And whoever sees that a building is ravaged by the land and then turned around so that he hardly sees anything of that, then it indicates that a great decay has occurred, the most senior people go until they no longer have a trace, and likewise if it is lavished with trees and palms, and God Almighty knows the right thing ….

And whoever sees that he has fallen from a mare, descended on him, or killed him on top, then it is interpreted by the decline of his stature or his isolation from his authority, and perhaps indicating the death of his wife, and if his epilepsy was in a market or among people, then he is famous for the fall of his condition in his face, and it may have been his descent if the oud has spent his money Until it happens to its end, and it was said that the matter that he sought is not complete, especially if he does not intend to go back ….

Whoever saw the angels descended to a place, he would interpret victory for his family ….

…Rain If you see yourself in a dream under the rain, this foretells that you will reap great pleasure in your contemplation of the conditions of the universe and how to properly face the pleasures and needs of the body . If a rain falls in your dream, then you will enjoy your youth and your pleasures, and your conditions will prosper . If it rains from dark black clouds, you will mourn and worry about your poor choice of projects . If you hear and see rain falling while you are running away from it wet, this predicts success in work and the fulfillment of desires and aspirations . If you are sitting in your house and watch from the window rain is pouring out, this foretells good luck, wealth and meeting with those you love . If you hear rain falling on the roof, this foretells family peace, contentment and joys . You will get a fair amount of luck . If your house shrivels up during the downpour and the water is pure and not cloudy, you will fall into forbidden pleasures unexpectedly . If the water is dirty or cloudy, expect the opposite to happen . If you regret not having done anything and listen to the sound of rain, you will seek your pleasures at the expense of others’ sense of ownership and justice . If you see rain falling on other people, this foretells that you will withdraw your trust from friends . If a woman A dreams, her clothes are dirty and wet because of the rain, she will have fun with someone without reservation, and her friends will suspect her for receiving the foolish delights . If you see rain falling on farm crops, this predicts a loss in business and trade, and a gloomy atmosphere at the level of society . Seeing a rainstorm is always a bad omen ….

…As for the teeth : they are the people of the man’s house, so the upper ones are the men of the household, and the lower ones are the women, the fang is the master of his house, the right is the father, the left is the uncle, and if they are not two brothers or sons, if they are not then two brothers, the fourth is the cousin, the maidens, maternal and aunts And whoever takes their place in the advice, grandparents’ molars, young sons, the lower right-hand fold of the mother, and the left-hand aunt, if not there are two sisters or two daughters or their substitute, the lower quadrant is the daughters of the uncles and daughters of aunts, and the lower fangs are the daughters of the maternal and aunts And lower molars, the farthest from the man’s household, are women and young girls . The movement of some teeth is evidence of one who is interpreted in the disease, and his fall and loss is evidence of his death or his absence from him by the absence of someone who does not return to him, and if he struck him after losing it, then he returns, and his erosion is evidence of a calamity afflicting those who belong to him . Teeth chatter on an argument between his family . If he sees a scab in his teeth, then it is a defect in his household, he should return to it . Stinking teeth is the ugliness of praise for the household, and the weariness of the teeth is the weakness of the people of his household, and the purification of the teeth from the plaque indicates the financial expense in the denial of their worries . And the whiteness of the teeth, their length and their beauty, an increase in strength, money and prestige for the household . If he sees as if he grew up with his folds like it, then his household will increase . If he sees that growing up with her is harmful to her, then the extra in the household will be a disgrace and a scourge for him . If he saw as if he had pulled his teeth, his visions indicated that he had cut his womb, or that he would spend his money on disliking him . If he sees as if he is throwing his teeth with his tongue, the affairs of his household are spoiled by words he speaks . If he sees as if his teeth are of gold, and if he is from the people of knowledge and words, his visions are praised, otherwise they are not praised, because they indicate illness or fire in other than knowledge and his people, and if he sees as if they are of silver, it indicates a loss of money . If he sees it from glass or wood, it indicates death . If he sees the sockets of his teeth, they fall out, and they grow in another place, indicating that his affairs and measures have changed . And it was said that whoever saw his upper teeth fell into his hand, then it is money that becomes his . If he saw her fall in his lap, then he is a son, because God Almighty says : ~ And he speaks to people in the cradle .~ I mean in stone . If he saw her fall to the ground, it is death . If he saw as if he caught the fallen from his sheep and did not bury him, then he benefits instead of someone like him in compassion and advice, as well as interpretation in the rest of the members if a pest afflicted it and did not bury it . If he sees as if teeth have grown in his heart, then it indicates his death, and it was said that the falling of the teeth indicates an obstacle that hinders what he wants, and it was said that it is the evidence of paying off debts . If he sees as if all his teeth have fallen out, and he takes them in his sleeve or his stone, then he lives a long life until his teeth fall out, and the number of his household increases . And if he sees as if all his teeth have been cut off and gone from his sight, then his household will die before him, and that may have been the death of his own age . Of people, and his peers in age . And if he sees as if people are rubbing him with their molars or biting him, then he can humble people and not be humiliated, and it was said that he should make the mouth like the house, and the teeth are like the inhabitants, so what is in them on the right side indicates males, and what is from the left indicates females. All people except a little of them . And it was said that whoever saw his teeth break, he should spend his debt a little bit . If his teeth fall out without pain, this indicates actions that are invalidated . If he sees that it is falling without pain, it indicates that something in his house has gone . And if the teeth fell out, they prevented a person from doing anything that is done by speaking and saying . If there is still pain or blood or flesh coming out, then that nullifies or spoils the desired matter . As for the healthy, free and traveling, if all their teeth fall out, this indicates a long illness and falling into tuberculosis without dying, and that is that a person cannot obtain strong food without teeth, but he uses cups and juices, but rather does not die because the dead do not lose their teeth, and the thing that He does not offer the dead to the dead. He is a savior for the sick. For this reason, he became praiseworthy in illness . And if all their teeth fall out, then it indicates the speed of their survival from the disease, and as for the traveling merchants, it indicates the lightness of their pregnancy, especially if he sees that these teeth are moving, and if he sees as if some of his teeth have long and become more bone, then this indicates an argument and a quarrel in a house . And if his teeth were black, decayed and crooked, and he saw their fall, he would be saved from all adversity . If he sees as if his teeth are falling out while he takes them in his hand or with his beard and in his lap, this indicates that his children are cut off, so he is not born for him, and what he gives birth to is neither left nor raised . And he narrated that a man saw all his teeth fell out, and he was so sad, and he narrated his vision on a crossing, and he said : All your teeth will die before you, and it was so . And another saw as if he had taken three teeth from his mouth in his palm, and he attached his fingertips to them, so he told him that he had found a dirham and a half ….

