…What is the relationship of dreams to sex? And does having sex with one of the incest, such as the intercourse of a brother with his sister, or for one of the spouses with a person other than the other, for example, indicate a forbidden relationship? Is this kind of dreams sincere visions? Or is it a pipe dream that does not pass and does not pay attention to it? This question is important in this art, and I find a lot of embarrassment for callers, or callers, when they tell me this kind of vision . The truth is that shyness here is normal. Because it is difficult to imagine the occurrence of such images in conservative Muslim societies, and because of the severe taboo of this action in all heavenly laws . But what I would like to say here : The situation in dreams is very different from the situation in reality, as dreams have their own connotations, which are completely different from reality. Therefore, I do not see any real justification for being ashamed of telling such dreams … Rather, some of them may be indicative of love, righteousness, kindness, or benefit from one side to the other, and very few of these dreams have a bad connotation, but Even if its significance is bad, there is no doubt that narrating such visions to those who trust his love, advice, or knowledge, is sufficient to eliminate all fear that accompanies the occurrence of such visions, and the important thing is to narrate these visions in detail, and not to withhold any information that might benefit the crossing of the vision. . Perhaps from the party that is telling here, that a man of Arab nationality called me his sponsor, and told me that his worker wanted to travel to his country sooner, based on a vision he saw and important to him, and I made him think a lot, and he was discharged in his work, and the sponsor told me that he doubted that he was planning something, and asked I wanted to meet this worker and hear his vision, at the request of the worker himself. I went to the store in which the worker works, and the sponsor met me and introduced me to the worker, who as soon as Farah saw me, and said : I have a vision that I hope you can cross to me . He did not give the doctor an opportunity to accept or reject, and proceeded to narrate his vision that he had seen, and invited him to go to his country, to avenge his honor, discipline his sister who had tarnished his reputation, and changed these descriptions that I heard from him about his sister, and the vision was :: that he saw her naked in one of the places. When she saw him, she felt fear and ran from him, and he followed her, thinking that she was an adulterer . To here, the man finished cutting his vision, and the sweat was pouring from him, so I said to him : I saw good and enough evil, if you believe your vision, I will tell you something about your sister, and I do not know her, so he said : Go ahead , so I said to him : Will you believe me and leave what you think? He said : If what you say is correct, then I will believe you, otherwise I will not believe you . I said : Before you came to Saudi Arabia, was your sister not starting to be religious? He said : Yes . So I said to him : Weren’t you astonished at her sudden commitment? He said : Yes, this is true. I said to him : For this sister of yours is now counting her, and God is her friend, among the faithful, conservative, chaste women who have succeeded in stripping away the sins of her young and old. This is the meaning of her being completely stripped of her clothes. As for undressing her in front of people, it means. Everyone has heard of her righteousness, her asceticism in this world, and her abandonment of many deeds that diminish her faith, and here this man began to cry, and began to seek God forgiveness, and seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan, and how astonished she was when he told him that he had committed evil to her, and that he had resolved To implement his idea as soon as possible, and I say here : Praise be to God who made us missionaries and did not make us alienated ….

And whoever thinks that he kisses a man or has intercourse with him or mixes with him is mixed with desire, then his interpretation is like interpretation of marriage except that he is inferior to him in power, and if the kiss is not with desire, then the one who does the effect is good ….

