…A fight If you dream that you are in a fight, this indicates that you will encounter confrontations with your opponents at work and that the lawsuits threaten you . If you witness a fight, this indicates that you are wasting your time and money . And this dream warns women against slander and gossip . If a girl watches her boyfriend fight, this is a sign that he is incompetent for her . If you dream that you were defeated in a fight, this symbolizes that you will lose your right to property . If you dream that you hit your attacker with a whip, this indicates that with courage and perseverance, you will win a high position and wealth despite the opposition . If you see two men fighting with pistols, then this indicates many worries and confusions, even if this dream does not include real loss . Nevertheless, this dream predicts a small profit and some inconveniences . If you dream that you are on your way to your home and are attacked by niggers with razors, then you will be disappointed in your work, and the servants will annoy you a lot, and your household comrades will be annoying . If you dream that you are quarreling with Negroes, you will be disturbed by a Negro or a person of lowly qualities ….

…And whoever saw that he fought the moon, indicates that he will fight with one of those mentioned ….

…And whoever sees that two rams are fighting, then the one of them has fought because they are one type, and if he takes precedence over others and does not know them, then he will be interpreted by two huge men, as mentioned above ….

Some of the expressors said a vision of finger-pitling indicates a request for an absent matter ….

…And whoever sees that he is fighting a pig, he is fighting a vile man with no good ….

…And whoever sees that he fights with him and defeats him, then he gets sick and heals, and if the monkey conquers him, he will not be cured of his illness or a defect appears in his organs that will never go away, and the monkey’s flesh is sickness and distress ….

…Whoever sees that he is fighting a camel, he is fighting an enemy according to the ability of the camel, and some of his relatives may die ….

…Okam His vision indicates movement and preparation to fight and fight ….

…Severe . And if it is twenty-nine, it indicates goodness, relief and pleasure . And if he heard thunder in a dream, and the vision was on nine days of May, it indicated the death of the noble ones with the dove, and death occurred in the Turks, and likewise in the sheep, and there would be much rain, and the best of the orchards abounded . If it is in the middle ten, severe diseases occur . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in June, up to ten days from it, then it indicates the death of scholars and the most honorable in the land of Egypt, prices are cheap, money grows, and land and sea fishing increases . And if thunder is heard and the vision is in July to six days of it, then the rain will occur in the month of December, and the planting will advance and grow, and the great people of the Romans will die, and the price falls in Yemen, and war falls in the land of the Persians and there is evil in the land of Egypt on the side of the king, and they fall into captivity in Children, and a king comes from the East to carry them as prisoners to his land . And if the thunder is at the end or seven remains of it, then it indicates safety in all the land, and the price is cheap in the land of Basra and the land of Abyssinia, and the land is blackened to the blackness of the Euphrates, and some fruits such as palm and bananas get scourges, and wheat abounds . And if at the end of the year people are afraid of killing their king . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in the month of August, then it is a good sign for the people of Levant and the people of Gorgan and Azerbaijan. The locusts are reduced and the king of the Khazars and the king of Gog and Magog will die, and the fighting falls between them . And if at the end of it there is thunder, then it will be fertile in the land of Egypt and its overflowing, and the prices are cheap in it after barrenness, high prices and death . If thunder is heard in a dream and the vision is in the month of September in the second days of it, then the rain will be a lot, and droughts occur at the beginning of the year, and fertile at the end, and the locusts will be in the land of Kufa and the Tabahs of Basra, and people fall into great hunger, and Muslims open fortresses, and between the Romans and the Turks Fight for a long time, fertilize the sham and receive its fruits and grains . And if it was on the tenth, it indicated the lack of rain in that year in the Maghreb, and God Almighty knows best and His absence is wiser .. And if it is twenty-nine it indicates goodness, relief and pleasure . And if he heard thunder in a dream, and the vision was in nine days of May, it indicated the death of the noble ones with the dove, and death occurred in the Turks, and likewise in the sheep, and there would be much rain, and the good of the orchards abounded . If it is in the middle ten, severe diseases occur . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in June, up to ten days from it, then it indicates the death of scholars and the most honorable in the land of Egypt, prices are cheap, money grows, and land and sea fishing increases . And if thunder is heard and the vision is in July to six days of it, then the rain will occur in the month of December, and the planting will advance and grow, and the great people of the Romans will die, and the price falls in Yemen, and war falls in the land of the Persians and there is evil in the land of Egypt on the side of the king, and they fall into captivity in Children, and a king comes from the East to carry them to his land as prisoners . And if the thunder is at the end or seven remains of it, then it indicates safety in all the land, and the price is cheap in the land of Basra and the land of Abyssinia, and the land is blackened to the blackness of the Euphrates, and some fruits such as palm and bananas get scourges, and wheat abounds . And if at the end of the year people are afraid of killing their king . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in the month of August, then it is a good sign for the people of Levant and the people of Gorgan and Azerbaijan. The locusts are reduced and the king of the Khazars and the king of Gog and Magog will die, and the fighting falls between them . And if at the end of it there is thunder, then it will be fertile in the land of Egypt and its Nile floods and prices are cheap in it after barrenness, high prices and death . If thunder is heard in a dream and the vision is in the month of September in the second days of it, then the rain will be a lot, and there will be droughts at the beginning of the year, and fertile at the end, and the locusts will be in the land of Kufa and the Tabahs of Basra, and people fall into great hunger, and Muslims open fortresses, and between the Romans and the Turks Fight for a long time, fertilize the sham and receive its fruits and grains . And if it was on the tenth, it indicates the lack of rain in that year in Morocco, and God Almighty knows best, and His absence is wiser ….