…Building If you see large and beautiful buildings with green meadows stretching in front of them, then this is a sign of a long life characterized by wealth, and travels and frequenting remote countries . Newly constructed small homes indicate happy homes and profitable undertakings, but if the buildings are old and dirty, the dream will be followed by ill health and decline in love and work ….

…Whoever saw them in his sleep with good qualities, that was evidence of his good belief in them and his followers of their Sunnah . Perhaps their vision indicated the movements of soldiers and sending missions . Perhaps it indicated the spread of knowledge, enjoining good and forbidding evil . Their vision also indicates familiarity, love, brotherhood, help, and safety from enmity and envy, and the removal of prejudices, because they were, God pleased with them, for that . If the visionary is poor, he becomes rich because they are, may God be pleased with them, conquer the states . And if the seeker is rich, he will choose the Hereafter on the world and spend his life and money on the pleasure of God Almighty . And their vision, may God be pleased with them, indicates honorable buildings such as mosques and the purity of lineage, tribes and clans . Their turning away from the seer or insulting him in a dream indicates falling into trees among them, and preferring some of them to others, and their hatred for him, and their vision indicates repentance and giving up on anything but God Almighty . Their vision, may God be pleased with them, indicates goodness and blessing according to their homes and their well-known values ​​in their path and path . Perhaps seeing each of them indicated what was revealed to him and what was in his days of sedition or justice . And whoever sees that he is crowded with the companions of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he is one of those who seek integrity in religion . And whoever sees one of the Companions, let him interpret for him the derivation, such as Saad and Saeed, then he will be happy . Perhaps he had a share of his biography and actions . And whoever sees any of them alive, or that all of them are alive, his visions indicate the strength of religion, and indicate that the visionary attains glory and honor and is supreme . If he sees as if he has become one of them, he will experience hardships and then the nail will be soft . And if he sees them repeatedly in his sleep, his livelihood is narrow . As for the Ansar and their children and grandchildren, seeing them in a dream indicates repentance and forgiveness . Seeing immigrants indicates good certainty and confidence in God Almighty, departure from this world and asceticism in it, and honesty in speech and action ….

Falling If falling in a dream is from top to bottom, then it indicates the transition of conditions from good to evil, or from one wife to another, or from workmanship to workmanship, or from country to country, or from doctrine to doctrine . If the one who descended in a dream was good food or good people, that indicates good condition . And if he descended in a dream to a ruin or a broken animal, it indicates a bad consequence, and perhaps it indicates scarcity and miserliness with what he has of money, the Almighty said : ( And what is necessary for his money if it deteriorates ). And whoever falls from the back of a house and breaks his hand or leg, he will suffer a calamity with himself, his money, or his friend, or he will suffer hate from the Sultan ….

…Whoever saw that he treated something of his teeth : until he pulled it out, or he saw that that cured him from something else and pulled it out, then he is disliked with a fine for money or something similar . If he sees all of his teeth falling out and falling into his hand or in his possession, then he will increase the number of the descendants of the people of that house . If he saw that they all fell, then people with his teeth would die before him, according to Saeed bin Al-Musayyib . Saeed used to use names in interpretation a lot, and if he saw that he had lost some of his teeth, he would estrange those who attributed that tooth to him, and Al-Qayrawani said : Perhaps the teeth indicate the teeth that have a human body, and that sustenance is connected to the abdomen . The money may indicate what a person uses to seek and earn his livelihood, such as livestock, servants and comfort . Whoever saw his teeth all fell out, I looked at his state, his time and his alertness . If all of his household were sick in a plague and the like, they perished, and he remained after them . And if he has no family and he has money, his money will be robbed and his blessing is taken away . If he was poor, the one to whom his teeth were attributed died, and remained after them . As for the loss of a single tooth, if it was without treatment and you went from it when it fell, the patient died from his household, or was hit by money . And if at the time of its fall, he took it in his hand or squeezed it into his garment, then look at his condition, and if he had a pregnancy, a child came to him according to the value of the tooth’s essence and its location, otherwise it is good for a brother or relative who had cut him . And if there is blood, then that is the sin of severing the uterus, unless it owes a debt, and it is required and treated to eliminate it ….

…A star If you dreamed that you carefully looked at bright, clear stars, this predicts good health and success . If the stars are red or cloudy then you will encounter problems and distress . If you see a star falling, you will witness events that carry with it sadness and grief . If you see stars appear and then mysteriously fade away, then there are mysterious shifts and events in your near future . If you see a star falling on you, there will be disagreement and distress at the level of the family . If you see the stars rolling on the earth, this foretells that you are threatened by dangers and difficult days ….

