…Whoever sees in a dream that he is Hajj, went around the house, and performed some of the rituals, then that is the righteousness of his religion, his righteousness according to his method, the reward of his livelihood, the security of what he fears, the debt he will spend, and the trusts he performs to the Muslims . If he saw that he went out to Hajj on time and was isolated, he would be appointed, and if he was traveling he arrived, if he was a profitable trader, if he was sick he was cured, and if he was in debt, his debt was paid off, and if he did not perform Hajj, and if he was lost, God Almighty guided him . If he sees that he does Hajj or perform Umrah, then he lives a long life, and his affairs are accepted . If he saw that he went to Hajj and was a ruler, he was removed . And if he was a trader, he lost, and if he was traveling, he was cut off the road, and if he was healthy, he was sick . If he sees that he must perform Hajj and not perform Hajj, then he is a disbeliever with the blessings and the performance of the trusts . Hajj in a dream is evidence of abstinence in intent, eliminating religion, doing good deeds, or striving for what must be righteous, such as parents and teachers, emigration, or visiting a scholar or worshiper . And perhaps the pilgrimage indicated the marriage of bachelors, and it is for the king to protect the enemies, let down the people of prostitute, and open a great country from the countries of unbelief . And perhaps Hajj indicates conquest, and if he is a student of knowledge, his goal will be obtained for him, and if he is poor he has become rich, and if he was sick died, or a disobedient he repented, and if he was married, he divorced his wife, and if he was an unbeliever, he embraced Islam, and if he traveled to Hajj on a rider, he would provide assistance for all of what we have mentioned. By the hand of the one who guides the passenger to him, if he is a pure camel rider tenth as well, because he is the Sarat al-Nas boat . If he leads a woman, he will reach that with his faith . If riding Villa Hajj , accompanied by the king . And if he travels on foot, he falls into an oath that he must offer expiation . And perhaps Hajj indicated sustenance, spoils, coming from travel, relief after distress, health from illness, and returning to what a person was on, if carrying with him more than indicating piety, and perhaps indicating the carrying of supplies to the poor, the debtor to fulfill his debt, and the one who did Hajj and did not do anything from Hajj works, it means the Sultan in need . And whoever sees that he goes out to Hajj alone, and the people say goodbye to him and return from him, this indicates his death ….

…If he sees that it is a Hajj or Umrah, his life will be long and his order will be straightened . If he sees that he has toured the house, and some of the imams have given him an honorable order, then if he sees that he has roamed the Kaaba and Makkah, then he comes with a mahram . If he sees as if he is answering in the Haram, then he conquers his enemy and secures the fear of the overcomer . If he lays out outside the Haram, some people will defeat him and frighten him . And whoever thinks that it is obligatory for him to perform Hajj and not perform Hajj, indicates his betrayal in his faithfulness, and that he is not thankful for the blessings of God Almighty ….

…Professor Abu Saad, may God be pleased with him, said : Whoever sees as if he is going out to Hajj on time, if it is necessary to provide for Hajj, and if he is sick, he will keep his debt, and if he is afraid, he will pay off his debt, and if he is insolvent, he will be easy, and if he is traveling, he is safe, and if He was a profitable merchant, and if he was isolated, the state returned to him, and if he was lost, his guidance, and if he was overwhelmed, let him go . If he sees that he is going out to Hajj, then he misses him, because if he was a deposed wali, if he was a merchant, he lost, and if he was traveling, he crossed the road, and if he was healthy, he was sick ….

…Surat Al-Hajj: Whoever reads it or recites it to him, as Nafi ‘and Ibn Katheer said : He provides for Hajj repeatedly, and Ibn Fadala said unless he is sick, then he dies, and it was said : He performs the obligatory Hajj ….

…And whoever sees that he is performing Hajj and returns from his Hajj, then he will reach the intended purpose and expiate sins and take a straight path ….

…Surat Al-Hajj Ibn Sirin said that whoever reads it will spend his money on Hajj . Al-Kirmani said he chooses satisfactory actions in this world . Jaafar Al-Sadiq said that he follows the path of asceticism and piety, and strives in worshiping God Almighty and doing good deeds ….

…And whoever sees that a dead person has performed Hajj, then it is better, righteous, and what is desired in the Hereafter, and whoever sees a dead thing that cannot happen, then something will be amazed by the occurrence of it, and the seeker may have a result ….

…Whoever sees that he is striving to seek Hajj or to visit the Prophet, peace be upon him, or the Holy House, then he asks for something praiseworthy and thanks for his action for saying, peace be upon him : Do not travel except to the three places of Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem . It was said that he intended three things. Some of them said majesty in his destiny, perfection in his religion, and beauty in his actions, because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, compared Mecca to majesty, Medina with perfection, and the Holy House with beauty ….

