…Green : The Almighty said : ( on them clothes Sondos vegetables and Aestbrq ) AL rights 21 – means bliss and good money ( Snblatt and seven vegetables and other Iabsat ) Surah Yusuf 46. means prosperity came in an interview with Abdullah bin Salam in the right in the door of the Greens in a dream and kindergarten green ( I saw as if a pole was placed in a green meadow …) – meaning bliss, good fortune and good work…
Dreaming about green
(30 interpretations and meanings of dreams about green)…As for the green spike, it fertilized the year and the land growing on its stalk, the severity of the sunnah, for the Almighty said in the story of Joseph, peace be upon him, ~ Seven green spikes and the other with dry land .~…
…The green clothes : strength and religion, increasing worship of the living and the dead, and goodness with God Almighty, which are the garments of the people of Paradise . Wearing green also for the living indicates that an inheritance has been affected, and for the dead indicates that he came out of this world as a martyr ….
…A green meadow A green meadow in a dream foretells happiness as a meeting of reunion and a pledge to live together in a prosperous future ….
…As for green safflower, it is interpreted with grief and sorrow and sold, and you give it a salvation from that ….
…The green pill is in a dream a benefit from an intense stranger ….
…And whoever sees a dead person wearing green clothes, his visions indicate that his death was a kind of testimony ….
…And whoever sees a green worm, he shall interpret a good woman ….
…As for the green basil, it is known as bilatranji if its color and smell are good, then it indicates the boy and his uprooting from the ground crying and sadness ….
…And whoever sees that there is water in that to irrigate his tree or green tree, then it indicates his closeness to the king of that place and his disposition of the affairs of his kingdom if he is worthy of that, and if he is not qualified, then he is a blessing in every case ….
…And whoever sees in his house a tree that grows green, and whenever the wind shook it, it lingers, then he lifts his memory and raises his value ….
…The red flags indicate grains, and zero indicates the occurrence of an epidemic in the military, and green indicate good travel, whites indicate rain, and black indicates drought . And it was said that whoever saw a banner in a town was mentioned and bewildered…
…And whoever sees that the graves are green, their people are at mercy ….
…And whoever sees a vast desert green at its time, while he strives and walks in it, it indicates closeness to the just authority and is blessed with good from him ….
…And whoever sees his green turban with the rest of his clothes, it indicates his transition from this world by testimony ….
…And whoever sees that a mountain is green and good, he will devolve the deity to the king of that place and increase his decency and servants ….
…And whoever sees green watermelon in his season eats of it better than yellow watermelon, and the young of it are better than the old ones, and it is not harmful ….
…And it was said that the vision of green sowing in his time is interpreted with sustenance and grace in that place, and if it was in his possession, the blessing was for him ….
…If it is green, it indicates the death or killing of young people ….
…Al-Kirmani said the vision of the green apartment is interpreted with good travel, and the yellow apartment is interpreted with travel with sickness, and the white apartment is interpreted with good and righteousness, and the blue and black apartment is a travel that is not good ….
…And if he sees the date palms dry and then green, then it indicates the sickness of one of the people of his household and then recovers sooner, and if the date palm is cut, then one of his household will get sick ….
…And whoever sees Sathrouana becomes green, so he is good and a blessing ….
…As for green watermelon, it is interpreted in ways, so sweet is a benefit ….
…He saw a greenish land : it was dried up or barren, and an evil afflicted him ….