…Indicates in a dream his longevity without his age counterparts . If he sees that all his teeth have fallen out, he will live a long life . And if he sees that all his teeth have fallen out and he no longer sees them, then his household will die before him or get sick . And whoever sees that his upper teeth have fallen into his hand, then it is money that becomes his, and if it falls in his lap, then he is a male boy, and if it falls to the ground, then it is a misfortune of death . And whoever sees that his lower teeth have fallen out, he will suffer pain and pain, illusion and anguish . And whoever owes a debt if his teeth fall out in a dream, this indicates that he is fulfilling his debt . And if he sees that one of his teeth has fallen out, he will pay off all of his debts at once . And if all his teeth fall out, everyone in that house and his friends will perish . And whoever sees that his teeth fall out while he takes them in his hand, this indicates the death of children . And it was said : Whoever saw his teeth falling out indicated harm to some of his friends . If he sees that his fold has fallen, then he benefits a son or a brother or a sister . And the loss of a single tooth if it was not treated and he took it by his hand, and if he was pregnant, a son came to him, otherwise he would be in favor of a brother or relative who had cut it . And it was said : The falling of the teeth indicates an obstacle that hinders him from what he wants . It was said : It is evidence of debt elimination . And if he took what fell from his teeth, he might have spoken a mistake and regretted it and kept it secret . And perhaps the loss of teeth indicated to the masters of jihadists on the necessity of nothingness . And whoever sees that his teeth have fallen out and he is unable to eat, he will lack ….

…And Jaafar al-Sadiq said, “Ash” refers to nine aspects of unacceptable work, forbidden money, false speech, strife, immorality, deceit, heartbreak and regret, and an act of no good. As for the law, its expression was presented in one of the chapters of the thirty-third chapter on the mention of buildings. As for the fire of Hell, it was mentioned also in one of the chapters of Chapter Four ….

…Medina : indicates its people and its inhabitants, and indicates the meeting and the greater mass, safety and fortification, because when Moses entered Middin, Shuaib said to him : Do not be afraid, I survived, and perhaps the village indicates the world, and the city indicates the Hereafter, because its bliss is more important, and its people are smoother, and its dwellings are greater . And the city may refer to the world, and the village to the mountain, because it is prominent and isolated from it with the negligence of its people . Perhaps the known city indicated the abode of the world, and the unknown city of the Hereafter . Perhaps the beautiful unknown city signifies paradise, and the hated black village on fire, because of the bliss of the people of cities and the misery of the people of Mour . If a person moves in his sleep from an unknown village to a city as well, look at his condition. If he is an unbeliever, he becomes Muslim, and if he is a sinner he repents, and if he is good, poor, and despised, then he is rich and proud, and if he is with his goodness for fear of security, and if the owner of a secret is married, and if he is With his goodness, a sick man, he died, and if that was for a dead person, his condition has changed and his house has changed, but there are two homes, one of which is better than the other, so whoever moves from the ugly house to the beautiful good deed escaped from the fire and entered Heaven, God willing . But who came out from the city to the village unidentified, In contrast to the first, but were Marovin considered their names and Jawaharhama, will rule for Relocated meanings so, as the outside of Bagaah to the city of Egypt, it concludes from the punk of questions and secure his fear, the verse : ~ Enter Egypt, God willing , Amenin . ~ If his departure was from the secret of the one who saw to Khurasan, then he happily moved to a bad time, his time had come . Likewise, the outside from Mahdia and the interior to Sousse, outside of Huda and right to evil and corruption, in this way and its consequences in all known villages and cities . As for the well-known gates of the city, their guardians or their rulers and those who guard and preserve them . As for its role, its people are among the chiefs and the elders of its locality, and every path is indicative of those adjacent to it, and those who are needed by the people of that locality in their tasks and affairs, and their accidents will be returned from them with his merit and authority, or with his knowledge and money . Some of them said : Medina is a man of knowledge, if you see it from afar, and it was said : Medina is a religion, and leaving Medina is fear, because God Almighty said : “ He went out from it in fear and awaits. ” And entering Medina is a reconciliation between him and the people, they call him to truth. God Almighty said : “ Enter into all peace ~ , the city, the city saw that the vintage, have ruined it shows old or born there a scholar or imam, is happening there pious and Nasca . And whoever saw that he had entered a country and saw a ruined city that had no walls, buildings, or monuments, for if on that day there were scholars who died and went and studied, and none of them or their offspring remained, and if he saw that he was aging, then he would be born from the descendants of the remaining scholars, a son will appear in him. those scientists, and saw the city or vacant countries of the Sultan, the food price go to extremes there, it saw a city or a country unfertilized good planting, it is better if the people, and said some of them : If the cities quiet static, they are in the fertile at night on famine, and in Fecundity is a guide to fertility . It is better for a person to see the rich and fertile cities, for they indicate a high and fertile one, and if he sees little fertility, the family indicates the lack of goodness and the town of man indicates the fathers, for example : that a man saw as if his city had fallen from earthquakes, so he sentenced his father to death . And narrated that Kie was with what Koutaiba walked from irrigation to Khorasan, he saw Wakee in a dream like demolishing Sharif , his city and blown up , he asked the crossing , he said : the supervision of the fall Jaham on your hand and Aosmon, was also ….

