’eed said the preacher black clothes for those who used to wear injury hated and was told is the patient proof of death because the people of calamities wear black clothes and clothes zero dieback disease only in Dibaj or twinge or silk , and these things are valid for women and men of the corruption of religion . Al-Karmani said: If the patient sees that he washes a yellow garment until its yellow is removed and its whiteness appears, then the garment is interpreted with a body and its yellowish is devolved by his sickness and its departure from him . It felt that disarming him a yellow dress it out Sagmh not happened hurt him what he hates in the yellow of tearing the dress or so unlike all worn in color and the clothes greens rejoiced and pleasure and Tawfiq Abu Sa’eed said the preacher clothes Greens neighborhood power of religion and an increase of worship and dead good case when God, who is the raiment of the people of Heaven, for His saying, Come, and wear green garments from Sundus and Abraq, and the wearing of greenness indicates to the living the injury of an inheritance, and to the dead that he came out of the world as a martyr . Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees that he wears green clothes, it is interpreted with honor and honor. As for the white clothes, they will be interpreted as the desired, especially if it is pure .” Abu Sa`id, the preacher, said that white garments are suitable for wearing them as a religion, and for those who are used to wearing them while awake, and as for the owners of crafts and crafts, they need to wear it for them . Al-Karmani said: “Whoever saw that he wears pure white clothes, it indicates the goodness of his religion and his good condition. ” And his worries went to his saying that he wears pure white clothes, and as for his blue clothes, he is clean . He said Kirmani saw that he wears clothes Zarka it ‘s religion is good and the clothes Rouge , they hated men only Almlhvh and Plinth bedding the blushes of these things indicate pleasure and are valid for women in Dnaahn was said to be wearing reddish shows fighting very severe dispute and was told snappers joy with punk In the world, as evidenced by the story of Qarun, and it was said that it indicates an abundance of money while preventing the rights of God in it . And whoever saw that he wore it on a feast or a group, he did not harm him . He said Kirmani saw that he wears clothes Hamra it cast fighting and dispute , although Welcome to the mandate he received perhaps the joy of the verse went out to his people in the finery and was clothed in garments Hamra and it was said the vision of blush , whether in clothes or other , they show goodness and perhaps the vision of erysipelas shown in the dress To pleasure . And whoever sees his clothes are burned, then he will receive him harmful effects as much as he was burned from that, and whoever sees that his clothes are torn, then he shall interpret the secret . It is felt that wearing clothes of wool or animal hair or hair or so The total that money if it was silk or so Fmal haram dress cobbled evidence of immorality and the clothes dirty , they devolve Bgham and sorrow , and the dresses Alkagd they devolve Baelchenaah not good in it , and the dresses skin accrue interest and benefit to the extent attributed to him that the skin dress you do not sew it in terms of wholesale of all varieties shows completely filled with religion and perhaps this was another old on the face and clothes of the treasury shall devolve Baezz and wealth . And whoever sees that he is wearing a lame dress, a woman will come in her anus . Jaber said the Moroccan expressing their attachment to things mundane Valbaad in clothes if it is clean as new , which attached to religion and the world and if the dirty vintage tight Vdd so perhaps Del dirt in the dress on the weakness in religion and was told if the woman saw that she wear a garment yellow it was her husband , it weakens though ) He was not for her, so he took a husband . And whoever sees that he opens a folded garment, it indicates travel, and whoever sees that he folds an open garment, it indicates the coming absent from his journey . Khaled al – Isfahani said the best clothes and what was cotton if it is not a thing of silkworm silk because it is pure it is a good religion and worldly dresses if the pattern , cotton or silk , they devolve money haram and the corruption of religion and carefree . He said Jafar Sadiq new dress white man a woman and a woman and the king of grace and the benefit of a pair , it saw that he took off his robe with him that he was in the king of the service it is from his service but not as well as it is called , and saw that he cut his clothes he interpreted