…Inmate If a woman dreams that she has inmates, this foretells that disturbing secrets will burden her . If a guest leaves without paying their bills, you will have an unexpected problem with the men . If a guest pays their bills, this augurs well and an accumulation of money ….

…The guest is in a dream a badger of a male boy . And whoever sees the guests and does not have a pregnant woman, he will receive a livelihood soon ….

…Hell : a sign of authority for its essence and authority over what is below it, with its harm and benefit, and perhaps it indicates Hell itself, and the punishment of God, and it may indicate sins, sins and forbidden, and everything that leads to it and brings it closer to it . From saying or doing . Perhaps it indicated guidance, Islam, knowledge and the Qur’an, because with it it is guided in the darkness, along with the words of Moses , peace be upon him : “ Or find guidance on fire, ” and he found and heard the words of God Almighty with guidance . Perhaps it indicates livelihood, benefits and wealth, because it contains goodness in the pension for the traveler and the present, as God Almighty said: “ We have made it a reminder and a pleasure for the faithful .” It is said to him who is poor or dies, his fire is extinguished . Because the Arabs were offered as gifts to Ibn al-Sabil and the discontinued guest, in order for her to be guided and sheltered to her, so that they would express with her presence generosity and wealth, and her inaction from miserliness and poverty . Perhaps it indicated the jinn because they were created from poisonous fire . And it may indicate the sword and sedition, if it has a sound, thunder, tongues, and smoke . Perhaps it indicated the torment of the authority, because it is the torment of God and he is the authority of the two worlds . Perhaps it indicated the barrenness and locusts . And it may indicate diseases, smallpox and plague . Whoever sees a fire falling from the sky in houses and shops, and if it has tongues and smoke, then it is sedition and a sword that dwells in that place, especially if it is in the homes of the rich and the poor, and a lover throws it on the people, especially if it is in the homes of the rich in particular, and if it is coals without tongues They are diseases, smallpox or epidemics, especially if they are general in mixing people . But if the going down of fire is in the dunes and feddans and places of cultivation and plants, then it is a barrenness that burns plants or locusts that burn and catch them . As for whoever kindles a fire on a path that is walking, or for people to be guided by it if he finds it when he needs it, then it is knowledge and guidance that he attains, or he broadcasts it and publishes it if he is worthy of that, otherwise he will gain authority, companionship and benefit, and the people benefit with him . If the fire is on a road other than the way, or it burns someone who passes by it or sparks it or harms him with its smoke, or it burns his garment or his body or harms his eyesight, then it is a heresy that he makes or oversees, or an unjust authority who takes refuge in him or is injustice to him according to the extent of his service to it or his escape Of them . But if it was a great fire that did not resemble the fire of this world, it was kindled for him to be thrown into it, then many of his enemies wanted to plague him, so he would gain victory over them and be superior to them, and if they threw him into it, he would have saved Ibrahim, peace be upon him . And all of that if those who committed it were his enemies, or the object in him was a righteous man . But if he sees her threatening him in particular, or those who took over the lighting of it are dating him, let God fear his Lord and take away from what he is from the deeds of the people of Hell before he comes to her, then he rebuked her because he feared her . As for the one who sees fire with him in a furnace, oven, canon, or the like of the places in which he is burnt, then it is riches and benefits that he attains, especially if his livelihood is for the sake of fire, especially if that is also in winter . And if he sees his fire extinguished or extinguished, or turned into ashes, or water or rain extinguished it, then he will lack and be suspended from his work and industry . And if someone who does not live on from it in such places to fit in with food, he would like money or livelihood to serve a ruler or to his authority and aid, or by litigation, stewardship, strife and brokerage, otherwise he will be attacked by words and evil and bad words . As for whoever sees it, it is burned with food, oil, or anything from sales, then he is exaggerating, and perhaps the Sultan will ask for him and the people will take his money with him . As for the death of eating fire, it is forbidden money and a pernicious livelihood that he eats, and perhaps it is from the money of orphans, because of what is in the Qur’an. If he saw fire speaking in a jar or a bag or a bowl of other vessels indicating both males and females, then what is attributed to that vessel will hit the jinn and its entrances , Until he speaks on his tongue . Some of them said : Fire is war if it has a flame and a sound, and if the place where you see it is not a land of war, then it is a plague, pain, smallpox, or death that occurs there . Abu Amr Al-Nakha’i said to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : I saw a fire that came out from the earth and turned between me and a son of mine, and I saw it saying : A flame of sight and a blind one, feed me that all of you eat your family and your money, so he said, peace be upon him : This is a trial that will happen at the end of time, killing people In front of them, then they quarrel with dishes and quarrel between his fingers, and the offender thinks that he is a philanthropist, and the blood of the believers is better for the believers than drinking water . And whoever blazes a fire in order to burn it, he rages an order to fill his poverty, because the cold is poverty . Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw a lamp on his thumb and said : This is a blind man led by some of his son . If I stir it up to roast meat with it, I enlighten something in which people are backbiting . If I hit the barbecue, I would have a little livelihood with sadness . If he stirred it up to cook a pot with food in it, he raised something that would benefit from the value of his home . If there is no food in the pot, then he should attack a man with words and make him do something unpleasant . Whatever hits the fire and burns from the body or clothing, it is harm and calamities . And whoever catches fire will hit forbidden money from Sultan . And whoever is hit by the glow of fire, people will backbite him ….