…On the land, its mountains, its soil, its country, its villages, its role, its buildings, its palaces, its forts, its facilities, its mirages, its sand, its hills, its baths, its baskets, its markets, its shops, its roofs, its gates, its roads, its prisons, its sale, its churches, the houses of its fire, its corridors, and the like. The world is in the world, and the sky is over the Hereafter, because the world is nearer, and the Hereafter is delayed, especially since Paradise is in the sky, and the well-known earth indicates the city in which he is, and its people and inhabitants . And it indicates travel, if it is a traveled path like deserts and prairies, and indicates a woman if she is one of what he perceives her limits, and he sees the first and the last of them . And she indicates the woman and the wife, because she stepped in, plowed, sowed, and watered, so she would carry, give birth, and lay her plant until its completion . Perhaps the earth was a mother because we were created from it . He who owns an unknown land, gets rich if he is poor, gets married if he is single, and he gets married if he is a worker . And if he sells land or goes out of it to another, he will die if he is sick, especially if the land to which he moved is unknown, and he is poor if he is affluent, especially if the land he parted with was grass and pasture, or he left from a doctrine to a doctrine, if he was an overseer . If he goes out from arid land to fertile land, then he moves from heresy to Sunnah, and if it is otherwise, then the matter is against him, and if he sees that he is hoping to travel, then it is what he meets in his journey, and if he sees as if the earth has split apart then a young man leaves from it, enmity appears among its people If an old man came out of it, their grandfather was happy and gained fertility, and if he saw it split, nothing came out of it and nothing entered into it, an evil event occurred on the earth, and if seven came out of it, it indicated the appearance of an unjust ruler, and if it came out alive, then it remains torment in that area . And if the land was split with plants, its people gained fertility, and if he saw that he was digging the earth and eating from it, he obtained money with cunning, because digging is deceitful, and if he sees a land that breaks up with the plant and he thinks it is his possession and rejoices in that, he indicates that he gets what he desires and dies quickly, for God Almighty says : Even if they rejoiced at what they had come, we took them suddenly . ~ And whoever folds the land with his hand, he will be given a possession, and it has been said that the fold of the land has acquired an inheritance . A narrow land, narrow living . And from his word the earth is good, he attained good in religion and the world, and her suspicious words of unknown meaning, money of suspicion ….

…Role : The role, it is a function headed, what it came down from the demolition or narrow or capacity or good or evil, so he returned to her family and headed and its inhabitants . The walls are men, and the ceilings are women, because men are the protectors of women, because they are above them, and push them to the worst of them, so they are like strength, so what was confirmed its significance, he returned to him and worked on it . The man’s house denotes his body, his division, and himself, because he knows it and knows him. It is his glory, his memory, his name, and his family’s jacket, and it may indicate his money in which he is in shape, and perhaps it indicates his dress for his entry into it, and if it was his body, her door was his face, and if it was his wife, it was her door His relief, and if it was his world and his money, then her door was the door that he caused and his sustenance, and if it was his garment, then its door was his collar . If the door is alone, it may refer to the head of the house, and the individual who opens and closes, and the other individual may refer to it to his wife who embraces her at night, and turns away from her when entering and leaving during the day, and in which the male and the female are inferred in the form and closure, the one in which the closure is the male, and the one in it The lug is the female, his wife, because the lock inserted into the lug is male, and the total shape if it breaks apart is like a couple, and it may indicate the two sons of the owner of the house, a male and a female, and the two brothers and partners in the ownership of the house . As for the lintel of the door and its rounds, and everything that enters it with a tongue, that is for the wife and servant, and as for its lists, it may indicate male children or slaves, brothers and servants . As for his legs and the door ring, they indicate the permission of his owner, his eyebrow, and his servant, and whoever sees something of that, a decrease, an occurrence, an increase, or a novelty, this is used to the addendum by increasing the evidence and evidence of vigilance . As for the unknown house other than the known, it is the abode of the Hereafter, because God Almighty called it a house and said : “And that house is the Hereafter .” Likewise, if it is known to have a name that denotes the Hereafter, such as the abode of Uqba or the abode of peace, then whoever sees himself in it and was sick, leads to it in peace and is free from the temptation and evil of this world, and if he is not sick, then it is good news for him, according to the extent of his work, from Hajj or jihad Or asceticism, worship, knowledge, charity, connection, or patience over a calamity, inferring what he led to her, and for whose sake he preached increased vision and vigilant evidence, and if he saw with him in a dream books about which he learned, then his knowledge led him to it . And if there is a worshiper in it, then he attained his prayers, and if he had his horse and his sword, then his struggle reached it, then on the meaning, and as for awakening, he looks at the most famous of her deeds with himself and the closest in his sleep to the rest of his obedience, if they were many, then the good news was in a dream . As for the one who built a house other than his own in a known or unknown place, look at his condition, and if he is sick or has a sick person, then that is his grave, and if there is none of that, then it is a world that benefits it if it is in a known place, and if he built it with milk and clay, it was permissible and if It was made of bricks, plaster and lime, it was forbidden for the sake of the fire that kindled his work . And if he built the house in an unknown place and was not sick, if it was with milk then it is a good deed that he does for the hereafter, or he has done it . And if they are in remuneration, then they are reprehensible deeds that he regrets in the Hereafter, unless he returns to demolishing them in a dream, then he repents from them, and as for the house of unknown structure, soil, location, and individual families about the role, especially if he sees in it dead people who know them, then it is the abode of the Hereafter. His income, then he dies if he does not come out of it, and if he enters and leaves it, then he is on the verge of death and then escapes, and whoever sees that he entered a new house with complete facilities and was between the houses in a known location, if he is poor he becomes rich, and if he is rich then he becomes more rich, and if he is anxious Release him, and if he was disobedient, he repented, and according to her goodness and capacity, if he did not know her companion, if she had a companion, then it was for her owner, and if she was solid, that was permissible, and if she was plastered then that was forbidden . And the capacity of the house is the breadth and generosity of his world, its narrowness, the narrowness of his world and his miserliness, and it is found to renew his work, and to settle his religion, and as for its tightening, it is the precision of his management, and the purpose of it is his happiness, and the house is made of iron for the longevity of its owner and his state . And whoever leaves his home angry, he will be imprisoned, because God Almighty says : ~ And He has gone out of his house in anger .~ If he sees that he has entered his neighbor’s house, he enters his secret . If he is an immoral person, then he is betrayed by his wife and his livelihood . Building a house for a celibate is an elevated woman he marries, and whoever sees a house from afar attains a distant world, and if he entered it from a building and mud and was not separate from the houses and houses, then it is a world that befalls her . And whoever sees his leaving the buildings, oppressed or transformed, then he is leaving his world or what he possesses according to the extent of what is indicated by the face of his exodus . It was narrated that a man from the people of Yemen came to the crossing and said : I saw as if I was in an old house of mine, and it destroyed me . He said : You find an inheritance, and soon a relative died and inherited six thousand dirhams . And another saw as if he was sitting on the roof of a house of flasks, and he had fallen from him naked, so he recounted his vision on a crossing and said : A woman from the king’s house is beautiful, but she dies sooner, and it was so . The houses of the house are the women of its owner, the styles and the raggas are men, the balconies of the house are the honor of the world and the leadership, and its treasury is its custodian of his money from the people of his house, its health is in the midst of a worldly state, its surface is his name, its elevation, and the house of the Imam al-Adl is a gap from the holes of the Muslims, and the demolition of the strengthened King’s house is a lack of his authority . The fact that the man was on an unknown roof obtained a lift and sought the help of a high-ranking man, and he asked for help . The Christians said: “Whoever saw it as if he was sweeping his house, he was stricken with grief or died suddenly, and it was said that sweeping the house is going to go away, and God knows what is right ….