…The compassionate father and the noble Sheikh did not leave his son in that desolate, wilderness place in the desert of Makkah , without longing for him and remembering him , and without visiting him from time to time , and on one of these visits , and the boy had grown up and moved , he tolerated what his father did in pursuit and work , the opinion of Hebron – Peace be upon him – that he was commanded to slaughter this son of his son , and when the prophets of God slept in their eyes and did not sleep in their hearts , then (the vision of the prophets is revelation ), and that is why Hebron determined to implement the command of his Lord , and he did not commend him for this determination , that Ishmael is alone , and that he was blessed Sheikh large , on the eighty – six years old head of age , and after having been hoped for for years and for years , despite all this , the Khalil God has determined to accomplish what is done , the faith of the faithful , and the surrender of Muslims to God alone , demonstrating the ultimate obedience and compliance with the order of God , this is Islam particular , since Islam is obedience and compliance to God , which is the first religion and others , and this has been described God – the Almighty – this , saying the Almighty ( this is a scourge shown ) from Surat Avat verse 106 that Hebron , but the view that displays This is for his son to be kinder to his heart and easier for him to forcibly take him and slaughter him Forcibly . Let us read these generous verses (and he said that I am going to my Lord , they will guide me , Lord grant me from the righteous , so we preached to him a boy who is haleem , and when he reached with him the sa’i , my father said that I see in a dream that I am slaughtering you , so see what you see . He said, Father, do what you are commanded , you will find me, God willing, from the patient. , when they became Muslim and a hill to the forehead , and Nadenah that O Abraham vision has ratified Verily well Ndza benefactors , this is a scourge shown , and Vdenah great slaughter , and we left it in others , peace on Abraham , as well as We recompense benefactors , he was one of our faithful , and We gave Isaac a prophet of Righteous )….

…As for the mucus : whoever sees it as if he has mucus . Because he fulfills his debt, or saves from them, or he permits a people to do something they have done . It was said that the mucus was the boy’s guide, as was the evidence that the pussy was generated from the mucus of the lion . And whoever sees that he is ridden on the ground, a daughter will be born to him . If he saw as if he was transgressing against his wife, she would become pregnant and give birth to a son . And if he sees his wife miscarrying on him, she will give birth to a son or wean a young son, and whoever has sex in a man’s house, he marries a woman from that house, whether permissible or forbidden . If he sticks in a man’s bed, then he is betraying his wife. If he sticks in his handkerchief, he betrays him in his servant. If he sees that he is mourning, and a woman takes his snot, then she deceives him and bears it . If he sees as if he is washing someone else’s mucus, then a man is deceiving his wife, and he strives to cover him, and not conceal . If he sees that he ate his own snot, he is eating his son’s money . And if he ate someone else’s mucus, he ate another’s son’s money . If he sees as if he has snot in his nose, then his visions indicate his wife’s cord . And if he saw as if he was sneezing and an animal came out from its nose, another child is attributed to it . If the outside was a lion, then he was the son of a thief . If it was a pigeon, then a beloved daughter . If he sees his mucus flowing, he struck children like him, and if he sees a person with a stitch in his garment, he will connect it with a marriage ….

…If you dream about seeing your son, then his interpretation is that he will make you proud of him if in the dream he is handsome and obedient and will strive to reach the highest ranks . If you dream that he is sick or sick, know that you will face troubles in your coming days . If the mother dreamed that her son had fallen at the bottom of a well, and she heard his voice and screams, this is interpreted as deep grief, losses and illness . If you save him, his interpretation is that the danger will pass in passing unharmed ….

…And whoever sees that he slaughtered his mother, father, or son, and if he sees blood, then he forbids one of his parents or his son, and if he does not see blood, then it is a connection and mercy between them ….

…And whoever has sex with a woman in her rectum, he asks for something other than his face and does not benefit from it, because marriage on the backside has no fruit ….

…Whoever sees that he kisses a decorated woman or has sex with her, then he will marry a woman whose husband has died, and he will benefit from her money and a child, and he will receive good in that year, and it was said that he will turn to the world ….

…And whoever sees that a son or daughter came out of his stomach, then this will come from him and his household will prevail ….