…It was said that the vision of killing for one who wants to perform Hajj indicates that he has reached and achieved it, and if the visionary is ill, then he will be cured ….

Surat Al-Hajj indicates a pilgrimage, chastity, satisfactory deeds in this world and the hereafter, and a deliverance from calamity. If the seer is correct, and if he is sick, then he will die soon

…Whoever sees himself going to Hajj : or this is seen by him, if he was sick, he died and went to God riding in his coffin instead of his carrying, otherwise he went to the Sultan or to the Chief of Knowledge in need, unless he is in debt, then he begins to make up, or he is a neglector For prayer, he returns to the qiblah, unless he married a woman and did not enter her, so he carried his hood and directed him to her, to enter it and circumnavigate her with his companions ….

If he sees it as if he is preaching during the season and not with the people of the engagement, nor among the people of his household who is among its people, then its interpretation is due to his toxicity or his counterpart, or he attains some affliction, or his mention of goodness is published ….

…The stairs : It indicates the reasons for the high, the elevation and the desire in this world and the hereafter, according to Maarrib saying : the degree of so-and-so has risen, and so-and-so is of high rank . And it indicates the dictation and persuasion of the Almighty saying : ~We will draw them from where they do not know .~ Perhaps it indicated the stages of travel and the homes of the travelers that they descend on the status of the status and the stage of the stage . Perhaps indicated by the days of life leading to his goal . The well-known of it indicates the servant of the house and the servant of its owner and his animal, so whoever ascends an unknown stairway, I will look into his matter, and if he reaches the end of it and he is sick, he will die. If he enters a room above it, his soul has reached heaven, and if he is imprisoned without it he will be withheld from it after death. A journey that he went out to his face and reached the livelihood if his travel was in money, and if it was for other than that, I inferred what he led or met at the time of his ascension, which indicates good and evil and the fulfillment and deficiency of needs, such as if he met forty men or found dinars on this number, then this is good news Exactly what he came out to, and if the number was thirty, he did not do that, because the thirty was short, and the forty was complete, it was completed by God Almighty for Moses with hardship, even if he found three and his departure was in a promise that was made to him, because God Almighty said in the three : “ This is a promise that is not false .” Likewise, if he authorized his emergence and his departure to the Hajj, his Hajj was completed for him, and if he did not hope for anything of that, and he did not see that in the months of the Hajj, he would attain authority and elevation, either through a state, a fatwa, oratory, or the call to prayer on the lighthouse, or it escapes from the famous high-profile matters . As for going down the stairs, if he was traveling, he came from a journey, and if he was mentioned as a leader, he would leave his leadership . And he was isolated from his work, and if he was a rider, he walked on foot, and if he had a sick woman, she would perish, and if he was the patient she looked, and if he was going to a well-known place, or to his family and his house, or to a lot of straw or barley, or to what is evidence of world money and its offerings He recovered from her illness . And if his descent was from an unknown place that he does not know, or a wilderness, or to a dead people whom he knew from those who preceded him, or his fall was a rupture, or he fell from it into a hole or well or buried, or to a lion that devoured it, or to a bird that he kidnapped, or to a moored ship that took off it Or, to a huddle over her, and she walked him, for the stairs are the days of his life, and all that was sent down to him from them is his death when it was completed and his days expired . If he was sound awake from sickness, and he was a tyrant or an unbeliever, then I looked at what was revealed to him, and if it indicates goodness such as the mosque, fertility, kindergarten, ablution, and the like, then he is safe and repents, and he descends from what he is and leaves it and cuts him off even if his descent is against that which indicates great greatness And major sins and disbelief, such as arrogance and frightening great fire, lion, serpents, and great pitfalls, for it is drawn to him and is not taken suddenly until what perishes in it is returned to him, and he is punished with him and is unable to flee from it . The building of the stairs was renewed, as evidence for goodness is evidenced by its corruption, if it was from milk it was good, and if it was from bricks, it was disliked . Some of them said : The degree is to do good deeds, the first being prayer, the second is fasting, the third is Zakat, the fourth is charity, the fifth is Hajj, the sixth is jihad, and the seventh is the Qur’an . And all of the Maraqi are good deeds, because he, peace and blessings be upon him, said : Read and soften : Ascending from it if it is of clay or milk, is good in religion and Islam, and there is no good in it if it is from bricks, and if he sees that he is in a room without a margarine and there is no peace in it, then it is the perfection of his religion and the height His rank with God, because God Almighty says : ~ We raise degrees of what we desire .~ The clay pots are made of clay . The governor has elevation and pride with debt, and merchants trade with religion, even if it is made of stones, for it is the elevation of hardness of heart . And if it is of wood, then it is with hypocrisy and hypocrisy . If it is of gold, then it obtains state, fertility and goodness . And if it was of silver, then he would obtain my maid with the number of every margarine, and if it was of zero, then he would obtain the goods of this world . Whoever ascends Marqa will benefit from an understanding and acumen that will raise it . And the degree was said to be an ascetic man who worshiped, and whoever was close to him would attain elevation and asceticism, for the Almighty said : “ God exalts those among you who believe, and those who have attained knowledge by degrees .” And every degree for the governor is a year . And the ladder of wood : a thin, hypocritical man, and ascending in it is a building with intention, because God Almighty says : ~ Or a ladder in the sky, and you would invoke them with a sign .~ It was said that the ascension involves the help of a people with hypocrisy, and it was said that it is a travel guide . If he ascends in it to hear the words of a person, then he strikes authority when he said : ~ Or have a ladder in which they listen, let their hearers come with a clear authority .~ A man said to Ibn Sirin : I saw as if I was on a staircase, so he said : You are a man listening to people . Peace on earth is a disease, and its erection is health . Taq : Wide is evidence of a woman’s good manners, and narrow is evidence of her bad manners . If a man sees that he is sitting in a narrow band, then he divorces his wife openly, and if his position on the band is wide, then the woman is secretly released from her husband . The capacity is a president approved by the household ….