…And whoever sees thieves who cut off the road on him and went to him with much or little money or belongings, then he will suffer in a person who is dear to him as much as the thieves have gone, and if nothing goes to him and he is victorious with thieves, then he is interpreted by the weakness of a person with him and then he is saved, and if he does not gain them, then that guest oversees death ….

…Omelette If you dreamed of seeing an omelette on the table, you should beware of deceiving and flattering you . If you dream that you are eating an omelette, know that a person worthy of your trust will be your guest . ~An omelette : an omelette .~…

…Abu al-Qasim Umar bin Muhammad al-Basri told us Btnis, he said Ali bin al-Musafir told us, he told us Ahmed bin Abdulrahman bin Wahb, he said, my uncle told me . He said Abu Bishr told me on the authority of Ibn Shihab. He said Abu Salamah bin Abdul Rahman told me that Abu Hurairah said : I heard the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, say : Whoever sees me in a dream is as if he saw me in waking life, then Satan does not imitate me . Abu Salamah said, Abu Qatada said, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : Whoever has seen me has seen the truth . Abu Al-Hassan Abd Al-Wahhab bin Al-Hassan Al-Kalabi told us in Damascus, he said Abu Ayyub Suleiman bin Muhammad Al-Khuzai told me, on the authority of Muhammad bin Al-Musfah Al-Homsi, on the authority of Yahya bin Saeed Al-Qattan, on the authority of Saeed bin Muslim, on the authority of Anas bin Malik . That the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : Whoever sees me in a dream will not enter Hell . Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Muhammad al-Isfahani told us in Mecca, which God Almighty guarded in the Grand Mosque. He said: Abu al-Hasan Muhammad bin Sahl told us, on the authority of Muhammad bin al-Musfy, on the authority of Bakr bin Saeed, on the authority of Saeed bin Qais, on the authority of his father, he said : The Messenger of God, peace be upon him , said : Upon him : Whoever saw me will not enter Hell in a dream . Professor Abu Saad, may God be pleased with him, said : God has sent Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, a mercy to the worlds. Blessed is he who saw him in his life and follow him, and blessed is he who sees him in his sleep, for if he sees him as a debtor, God will spend his debt, and if he sees him ill, God will heal him. And if he sees him in the necessity of performing the pilgrimage to the house, and if he sees him in a barren land that has fertilized, or in a place where injustice has spread instead of injustice in justice, or in a fearful place for the security of his family, this is if he sees him in his own way . And if he sees him pale in color, worn out or missing some of the prey, that indicates the weakness of the religion in that place and the emergence of heresy, and likewise if he sees a shabby clothing . If he sees that he drank his blood for his love in secret, then he is martyred in jihad, and if he sees that he drank openly, this indicates his hypocrisy and entered the blood of his family and helped to kill them . If he sees him as if he is sick, then he exacerbates his illness, then the people of that place are reformed after corruption, and if he saw him, peace be upon him riding, he would visit his grave riding, and if he saw him on foot, he went to visit him on foot, and if he saw him standing up, his command was straightforward, and if he saw him give the call to prayer in a place where Omar ruined that The place, and if he sees it as if he is eating it, that is what he ordered him to pay the Zakat of his money . If he sees that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, has died, then one of his descendants will die, and if he sees his funeral in a spot there is a great calamity, and if he sees that he has performed his funeral even for a grave, then he is inclined to heresy . And if he saw that he had visited his grave, he would hit a great deal of money, and if he saw as if he was the son of the Prophet and not from his descendants, his visions indicate that his faith was cleared, and if he saw that he was the father of the Prophet, peace be upon him, he indicated the weakness of his religion and the weakness of his faith and certainty . Seeing a single man, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in a dream does not pertain to him, but rather pervades the Muslim community . It was narrated that Umm al-Fadl said to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace : I saw in a dream as if a few of your body were cut off and placed in my lap , and he said : Goodness I have seen, Fatima will give birth to a boy, God willing, and he will be placed in your lap . She gave birth to Fatima Al-Hussein, peace be upon them, and he was put in her lap . And it was narrated that a woman said : O Messenger of God, I saw in a dream as if some of your body was in my house. He said : Fatima gives birth to a boy and breastfeeds him, and she gave birth to Hussein and breastfed him . If the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, saw that he had given him something of the most desirable goods of this world, or food or drink, then it is good that he attains as much as he gave him, and if what he gave him was of poor substance, such as watermelon and others, then he would be saved from a great thing, except that it would be hurt and tired . If he sees that one of his members, peace be upon him, with the author of the vision, has achieved it, then he is a heresy in his rumors and has adhered to it without