…Urination is in a dream, spending his money on something that is not permissible for him, or having intercourse with something that is not suitable for him . And diuresis in a dream is evidence of generating livelihood . And holding the urine and its hardness may indicate his urgency in matters and lack of rightness, and that the injector does not settle for a decision until he pays what he has frozen from it . And urinating in a dream is forbidden money . And whoever sees as if he is in an unknown place will marry a woman in that place . And it was said : Whoever sees it as if he is urinating, he spends an alimony that goes back to him . And whoever sees himself as worn out in a well, he will spend from the money that is permissible earnings . And whoever sees that he has worn out on a commodity, he will lose that commodity . Pal in a niche gives birth to a scientist son . And whoever sees as if he has worn out on the Qur’an, one of his children will memorize the Holy Qur’an . And whoever sees himself as if he pours some and confines some, if he is rich, some of his money will be gone, and if he is upset, some of his distress will be gone . If he sees it as if another person is urinating with him, then their urine is mixed up, and they fall into a continuation and affinity . If he sees that he is an injector, he will get angry with his wife . If the urine is strong on him, and he cannot find a place for that, he wants to bury money and cannot find a burial ground . If he sees that he has urinated in the place of urine, then he will be released if he is poor, and if he is rich, he loses his money . If he saw people wiping his urine, a boy would be born to him, and the people would follow him . If he sees a person known to be bad about him, then he humiliates him by spending his money on him . If a man sees that he is urinating milk, then he will lose his instinct. If a known person drinks it, then he spends on him lawful money in his world . And whoever sees that he urinates blood, he will come to a divorced woman, or a woman with a mahram, and he does not know that . If he sees that he urinates Zaafarana, he will have a sick son . If he sees that he has no juice, then he spends his money . If he sees as if he does not have dirt or mud, then he is a man who does not improve ablution . For the fire was born to him a son of authority . The pale trifle committed an indecency with his family . If vomit comes out instead of urine, that indicates a forbidden child . And if a bird comes out, a child will be born that fits the essence of that bird in goodness and corruption . And whoever wanders standing then spends his money out of ignorance . He who wears his shirt will have a son, and if he does not have a wife, he will marry . If he sees that he urinates in his nose, then he comes forbidden . And whoever sees that he urinates in one of the market places, he will be considered an account of the market . Saw the father of Ardashir son of Sasan was a shepherd like a pal and exalted him steam uncle of the whole sky, he asked Babak the crossing, he said : Do not Oabbarha you even attributed to a son Bold you, Vuadh this, he said : born to you Ghulam have prospects was well . And whoever sees that he has lost his life in a people’s home, community’s neighborhood, or a people’s mosque, country, or village, then he throws his sperm in a marriage with them . And whoever sees that he urinates in a flask or a basin, or a jar, a well, or a ruined one, then he will marry a woman . It is felt that in mind the sea to come out money to the Sultan in ten or zakat and other . And whoever saw that he thought his children would be spread out . And whoever sees that a penis comes out of his genitals, then a child is born for him who participates in all knowledge, because the pen preserves all knowledge . And if he sees that a pill has come out of his body, then a boy is born for him, and he will have an enemy . And whoever sees that he has urinated much, contrary to habit, or contaminated it, or that it smells foul, or that he has urinated while people look at him, that is evidence of malice or the manifestation of evil that is exposed . And drinking urine indicates suspicion of gains or forbidden money ….

…And whoever sees that his son has lived, an enemy will appear to him from a place where he cannot hope for, but the girl’s life is good to the end ….

…And if a woman sees that her son has lived, she will give birth to a daughter ….

If he sees that a son of him has resurrected, an enemy appears to him from where he does not count

…And whoever sees that his son died, he will be saved from his enemy ….

…If a person dreams of a son, cousin or maternal uncle, aunt or aunt, then this means disappointment and sorrows . This dream foretells of sad life . If he dreamed of moving correspondence with one of those mentioned, then this means an inevitable conflict between families ….

…If he saw as if his son died, get rid of his enemy ….

…And whoever sees that his son has lived, he will surpass his enemy ….

…And if she saw that she gave birth to a son, then it indicates that they are distressed ….

And whoever sees that someone has intercourse with him, he indicates that he fulfills his needs and that control matters in ways ….