…Playing with chess, dice, cakes and walnuts : disliked and disputed . Rather, it was said that playing with everything is disliked, because God Almighty said : “ Or it is safe for the people of the villages to come to them with our lives as a sacrifice while they play. ” And if he sees that he plays with it, then he has a religious enemy . And chess is set up not to play with, for they are isolated men . As for installed and played with, they are male governors . If the end of her fief comes, then he becomes the ruler of that position as a beating or strife, and if one of the two opponents defeats the other, then the victor is the apparent one . It has been said that playing chess is an endeavor in a fight or rivalry . As for playing with dice, he differed concerning it, and it was said that it was engaging in sin, and it was said that it was a trade in sin . Playing with it in the first place indicates the occurrence of a fight in oppression for its prohibition, and the victory is for the one who is victorious . And playing with the cube is a falsehood, and it was said that it is good evidence . Gambling is riot and conflict . As for Muhammara, then Mamlouk, Adeeb, was praised by his owner ….

…His word is the land for good, he won good in this world and religion, and from his word the land with words that contain a rebuke, let him fear God Almighty, because money is forbidden . If he sees a land folded over the people, then there is death, or a fight with the death of people as much as it has been folded over, or they suffer distress, drought or distress . On the ground, or if he sheds his hand from the dirt, then he becomes poor, and if he was sick, he died and became dirt . And whoever sees that he is absent in the earth and does not see a hole there, then that is a journey in the pursuit of the world, he will die in that journey . And whoever sees that the earth is folded for him, he will die quickly . And whoever saw that he was moving from land to land to go and return, he went around his wife or his maid . And whoever sees the earth swallowed it up and loosened it, and if he is evil, then that is a punishment for him . And whoever sees that the earth has swallowed it up without decomposition, he will travel far away . And whoever sees that the earth shook and hits it a lash, then that is a calamity that affects that land from its authority, or that it is cold, heat, drought, or great fear . And whoever sees that the earth has split and a creep has emerged from it and people talk, then he will see something that he marvels at, and perhaps this indicates that his life is near, and perhaps that was a great general verse that appears to people to be considered . And the earth indicates the world according to the extent of its breadth, its greatness, its narrowness, and its smallness . The well-known land indicates the city in which it is located, its people and its inhabitants . And if he sees as if the earth has split apart, then a young man emerges from it, a hostility appeared among its people, and if an old man came out, they would be happy and attained fertility, and if it split and nothing came out of it, and nothing entered into it, an evil accident happened on the ground, and if seven came out of it, it indicated the appearance of an unjust ruler. It is alive and it is a constant torment in that area. If the earth splits with vegetation, its people will gain fertility. If he sees that he is digging the earth and eating from it, he will gain money by deceit, and the digging is deceitful . And whoever folds the land with his own hands, he will be king . It was said : The Collapse land to the legacy of injury . A narrow land, narrow living . And from his word the land with good, he attained good in the world and religion, and from his word the land with words that contain a rebuke, let him fear God Almighty, because money is forbidden . If he sees a land folded over the people, then there is death, or a fight with the death of people as much as it has been folded over, or they suffer distress, drought or distress ….