…In a dream he is a male boy or who won in trade . And whoever sees people together, he will perform Hajj, because God Almighty says : ( They ask you about the new moons, say : These are the times for people and the Hajj ). And whoever sees a red crescent, the woman will abort her pregnancy before it is completed . If the crescent falls on the ground, then it is a boy to be born . The rise of the crescent indicates the sincerity of a promise, or the receipt of money . And his dawning without being informed of it is objectionable . And the vision of the crescent moon is a victory over the enemies, and perhaps it indicates the pilgrimage to those who see it during the months of Hajj, and whoever sees the crescent is dark, then there is no good in it . Perhaps seeing the crescent indicates the repentance of the sinner, the conversion of the infidel, and the exit from adversity, such as imprisonment or illness . And whoever sees a crescent that has risen and then is gone, the matter that he is asking for will not be fulfilled for him . See also the moon ….

And whoever thinks that he is missing from the rituals of something contrary to the Sunnah, this happened in his religion, and whoever sees that he is praying over the Ka’ba, then he is misguided and has sworn an immoral oath, and whoever sees that he wipes his face with a black stone or kisses it, then he is accompanied by an honorable man of knowledge and whoever sees that he is under the gutter of the Ka’ba or In the shrine of Ibrahim, he performs the pilgrimage purity of life, and if he sees that he is striving for good, and whoever sees that he is standing with Arafat, then it is an expiation for sins and forgiveness from God. He saw that he did Hajj and came back from his Hajj, for he attains the intended purpose and expiates sins, and whoever sees that he is diligent in the deeds of Hajj or visiting the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, or the Holy House, he asks for something praiseworthy and thanks for his action and whoever thinks that he intends to walk to one of the three mosques and cannot do that. Rich, he may be poor or poor, for he has to do with something that he cannot do

…Why do I sometimes ask about the time of the vision? This question is asked to me constantly, and it is very important for me to clarify what he has hidden in every question; So that everyone knows that we start from firm and solid starting points, and that we are talking – God willing – with knowledge, and there is no doubt that this science has a legitimate identity, and it differs from those who interpret visions or dreams from purely psychological terms, and it is a method that exists in abundance, especially among healers. Psychologists, may God help them and benefit them . And I say here : What was seen in the intensity of the heat differs from what was seen in the intensity of the cold because the fire in the first is blameworthy, and in the second it is praiseworthy, and likewise when it is expressed that fire is praiseworthy in winter, and reprehensible in summer mostly . And it is in winter that brings people together around her and becomes pleasant for them, while she is removed in the heat, so also the fruits, seeing them eaten at the time of their ripeness is very praiseworthy, and the expression is auspicious for the seeker, but if a vision is eaten at a time other than its ripening, the vision may have a bad connotation For the seeker, and it has been customary for eating fruits to be palatable and useful at the time they ripen, but he must know that the expression here may differ completely, depending on the situation of the seer, or his profession, sex, or age, for example, and so on who sees that he wears winter clothes in winter time The best expression is the one who sees that he wears it in a time of great heat, and whoever sees that he does Hajj at the time of Hajj, for example, differs from the one who sees that he does Hajj at a time other than his time . Thus you notice the reason for asking about the time of the vision for the crossing, but sometimes there is no reason in the vision that leads me to ask about its time, so I do not ask, or there is in the words of the vision a sign that enriches me from the question, so let this issue be learned…

…Zakat : In a dream, he is one of the wealthy, because his money is fruitful and his left increases, unless he owes a debt or has a deposit, then he makes up for that and pays it to his owed . If the obligator is a dead person or a righteous man, then he has succeeded with God and his remembrance rose and paid zakat on his work, so how about if he prays with the effect of that or remembrance of God, then if he gives permission for that at a time other than during Hajj, then perhaps he will testify and pay zakat on it ? If that is during the months of the Hajj, then he is doing Hajj, God willing . And if a poor person sees that, if he shaves his head, cuts his mustache, pluck his armpits, trim his fingernail, or shaves his pubic hair, unless he is stripped of clothes or washed with water, or he does that in a mosque, or prays after that, then he goes out of his condition and repents from his sins and rises up About him, and succeeds with apparent prayer or witnessed witness ….