…If he sees that his woman is mocking, lying with him above what she is in her body and contradicting that, then it is a fertile year that comes upon him and he knows what he gets from her . If she is an unknown woman, then he is stronger, but her owner does not know the way he gets from the Sunnah – sexual intercourse…

And whoever sees that he enters the sanctuary of the king or has intercourse with them, then it is a sanctity for him with those kings if there is evidence in the vision that indicates righteousness and goodness, otherwise he will backbite that sanctuary ….

…The stomach indicates someone who is sleeping with him or leaving him in a dream . And indicates prison, grave, secret, health, sickness and friend . And whoever has deviated his stomach in a dream, and has possession of it, his benefit from it is suspended, and his secret may be revealed . Or he lost his wife, and if she was a pregnant woman, her pregnancy was released from her, and if something appeared or came out of his intestine, his prisoner would be released . And if he loses his belly, his friend, guardian, or ruler will die over his money, and perhaps she will abstain and worship and leave food and drink . If a fire came out from his stomach, it indicated his repentance from eating the money of orphans, and if he was one of those who eats from the forbidden utensils, he indicates his abstinence in them . And belly belly valley . Perhaps the belly in the interpretation is evidence of what was indicated by the leg of the clan and tribe . And perhaps indicated by the bunnah . And to enter the stomach, travel or prison . And if he sees pus or a boil in his stomach, it indicates that he is exposed to something that is not permissible for him to eat or to sleep with him . If he has a good stomach, or if he grows up, he is not repulsive to a body that indicates knowledge and leadership . And perhaps the belly indicates the hidden in religion, the concealment, hatred and hypocrisy of the apparent and the subsoil of money and a child . So whoever sees that his stomach has become small, his money or his son will be less . And whoever sees that there is great in him, his money or his son will increase . And whoever saw that his stomach was empty, then he lacked his money or his son . And it was said : He is free from the forbidden stomach . The belly may be a man’s ship, so what he saw of an accident in it is an accident in his ship . And whoever saw that he was in his mother’s womb, then he was in another country, he returned to his place and hometown, and if he was sick he was buried in the ground, and if it was true, he was sentenced to imprisonment . And the abdomen indicates a person’s home and his livestock, his liver is his son, his heart is his son, the lung of his servant or daughter, his paw is his bag, and his throat is his life . And whoever saw that his house was destroyed and he was sick in the stomach died . If he saw that he had embarked on building or repairing them, he would recover from his misfortune if he had completed the construction, otherwise he would remain from the days of his life as much as what remained of the structure . The human belly is his ship, his head is its heart, and his throat is its mast, and his ribs are its walls . And whoever saw his stomach torn and his intestines flowed, his ship was damaged . And it was said : The bone of the abdomen ate usury and walking on the stomach is dependent on money ….

…As for eggs : if they are seen in a bowl, they are indicated by the maidservants, because God Almighty says : ~As if they were created eggs .~ If he sees that his chickens have layered, he is giving birth to a son . And cooked eggs, distinguished from the peel, are a pleasant sustenance . If he sees it as if he ate it raw, then he is eating unlawful money, or they are struck by them, or he is committing an immoral act . And eating eggshells indicates that he is a grave digger . If he sees as if an egg came out from his wife, and she gave birth to an unbeliever child, because God Almighty said : ~And the dead will come out of the living .~ If he sees as if he put an egg under the hen and it cracks from the chicken, then he lives for him a dead matter and a believing son is born for him, because God Almighty says : “ The living will come out of the dead, ” and perhaps the number of each chicken will have a son . And if he puts eggs under a rooster, and he takes the chicks out, he brings a teacher there who teaches the boys . If he breaks an egg, he rests a firstborn, and if he cannot break it, he is unable to do so . If the egg strikes and his wife is pregnant, he orders her to fall . If someone sees someone else break an egg and return it to him, then his daughter will choose a man . And whoever treads his sleeve and an egg comes out of it, then he steps into his ummah and a slave girl is born from it . If he sees a lot of eggs with him, then he has much money and belongings that he fears will spoil . And all this in raw eggs . And whoever sees pure eggs, he is fit for something that has gone too far and is difficult, and by fixing it he will obtain money and live for him a dead matter, and if he eats it with its shell, then he is a scavenger . If it burps, he ate a woman’s money and wasted it . If he eats it, he will marry a woman who has money . The cranberry eggs are a poor boy . And the eggs of the parrot are a pious slave girl, and it was said that he who saw that he was given an egg had an honorable son . If the egg broke, the boy would die . And it was said : The eggs are for the decorated doctors, and for those whose pension is good evidence . As for the rest of the people . The little eggs, indicates the benefits, because they are eaten . And the many eggs, it indicates worries and worries, and repeatedly indicates hidden things . The adults were said to be white, boys . The children are girls, and a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw it as if I was eating egg shells, so he said, “Fear God, you are plundering the dead.” He saw a single man as if he had found many eggs, so he recounted his vision on a crossing, so he said : There is a woman for the celibate, and the married man has children . A man saw that he was peeling cooked eggs, so he recounted a vision on a crossing, and he said : You get money from some of the loyalists . And Mamlouk saw as if he had taken a pure egg from his maid, so he threw it with its shell, and used its money, and his maid gave birth to a son, so the Mamluk took that one who was born in Europe by the order of the woman’s husband, and he became a reason for the pension of that owned ….