…Gripping fire : searching for a matter until it becomes clear to him, whoever sees it as if he has set fire to pray with it, a tough-hearted man who has authority, and a strong man of strength with severity of poverty and his use of it, sought help from them, for if they meet they establish the basis of the rulers of the Sultan, and they indicate it, because the stone is a cruel man Iron is a man of strength, and fire is power . And if the woman saw that she had set fire, then it burned and lit up with its blast, she gave birth to a boy, and if he saw that he knocked a stone on a stone, and slammed a fire from them, then two tough men fight hard and abduct them in their fight, because the spark with swords, and some said the trigger of his slamming indicates the marriage of the bachelor The fire is suspended, because the wife becomes pregnant and the child comes out between the spouses, and it may indicate evil between them or between two opponents or two partners, and the sparks are the words of evil between them, and if she burns a garment or body, that evil takes place in money, honor or body . And if you burned a Qur’an or a sight, that was a defect in religion ….

…And whoever sees that the sun, moon and all the planets are shaking, it indicates the antagonism of the kings of that place and their fight and fight against them and the great bloodshed ….

…In a dream, it is all evil or sedition, and whoever sees a group of people speaking with fire, they fight, but he takes that from his name, color and acidity . Perhaps his vision indicated love and passion . The abundance of bitter orange in the house indicates that it caught fire . And naranj indicates to bachelors the beautiful virgin wife with money and baggage ….

…And whoever sees that someone throws him into the fire and does not burn him, then he turns to the injustice of the Sultan over him, then after that he is quickly satisfied with him and gets good tidings for his saying, God Almighty, say, O fire, be cold and peace, and if the fire burns him, then he travels with his firstborn or gets harm or sickness or falls into distress or trouble The calamity and scourge and that ) the forces of the flame of fire , which burned them and came out of her great voice, the distress and affliction and calamities that contacted him be because of the Sultan , although the fire smoke Vthesel money from orphans haram and that threw fire spark it gets his feud and fight because of taking money for orphans ….