…Apricot : a disease, and eating green from it give you charity in dinars and is innocent from disease, and eating yellow from it is the expense of money in illness . If he sees it as if he is eating an apricot from a tree, then he is accompanying a corrupt man of many dinars . It was said that picking apricots from a tree married a woman who held money from an inheritance . If he sees as if some of the sultans picked an apricot from the apple tree, then he puts in his flock unpalatable money . And the apricot tree is a man of much illness . Some of them said, but rather is a man contracted with his family, flat with people, bold and not coward . If she was revered by her pregnancy, then it indicates a man with many dinars, and if he was a green apricot, then she was a man with many dirhams . And whoever breaks a branch from his tree, he denies or denies money from a man, or leaves prayer or fasting, or spoils money that is not his . If a branch is broken from a tree other than that which is fruitful, to be taken as a stick, it will gain pleasure from it . Whatever fruits and fruits are yellow is a disease, and what is sour is they and sadness, and green thereof is not a disease ….
…Generosity and grapes : Generosity is indicative of women because it is like the garden for its drinking and carrying it and the pleasure of its taste, especially since the narcotic sugar of the body comes from it, and it is like numbness of intercourse with the juice in it, and it is indicative of marriage because it is like the sperm . And perhaps the generous man indicated the beneficial horse because of the abundance of benefits of grapes, as he is like the ruler, the world, and the horse with money, so whoever owns a vineyard as we describe it will marry a woman if he is celibate, or he is able to a generous man, then he looks at his consequences and what will happen to him in the time of generosity in the turnout and management. This was in the period of time and the woman was sick and perished from her illness, and if she was pregnant she came to a slave girl, and if he was hoping for a release, connection, or money from a ruler or at the hands of a ruler or a ruler or a woman such as a mother, sister and wife, that is forbidden and he is unable to, even if her marriage contract was not He has to reach his wife to him, and if he is affluent, then he is poor, and if he is in demand and hypocrisy in his market and his industry, he is excused and stagnant, and if that is in the coming of time and summer, the matter is against him, and all of that is valid . Black grapes in their time are sickness and fear, and they may be whips for those who possess them according to the number of love, and it does not benefit from the blackness of its color with harm to its substance . White grapes in his time are the juice and goodness of the world, and at other times he will receive money before the time he was hoping for . And whoever sees that he is squeezing a vineyard, take the juice and leave what is left over, which is that the king should take possession of the king of juice by force . Likewise, cane juice and other things, because juice and its benefits prevail over what is other than what is with it from what is not touched by the fire, except for what is differentiated in its essence . It was said that whoever picked up a bunch of grapes got from his wife a sum of money, and it was said that the money was 1,000 dirhams . And it was said that black grapes are money that does not remain, and if they see them drooping from their vine, then it is very cold and fear . Some of the commentators said : Black grapes are not disliked, because God Almighty says : ~ Sugar and good food .~ Zachariah, peace be upon him, used to find him with Mary, as he did not hate and most expressers hated him . It was said that he was next to the son of Noah when his father called for him, and he was white in color, so when the color changed, the grapes around him changed, and the origin of the black is that . And what was fruit is not cut off in all parts, and it has no time and no substance that spoils it, it is good like dates and raisins, and whatever was found at the time and executed at the time of others, it is good during its time except what it has a hated name or an ugly news, and in other than its time It is eventually hated . Whatever has an origin indicating the abomination is in his desire and distress, and at other times he was beaten or sick, like the two . Because Adam, peace be upon him, was afraid of his leaves and blamed him at his tree, and he was worried and regretted, so this was necessary at all times, and his tree and paper were also required . Whatever was yellow in color was a disease, such as quince, hawthorn and watermelon, with its harm outside his life, and other than yellowing worries and sorrows . If it was sour, it was beaten with the whips to eat it, especially if it was a number, because the fruit of the whip on the end . And the trees, which are the root of the fruit, are a dry stick . And what had a name in its derivation of benefit, carry its interpretation to its wording if that was stronger than its meanings, such as green quince at other times is tired, and yellow is a disease . And green peaches : the pain of them or a brother, and yellow disease . And the jujube : in his time he is appointed by the company or the division, and the green in the other than his time is misfortune and accidents that afflict him, and his dryness at all times has a blue flower, and his tree is a man of complete mind and good face, and it was said an honorable man who is a man of pleasure, pride and sultanate ….