obtaining good . And whoever sees that the thief strips his garment, it interferes with the occurrence of corruption among women . Abu Saeed, the preacher, said that the garment with two sides or two colors indicates politeness and guardianship for the people of religion and the world, and the new garment is good for the rich and the poor . It felt that magsuot clothes as new Vtmzkt is not able to repair like it fascinates even as much as on that it is alive and the child and the high value of the servants of the disease and the free grace increase dresses kind of renewed debt, the worn over his clothes showed the approval of his secret Alanath and perhaps the intention was good from the apparent and perhaps earned money Mdkhora and silk brocade is not fit to wear socks for the jurists for they Aaolan their request minimum and invite people to heresy and were probably valid for non – scholars , they interpret the work requires Paradise and infects with this principality also indicates marriages by a woman , honest or concubinage Bjarah Belle setting calls the crossing in the expression of all of that is from the case of the seer . The robe denotes its faces . Al-Kirmani said, “It is interpreted for the righteousness in religion, for the corrupt people with whips, and for others with smallpox infection in the body .” Abu Sa’eed said the preacher devolves penile state who was from her family , especially from the people of plowing and planting and the fertile year for those who have from her family , a women ‘s increasing pleasure and gave Xia received money from the point of the Persians and the people of disclosure and gambling , and may accrue whips . A permissible one who has a face with consequences, and no one is blamed for that, whether it is for men or women, unless something of the reprehensible type is mixed with him . As for the ink, it is interpreted with grace, and there is nothing in it except the best, especially for women, and it was said the vision of the garments of generosity is a grief . The saw that his two garments Khgayn Mottagtaan wearing one above the other is indicated by his death and torn clothes casually interpreted injury concerns and torn longer interpreted vulva and it serves as Alqaba and Duwaji if the woman saw her clothes habitus short lacked HTC concealed and eat the new dress eat money halal and eat the dress said Salmi saw that His clothes are wet on him while he puts them on. If he is on a journey, then he is not traveling, and if he intended something he would not have . And he who sees that he sells his clothes is good for him and there is no good for him who buys them, and if he sees them that he pushes them from himself, then this is the remission of his poverty . And whoever sees that he wears new clothes after he has taken a bath, then he declines with the loss of worry and distress, and he is spared from something wrongful . And whoever sees that he wears a forbidden garment or something attributed to women, he marries a woman who is forbidden, and as for the embroidered garments, they are worn by them, mines, and perhaps the fame of the women are broken . He felt that he wears women ‘s clothing, the had pregnant , they come to the female , although he did not have pregnant it affects harm or fear in the same money as much as Hnaatha was probably injured his time and the robe , which is placed on the shoulder , it interpreted the human religion who wears him in the neck and neck position of the Secretariat . It is felt that it robe Well he Salah Dinh and good faith , and if he saw the cloak that puts it on the Well shoulder it increased debt and the health of the religion is not good in thin .) The washing clothes he is to draw it felt that wash his clothes from dirt it shows his goodness and salvation of Gloom And sadness and his well-being and his debt will be repaid if he wears it, but if he does not wear it, it is without that . Al-Karmani said: “Washing clean clothes if dirt appears from it, then it is corruption in religion and committing sin .” Abu Saeed Al-Waseer said: Washing clothes from dirt is a repentance, washing it from semen is a repentance of fornication, and washing it from blood is a repentance from murder, and washing it from excuse as a repentance . Jaafar al-Sadiq said: Washing clothes with cold water means four aspects of repentance, wellness, salvation from Asir, and security from fear, and washing them with hot water, sorrow, grief and sickness . And it was said that whoever saw that he washes clean clothes, it is an increase in his piety and piety, and it was said that this was extravagant because it did not deserve to be washed, and others said, there is no harm in that and there is no harm in that ….