…2 – Time for vision : This aspect is particularly matter crossings ; Because they are the ones who are concerned with it , since knowing the time of the vision is of great importance to the crossing , and some visions may be a sign of marriage, pregnancy, or success in studying , so the question about the time of the vision is necessary so that the person who passes through the question of inquiry and insight can express its connection with time . Visions as well as time with a strong relationship with the expression , what was seen in the extreme heat is different from what was seen in the severity of the cold , Valenar , for example , in the first blameworthy , and in the second commendable and fruits in the visions that were seen as eaten at the time they are welcome , and were seen as eaten at the wrong time No , and most of all that is seen in his time and in his time is in expression good . As if he saw that he wears winter clothes in this winter time is good and the opposite is true , and as he saw that he was performing Hajj and the time of vision at the time of Hajj differs from those who saw that he did Hajj at a time other than his time , and so on , we find that the question of the one who expresses about the time of the vision has its merits . Is another thing to call him question about the vision of the time , Some of the questioners about visions telling you : I saw such and such, and be surprised by telling you old events multiplying asking about the time of Alra O says to you : it is of such a year , and this kind of visions may have been achieved For the viewer, there is no benefit from the actions of the mind in it and there is no point in it for the crossing and that is why he neglects it , and it is better to narrate the visions at the crossing at a time convenient for him and not to overdo it , and some authors have stated that the expression of visions is preferred after dawn and before the sun rises for two reasons : First : The visionary remembers the vision not forgetting did not take them long after , and the second : his relationship crossing it better time than others to attend the understanding of the two crossings , peace be upon him , said him 🙁 God bless my nation in Bkorha ) (1), and in my humble opinion that the allocation of time without time The preference for one time over the last is relative and varies from person to person, and this is due to the habit of crossing in the first place . Is another thing has to do in time , Some believe that the vision of the day stronger than the vision of the night , and this also is not conclusive proof it , and some of them said : he gives her what was napping , and in my opinion, the important thing is to cut the vision if the vision , because the mind may be preoccupied with Bachgalh in the lives of the world And because the reign of the seer is close to it and because there may be in it something desirable to hasten, such as urging good or warning against sin and the like (2). ____________________ (1) It was narrated by Imam al-Tirmidhi in the book of sales, chapter on what comes early in trade – previous reference – and it was narrated by Abu Dawud in the book of jihad, chapter on innovation in travel – previous reference – , and Imam Ibn Majah narrated it in the book of trades section on what is sought from blessing in the firstborn – previous reference And it was narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad in the Musnad of the Ten Missionaries of Paradise and from the Musnad of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him – previous reference – and it was narrated by Al-Darami in the Book of Sirs , Chapter, God Bless my Ummah in its firstborn – previous reference . (2) See : Al- Nawawi on the explanation of Sahih Muslim – Previous reference – (15/35) ** Quoted from Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…