Whoever sees that he has a pavilion struck, then he will strike a great authority and good, and whoever sees that he has a pot battered or a dome beaten, then he will hit a sultana without the pavilion. And whoever sees that a sultana has departed from this al-Akhbiyyah a parting exit, then he shall depart from his authority of that, and whoever sees that the buildings have been folded, his authority to that goes away, or his life is running out.

…He saw that he entered Heaven : He will enter it, God Almighty willing, and that is a good tidings to him about what he did for himself or what he offered . If he sees that he struck from its fruits, ate them, or gave it to someone else, then the fruits of Heaven are acts of righteousness and goodness, so he is attaining righteousness and goodness in proportion to that . If he struck her and did not eat anything from it, or did not reach his food, then he would have knowledge and goodness in his religion and would not benefit from it . And if he gave it to someone else, he would benefit from his knowledge other than him . As for its kindergartens and buildings, they are as exact as their appearance . As for her women, they are matters of righteousness according to their beauty . If he sees that he was in Paradise residing in it and he does not know when he entered it, he will still be a blessed, dear favorite, made for him in his affairs, deflecting misfortune until he comes out of it for good, God willing ….

…In a dream, it is the world of a man, so whoever sees that he has a new home that is solid and full of facilities, for if he is poor he is well-off, and if he is worried, he will be freed, and if he is a worker who attains a state as good as the house, and if he is in disobedience he repents, and that the capacity of the house is the capacity of his worldly life and his knowledge And his generosity . She was distressed by his miserliness, and she found her to renew his work, and to settle her religion, and her rulings were to manage him, and her houses were his women . And the house of iron has a long life for its owner . If he enters an unknown house and sees dead people in it, then it is the hereafter, and if he sees that he has entered it and is not able to leave, then he will die. If the house is solid, that is his condition in the hereafter . If it was of plaster and bricks, this indicates a bad condition in it . If he enters and leaves it, then he is overseeing death, and then he will be saved . And if the house is alone and it sees the dead in it, then everyone in it will die . If he leaves his home angry, he is imprisoned . If he sees that a man entered his house, he enters his secret . If he is an immoral, then he is betrayed by his wife or his livelihood . For Imam al-Adel, the house is one of the mouths of Muslims . Whoever sees that his house has collapsed, and if it was the home of the just Imam, then that is a notch in some of the mouths of Muslims . The building of the house is in an unknown or known location if a woman is celibate . And whoever sees a house from afar, it is a distant world that he can attain, and if his income is built of mud, and it is not separate from the dawr, then it is a world that befalls it as permissible . If it is made of plaster, then it is a forbidden world, and his departure from these buildings is his departure from this world or from what he possesses . If he sees that he has entered a modern house and he is rich, then he will increase in wealth, and if he is poor he becomes rich if the owner or inhabitant of it is mastery of the house . And whoever sees that he is in his old home, and it is destroyed, then he will inherit an inheritance from a relative . And it was said : Whoever built a house, some of his relatives or one of his children died . Whoever sold his house divorced his wife . If he sees for himself a good house, then it is his righteous deed, and if it is narrow and ugly, it indicates bad deeds . Perhaps the house indicated politeness, and perhaps the fluctuation with the rotation of the age . The house of a man indicates his body, soul, and personality because he is known and known by it, and it is his glory, his zeal, and the concealment of his family . And perhaps it indicated his wealth, which is his strength . Perhaps she indicated his garment to enter him, if his body was her door and his face, and if his wife was her door was his private part . And whoever saw that he was sweeping his house, suddenly he became stricken with money . And it was said : Sweeping the house will be the removal of sadness . It was said : The demolition of the house is the death of its owner . And whoever saw that he was demolishing a new house, they were struck by them and evil . Whoever builds or buys a house will become very good . And whoever sees that the yard of his house or its roof has expanded beyond its known destiny, then that is a capacity in his world and he has luck in his life . And if the patient sees that he has left his home while he is silent and does not speak, that indicates his death ….

…Whoever enters an unknown grove : In the days of the fall of the leaves, and he saw the leaves falling, or he saw the trees bare unknown, he was struck by worries . And whoever sees a rich garden in which there is water flowing and palaces, and a woman calls him to herself, he will provide martyrdom and enter Heaven . If he sees that he has a grove to eat the fruits of his tree, then he will receive money from a rich woman . If he picked the fruits from the roots of the trees, he contested an honorable man and won him ….