…Does the vision express in one form , or does it differ according to time, place and bodies? Which should be understood by the crossing and be well aware ; The symbols may differ according to time and place , so the crossing may cross a vision at a specific time or place with an expression , and the same vision may be expressed in a different expression , due to the difference in time or place , and this , by the way, happens a lot , and some of the few in the goods may admire it in science . The person of the vision also has a role in the difference of expression ; Well or ill according to validity of the fairness and so on matters related to Balraia , and perhaps making mention here the support of what I said , the story of the parasite when he went with the Muslim army in fighting the apostates in the dove , and it was his son Amr ibn parasite , said the parasite may Allah be pleased with him : he said : went out To the one who sent Musaylimah with my son Amr, even if I saw a vision some way, I saw as if my head was shaved, and a bird came out from my mouth, as if a woman had put me in her vagina, as if my son was asking me urgently, so he moved between me and him, so I talked to her, so they said : Good, so I said : As I have attached, and shaved my head by piece, and the bird Forouhi, women land buried where, it was horrified to kill a martyr, and the request of my son on me, what I see only Saadhir in the certificate request, and do not see him attached to the traveling this, he said : killing the parasite On the Day of Yamama, and his son was wounded, then on the Day of Yarmouk he was killed as a martyr during the reign of Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him . Ibn al-Qayyim said in “ Zad al- Ma’ad ” after the story ( 3/627 ): As for the expression to shave the head with a position , this is because shaving the head is placing his hair on the ground and it does not merely indicate the position of his head, as it indicates the salvation of worry, illness, or distress for those who are befitting With that, and on the poverty, distress and demise of leadership, he confronted those who did not fit him, but in the dream of the parasite there are clues that necessitated that he lay his head, including : that he was in jihad and fighting the enemy with a thorn and bravery . Including : that he entered the woman ‘s belly , which he saw a land that is is like his mother, and saw that he had entered into a position that came out of it, and this is returned to the earth, as he says : { of which we created and in which Naidkm including Nkrjkm } Taha : 155 , the first woman With the ground as both are the place of intercourse, and the first entry into its vagina is by returning to it as it was created from it, and the first bird that came out of it with its spirit, it is like the bird trapped in the body, and if it came out of it it was like the bird that left its confinement and went wherever it wanted. That is why the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, told “ that the soul of the believer is a bird that hangs in the trees of Paradise. ” Posted by Ahmad, Al-Nasa’i and Malik . And the meaning of comments : that is, he eats and takes care of . So meditate on this words of Ibn al-Qayyim and learn to express and measure each vision according to its owner and the time in which it was seen, and hope that the Companions studied each other in the science of the expression of visions, to learn that this is a science that can be learned and taught even if those who disagree with this opinion disagree with us, and God knows best ….