…Mosques : The mosque denotes the Hereafter because it is sought in it, just as the garbage dump indicates the world, and it indicates the Kaaba because it is the house of God, and it indicates the places that combine wind, benefit, reward and help, such as the house of the ruler, the circle of remembrance, the season, the ribat, the field of war, and the market because it is the market for the hereafter . Then every mosque indicates its manner in its size, fame and essence . Whoever builds a mosque in a dream, and if he is worthy of the judiciary, he will obtain it, and likewise if it is a subject of the fatwa and he may indicate in the world a useful work of classification, and in the papers to a Qur’an he writes, and in the bachelors on marriage and marriage, and for the students of money and the world on a building that he builds on which the yields and the benefits of which last. Such as the bathroom, the hotel, the store, the oven, the ship, and the like, because of the current reward in the mosque with the abundance of profits in it in congregational prayer, and people come to it from every side, and enter it without permission . And whoever in his awakening influenced the world and its money, or was influencing its afterlife on its urgency, the winning proverbs returned to the profits and benefits in this world for him, or to the hereafter and the reward in the future which is his demand in his awakening . As for the one who demolishes a mosque, he is going against the one who built it, and he may infer the vulgarity of his situation by the one who builds it in its place or makes it happen in its place after demolishing it, so if he builds a store he favors the world over the Hereafter, and if he builds a bath, his debt is corrupted because of a woman, and if he digs a hole in its place, he is sinning Whoever is a compulsive deceit, or for the sake of a group that separated him from knowledge, goodness and deeds, or for the sake of a ruler who dismissed him, or a righteous man who killed him, or a place in which he had a vacation or a contract marriage, he corrupted and invalidated him . And if he sees himself stripped of clothes in a mosque, he will be stripped of what is appropriate for him from the signs of the mosque, and if that is during the days of Hajj, then he will perform Hajj, God willing, especially if he is giving the call to prayer, and if he is guilty, he goes out of what he is in to repentance and obedience, and if he prays in it on the basis of repentance and obedience. A situation other than the direction of the direction of prayer in the face of the storm, because he is devoted to seeking the world in a market of markets and a season of seasons, in which he is deprived of what he hoped for, and in it he loses everything that he bought and sold, due to the corruption of his prayer and the loss of his labor . This may indicate the corruption of what is included in his negligence of the forbidden and usury if it is met by it .. As for the Sacred Mosque, it indicates the pilgrimage to those who deny it or give permission, even if that is not in the days of Hajj with its essence in that and its evidence, because the Kaaba that the pilgrimage is in it . It may denote the forbidden house of the Sultan who wants it from whose income he is safe, the house of the world, the mosque of Medina, and the great market of great and forbidden affairs, such as the exchange market and the goldsmiths because of the large number of inquiries that are required in it and what enters into its people of forbidden, shortage and sin, as well as all the forbidden by what is human in it The guardian is required to avoid doing forbidden things, from trespassing on animals, and from causing harm ….

…As for shaving men’s hair during Hajj and shortening it, in interpretation it is security, conquest, and the fulfillment of a debt and a chick, because God Almighty says : “You shall enter the Sacred Mosque, God willing, in safety, shaving your heads and falling short, and you will not be afraid .” And in non-Hajj as well, except that in Hajj it is stronger . This is if the person with the vision is not a president, and if he is a leader and shaved off the season, his visions indicate his lack, isolation, or breach of his cover, so this vision is for the poor to spend a debt, and for the rich to lose money . And if the person of the vision was one of the people of righteousness, his cruelty was weak, and if he did not see that he did not shave his head, but saw that he was shaved, he triumphed over the enemies and gained strength and pride . Some of them said : The shaving is only suitable for interpretation for those who are accustomed to shaving, and it is not suitable for those whose habit is shaving . And it was said that shaving the head of a warrior requires testimony in interpretation ….

…This indicates the anger of God Almighty, and whoever sees an example or an image and is told to him : He is your God, and thinks that he is his god, then he worshiped him and worshiped him, then he is preoccupied with falsehood, thinking it is true . And whoever sees God Almighty praying in a place, his mercy and forgiveness will come in that place and place where he used to pray . Whoever sees God Almighty accepts him, and if he is one of the people of righteousness and goodness, then he accepts his obedience to the Almighty and recites his book or teaches the Holy Qur’an, and if it is otherwise, then he is an innovator . And whoever sees God Almighty has called him and answered him, then he will perform Hajj, God Almighty wills, and as for his manifestation on the special place, he may indicate its architecture if it was in ruins, or its ruin if it was full, and if the people of that were unjust and take revenge on them, and if they were oppressed, justice would come to them . Perhaps his vision of the Almighty in the particular place indicates a great property in which he is, or a mighty mighty man takes charge of him, or a useful or wise scholar who is expert in remedies rises to that place, and as for fear of God Almighty in a dream, it indicates tranquility and tranquility, wealth from poverty, and wide livelihood . And whoever sees as if the truth, the Almighty, has become the right, is guided to the straight path . And whoever sees that God Almighty guides and threatens him, then he commits a sin . This indicates the anger of God Almighty, and whoever sees an example or an image and is told to him : He is your God, and thinks that he is his god, then he worshiped him and worshiped him, then he is preoccupied with falsehood, thinking it is true . And whoever sees God Almighty praying in a place, his mercy and forgiveness will come in that place and place where he used to pray . Whoever sees God Almighty accepts him, and if he is one of the people of righteousness and goodness, then he accepts his obedience to the Almighty and recites his book or teaches the Holy Qur’an, and if it is otherwise, then he is an innovator . And whoever sees God Almighty has called him and answered him, then he will perform Hajj, God Almighty wills, and as for his manifestation on the special place, he may indicate its architecture if it was in ruins, or its ruin if it was full, and if the people of that were unjust and take revenge on them, and if they were oppressed, justice would come to them . Perhaps his vision of the Almighty in the particular place indicates a great property in which he is, or a mighty mighty man takes charge of him, or a useful or wise scholar who is expert in remedies rises to that place, and as for fear of God Almighty in a dream, it indicates tranquility and tranquility, wealth from poverty, and wide livelihood . And whoever sees as if the truth, the Almighty, has become the right, is guided to the straight path . And whoever sees that God Almighty guides and threatens him, then he commits a sin ….