…A mountain : a ruthless, subdued king or ruler, or a man who is as great as a mountain, its length, its shortness, and its height . And he teaches the world and the hermit, and indicates the high ranks, honorable places, and good boats, and God Almighty created mountains as pegs of the earth when it was disturbed, as they are like scholars and kings, because they hold what the vertical mountains do not hold, and may indicate the goals and demands, because the one who ascends to him does not ascend except towards him. Whoever sees himself on a mountain, propped to it, or sits in its shadow, approached a chief man, became famous for him and took shelter with him, either as a Sultan or a jurist, a scholar who worshiped a hermit, so how about if he was above him calling the call to the Sunnah, the future of the qiblah, or he was thrown from a bow in his hand Because his fame in the people extends as far as his voice, and his books and orders are carried out to the place that his arrows reached . And if he who saw himself fearful of him while awake was security, and if he was in a ship, he was hit in his sea by hardship and an obstacle for which he would be bribed, and his ascent over him was impeccable , because God Almighty said : “I will go to a mountain that protects me from water .” Ibn Sirin said : The mountain at that time is infallible, unless it is seen in a dream as if it fled from a ship to a mountain, as it perishes and perishes, according to the story of Ibn Noah . This may indicate a person who was not awake in a ship or a sea, on the paradox of the group’s opinion and the exclusivity and heresy, so how about if he had the monster of the mountains and their sevens, or the ship from which he fled to the mountain had a judge, a chief in knowledge, or a just imam . As for climbing mountains, it is a demand he is asking for and something he wants, so he asks about what they are in while awake, or his hope in it from the company of the Sultan or a scientist, or standing up to them in need or on a journey on land and the like . And if his ascent to it was like climbing mountains, stairs, or a safe road, then all his family would be easy for him, and everything around him was feared for him . And if he was adversely affected by him, or he ascended to him without stairs, peace or reason, he would be feared, and his matter was all deceitful . If he concluded above, he escaped after that . And if he gives from his sleep without reaching, or falls in a dream, he perishes in what is wanted and is forbidden between him and what he wants, or his debt is corrupted in his work, and then he descends from damage and injury from harm, calamity and sadness, to the extent of what is broken from his members . The fall over the mountain and Alkuada and hillocks ceilings 0 Upper walls and palm trees and trees, it shows the paradox of the shows that thing that fell from him in the interpretation of it, from the Sultan , or the world , or a husband or a wife or a slave or a king or action or event, ask the seer On the most important thing that he is in his awakening, that which he hopes and fears him and presents and delays him in his separation from him, and his persistence with him, if the awakening is formed due to the abundance of the demands and conditions in it, or because of its change of hopes, he is judged paradoxically for him who fell from him in the dream according to his evidence in interpretation . The distinction between his affairs is evidenced by the extent of his evidence, and that his knowledge of his completion of the thing that was on him and his strength, weakness and turbulence, may have led to him from his fall from aridity, fertility, bumpy, plain, stone, sand, land or sea, perhaps he returned to it in his body while His fall, and indicates a fall into sins, seditions and debasement, if his fall was in evidence of that, such as falling to the beast, ravens, snakes, and rats of the rat, or to filth and sludge, and this may indicate abandoning sins and refraining from heresies, if he fled from such a thing. Or his fall was in a mosque or kindergarten, or to a prophet or kindergarten, or to a prophet or taking a Qur’an, or to a group prayer . As for what came back to the mountain in terms of fall, demolition, or professionalism, it indicates the destruction of the one who drove the mountain upon him, or his destruction or his killing, unless he rises in the air over the heads of creation, because it is a great fear that remains on the people from the king’s side, because the children of Israel raised the mountain Above them is like a canopy, to fear God for them, and a threat to disobedience . As for the running of the mountains, this is evidence of an ongoing resurrection, either a war that moves in which the kings are moving against one another, or a difference and turmoil that takes place between the scientists of the earth in a trial and distress, in which the commoners perish, and this may indicate death and plague, because it is one of the signs of the resurrection, and the return of the mountain is butter or Ashes or dirt, there is no good in it for the one who pointed the mountain to him, neither in his life nor in his religion, and if he was added to him who was glorified after his humiliation, and was safe after his disbelief, and he feared God after his tyranny, he returned to what he was and returned to his first state, because God Almighty The creation of the garb, as they claim, is water foam, and the foam is invalid, as God Almighty said in His book . And the mountain that has water, plants and greenery, it is the property of a debtor . And if there is no plant or water in it, then it is an unbelieving dominant king, because like the dead, God Almighty neither praises nor sanctifies him . The standing mountain that is not fallen is alive and is better than the fallen, and the fallen who has become rocks is dead, because he does not mention God or praise him . And whoever rises on a mountain and drank from his hundred and was worthy of the guardianship, he obtained it from a man of a hard-hearted king, and what he does not appreciate is what he drank . The obstacle is a punishment and severity, if it falls from it, it will survive, and if it ascends, it will rise and sway with fatigue . And the rocks around the mountain and the trees pimp that place . And every ascension is an elevation, every fall is a position, and every ascension indicates a problem, so its descent indicates a relief, and every ascension indicates a state, so its descent indicates isolation . And if he saw that he carried a mountain and was heavy on him, then he is carrying the supplies of a huge man or a merchant who weighs on him, and if he is afraid, fear for him . If he sees that he has entered a mountain cave, then he will gain rationality in his religion and affairs, take over the affairs of the Sultan, and be able to . If he enters the cave of a mountain in a cave, then he is plotting a king or an impregnable man, and if a mountain meets him, they or a travel or an impenetrable man or a difficult matter or a difficult and cruel woman will meet him, and if he sees that he has ascended the mountain, then the mountain is the goal of his demand, as much as he ascended, until Leveled above it . Every ascent that a person sees, or an obstacle, a hill, a roof, etc., is to obtain what is demanded from the elimination of the need he wants, and the ascent is equal, hardship and no good in it . If he sees that he descended from a hill, palace, or mountain, then the matter that he is asking is diminished and not fulfilled, and whoever sees that he is demolishing a mountain, then he perishes a man, and whoever sees that he is interested in climbing a mountain or practicing it, then that mountain was a goal to which it rises, and if he is above it he attains his hope If he falls from him, his condition will be expelled . And the praiseworthy ascent on the mountain is to limp in that as the one who ascends the mountain does . And all the elevation is praiseworthy, unless it is level, because God Almighty says : ~I will burden him ascent .~…