…Following that king . And whoever sees the just authority entering a place, the mercy of God Almighty suppresses that place, and if the place is something that denies its entry into wakefulness, then it is a calamity . And whoever sees that he differs to the gates of kings, he will gain victory by giving . If he sees that he has entered into a king, he will receive honor and pleasure . And whoever saw that he contended with a king, he obtained a grace of an eye, pleasure and goodness, and seeing the dead kings indicated what they left after them . The king’s vision indicates victory over enemies and immorality . Seeing the unknown sultan denotes fire, sea, and sleep . If he saw that the king was in a poor quality, that was evidence of his poor management in the parish . Perhaps seeing the king indicated the coin of dirhams or dinars . And whoever sees in a dream a prince or sultana, perhaps he may oversee people’s symptoms . Whoever sees that he embraces the Sultan or shakes hands with him, he will settle his condition with him . And whoever sees that he is quarreling with a sultana then he argues with the Qur’an, because the authority is in the language of argument . And if the patient sees that an unknown sultan was sent in his request, that is the messengers of the Angel of Death, and God is the Sultan . And whoever saw that the Sultan took his hoods, he would take his money . And whoever sees that the Sultan is in distress, then he is upset . And whoever sees that the Sultan is crazy, then he is concerned . And whoever thinks that the Sultan has withdrawn from his council, that is the diminution or demise of his authority . And whoever saw that the sultan’s pulpit was broken with it, or that he did not complete his prayer, or that his sword was taken from him, or his house was destroyed, or a bull gored him, or that he was trampled by an animal, all of that removed him from his authority . The black garments of the Sultan increased strength, the whites increased the splendor and the release of sin, the cotton garments the appearance of piety and modesty, and the clothes of wool were abundant blessing . If the spy sees that he has become a ruler, then his condition becomes apparent, and if the woman sees that she is a ruler, then she becomes revealed, and if she is sick, then she dies . If he sees the Sultan’s blindness, I will blind him to the news of his people . That king . And whoever sees the just authority entering a place, the mercy of God Almighty suppresses that place, and if the place is something that denies its entry into wakefulness, then it is a calamity . Whoever sees that he differs from the gates of kings, he will gain victory by giving . If he sees that he has entered into a king, he will receive honor and pleasure . And whoever saw that he contended with a king, he obtained a grace of an eye, pleasure and goodness, and seeing the dead kings indicated what they left after them . The king’s vision indicates victory over enemies and immorality . Seeing the unknown sultan denotes fire, sea, and sleep . If he saw that the king was in a poor quality, that was evidence of his poor management in the parish . Perhaps seeing the king indicated the coin of dirhams or dinars . And whoever sees in a dream a prince or sultana, perhaps he may oversee people’s symptoms . And whoever sees that he embraces the Sultan or shakes hands with him, he will settle his condition with him . And whoever sees that he is quarreling with a sultana then he argues with the Qur’an, because the authority is in the language of argument . And if the patient sees that an unknown sultan was sent in his request, that is the messengers of the Angel of Death, and God is the Sultan . And whoever saw that the Sultan took his hoods, he would take his money . And whoever sees that the Sultan is in distress, then he is upset . And whoever sees that the Sultan is crazy, then he is concerned . And whoever thinks that the Sultan has withdrawn from his council, that is the diminution or demise of his authority . And whoever saw that the sultan’s pulpit was broken by it, or that he did not complete his prayer, or that his sword was taken from him, or his house was destroyed, or that a bull gored him, or that he was trampled upon by an animal, all of that removed him from his authority . And the black garments of the Sultan increased strength, the whites increased the splendor and the release of sin, the cotton garments the appearance of piety and modesty, and the clothes of wool were abundant blessing . And if a spy sees that he has become a ruler, then his condition becomes apparent, and if a woman sees that she is a ruler, then she becomes revealed, and if she is sick, then she dies . If he sees the Sultan’s blindness, I will blind him to the news of his people ….