…If a fire falls from the sky, people will suffer diseases, smallpox, and death, or high prices, or the plant will strike locusts . And the sky may indicate the Sultan or his palace . Whoever ascends to it by ladder or rope, he will receive a lift from the king, and if he ascends without a ladder or a rope, he will have fear of the authority and within him is vanity . And if he reached heaven he reached the goal of the matter, and if he was ill while awake and then did not return to earth, he would perish from his illness . As for the proximity to Heaven, it indicates closeness to God Almighty, for the people of obedience and righteous deeds, and perhaps this indicates closeness to the Imam, the Sultan, the world, the father, the husband, and the master . Perhaps the fall from heaven to earth indicated the destruction of the Sultan if he was ill . And the fall of the sky may indicate the arid land . And the Arabs call the rain sky because it came from the sky . And if the sky fell on a person, and he was ill in waking life, he died, and whoever ascended to heaven and entered it would receive martyrdom and won the honor of God . The lower sky is the location of the moon, and the moon is in the minister’s interpretation . If he saw that in the second sky he attained manners, intelligence and leadership, and that the second sky was for Mercury . And if he saw that in the third heaven he had received a blessing, my maid, a sweetness of joy, and that the third heaven was for Venus . If he saw that he was in the fourth sky, he attained a king, authority and prestige, and that the fourth sky was the sun . And if he sees that he is in the fifth sky, he attained the police mandate or a fight, and that the fifth sky is for Mars . And if he sees that he is in the sixth heaven, then he is blessed with jurisprudence, judgment, asceticism and worship, and he is firm, and the sixth heaven is for Jupiter . And whoever sees that he is in the seventh heaven, he will obtain property and farmers, and the seventh heaven is Saturn . If he sees that he is above the seventh heaven, then he will receive a great elevation, but he will perish . If the sky is green, the crops will increase, and if the sky is yellow, the disease will increase in it . If sheep come out from heaven, it is a spoil, and if seven go out, they will be cursed with the oppression of power . If the gates of the sky were opened, the rain would increase . If a person sees that he has stolen the sky and hid it, then he will steal a Qur’an and pay it to his wife . If he sees that he is turning in the sky and then descending from it, then he learns the science of the stars and becomes mentioned . And whoever sees that he is suspended by a rope from heaven, then he follows authority in religion, and if he sees that the rope is cut off, his authority will be removed from him . And whoever sees the heavens, he is adopted in his presence, then he testified falsehood, for the Almighty said : (You have not witnessed the creation of the heavens and the earth ). And whoever sees that he has fallen from heaven to earth, he commits a grave sin . And whoever saw that the sky had a light emanating from it indicated the guidance of the people of that place, and if darkness came out, it indicated their delusion . And the sky is a sign of the country, the fortress, the home and the wife, the son and the mother, the teacher, and places that are intended for benefit . And the sky indicates the oath to the one who looks at it in a dream, because God Almighty says : (And the sky is woven ). And the Almighty said : (And the sky is with the zodiac ) , and his saying : ( And the sky and the Tariq ) , and perhaps it indicated a wonderful building, and perhaps the sky indicated the sea with its sting, and because of the creation in it of God Almighty . In a dream, the sky indicates all that is above the head, such as a hood and a roof, and what enemies like the Sultan are keen on . Perhaps the rise to the sky indicated controversy and angry people with envy and enemies . Perhaps the sky indicated the prison, and the ascent to it is evidence of raising the mettle ….

…Qandil If you see lamps filled with oil, this indicates a display of job competencies from which you will receive satisfactory results . The empty jellyfish symbolize depression and despondency . If you see a lit lantern burning with a pure flame, this indicates a worthy rise in luck and family blessing . If it emits a fog and dark radiation, you will have to fight the jealousy and envy associated with suspicion, and you will be very pleased to find the right person to attack . If you drop a lit lantern, your plans and hopes will suddenly fail . If it explodes, former friends will team up with your enemies to harm your interests . Broken jellyfish indicate the death of friends or relatives . If you carry a lantern, this foretells that you will be independent and will support yourself, preferring your firm convictions over the convictions of others . If the light fades, it will draw unlucky conclusions and possibly the death of friends or relatives . If you are in a great panic and throw a confused light from your window, your enemies will make you fall into a veil of faith in friendship and concern for your accomplishments . If you caught your clothes from a lamp, you will incur shame from sources from which you expected encouragement and sympathy, and your work will not be associated with much good ….