…The planet is in a dream from the nobleness of people . Whoever sees enlightening stars in his house, a number of rulers will gather with him, and if he sees them in his house and there is no light for them, a group of the noble ones will gather in calamity . And whoever saw a planet fell from the sky to a place, a calamity occurred in that place in a man of honor . The planets are common among the sultans, and their supervision is the strongest, among the scholars the most knowledgeable, and among the common people the richest . And whoever sees his status as having many planets, he will have many offspring . And whoever sees the seven planets, the car, it indicates the industries, trade, science and the Sultanate . And whoever sees a bright planet, he will receive pleasure and joy and people are led to him . And whoever sees that the planets have gone from heaven, then his money is gone if he is rich, and if he is poor, he will die . If he sees planets on his head, then he will be mentioned and surpass his counterparts . If he sees that he is riding a planet, then he will gain authority, mandate, power, goodness, benefit, and presidency . And whoever sees the stars under the roof indicates the destruction of his house so that their light will be inside the house, or it indicates the death of the owner of the house . And whoever sees that he eats the planets, he eats of people’s money . And whoever swallowed the stars might insult the Companions, may God be pleased with them . Whoever absorbs the planets, he will learn from scientists . And whoever sees the stars scattered is the death of kings, or it indicates war . And whoever saw the stars falling to the ground from the sky, this indicated the destruction of many people . And whoever saw that the stars of the sky had fallen, he became bald and his hair shed . And whoever sees the planets during the day is evidence of scandals and fame . The morning planet signifies the bride’s wedding . And the small planets with weak light indicate slaves, slaves and common people . Whoever becomes a planet gets rich . And the planets that denote winter are worry and sadness, and that indicate summer life and goodness ….

…Rain : indicates God’s mercy, religion, relief, and help, knowledge, the Qur’an, and wisdom, because water is the life of creation and the goodness of the earth, and with its loss the destruction of people and cattle and the corruption of the matter on land and the sea, so how about if its water is milk, honey, or fat . It indicates fertility, prosperity, cheap prices and wealth . Because he is the reason for all of this, and he appears, and how, if it is wheat, barley, oil, dates, raisins, or dust without dust, and so on, which indicates money and livelihood, and it may indicate the needs coming down from the sky such as locusts, hail or wind, especially if it is in it Fire or its water was hot, because God, glory be to Him, expressed in His book what He had revealed to the nations of His torment with rain, such as the Almighty saying : “And we rained on them, so the rain of the warning ones .” And perhaps indicated by sedition and blood being shed, especially if its water was blood . And perhaps the ills and illnesses are indicated by smallpox and the drawing, if it is not at its time and while it is harmful to its cold and its good point, and everything that harms the earth and its vegetation from it is harmful to the bodies who were also created from it and grew in it, so what if the rain was especially in an unknown house, village or locality, and perhaps it indicated On the affliction and torment of the Sultan, such as adversaries and orders, especially if it was raining with lives, and so on . Among the evidence of torment, and perhaps evidence of medicine, reason, prevention, and vacation for travelers, craftsmen, and everyone who works under open air, because God Almighty says : ~ If there is harm in you from rain .~ Whoever saw a public rain in the country, if the people were in poor fertility, their price was cheap, either with rain as he saw it, or for its kindness, or ships that offered food . And if they were in oppression, torment and sickness, then let that go away from them if the rain was beneficial at that time, and if it was harmful or there was a stone or fire in it, multiplying what they are in, and the frequency with them according to the strength and weakness of the rain . If it was spraying, then the matter is light in evidence . And whoever sees himself in the rain or trapped under a roof or a wall, then he orders harm through speech and harm . And either he struck as much as the rain hit him, or he was hit by a drainer if he was sick, or that was his time, or the place was his place . As for what is forbidden under the wall, either he is absent from his work or from his travel or because of his illness or the cause of his poverty, or he is imprisoned in prison according to what is inferred in each aspect of it in the place in which he saw himself, and with an increase in his vision, and what is in his wakefulness, unless he has washed In the rain from impurity, or purification from it for prayer, or washing his face with its water, so his eyesight is correct, or he was washed with impurity that was on his body or his clothes, if he was an infidel, he became Muslim, and if he was an innovator or a sinner he repented, and if he was poor, God enriched him, and if he hoped A need with the Sultan or someone like him succeeded him, and he allowed him what he might need . And every kind is desirable for his kind, for he is praiseworthy, and every kind who hates his kind is hated . And Ibn Sirin said : There is no relief in the book of God Almighty if the name of rain comes, it is cloudiness, as the Almighty said : “And we rained on them with rain .” And he said : ~ And we showered stones on them .~ If it is not named Faraj rain the general public, for the verse : ~ and we went down from heaven , blessed water ~ , and said some of them : rain shows a convoy of camels, and the caravan camels show rain . And the general rain is absurd, and if he sees that the sky has rained swords, then people are afflicted with arguments and quarrels, and if it rains watermelons, they get sick, and if it rains without clouds, then he does not deny that, because the rain descends from the sky . And it was said that he was a relief from a place where there is no hope, and a livelihood from a place that does not count . The word rain and water falling and the like, is more correct in interpretation than the word rain ….