…If a person is forbidden in a dream during Hajj or Umrah, this indicates the marriage of single people and the divorce of the married man . If he was sick, he died . If he is from the people of evil, he is merely seeking for the forbidden, especially if the vision is outside the time of Hajj . Or it was with his Ihram a black face or apparent awrah . And if he is killed in his sleep while he is forbidden for hunting of blessings, he will be fined like him in awakening . If in a dream he killed an ostrich, his body would be fainted while awake, and a zebra fell in love with a cow, and so on . And whoever sees that he and his wife have entered ihram, he will divorce her ….

…Al-Hassa : denotes men and women, young women, and counted white dirhams, because it is from the earth and on memorization and counting, because of the knowledge or poetry suffered by the student, the pilgrimage and the throwing of stones, the cruelty and distress, and the insults and slander . Whoever saw a bird descended from heaven to earth, then picked up a pebble and flew with it, and if that was in a mosque, a good man or one of the righteous people perished from it, and if the visionary was sick, and he was among the good people or someone who also prayed in it, and no one involved him in the disease. Those who also pray in it, then the person with the vision is dead, and if he picked up the pebble from a church, the consideration for the patient’s corruption is like the one we presented, and if he picked it up from a house or from an unknown place, then the patient of the person who had the vision from a child or other is lost, as for the one who picked up a number of pebbles and their fate In his garment or swallowed it in his stomach, and if he picked it up from a mosque or a scholar’s house or a male circle, he counted from knowledge and the Qur’an, and he benefited from the remembrance and the statement as much as he picked up from the siege . If it is picked up from the markets or from acres and tree roots, then it is benefits from the world, and in dirhams it consists for him on the cause of fruits or plants or from trade and brokerage, or from asking and giving charity to each person according to his concern and habit in his awakening . If his capture is from the sea, then gifts from the Sultan if he serves him, or benefits from the sea if he trades in it, or knowledge he acquires from a scientist if that is his request, or a gift and a link from a wealthy wife if she has a son or something similar . As for whoever threw it into the sea, his money went into it . And if he throws her into a well, he takes money to marry or buy a servant . And if he threw it in a rainy or under conditions of food, or in a storehouse of the sea, he bought with what he had or as much as he threw it, a trade that is evidenced by the place in which he threw what was with him . The common people say : So-and-so threw what he had of dirhams into wheat or oil or something else . If he threw them an animal, such as a lion, a monkey, a locust, a crow, and the like . That was during the days of the Hajj, and it was heralded by the pilgrimage and the throwing of stones in the future of his command, because the origin of the throwing of the stones is that Gabriel, peace be upon him, commanded Adam, peace be upon him, to throw the Devil when it was presented to him, and it became Sunnah for his son . If this was not done during the days of Hajj, the pebble was his supplication against an enemy or an immoral person, or cursing and insulting him, or testimonies to testify against him . And if he threw them against these races, such as pigeons and Muslims from among the people, the man would be a backbiter, speaking in the righteousness and the women protected ….