…It is in a dream expressed by the husband and money . Whoever sees his rectum blocked, he will die . The dogwood is a servile man . And it was said : He is a man of a horn and a drummer . And it was said : It is some of the incest . And it was said : He is a man who keeps secrets . And whoever sees a man’s calf, he will gain an arrangement from him . And who cut off his anus, cut a uterus . And whoever sees a person’s anus, then he sees a frowning face, and if blood or faeces came out of it, money came out of it according to that . The exit of faeces from other than the usual position, the exit of money in no interest . And it was said : The back passage is a foolish man, and the unknown woman has arranged the management of the world for the one he saw . And whoever sees the worms come out of his anus, his children are separated . If the blood comes out of the backside, it is the children of children . And whoever is stained with blood that came out of it, money is forbidden . And whoever came out of his anus or stomach with a rag, he separated a single people, who ate from the money for his family . A man’s bag, chest, store, house, store, or boardroom . And perhaps the back passage in a dream refers to what he engages in while awake, such as knives, trousers, or mats on which he sits, or on which he rides on an animal or saddle . Perhaps it indicated the obedience and disobedience of its owner, and perhaps it indicated the door of its secret or its direct servant of its dirt, and perhaps it indicated the care of mourning, and it indicates the gutter that goes with the dirt of the house, and the paddle indicates the desolate house that no one visits, or the muddy land that no one cultivates , And no one reaps it, and it indicates a man who turns away from people because of his evil and ignorance, or the place of heresy and immorality, and perhaps the back passage points to the fading mouth, and indicates the joys and pleasure, and if he who had a hand appeared in a dream a bad increase, he indicated that he was planning to creep in to fight . And whoever sees that a peacock emerged from his anus, and a beautiful girl was born to him, and if a fish came out, an ugly girl was born to him, and if it was worms or lice, then he was separated from his relatives, and if he came out of him like snakes, then they are strangers in any case ….

…A fox is in a dream an enemy of a fighter, a liar, an elusive offense in his treatment, and whoever kills it or touches it will be frightened by the jinn . If he ate his flesh or asked him to fight him, he would be hit . And they said : He is an enemy of the Sultan . Whoever sees that he took a fox, then he becomes his opponent, and if he slaughters it, it is good for him out of debt . If a fox plays a fox, he hits a woman he loves and loves, and God Almighty has appointed him . And the fox is explained by astrologers, doctors, and people of meditation and malice . And whoever sees as if he killed a fox, he will obtain a dear, honorable woman . And whoever sees a fox, he sees an honorable man or a dear honorable woman, or a man who is deceived for him flatteres him . And the fox denotes an unknown enemy, who is very cunning, and does his work at the time, and indicates deceitful women . And whoever sees that he is eluding a fox, then he is a man like a poet’s liar, and likewise he who sees that he reward the fox is the best reward . And whoever sees what is between the east and the west that is filled with foxes, magic or tricks will abound at that time . And whoever sees that he is fighting a fox or treating him, he is quarreling with a relative . And whoever sees that he is craving a fox, he will become in pain . And whoever sees that the fox touches him, he will be dreaded by the jinn and humans . And whoever sees that a fox escapes from him, he has an enemy to elude him . And whoever sees that he has hit something from the skin of a fox, that is his strength and a nail . It may be an inheritance from a woman . And whoever drank from fox milk was cured if he was sick, otherwise they would be gone . And it was said : Whoever sees a fox, he will be stunned in himself, and there is a decrease in his money . And seeing a fox denotes interest, clothing, wife and marriage for single people ….

