Hat If you dream of losing your hat, you can expect unsatisfactory business and people failing to maintain important engagements . If a man dreams that he is wearing a new hat, this predicts a change in place and work, and this will be in his favor . If a woman dreams that she is wearing a new and beautiful hat, then this means obtaining wealth, and that she will be the object of great admiration . And if the wind blows your hat away, this means sudden changes in trade affairs for the worse to some extent . If a woman dreams of seeing a hat, she will be invited to participate in some celebration . And if a girl dreamed of seeing her lover wearing a hat, this means that she will be ashamed and shy in his presence . If you see a prisoner’s hat, this means that your bravery is betraying you in time of danger . If you see a miner hat, you will inherit a sufficient amount of money ….

Hat ribbon knot this dream means that enemies will file sinister lawsuits against you . Watch out for titles ….

…And whoever sees a hat of colored or not colored brocade on his head, it indicates the isolation of the world and the corruption of religion, and the hail cap and the scarf signify the goodness of the world and religion, and the cap that is under the turban, then he does something and hides something from the people ….

…And it was said that whoever sees that he has a good hat on his head, he must follow a job if he is qualified for that ….

…And it was said that he who saw that he had a cap on his head, and if it was green, then he is committed to the Qur’an, and if it is white, then it strikes the world and goodness, and if it is black, then he returns to him what was lack of money, and if it was mixed, then he would propose to a woman of a people and they would not answer it, and if it was dyed and colored. It is a weakness in trade, and it may indicate concern because of the need for a livelihood. What is meant by the hood is the hat ….

…A bird feather If you see a feather in a dream, then this means for those working in the fields of literature a season of success . If you dreamed that you were adorning yourself with it, this indicates success in business and profits . For a girl, if she dreams that she puts a feather on her hat, this means that she will try her luck in more than one field and that her success will depend on her courtesy and beauty ….