…The flags on the clothes will travel to the Hajj . And whoever sees that he wears a thin garment under his clothes, then he will have money to save, and his bed will be better than his openness, and if he wears it over his clothes, then he is disliked and he has erred in his religion, is public in debauchery, and a cheeky dress is better than a thin dress . If a woman sees that she has put on a thin garment, it is her honor, and if she wears a thick garment, it is her hard work . And the clothes woven with gold and silver are good in religion and the world and the attainment of death . And whoever thinks that he wears soft clothes of great value, this is a good evidence for the rich and the poor . For the slaves, it indicates the sick . Wearing new clothes for the rich person will improve his livelihood, for the poor have wealth, and the debtor has the right to spend a debt . And whoever takes a bath and puts on new clothes, his grief is gone, and he will be well . And whoever does ablution and does not wear new clothes, what he gets from Faraj does not meet his affairs according to what he agrees with . If the new clothes were torn and torn, and like them cannot be repaired in wakefulness, then they indicate that no child is born to their owner, and if they can be repaired, the wearer is bewitched . And whoever wears two clothes, worn out and interrupted, it is his death . And whoever sees that he is wearing a worn garment, he will become sad and ill . And whoever sees that his garment is torn accidentally, its width shall be torn and struck by them on the side of a wicked man, and if it is torn for a length, his command shall be released from him . And if he sees that his garment is torn, then his religion will be torn apart or his livelihood will diminish . The ugly patchwork of clothes indicates loss and unemployment . And whoever sees wetness in his clothes, he is staying on a journey, and he is locked up for something he has been concerned about, and that is not done for him until after the garment has dried . And whoever sees it as if he was washing his clothes or the clothes of others, this indicates the burden and harm he was exposed to in his pension, and indicates the appearance of hidden things . And whoever sees that all his clothes have been taken away from his authority . Whoever sees that he is wasting clothes, this is a good sign, unless the person who dreams is poor, a slave, a prisoner or a debtor . And whoever sees that he wears women’s clothes, and he has in his conscience that he imitates them, he will suffer from severe and terrible authority . And if he sees that he wore women’s clothes, and thinks that he has a vagina, then his condition will change and be let down . And whoever sees that he has unknown clothing on him, then his heart turns it around as he wished . And whoever sees that he eats his garment, he eats of his money . If he sees in a dream a dog wearing a woolen garment, that indicates the fairness and justice of the Sultan . If he sees a lion wearing a garment of cotton or linen, then he is an unjust ruler who robs people of their money . And the blue clothes are a cloud and an illusion . And whoever saw that he wore a linen garment, he would receive honorable living and permissible money . And removing dirty clothes in a dream, the removal of worries, as well as burning them . Eating new clothes is eating halal money, and eating dirty clothes is eating forbidden money . And buying worn clothes is disliked in interpretation, and wear and tear is poverty . And green clothes are good because they are the clothes of the people of Paradise . If someone sees green clothes, this indicates religion, strength, and increased worship in the living, and the good condition of the dead with God Almighty . Wearing green for the living indicates an inheritance injury, and indicates to the deceased that he emerged from this world as a martyr . And the interpretation of greenness is Islam, and if he thinks that he attained that in his sleep, then he is a pious and religious person . Cold indicates the good of this world and the hereafter . The best black garments are blasphemous, and it is stronger in interpretation than wool . And coldness striped in religion is better than in this world, and coldness than clover is a forbidden money, and if it is of cotton, it is a worldly religious money ….