…Spinning the woman : We reported from Ibn Sirin that a woman came to him and said : I saw a woman spinning tar, and I was amazed at her . He said : What do you like about this and deny it is easier than concluding it? He said, ~This is a woman who had a right, so she left it to its owner, and then returned .~ She said : I believed : I had a dowry on my husband, so I left him during his life, then when he died, I took it from his inheritance . If the woman sees as if she is spinning and spinning speed, then what is absent for her is offered . And if she saw that she was slowing spinning, she would travel and her husband traveled . If the spindle washer breaks . Travel measure revoked and absent measure for return . If it is seen as spinning clouds, then it seeks to gather wisdom . If she sees that she is spinning cotton, then she is betraying her husband . And if a man sees it as if he is spinning cotton and linen, and in that he is imitating women, then he will obtain humiliation and do lawful work . If the spinning was accurate, it was done sparingly . And if it was rough, it is a journey in monument and exhaustion ….

Cotton gin If you dreamed of a cotton gin, this foretells that you will make some progress towards wealth that will be happy and satisfying . If you see a broken or dilapidated socket, this indicates that misfortune and misery will accompany your success ….

…There are four types of clothing : Sufi, poetic, cotton, and linen, made of wool is money, and hair is money without it, and made of cotton is money, and linen is money without it, and the best clothes are what is new and wide and cheeky, and unbleached is better than short, and the creation of clothes and their dirt is poverty illusion and corruption of religion , Dirt and shag in the body and head are they . The whiteness of the clothes is a beauty in this world and religion, and the redness in the clothes for women is good, and it is disliked for men because it is the adornment of the Devil, unless the red is in a jacket, bed, or quilt, and when the man does not appear in it, then it is at that time happiness and joy, and the yellowish in the clothes is all a disease . It has been said that the redness is they, and the redness and the yellowishness in the body do not harm, because they do not deny or satisfy men, and green in clothes is good in religion, because it is the clothing of the people of Paradise . Black clothes are valid for those who wear them while awake, and know them, and they are supreme, wealth and authority, and they are not disliked ….

…Jaber al-Maghribi said the carpet, as it was made of wool or cotton, indicates his keenness and desire for me. Jaber al-Maghribi said the carpet, as it was made of wool or cotton, indicates his keenness and desire to worship. And whoever sees that his rug is lost, then he is otherwise and if it is of silk, then his worship is hypocrisy and it is In the path of religion is weak. As for the quilt, it is interpreted by the woman, and his purchase is interpreted by the purchase of a woman ….

…The flags on the clothes will travel to the Hajj . And whoever sees that he wears a thin garment under his clothes, then he will have money to save, and his bed will be better than his openness, and if he wears it over his clothes, then he is disliked and he has erred in his religion, is public in debauchery, and a cheeky dress is better than a thin dress . If a woman sees that she has put on a thin garment, it is her honor, and if she wears a thick garment, it is her hard work . And the clothes woven with gold and silver are good in religion and the world and the attainment of death . And whoever thinks that he wears soft clothes of great value, this is a good evidence for the rich and the poor . For the slaves, it indicates the sick . Wearing new clothes for the rich person will improve his livelihood, for the poor have wealth, and the debtor has the right to spend a debt . And whoever takes a bath and puts on new clothes, his grief is gone, and he will be well . And whoever does ablution and does not wear new clothes, what he gets from Faraj does not meet his affairs according to what he agrees with . If the new clothes were torn and torn, and like them cannot be repaired in wakefulness, then they indicate that no child is born to their owner, and if they can be repaired, the wearer is bewitched . And whoever wears two clothes, worn out and interrupted, it is his death . And whoever sees that he is wearing a worn garment, he will become sad and ill . And whoever sees that his garment is torn accidentally, its width shall be torn and struck by them on the side of a wicked man, and if it is torn for a length, his command shall be released from him . And if he sees that his garment is torn, then his religion will be torn apart or his livelihood will diminish . The ugly patchwork of clothes indicates loss and unemployment . And whoever sees wetness in his clothes, he is staying on a journey, and he is locked up for something he has been concerned about, and that is not done for him until after the garment has dried . And whoever sees it as if he was washing his clothes or the clothes of others, this indicates the burden and harm he was exposed to in his pension, and indicates the appearance of hidden things . And whoever sees that all his clothes have been taken away from his authority . Whoever sees that he is wasting clothes, this is a good sign, unless the person who dreams is poor, a slave, a prisoner or a debtor . And whoever sees that he wears women’s clothes, and he has in his conscience that he imitates them, he will suffer from severe and terrible authority . And if he sees that he wore women’s clothes, and thinks that he has a vagina, then his condition will change and be let down . And whoever sees that he has unknown clothing on him, then his heart turns it around as he wished . And whoever sees that he eats his garment, he eats of his money . If he sees in a dream a dog wearing a woolen garment, that indicates the fairness and justice of the Sultan . If he sees a lion wearing a garment of cotton or linen, then he is an unjust ruler who robs people of their money . And the blue clothes are a cloud and an illusion . And whoever saw that he wore a linen garment, he would receive honorable living and permissible money . And removing dirty clothes in a dream, the removal of worries, as well as burning them . Eating new clothes is eating halal money, and eating dirty clothes is eating forbidden money . And buying worn clothes is disliked in interpretation, and wear and tear is poverty . And green clothes are good because they are the clothes of the people of Paradise . If someone sees green clothes, this indicates religion, strength, and increased worship in the living, and the good condition of the dead with God Almighty . Wearing green for the living indicates an inheritance injury, and indicates to the deceased that he emerged from this world as a martyr . And the interpretation of greenness is Islam, and if he thinks that he attained that in his sleep, then he is a pious and religious person . Cold indicates the good of this world and the hereafter . The best black garments are blasphemous, and it is stronger in interpretation than wool . And coldness striped in religion is better than in this world, and coldness than clover is a forbidden money, and if it is of cotton, it is a worldly religious money ….