…The call to prayer in a dream denotes the pilgrimage if the call to prayer is in the months of the Hajj, and it may indicate gossip in a way that stirs movement, mobility, and preparation for war, and it may indicate theft, or the height of the degree, the honorable position, the elevation and the heard word, and the wife to the single . Perhaps he indicated the correct news . And if the call to prayer other than the qiblah, or the call to prayer in a language other than Arabic, or with that was black-faced, he may tell us about lying and gossip . Perhaps this indicated the Ba`a and the Kharijites in that country . The muezzin is the caller to good, the broker, or the marriage contractor, the king’s messenger or his eyebrow, or the caller in the army, and if the woman gave permission in a dream in the minaret of the mosque, a great innovation appeared in the country, and if the young boys ’ears took over the king, especially if the call to prayer was At the wrong time . And whoever saw that he was calling on a beacon and was qualified for the state, he obtained a mandate as much as he reached his voice and ended up with him, and if he was not worthy of the state, many of his enemies became president over them, even if he was a merchant who profit in his trade . The call to prayer may indicate supplication, righteousness, obedience and doing good, or safety and deliverance from the plots of Satan . And whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer in a well, and if he is in an unbelieving country, he calls people to the method of religion, and if he is in Muslim countries, then he is a spy, and he may have been the owner of a heresy that he calls people to . And whoever sees that he calls the call and is a Muslim, then he enjoins good . And whoever sees that he calls the call and no one answers him, then he is from a people of wrongdoers . And whoever saw that he was calling on the roof of his neighbor, he would betray his neighbor about his wife . And whoever sees that he is calling on the roof of the Kaaba, then he is a heretic or insults the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace . And whoever sees that he recites the call to prayer while lying down, then his wife provokes people and annoys people with her tongue, even if he was celibate, he married . And whoever saw that he was calling in the market, he is a thieves’ spy . And whoever saw that he was calling at the door of the Sultan, he would bear witness to truth . The call to prayer in the alleys and markets indicates a good life, and whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer in a caravan, he is accused of stealing . The call to prayer may also indicate the departure of the partner . And whoever saw that he was calling in a place where the age of the place was destroyed and there were many people in it . And whoever saw that he was calling in the bathroom, he would have a fever . The call to prayer or raising the voice in the remembrance of God Almighty indicates closeness to the elders, especially if the call to prayer is in a beautiful voice, and people listen to it . But if the call to prayer was changed, or he was tampering with it, or he changed the remembrance of God Almighty, or if the awrah was exposed, this indicates a bad recklessness and distress . And whoever sees that he calls the call to a people gathered together, then he calls people to the truth and they are unjust . And perhaps the call to prayer indicates understanding in religion . The call to prayer may be a prayer for an order on the authority of the Sultan . And whoever sees that he is giving the call to prayer and does not memorize the takbeer and cheer, then he will be sorry for his enemy . And whoever sees that he is calling in the sky and people have answered him, then he calls people to good and they answer him . And whoever sees that he has given the call once or twice, and abides and prays according to the obligatory prayers, God Almighty will provide for him for Hajj and Umrah . And whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer on a hill that has been affected by the mandate of a non-Arab man, and if he is not qualified for the state, then he will strike a profitable trade or a great craft. He calls men to reconciliation . If the permission is over a house, its family will die . And whoever sees a boy calling, then his parents are innocent of lying and falsehood . And whoever saw that he was calling for fun and play, God robbed him of his mind . Whoever hears the call to prayer in the market indicates the death of a man from the market . He who earns on a dump will invite a foolish person to reconcile, and a fool will not accept that from him ….

…Number ten 10: It may indicate the tenth of Dhu al-Hijjah, the expiation for an oath, and the inability to sacrifice during Hajj, because God Almighty says : ( Three days during Hajj and seven if you return )…

Hajj If you see pilgrims in a dream, then this indicates that you are going on a long journey away from your home and from those you love, deluding them that you are doing this for their benefit . If you dreamed that you were a pilgrim, this foretells of troubles with unfriendly friends and a struggle for liberation from the yoke of poverty . If a girl dreamed that a pilgrim had approached her, this indicates that she is docile and easy to deceive . If Hajj moves away from her, she will realize the weakness of her character and will work to strengthen her independence ….

…Al-Rawdah is someone who saw Riyadh al-Khidr in a dream whose essence is not known, for it is Islam and religion . So is all greenness on earth . It was said that someone who saw a kindergarten was suddenly damaged . And if seeing the dead in a good garden, then he is in heaven . Kindergarten indicates the world and its adornment and the wife who has many money . And the unknown garden may indicate every place of virtue in which God Almighty is obeyed, such as the grave of the Prophet, peace be upon him, the rings of remembrance, the mosques of goodness, and the graves of the righteous, and the kindergarten may refer to the Qur’an and the book of knowledge and wisdom, and it may indicate Paradise, so whoever goes out of it to a swampy land or goes from a year to a heresy Or to an act of sin . And whoever sees himself in a meadow while eating from it, and he is at the time of Hajj, or in it he is making the call to prayer, then he does Hajj, and if the unbeliever sees that he embraces Islam, or the offender sees him he repents, otherwise it is a good deed that he does like attending the Friday prayer or the funeral ….