…The vision of the king of Egypt , God has been mentioned – the Almighty – mentioned interpretation of which is the first by Joseph – peace be upon him – he said – the Almighty -: ( And the king said , I see seven fat cows he would eat seven lean Snblatt and seven vegetables and other Iabsat O public Please advise me in my vision, if ye vision You pass , they said pipe dreams, and we are not interpreting dreams in two worlds , and he said that he who escaped from them and remember after his mother, I tell you by his interpretation , so they will send , Joseph , O friend, we have seven fat cows eat them seven lean cows and seven spikes of green and the other dry so that I may return to the people so that they may know , he said that you will plant seven years You have always reaped, and sprinkle it in the grain of it, except for a little of what you eat , then after that there will come seven men who will eat what you have given them except for a little of what you have fortified , then after that there comes a year in which the people will help and in which they squeeze ). Surah Yusuf verses 43-49. And he – the Almighty – said : ( They said pipe dreams ) Ibn Jarir said : They mean that it is a mixture of a false vision that has no truth , and it is a collection of stress , and stress has its origin in a bundle of hashish that resembles mixed dreams that have no interpretation . Al-Mawardi and Al-Qurtubi mentioned on the authority of Abu Ubaidah that he said : Al- Adghat is an unexplained vision of the vision , and Ibn Jarir also narrated on the authority of Qatada in the saying: (Our fatwa is in seven fat cows that are eaten by seven lean ones ). He said : As for quail, years of it are fertile , and the seven lean ones are sterile years that do not grow anything , and he said : ( Seven spikes are green and the other is dry .) As for the green, they are the fertile years , as for the dry land , the dry ones are the transformed ones , and the lean ones are the Almazel . And saying : ( he sow seven years harder ) , the verse said : When I know the vision to make explained to him , he said : seven of the cows , quail and Alsnblatt greens seven years , fertilizer , and the cows lean and Alsnblatt higher lands Vsba years Magdbat it is saying 🙁 cultivate seven years harder ). Any consecutive sequence . Al-Qurtubi said : This verse is based on the validity of the vision of the infidel, and that it comes out according to what he saw . And he said : “ Then there will come a year after that, in which people will help and they will squeeze .” Ibn Jarir said : This is a report from Yusef – peace be upon him – to the people about what was not in the vision of their king, but from the knowledge of the unseen that God came to be an indication of his prophethood and a proof of his truthfulness , then he narrated on the authority of Qatada that he said that God provided him with knowledge of a Sunnah that they did not ask him about, so he said : ( Then After that there will come a year in which people find relief and squeeze .) Means saying 🙁 it Agat people ) rain and Ghaith , also narrated from Ibn ‘ Greg said : Ibn Abbas – God bless them – 🙁 and then come after that year ) , he told them something did not ask him about God had taught him a year in which Agat people By rain . And Al-Qurtubi mentioned on the authority of Qatada that he said : God has given him a Sunnah knowledge that they did not ask him about in order to show his virtue , and to inform his place of knowledge and his knowledge ….
…Wheat : is permissible money in trouble and hardship, and buying wheat indicates that the money has been hit with an increase in the children. Growing wheat is a work in the pleasure of God Almighty, and striving to cultivate it indicates jihad . If he sees it as if he sowed wheat and grew barley, then it indicates that it is better on the outside than it is inside . If he sows barley, and wheat grows, the matter is against the first . And if he sowed wheat and grew blood, he would eat usury . And the green spike fertile the sunnah, and the dry spike that grows on its leg is the barrenness of the Sunnah, because God Almighty said in the story of Joseph and the spike in the hand of a person, or in a threshing floor or in a container, money that its owner gets from the earnings of others, or knowledge that he learns . It was narrated that I like Hamadan saw as if he had sold wheat for barley, then he told al-Shabi of his vision and said : He replaced poetry with the Qur’an . And whoever picks up the Al-Sanabel divide from a plantation that knows its owner, he will have money separated from its owner . If he sees that the sowing is harvested at a different time, then this indicates death in that camp or war . If the ears are zero, then it indicates the death of the elders . If it is green, then it is the death or killing of young people . And the wheat in the bed is the woman’s rope, and it was said that he who saw that he planted crops is his wife’s rope. If he sees that he is plowing on someone else’s land and