…Fear God 103 – on the authority of Muslim Khayat, who said : A man said to Ibn al-Musayyib : I showed me urinating in my hand, so he said, “Fear God,” if a woman who is forbidden comes into contact with you, then look, and there is a woman between her and him with breastfeeding . 104 – And another came to him and said : O Abu Muhammad, I see as if I was urinating in an olive grove. He said : Look underneath you, a woman underneath you, whose marriage is not permissible for him . 105 – On the authority of Muslim al-Khayyat, he said : A man – meaning Saeed bin Al-Musayyib – said to him that I saw a dove that fell on the lighthouse of the mosque’s lighthouse, and he said : Al-Hajjaj marries the daughter of Abdullah Ibn Ja`far Ibn Abi Talib (5). Al-Hajjaj married Bint Abdullah bin Jaafar, so Abdul-Malik bin Marwan wrote to him intending to divorce her, so he divorced her . 106 – On the authority of Muslim al-Khayyat, he said : A man came to Ibn Al-Musayyib and said : I see that a goat is coming tightening the fold, and he said : Slaughter it, he said, slaughtered, he said : Ibn Umm Sala’a died, so what until he came that he had died, Muhammad ibn Umar said – means Allowavdy – was the son or Slae a man of loyal people of the city is seeking people 107 – a man of understanding Musayyib son he sees in sleep Konhh fighting in the fire , he said : if ratified Raaam do not die even ride the sea and die were killed, he said : he rode the sea shall be healed on doom and killed A new day (2) with a sword (3). 108 – from the hippocampus bin Obeid – Allah ibn Nawfal said : asked the boy did not generate me, I said to the son of Musayyib : I can see that he put in stone eggs, the son of Musayyib said : chicken Agamy ask a reason to the Persians, Vtsrit said Fuld Li was not Azld me (4 ). 109 – On the authority of Muslim al-Khayyat, he said : A man said to Ibn al-Musayyib : O Abu Muhammad, I saw as if I was sitting in the shade, so I got up to the sun , so Ibn al-Musayyib said : By God, if you were right, you would get out of Islam, O Abu Muhammad, I went out until I entered the sun and sat down. He said : You hate On the disbelief, he said : So he went out at the time of Abd al-Malik bin Marawan and was taken prisoner, and he was forced to disbelief, so he returned and then came to Medina, and he was given the choice with this (5). 110 – On the authority of Ghaleb Al-Aqili, he said : Saeed bin Al-Musayyib came to come and said : O Abu Muhammad, I saw magic on his face, as if Moses fought Pharaoh, so he said to him : Who is the victor ? He said : Moses defeated Pharaoh. He said and shouted at the top of his voice : “Ibn Marawan and the Lord of the Kaaba perished – three times .” Then he knew the owner of the city, so he went out until he stood on his head and then said : You wish the death of the Commander of the Faithful. I hope that God will kill you before him. Saeed said : Your story will be revealed to nine Days , he said : They stayed only nine days until a passenger came with his death and the newborn took his son ….

…As for dhikr : it is the mention of a man among people and his honor or his son . And the increase and decrease in it in that . And it was said that if he saw him long, he would attain them . If he saw two males he had a son with his son, and a male among the people with his mention, and his honor, and if he uprooted him in his hand or pulled some of it, then he brought it back to his place, then a son died and benefited from him, and his money went back to him . And his cessation until it is clear from him is evidence of his death or the death of his son, because his memory is interrupted by his death . And his resurrection is the strength of the grandfather, and his movement and activity, and the breadth of his worldly life . Perhaps the interruption of his mention, the interruption of his name, and his mention of that country or locality . And that is when evidence of safety and goodness is interrupted, and there is no evidence of death with it . And the male if it is reduced, increased, bone or small, after it has one limb, the general interpretation of it is in the children and offspring . And if it diverged, then it had many or few people, the general interpretation of it is in its honor and mentioning it among the people, as much as that, because its people spread its mention . And the weakness of the male, evidence of the child’s illness or his supervision of a jaah . If he sees as if he sucks a male or an animal, the sucker lives by mentioning the male owner and his name, and if he sees that he is a hermaphrodite, his religion is good ….