…The virtue of Imam Yaqoub bin Sufyan 96 – Yaqoub bin Sufyan bin Jawan Al-Faswi (2) Al- Hadith Al-Hafiz, who was among those who compiled and classified with piety, asceticism and rigidity in adhering to the Sunnah, and Al-Hakim said : (( As for his hearing and his wife and members of his speech, it is too much to mention )) and Abu said Abd al-Rahman al -Nahawadi : I heard Yaqoub bin Sufyaniol : (( I wrote about a thousand sheikhs, and all of them broke trust )). And Yaqoub also said: (( I went on the journey for thirty years )) and Abu Zar’ah al-Dimashqi said : (( Two men of noble people came to us, one of them and they were deported by Yaqoub bin Sufyan, the people of Iraq could not see the like )) He died in the year seventy-seven and two hundred . Abdan bin Muhammad Al-Marwazi said : (( I saw Yaqoub bin Sufyan in sleep, and I said : What did God Almighty do to you? He said : He forgave me and ordered me to come to heaven as I was on earth )). And from God’s care about this Imam in his request for a hadith, which he told about himself, we used it as a lesson to students of knowledge. * Muhammad bin Yazid al-Attar said : I heard Yaqoub bin Sufyan say : (( I was on my journey and I spent my life, so I got addicted to writing at night, and I read during the day. Sitting, I copy in the lamp, and it was winter, and the water descended in my eyes, and I did not see anything, and I cried for myself because I was cut off from my country and what I had missed from knowledge, so my eyes overcame me, so I slept and saw the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – , in sleep, I called : ( Oh Jacob, why did you cry? ? )) I said : O Messenger of God went Bosra Vthsart on what I missed . He said to me : (( Aden Mona )) Phinot him and ordered his hand on my eyes like reading Alihaa, and then I woke up Vobesrt, I took cursive and sat writing (1). Needless to education and virtues 97 – I know , O man , a Muslim to engage in Balnavlh of the best science from engaging Balnavlh of worship and that the imams of the four four said Shafie : asked the best science of prayer Fasts . Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal – God ‘s mercy and blessed us with his knowledge – what I prayed today is not obligatory, accounted for Bmmakrh Abi Zar’ah Ali Nawafly . It came in ((The Order of Perception )) by Judge Ayyad, 3: 234-235 , 240 , 261 in the translation of Imam Al- Muhadith , Al-Faqih Al-Abed Al-Zahid ( Abdullah Wahb Al-Qurashi of Egypt ), the companion of the Imam Malik Al-Layth, Al-Thawri and others, who died in the year 197 AH, may God Almighty have mercy on him, in which it was stated that Sahnoun said : (( Ibn Wahb had divided his life into three A third is in Rabat, a third is aware of Egypt, and a third is on the Hajj, and he mentioned that it is a thirty-six Hajj. His nephew said : I was with him in Alexandria, and the people gathered on him and asked him to spread knowledge, so he said to me : This is a country of worship, and his mother rarely gave myself in it with the work of the people, so he left Sitting for them at the times when he was sitting, and accept worship and guarding . After two days, a person came to him and told him that he had seen himself in a great mosque towards the Grand Mosque, and the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – in it and Abu Bakr on his right, and Amr on his left, and you were between his hands, and in the mosque lamps were blossoming in the best and brightest of them. Then it was turned off, then the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – said to you , O Abdullah, burn it and light it, then delay it, then I stayed for days and I saw all the lamps were going to be extinguished, so Abu Bakr said : O Messenger of God, do you see these lamps? He said – may God bless him and grant him peace – This is Abdullah’s work, he wants to extinguish it ! Ibn Wahb cried, and the man said to him : I have come to bring you good tidings, and if I knew that he was clouding you, I would not have come . He said : It is good, this is a vision in which I preached, I thought that worship was better than spreading knowledge, so he left a lot of ( time ) and his work for knowledge, and he confined himself to them reading him and asking him * Ibn Wahb said : I was in the hands of the king I wrote, then the prayer was established – and in another term the muezzin gave permission – There were published books in his hands, and I took the initiative to collect them, so the owner said to me : To your messengers, what you do is not better than what you are in ….

…In a dream, it is expressed by the imam, so what happened in terms of a decrease or increase in it attributed him to the imam or to the religion of the visionary . And whoever saw Makkah as his home and was a freed slave, even if he was a free man, he attained glory from the Sultan, and people resort to him for knowledge that teaches them, and whoever puts Mecca behind his back leaves his ruler or ruler . And whoever sees Makkah destroyed, he will pray little . And perhaps Mecca indicated to her inside a beautiful bride who had many suitors . Entering Mecca for the disobedient is repentance, the unbeliever has Islam, and the celibate has a wife, and if the seer is a quarrel, he indicates his oppression in his quarrel . Perhaps entering Mecca indicated security out of fear . And whoever sees that he goes out to Mecca to perform Hajj, then he will provide for Hajj, God Almighty wills, and if he is ill, then his illness will prolonged and he may die . And whoever sees that he is adjacent to Makkah, he will be returned to the lowly of life . And if he sees that he is in Makkah with the dead, then he will die a martyr . Whoever goes to Mecca only because of trade, he will be keen on this world . He who sees it fertilized is good ….

…A surveyor is a surveyor of the land in a dream A man checks people’s conditions . If he sees that he wiped cultivated land, then he inspects the conditions of the righteous people . He who wipes a vineyard inspects a woman . And if he mops a wooded land, he checks the conditions of religious men . If he wipes a street then he travels, and if he is on the Hajj route then he is for Hajj . And if he wiped a switch, he wins out of gloom . And if he anointed green ground, and the owner of which did not know it, then he would be of asceticism . If clearing house if a person loses that man ….