the rest of the laws of Islam and left others without the rest of the Muslims . I heard Abu al – Hasan Ali bin al – Baghdadi , scene of Ali bin Abi Talib , may Allah be pleased with him says : son Dad said a doctor the poor : it was my deafen ten years, and I brought the city and decided between the tomb and the pulpit, I saw the Prophet of Allah peace be upon him in a dream, I said : O Messenger of Allah You said: Whoever asked me the means, my intercession is required for him, he said : May God heal you, what I said, but I said : Whoever asked for the means from God, my intercession is required for him, he said, so he departed from me with the blessing of his saying, may God bless you . Abdullah bin Al-Galaa told of a situation that entered the city of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and I went to the grave of the Messenger of God to him, and I greeted him and his two companions, may God be pleased with them, then I said : O Messenger of God, I did not care and I am your guest, then I stepped down and slept without the grave, then I saw The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, came to me, so I got up and he gave me a loaf, so I ate some of it, and paid attention and had some loaf in my hand . On the authority of Abu al-Wafa al-Qari al-Harawi, he said: I saw the Chosen One, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in a dream in a fuguity in the years sixty and three hundred, and I used to read with the Sultan, and they did not hear and speak, so I went home in lamentation, so I slept and saw the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, as if he had changed color, so he told me peace be upon him : Do you read the Koran the word of God Almighty in the hands of people who speak and hear not reading? Do not read after this except what God wills . I took notice while I was holding the tongue for four months, and if I had a need to write it on the patch, the owners of the hadiths and opinion-holders attended me, then they issued a fatwa that I am speaking at the end of the matter, because he said : Except what God wills, which is an exception, so I slept four months later in the place in which I first slept. I saw the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in a dream cheering his face, and he said to me : Has it been proven? I said : Yes, O Messenger of God . He said : Whoever repents, God will forgive him, stick out your tongue . He wiped my tongue with his index finger and said : If you are in the hands of a people and you are reading the Book of God, then cut off your reading until they hear the word of God . I paid attention, and my tongue was open, thanks to God . It was narrated that a man from Al-Manaseer became ill, and he saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, one night as if telling him if you want to be well from your illness, then take no and no . When he woke up, he sent to Sufyan Al-Thawri, may God be pleased with him, with ten thousand dirhams, and he ordered him to allocate it to the poor, and he asked him about the expression of the vision, so he said the meaning of his words, neither nor the olive tree, because God Almighty described it in his book and said : neither Eastern nor Western . And the benefit of the owner is the companionship of the poor with you, he said: He treated him with olives, and God granted him wellness by using the blessing of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and venerate his visions . We learned that a man came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in a dream. He complained to him that his condition was tight, so he told him to go to Ali bin Isa, and tell him he will pay you what is good for you, so he said, O Messenger of God, by what sign? He said tell him with a sign that you saw me on the Batha, and I was disobeying from the ground, so I went down and came to me, so I said go back to your place . He said, and Ali bin Isa had been dismissed, and the ministry returned to him . When he noticed, he came to Ali bin Isa, who was a minister at the time, and he mentioned his story. He said it was right, and he paid him four hundred dinars, then he said spend your debt, and pay him another four hundred dinars, then he said, make it your capital, so if you spend that, go back to me . And he mentioned a man who knew what you wanted from the people of Basra, and he used to sell the talisman. He said he sent a barge from some of the governors of Ahwaz, and I disagreed with him about its price. May God bless him and grant him peace in a dream, so I said to him, O Messenger of God, that so-and-so cursed Abu Bakr and Omar, may God be pleased with them, he said, “Bring him to me, and I came with him,” he said, “Lay him down and lay him down,” so he said, “Slaughter it,” so I said, O Messenger of God, slaughter it? Then he said, Slaughter him until she said three times, then I rolled the knife over his throat and slaughtered him, and when I started to say, I go to him, exhort him and tell him what I saw from the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, so I went and when I reached his home I heard the wolf, and it was said that he died . And Ibn Sirin came to a man who was not accused of his religion, anxious, and he said that I saw yesterday in sleep, as if I had placed my feet on the face of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace . He said to him, ~Did you sit yesterday with your ghosts?~ He said yes, he said, so he took them off, so he took them off and under one of his legs there was a dirham on him, Muhammad, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace ….