…Ibn Ishaq said : Rabi’a bin Nasr, king of Yemen, was among the fold of kings . Altbabah and saw the vision of his aura and Feza it did not let a priest nor a magician nor Aaiva nor an astrologer from the people of his kingdom , but raised him and said to them , I saw a vision Hltinay and Fezat them and they told me it and Ptooelha , they said to him : Aqssa we let you know Ptooelha , he said : I told you it did not reassure He told you about its interpretation, because he only knew its interpretation before he told him about it , and one of them said to him : If the king wants this, then he should send to me a flat one and he is not one of them who is more knowledgeable of them. They tell him about it . He asked about it , so he sent to them, and he came to him before he cut and said to him : I saw a vision that astonished me and was horrified by it, so he told me about it, because if I hit it, I would interpret it. He said : I do , I saw a lava that came out of darkness , and it fell into the ground of an accusation, and every person ate a skull from it , so the king said to him : What have I missed from it, O Satih, what do you have in its interpretation? He said : I swear by the Ahartin of Hanash to Thbtun land turkey , Vlimlkn between Abyan to Jerash , the king said to him : and my father Facet this to us turd object is hurtful when will , Avi Zamani this or after? He said : even after more than sixty or seventy Laken , Aamadan years , said : Ofedom from their king or cut off? He said : No, but it is cut off for a few seventy years , then they are killed and escaped from it . He said : And who comes after that who kills and expels them? He said : It is followed by Iram bin Dhi Yazan , who comes out of Aden , and he does not leave any of them with the oath . He said : Is that from his authority or is it cut off? He said : No, but it is cut off . He said : Who will cut it? He said : A clever prophet , to whom the revelation comes from the Most High. He said : Who is this Prophet? He said : A man from the son of Ghalib bin Fehr bin Malik bin Nadar , the king will be in his people until the end of the age . He said : Is there another age ? He said : Yes , on which collects Alolon and others , is happy where Improvers , and Ishqy it Abusers , said more deserving of what you tell me? He said : Yes , and twilight and dusk , and fractures if they are consistent . What I have told you is true . Then he presented a slit on him, and he said to him, as he said to Sateh and concealed it, what he said to see: Do they agree or disagree , and he said : Yes , I saw a lava that came out of darkness and fell between a meadow and a heap and every soul ate from it. He said : When he told him that, he knew that they agreed , because their saying is only one That Surface said : You fell on the ground of an accusation, and every body ate from it , and he said part : It fell between a kindergarten and a hill, and every soul ate, so the king said : I made a mistake, O part of it, what do you have in its interpretation? He said : I swear by the Ahartin of the human being , the land Anzln Sudan , Vlegbann on each child Banan , and possess between Abyan to Najran , the king said to him : and my father slit this to us , and when will turd hurtful object? On my time or after? He said : Who is this great matter? He said : A young man who is neither physical nor cities , takes them out of the house of someone who weighs , so he does not leave any of them in Yemen . He said : Is his dominion lasting or cut off? He said : but cut off the sender of the Messenger , comes right and justice , between the people of religion and the credit , be king in his people – to – day chapter , said : What day chapter? He said : a day when rewarded governors , and called it from heaven calls , heard of them living and the dead , in which people gather to Meeqaat , be it for those who fear win and good deeds , he said : deserving of what it says? He said : Yes, Lord of the heavens and the earth , and what is between them of raising and lowering , if what I have foretold you will follow what is in it . Ibn Ishaq said : He fell in the same Rabia ibn Nasr Maqla Fjhz his sons , and insulted his home to Iraq , including fix them and wrote them to the king of the kings of Persia told him Sabor bin Khrzad Vosknhm confusion , it is the rest of the born Rabia ibn Nasr al – Nu’man ibn al – Mundhir , he is from Yemen ratios and knowledge Numan Ibn Al-Mundhir Ibn Al-Nu`man Ibn Al-Mundhir Ibn Amr Ibn Uday Ibn Rabi`ah Ibn Nasr That king . Ibn Hisham said : An- Nu’man ibn al-Mundhir ibn al-Mundhir in which he told me Khalaf al-Ahmar . This story Ibn Hisham was mentioned in the biography and Ibn Jarir in its history and Obongam Asbahani in signs of prophecy and the son of many at the beginning and the end , all of them from the son of Isaac and increased by Ibn Jarir in the novel to him from Ibn Ishaq said : When Facet construction of Rabia Nasr said bin so making Rabia , his son and his family He did not make gold. He mentioned that in the Arabs and they spoke about it until he mentioned it and knew it in them . When Abyssinia came to Yemen, and the matter that they were talking about took place from the command of the priests . Al- Ashah said : I’sa bin Qais bin Tha’labah al-Bakri in some of what he says and he mentions what happened from the matter of those two priests Flat and prickly she looked with lips, as her look really, as the wolf said when he shrieked ….