…Dressing the robe : for whoever wears it, buys it, or sews it and its belly, and if he is poor, he becomes indispensable because it pushes the cold indicative of poverty, and if the Sultan met him, he would receive it, and he was good and had a lining and inside it was the money of a continent, which is the cotton inside it, such as treasure and money in the house of money. . And if he was a single he married, and her face was the same, and her lining was his wife, and cotton was her dowry, and strings were covenants and impeccable, and if he sewed her and did not wear her son’s or daughter’s husband, or a marriage contract to others, or a group of spouses separated, especially if it was old and folded . And all of that was in the winter days in Aban to wear it . As for wearing it in the summer, it is an aunt from a wife, religion, illness, imprisonment, distress, or distress for the sake of the woman . If he was from the people of war, he would wear his nation and receive his enemy in the price of war ….

…Allpagh which wears wrapped in cloth it stability in religion and smartness in matters especially if the green if it was something from the kinds of fur it Altjie to a man Jalil equally little religion said , although wool or cotton devolve on four aspects of Ziad in religion and performance of the Secretariat and Salah is religion And the world is good and it is a benefit ….

…The bed is a woman in a dream . Whoever sells his bed divorces his wife, and if she is sick, she will die . And the mattress is a slave girl, and it is a rest, so the bed is soft for the woman’s obedience to her husband and her submission to him, and its capacity for good manners, and she found her modernity, and if the bed is made of wool or hair or cotton, then she is a rich woman, and if it is a brocade then she is a Magi woman, and if it is white then she is a religious woman, and if it is Black, she does a job that does not please God Almighty, and if it is green, then she is a woman of religion, worship and asceticism . Whoever sees that he has bought a mattress will marry a woman, and if the mattress is new, then the woman is beautiful, and if the mattress is torn, the woman is corrupt and not religious, and if he sees that his mattress has shifted from its position then he divorces his wife, and if he sees that his bed is at Sultan’s door, then he assumes a massive guardianship . And the mattress is indicative of the boy for his saying, peace be upon him : ( The child is to bed ) , and whoever sees in his bed goodness, corruption, increase or decrease, then this is interpreted in his wife . And if he sees another bed with his bed, he will marry another woman . And whoever sees that he has folded his bed and placed it towards the side, he will be absent from his wife . And whoever sees that he is sleeping on a bed, he is safe from what he fears, and he may be oblivious to his religion, and sleep is negligence ….

Cotton is interpreted as a quarrelsome man, and the more his bow is strong, the louder he will be in contention ….

…Pinewood, it is a king without authority . Jaber al-Maghribi said if the pinna is made of cotton or wool, or its color is white or green, then it indicates the service of a good king, and whoever sees that, then his expression is against him ….

…Wick : Kahramana serves people, and if he sees that it is all burned, then the Kahramana dies, and if a spark falls from it in cotton and burns, then it makes a mistake and removes a slip ….

…Al-Kirmani said the vulva if it was from a brocade and it was worn if it was worthy of it then Mahmoud, and if it is not worthy of it then it is not Mahmoud and the simple brocade is better than its color, and the blemish and the vulva indicate good and benefit, and the vulva if it is made of wool or cotton, it indicates the increase in religion and the goodness of the matter ….