…If you dream that you are walking with your sweetheart in a green orchard full of ripe fruits, then this means a generous reward for your loyalty to the one for whom you work, abundant goodness and success in work . As for wives, this dream means a happy home and obedient children . If you dreamed that you were in a grove and saw cows eating fallen fruits, then this means that you will dissipate your dreams in your quest to demand what is not yours . If you dreamed that you were gathering fruits from a grove, this bodes well and blessings for everyone . If you see in a dream that an agricultural pest has hit a grove, this means that you will fall into poverty after affluence and wealth . If you dreamed that you were walking in a grove and caught among intertwining blackberry plants, this warns you that there are competitors who will envy you . But if you are married, then this means a quarrel and quarrel with the marriage partner . If you dreamed of seeing a barren orchard, this means that the chances of rising to higher levels in life will escape from you . If you see in a dream a bare orchard with no green , then that means your preoccupation with the pleasures of the present and your distraction from securing your future . Seeing a storm ravaged orchard means that a heavy guest will descend upon you or you will do a difficult job ….

…Gray hair in a dream is considered juvenile, and a sign of longevity, weakness and poverty . And whoever sees with his beard a gray hair that has not been completely white, it is of the finest strength and dignity . And from a young man who has a pregnant woman, a male son will come . If a woman sees gray hair on her head, then her husband changes her to a slave girl or wife . And it was said : Gray hair is the arrival of an absent or guest . And the graying of body hair for the rich indicates a loss of money, and the poor have a debt that they cannot pay . The graying of the unknown woman is evidence that the implant has dried up, the military has gone gray, and the patient has turned gray in his death . And gray hairs for fear of safety from a ruler or king . And it was said : The graying of a woman is ugly words that she hears from the relatives of her husband’s family, and it may indicate divorce . And whoever sees his beard turning gray has lost his debt or his money gone . And Ibn Sirin, may God Almighty have mercy on him, used to hate gray hair for those who did not grow old, and he said : Graying is a decrease in money, especially if the hair is long . And if he sees that he plucked his gray hair from his hair, then it violates the Sunnah and does not respect the elders . Perhaps the graying of the beard indicates remoteness and estrangement ….

…Al-Sadr The expansion of the chest and its goodness in a dream is evidence of the infidel of his Islam, and it is for the disobedient to repent and relieve obedience, and indicates facilitation of the difficult . Perhaps Hassan al-Sadr indicated altruism . Al-Sadr may refer to the knowledge, money, guidance, or delusion that he conceals in him . Al-Sadr is a guest, wife, or position . And chest tightness astray . If my dhimmi sees that his chest is tight, he will lose his money . And it was said : The capacity of the chest is generous and its tightness is stingy . He felt : that his chest turning a stone , it would be callous . The breadth of the chest also indicates injustice, and the chest is the place of worry and joy, so whoever saw his chest wide will be pleased, and whoever saw his chest narrow, he will get distress and delusion . And it was said : his expansion of Islam and his narrowing of tyranny . And if an unbeliever sees his chest, then he becomes Muslim and profits in his trade . And whoever saw a pain in his chest, he sinned and was punished for his sin, and it was said : He is extravagant in obedience to God Almighty . And if a man sees two breasts in his chest, then he gets married if he is celibate, or if he is in love, then his affair becomes clear ….

…Rare , which fits that narrated some confidences that Sheikh Saad Eddin blind guest Aleppo probation came to him , said a man I saw as if I Khais in the fire only above my feet , said Laden from me to Oabbarha you when DNA ) it pointed to some of the people that does and hold him when he grabbed him multiplied by the people they said , what would That was what he did, and he said, he saw a vision from which it appeared that he was a thief stealing the belongings from the mosques and mosques, so they took it to the governor. Whoever stole a shoe for him, let him ask for it. The narrator said about the one who heard that he confessed to many shoes ….