he knows its owner, then he marries his wife . And whoever sows a seed in his own time, he has done a good work . If he was a wali who attained a power, if he was a merchant who obtained a profit, and if he was a vulgar, then he became a mule, and if he was an ascetic who attained piety . If what he sowed grows, the news is acceptable, and if he reaps it, he will be rewarded . Whoever sees that he eats stewed or dry wheat, he will be disappointed . Whoever sees that his stomach, skin, or mouth is filled with dry or cooked wheat, then that is the death of his life, otherwise, for what remains in him will be what is left of his life . And whoever walked amongst a mustered plant, he walked among the ranks of the Mujahideen . And it was said that the transplantation is the work of the sons of Adam, if it is known, its position is similar to the places of transplantation in its length . It is said in the proverb : “He who sows good reaps bliss, and he who sows evil reaps remorse .” The poet said : If you did not sow and saw a reaper … you regretted the neglect at the time of sowing, and if the sowing violated this characteristic, then they are men who gather in war . The reaped killed . God, may He be glorified and exalted, said: “ This is similar to them in the Torah and their likeness in the Bible, as a seed that brought out its shore, so praised it, so it took advantage of it .” If he saw that he ate moist green wheat, then he is good and is a hermit in the religion . And whoever sees that he has a well-known seed, then that is his work in his religion or world . By any of this, what was inferred from the words of the owner of the vision and its director, and if it was in his religion, then the reward for his work is in his religion in the amount of that planting, its amount and its benefit, and if it was in his world, it was a sum of money that would become to him and a reward for work . If his work is in his worldly matters, and he sees his garment according to what he sees from the state of the planting, then that money remains collected until the love comes out of the spike, and if it goes out, that money is separated from its first state, except that it is honorable from money in hardship or deception, especially if It was wheat, and if it was barley, it is the finest, and it is congratulated with the health of the body and lightness of supplies . If it is accurate, then it is money taken for granted, and it is better than wheat, and better than bread, because the bread has been touched by the fire ….
…Is what we see in a dream of visions , dreams , or Alodgat , be in color , or black and white? If one of you contemplates this question, and searches for an answer to it, then he may start searching for an answer to it through : Trying to retrieve what he previously saw in sleep …. and some may succeed in remembering . Others may fail . But most certainly will say that we do not know whether what we see in color or black and white . I say here my own view through research and question, that most of what we see is in black and white, and there are few visions in color, and at that time the color that came in the dream has its strong significance and there are many examples that came to me, whether during the presentation of the dream program, or during my expression in On Mondays or Fridays, in which there is a reference to colors in visions, but what is found in the Qur’an or Sunnah is based on it, and there is evidence for the existence of colors in a dream, what Al-Tirmidhi narrated in the Book of Revelation, chapter on what came in the vision of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, in the balance And Aquarius, on the authority of Aisha, who said : The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was asked about a paper, and Khadija said to him : He believed you and that he died before you appeared, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : ( I showed him in a dream with white clothes on him, even if he was from the people of Hellfire. He would have dressed otherwise .) The presence of colors is also indicated by the hadith of Abdullah bin Salam, which Al-Bukhari narrated in his Sahih, and even titled him by saying : The door of the green in the dream and the green garden, and the hadith was presented in it, and in it : Abdullah bin Salam passed by a circle in which Saad bin Malik and Ibn Omar, and they said : this is a man of the people of Paradise, I said : no narrator said, they said such and such, he said : Hallelujah ! They should not have said what they had no knowledge of, but I saw as if a pillar was placed in a green meadow, and a loin was erected in it, and in its head there was a loin, and at the bottom of it was a fairer, and he was the servant, or the servant, and he was told, so I separated until I took the arrow . She told it to the Messenger of God, and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: [ Abdullah shall die while taking the most trustworthy arrow ]. This evidence proves what you mentioned, and God knows best ….