…The wind, his vision in a dream indicates the authority in himself for its power and authority over the creatures below . And perhaps the wind indicated the property of the Sultan and his soldiers, his orders and the incidents of his soldiers and his aides . The wind was the servant of Solomon, peace be upon him . Perhaps it indicated torment and pests with its intensity when it was agitated, especially if it was a wasp, because it was the wind that perished with it, and because it was a wind that did not pollinate . And perhaps the wind indicates fertility and livelihood, victory and victory, especially if it is from the winds that are lavish because of the goodness of the plant, which is youth and Arabs, and it is called youth acceptance because it is opposite the wasp . The wind may indicate sickness and illness in people, such as colds and headaches . So whoever sees a wind that carries it and carries it without piety, fear, darkness, or mist, then he owns people if he is one of those who are in it, or whoever hopes for him . And if raised . The wind went with him, frightened, terrifying, wandering anxiously, or it had darkness, dust and disturbance, if he was in a ship that was wrecked, and if he was in trouble, it increased, otherwise it would have calamities and accidents, or the orders of the Sultan or the ruler came out with him . If he sees the wind pollinating the tree and destroying the wall and flying people, animals, or food, then it is a great affliction among people, such as plague, sword, sedition, raid, captivity, or poisonous wind . And the wind with thunder is unjust power with strength . Whoever carried the wind from place to place hit Sultana, or traveled from which he would not return . The soft, clear wind is good and blessing, and the stormy wind is the oppression of the Sultan, and the wind with dust is evidence of war . And the wind is a good news from God Almighty . The wind may be a blessing from that place, and if there is a creak in it, then it is torment and severity . If a Sultan sees that he is going into a fight while the wind is advancing, then he is victorious . If the wind meets him, he will be injured . If he sees that a stormy wind is blowing in a place, then his people get fear and distress according to the strength of the wind and its amount. If the trees are uprooted, the king will be angry at the men of that region and destroy them . And the wind of boyhood is a mercy . And if he sees a strong wind blowing it is a misfortune, and if he sees a wind uprooting palm trees, then the men of that land are killed by the king . The wind of the south indicates the occurrence of calamity, disease, or death in that place, and it was said : It is rain and sustenance, and if he sees the wind blowing quietly, it indicates the approval of a bad people who have no opinion . And the good winds, if they blow from a known direction, are indicative of good news and mercy . And the wind indicates the demand for needs . And the wind of saba is victory and the wind of the hornet let down . Perhaps boyhood indicated the relief of worries and sorrows and the cure of illnesses . And perhaps kindness is a sign of profitable travel . If he sees a red wind in a dream, he indicates disobedience to parents ….