…And whoever sees that he has put a hot morsel in his mouth, it indicates that he is falling into a calamity from someone’s words ….

…And if he sees his hand falling short of what he wants from working with it and oppression or withered, then its interpretation in the same hand and ability does not obtain what he wants, and he is let down by those who seek his help . And if he sees in his hand the virtue of strength and relaxation in oppression, then his interpretation is in his hand and his ability to do what he wants, and the aid of those who seek help from him, and there is another aspect in it, that its length, shortness, strength and weakness is a product of its owner, to whom the hand becomes, and a hand of good hands In his view, as was the saying of Abu Bakr and Saeed bin Al-Musayyib, they used the phrase ~vision~ with names and their meanings, and relied on that vision . If he sees that his hand has weakened, opened, dried up, or its wind stinked : excluding others of the prey, then this is a corruption of the work of its owner, to what it has become, or he left its completion with him, or a weakness of his power over him . If he sees that his hand has turned the hand of a prophet from among the prophets or some of the righteous, then see how that prophet or that righteous was like in the one who guided God on their hands from misguidance, or who saved him from perdition, and how his destiny was among his people, what he suffered from them of harm, and how it was The consequence of their command and command, so also God guides a people by the hand of the visionary, and it is the hand that has been described, and by which God delivers a people from misguidance to guidance, and whatever harm is caused in that, similar to what the Prophet met in God, so his condition and his deeds are in its consequence, like the crafts That Prophet, and this is an honorable vision that only people of virtue and met with hardly see . And whoever sees such a vision in particular without the people of virtue, piety and ability, and whatever it is described is impossible for it to be accepted and rejected ….

…Thunderbolts : denotes the needs and calamities that our Lord afflicts with whom He wills and disperses them from whom He wills . Such as locusts, hail, winds, thunderbolts, sickles, brambles, smallpox, plague, and fever, because people are terrified of them, and their vibration with them and their yellowing of their sense, while spoiling and destroying them when they encounter them . It may indicate great health and a great command, which comes from the king, in which there is destruction, fondness, or destruction . It may indicate the advent of an unjust ruler, and his descent on the land in which it fell . It may indicate other than that from the well-known incidents and Tuaregs mentioned, which people seek to locate and test their condition, such as gruesome death, fire, demolition and thieves . Whoever saw a thunderbolt that fell in his home, if he was sick, he died, and if he was absent from it, he gave his obituary, and if there was suspicion and corruption, a worker would descend it and a police owner guarded it, and if its owner roamed the Sultan, he carried out his order, otherwise a thief knocked on him, or a fire happened to him. Or demolishing, to the extent of increasing the vision, and what God Almighty will help him to pass through . And if he sees lightning strikes falling in the rounds, then maybe there are people among the people who give in the absence of the pilgrims or the Mujahideen, or a fond of people being thrown at me . And if it falls in acres and orchards, then the mosques of the owners of tithes and collections, and that place is covered with injustice and corruption ….

…Nisas is in a dream a man of little mind, destroying himself, and falling from the eyes of people . Seeing nisas indicates endearment to people with good manners, and flattery for them, because of the benefit that it leads, and indicates stupor and forgetfulness ….

…Antelope Seeing an antelope in a dream foretells that your ambition will be high but it can be realized with great energy . If a girl witnesses a deer getting off its foot and falling from a high place, this indicates that the love that she aspires to will reveal its destruction ….

…And whoever sees that the ring of his ring is broken or falling away from him and the clove remains, then his authority will be removed and his remembrance, money and appearance remain ….

…If he sees that he is falling away, then he spends alimony on his secret, and if he is a knowledgeable person, then he is scarce . If someone has hair or a thread or a period that is not offensive, his life will be prolonged . It was said that the water came out of a person’s mouth, and he was a preaching from a world that would benefit people or young people . And if he was a merchant, his words were true ….

…Whoever sees dates in a dream, they are a symbol of rain, and for whoever eats them a pure general livelihood that will be achieved by him, and no one will associate him with it . The buried dates are money saved, as well as the reeds and the sawn dates are dirhams that do not remain, and whoever eats wheatgrass he is from the dhimmah . And whoever sees that a date comes to him, money comes to him from men with dangers, and the agent of dates is a booty . And whoever reaps a date in his time, he will marry a wealthy, honorable woman, who has a lot of goodness and blessing, or that the man hits some honorable men with money without fatigue, and perhaps he will have knowledge . If the dates are not in time, then he hears knowledge and does not act upon it . If he spreads from a dry palm tree on himself, then he learns from a hypocrite man with knowledge, and if he is in a cloud or they are so far away from God for the story of Mary, peace be upon her : ( And he mocked you with the trunk of the date palm falling on you damp ) . If she sees that she eats dates with tar, then she takes an inheritance from Her husband, and she is divorced in secret, and inheritance is forbidden . If a person saw that he took a date and cut it and extracted its products from it, he would have a son . And whoever saw that he picked a black grape seed from a palm tree, then his wife gives birth to a son of a black kingship . Dates are explained by good and halal livelihood . And whoever sees that he eats good dates, he hears good words and obtains great benefit . And whoever saw that he was burying a date got money from the safes, or from the money of orphans, or stored money . And whoever saw that he was eating forty dates at the door of the Sultan, and that was not the time when the dates appeared, nor the time of their Istiha, he would hit forty whips . And whoever sees it as if he ate forty dates and was at the time of maturity, he will have forty thousand dirhams . And whoever sees baskets of brown dates fall from the stomachs of pigs, while he raises them and carries them to his home, he gets spoils from the money of the infidels, and whoever sees it as if he sucks a date and gives it to another and sucks it, then he will share with him a good favor . And whoever sees as if he has eaten dates, he will find the sweetness of faith . And whoever sees as if he split his date and discerns its intention from it, then he will have a son ….