…If the eggs are in a place or in a bowl, then it indicates women or neighborhood . Whoever sees that his chickens lay down, he will have a son . If he sees that he ate raw eggs, then he is eating forbidden money, or fornication, or they befall him . If he sees eggs in his hand, then his wife becomes like the dead . If he sees that his wife has ovulated, then she will give birth to an unbeliever son, and if he sees that he incubated a white chicken, then the chickens stand from him, then a dead matter lives for him, it may be difficult for him, and a believer son will be born to him . He may have more children than the number of chicks . If the eggs hit a blow and his wife is pregnant, he wants to marry his neighbor, but he cannot . If he sees that he has a lot of white, then he has money and belongings that he fears will spoil . And parrot eggs a pious maid . And whoever sees that he has boiled eggs in his hand, then a matter that has been long and difficult for him is suitable for him, and he will obtain money by fixing it, and a dead matter will live for him, and if he consumes the money of a woman or is extravagant with it, then if he eats it, he will marry a rich woman . And the eggs of cranes are poor children . And whoever sees that he gave an egg to him, he has an honorable son, and if the egg breaks, his child will die . And whoever sees that he eats egg shells, then he is a man who digs graves and robs the dead . And eggs are a lot for the single, married, and married children . Young girls are white, and adults are boys . And eggs denote gold and silver, for its whiteness is silver, and its yolk is gold . And eggs denote children, husbands and slaves, and may indicate graves . Perhaps the eggs indicated a meeting with family, relatives and loved ones . Perhaps it indicated the collection and saving of dirhams and dinars . And whoever sees eggs being burned in a place like dung is burned, it indicates the captivity of the women of that place ….

…The tick is a woman in a dream . The woman is a brother, son-in-law and uncle . And the tick for a pregnant girl . And whoever sees a check in his pants, his wife is forbidden to him, and she will give birth to a son if she is pregnant . If he sees as if he has put his tick under his head, then he does not kiss his son . If he sees as if his tick is cut off, then he is abusing his wife, or forsaking her . If he sees as if his tick is alive, then his son-in-law is his enemy . And whoever sees that his tick is of blood, then he kills a man because of his wife, or helps to kill his wife, and it was said : He who saw that he wore a check in the possession of his pants, a daughter was born to him . And the tick is a joy for the sad and sad for the glad ….

…The grilled camel : There was a disagreement about it, and some of them said that if it was fat then it is a lot of money, and if it was scanty then little money and livelihood in fatigue . Some of them said that the grilled camel is safe from fear, and some said that the grilled camel is a son . If he saw that he was eating from it, then he would have a son who would grow up and eat from his own earnings . And if he was mature, his son earned good manners, and if he was not mature, he was not a bag in his work .. And it was said : If the market barbecue is a good news . If he is not mature, then he is grief on the part of his son . And whoever sees as if the barbecue arm spoke to him, he will escape from the doom of the story of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in the poisoned arm that spoke to him ….