…A horse If you dreamed of seeing or riding a white horse, this indicates that the indicators are favorable for success and enjoyable mixing with harmonious friends and beautiful women . If the horse is dirty and emaciated, your confidence will be betrayed by an envious friend or woman . If the horse is black, you will get rich, but you will cheat, and you will be found guilty of wrongful dates . This dream means for a woman that her husband is not loyal to her . If you dream of dark horses, this indicates refreshing conditions, but with a great deal of discontent . Fleeting pleasures often follow this dream . If you see yourself riding a beautiful horse in a chestnut color, then this means an increase in wealth and fulfillment of emotions . For a woman, this dream means a yearning for urgent improvements, and she will enjoy material matters . If you see horses passing in front of you, this means ease and comfort . If you ride a horse that speeds up, the folly of a friend or user will harm your projects . If you see a horse running away with other horses, this means that you will hear about friends ’illness . If you see beautiful horse stallions this indicates prosperity and lavish living and you will be dominated by an excessive feeling . If you see a foal, then this means harmony and lack of jealousy between married couples and lovers . If you ride a horse and drive a stream, you will bring great wealth into your hands and enjoy luxurious delights . If the stream is turbulent or foggy, the expected pleasures will be disappointed somewhat . If you swim on a horse in a clear and beautiful river, you will easily realize your idea of ​​emotional bliss, and that foretells the businessman of a great profit . If you see a wounded horse, it speaks of trouble for friends . If you dream of a dead horse, this indicates various disappointments . If you dream of riding a wild horse, this means that it is difficult to fulfill your desires . If you dream that he throws you down, you will face a strong competitor and your business will suffer from weakness due to the competition . If you dream that a horse has kicked you, someone you love will alienate you . Your poor health will confuse your fortune and wealth . If you dream that you catch a horse in order to tame it and brake or to harness it for riding, then you will see a great improvement in work in all fields, and people will prosper in their professions . If you fail to catch him, luck will let you down . If you see spotted horses, this foretells that various projects will bring you profit . If you dream that you have a horseshoe, then your success is certain . This dream promises the woman a good and loyal husband . If you dream that you put a horseshoe on a horse, this means that you will try to obtain, and you may get, suspicious wealth . If you dreamed of a horse race, this means that you will be overwhelmed with a weak life, but this dream means prosperity for women . If you dream that you mount a horse in a race, you will succeed in life and enjoy it . If you dream about killing a horse, you will hurt your friends because of your selfishness . If you mount a horse without a saddle, you will gain wealth and ease, but through hard struggle . If you mount a saddle horse in the company of men, you will meet honest men who will help you and your success will be well deserved . And if you are in the company of women, then your desires will be free and your success will not be as abundant as it would have been if women had not filled your heart . If you clean a horse, you will not neglect work projects at the expense of being a man of money or a good farmer . Writers will be very diligent in their works, and others will take great care of them . If you dream of a horse, you will accumulate wealth and enjoy life to the last drop . If you see horses pulling carts, then this means wealth with some obstacle, and love will face obstacles . If you climb a hill on a horse and the horse fails to reach the summit while you succeed, you will gain a fortune although you will fight against enemies and jealousy . If you and the horse arrived together to the top, then your ascension is certain, but it will be a material one . If a girl dreams that she is riding a black horse, then this means that she will deal with a wise authority, and some wishes will come true at unexpected times . Black color in horses indicates a delay in expectations . If you see a mare with weak legs, this means that an unexpected distress will thrust himself into your auspicious position . If you try to fix a broken, very small shoe on a horse’s list, you will be accused of doing fraudulent deals with unaware parties . Going downhill from a horse, your business will undoubtedly disappoint you . If a girl dreams that a friend is riding behind her on a horse, then this means that she will be the focus of attention of many prominent and successful men . If she is frightened, it will arouse feelings of jealousy . If the horse turns into a pig after it abandons it, it will not be indifferent to honorable marriage proposals, preferring freedom until it loses all desired opportunities for marriage . If she subsequently sees the pig slipping on the lightning and telephone wires, she will push its center forward by the deception . If a girl dreams that she is riding a white horse going up or down a hill and she is constantly looking back and seeing a person on a black horse chasing her, this means that she will face a period of success mixed with sadness, and her enemies will, within this period, seek to disturb her description with depression and disappointment tirelessly or Boredom . If you see a horse with a human body descending on a hammock in the air, and when it approaches your house, it turns into a human form and approaches your door and throws something that looks like a piece of rubber at your door but soon becomes impossible into big bees, then this means disappointment and useless efforts to recover lost benefits . Seeing animals in human forms indicates a great improvement for the dream and he will make friends by acquiring the virtues of honest profit . If this human body appears sick or stained with freckles, then this means the failure of carefully and carefully drawn plans ….

…Hand If you see beautiful hands in your dream, then you will enjoy a great privileged position and will rise quickly in your profession, but ugly and deformed hands indicate poverty and disappointments . If you see blood on it, this indicates unfair criticism and ostracism from your family members . If you have a wounded hand, someone will succeed in reaching what you are struggling hard to reach . If you see a hand separated, this means a lonely life, meaning that people will fail to understand your views and feelings . If you burn your hands, you will go beyond reasonable limits in your fight for wealth and fame and you will lose them to that . If you see your hands covered with hair, this indicates that you will not become an established element and leader in your circle . If you see your hands are huge, this indicates rapid progress in your affairs . If you see them smaller than they are, the opposite is hoped . If you see your hands stained, this indicates that you will be envious and unjust to others . If you wash your hands, you will participate in a celebration of joy . If a woman admires her hands in a dream, this indicates that she will gain and maintain sincere respect from the man whom you show to others . But if you admire the hands of others, you will be the target of the whims of a jealous man . If a man holds her hands, she will be drawn into forbidden associations . If she lets others kiss her hands, she will wish for a gossip preoccupied with her reputation. If she handles the fire without burning her hands, she will rise to a high position and commanding positions . If you dream that your hands are bound, this means that you will get into difficulties and by liberating them you will force others to submit to your orders ….

…Al-Salmi said: ~Whoever sees that he has a drawn sword in his hand who has made him famous and does not intend to fight with it, it will gain power, or whoever sees that he struck a person with it, then he expands his tongue on him as much as he strikes, and if he sees that no blood comes out of him, then his words are right and good, and something happens to him in it.~ If blood came out of him and he did not stain the battered and the battered, then it is a word that does not happen as a result of harm and the fine of money, and the battered may have received from the beaten something forbidden money that does not remain for him ….

…War denotes in a dream the attempt and deception of those who fought him in the dream . And war indicates high prices, so whoever sees the people of a city fighting, the prices of necessities go up, and if they fight the Sultan, the prices are cheap, and the war between the sultans indicates a strife or an epidemic, and the war between the Sultan and the parish indicates the high cost of food . And war is a disorder or strife and an epidemic or a plague . War and what happens in it is evidence of turmoil for all people, and evidence of grief for them, except for ticks and the owners of the army . And whoever has his work with weapons, then they are a good and left evidence . See also Invasion ….

…Belt If you dream that you have a belt in a modern style, then this indicates that you will soon meet and make associations with a stranger who will spoil your success . If the belt is outdated then you will receive a well-deserved bash for your brutality . If you dream that you wear a belt that presses you, then this means that you will be under the influence of the deception of the enemies . If you see others wearing velvet or studded belts, this foretells that you will fight for wealth more than for honor . If a woman receives a belt, this means that an honor will befall her…

…And whoever sees two suns have chatted, they are two powers that fight ….

…And whoever sees that he is in heaven, he commands and finishes . It was said that the lower sky is a ministry, because it is the location of the moon, and the moon is a minister, and the second sky is literature, science, intelligence, leadership and sufficiency, because the second sky is for Mercury . And whoever sees that he is in the third heaven, he will receive grace and pleasure, and my maid’s servants, jewelry and bedding clothes, and he will be rich and blessed, because the life of the third heaven of Venus . And whoever sees that in the fourth heaven, he attains a king, authority and prestige, or enters into the work of a king or authority, because the path of the fourth sky is the sun . If he sees that he is in the fifth, then he attains the mandate of the condition, or a fight or war, or a craftsmanship that is attributed to Mars, because the fifth sky is for Mars, and if he sees that he is in the sixth heaven, then he gets better than buying and selling, because the sixth heaven is for the buyer, if he sees that he is In the seventh heaven, he will obtain property, land, agency, cultivation, cultivation, and oil in a long army, because the seventh heaven is for Saturn, and if the person of this vision is not worthy of this rank, then its interpretation is to his superior, his successor, his counterpart, or his name…

…Fog is in a dream ambiguity over a person in what he is in from the matter of religion or the world . And whoever sees a fog pour over it, and if he wants falsehood, let him fear God Almighty and leave what is in it . And fog is a sedition that covers people and a fight takes place between them ….

…And some of the expressers said, whoever saw that his arrow’s blade was of gold, then he shall interpret honorable what some poets said : (His arrow’s blades were forged from Asjd … so that the fight would not hinder him from dew. )…

…Ismail bin Al-Ash’ath said, ~Whoever saw that fire falls from the sky or from rain like rain, because it is evidence of calamity, discord and bloodshed on the side of kings and sultans, and the encounter of enmity between them and the killing of many people in the interpretation. ~ Abu Saeed, the preacher, said fire in interpretation is of two types: harmful fire and beneficial fire, harmful fire as it was told On the authority of Ibn Sirin that a man came to him, and he said: I saw as if one hidden root was burned with fire and hit the other from the fire. He said to him, “The land of Persia is a cattle that I may change, so half of it is gone, and the other half was hit by something small, so it was so. It also indicates fear, and whoever sees that the fire has fallen into the round until it has destroyed all of it, then there is a fight and their money goes away, and the fire in the desert is wars, and the sound of fire is a hustle and cry ….