…And whoever sees it as if he is praying in Jerusalem, he inherits an inheritance or clings to righteousness, and if he sees that it is in the chapel for the provision of pilgrimage and security, because God Almighty says : “And take from the place of Abraham a prayer room .” And whoever sees that he prays in Jerusalem other than the direction of the direction of Mecca, then he will perform Hajj . If he sees it as if he is performing ablution in Jerusalem, then it becomes part of his money in it . And leaving it indicates travel and going an inheritance from it, if it is in his hand . If he saw that he was saddled in Jerusalem, a lamp was hit in his son, or? He has a vow in his son that he must fulfill ….

Jerusalem Whoever sees in a dream that he has prayed in Jerusalem, inherits an inheritance, or holds on to righteousness . He felt that he prayed to the direction it is to perform Hajj . If he saw that he lit a lamp in Jerusalem, he was injured in some of his children, or if he had a scarcity in his son, he must fulfill it ….

…The vision of Jerusalem is a purification of sins and the attainment of repentance, safety and security ….

…And whoever sees that he is in Jerusalem, it indicates piety, religion, faithfulness, the attainment of what is desired, and success ….

And whoever sees that he is nearby, it is a conviction ….

And whoever sees that he is in Bayt al-Maqdis, then he will be the owner of a religion and honesty and may perform Hajj, and it was said security and safety. And whoever sees that he is in a place with a specific name, he shall be interpreted from the derivation of his name

…Whoever reads it or recites it to him, God Almighty will transfer it to one of the Two Sanctuaries or to Alexandria . And it was said : May God have mercy on him . And it was said : He memorizes the Qur’an, agrees with it in religion, and acquires much knowledge . If he has enemies, they cannot harm him . And it was said, that he lives in Jerusalem . And it was said : He attains the blessing of this world ….

Surat Al-Rahman indicates the memorization of the Qur’an, the understanding of religion, and the acquisition of much knowledge, grace and mercy from God, even if the visionary has enemies who cannot harm him, and it may indicate the dwelling of Egypt, Jerusalem or the Haram

…Whoever sees that he is striving to seek Hajj or to visit the Prophet, peace be upon him, or the Holy House, then he asks for something praiseworthy and thanks for his action for saying, peace be upon him : Do not travel except to the three places of Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem . It was said that he intended three things. Some of them said majesty in his destiny, perfection in his religion, and beauty in his actions, because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, compared Mecca to majesty, Medina with perfection, and the Holy House with beauty ….

…In a dream, he is a ruler, so if a person sees a pavilion, he will gain an opponent of his authority . And marquees are kings . Al-Fustit is the same, except that it is below it, and the dome is without the fountains, and the tent is without the dome . And the unknown from the pavilions, basins, and domes, if their color is green or white, indicates innocence, attaining the rank of martyrdom, visiting the graves of martyrs and righteous people, or visiting Jerusalem . See also Al-Fustat ….

…And whoever sees that the deputy remains a sultan, then it is his steadfastness, increasing his pomp and a great good, unlike what if he saw that the Sultan became a deputy, so his expression is against him, and the deputations are interpreted from the derivation of the name of cities, such as al-Sham from al-Tayyib, Aleppo from Aleppo, livelihood, Tripoli from Taryan, that is a pleasure, Hama from Hama and Safad from Safa and it is said Other than that, Karak is from fortification, and it was said that what is needed to derive the name in Turkish and Jerusalem is from purification and mercy, Gaza from Ghaz and Hanas from the Bahaa Sunnah, and the rest of the prosecutions is measured accordingly and is considered as above ….

…Does the search for dream interpretation lead to what is called anticipatory anxiety, and then lead to delusions, delusions, and pessimistic thinking? This is a point of view, and I hear it a lot from some of the professions of psychiatry, and the truth is that this may be true of a group of patients, and they are few, but many of those who have repeated visions may have their meaning indicative of good news or good news, and repeated dreams may portend a sin that has occurred With it the dreamer, and then the expression of this dream is a reason for the owner of this dream to relinquish sin, and it may be a major sin . In summary : This hypothesis has some therapists , psychologists do not believe on the whole and should not be generalized for anyone with repeated visions or dreams . This assumption may be the reason for the hostility of a large group of them to the expression of visions, but a distinction must be made here between visions, dreams and dreams, and many of the words of psychiatrists apply to the so-called pipe dreams, which are different from the vision that is from God and not the dream that is from Satan, so let him know that . In conclusion : I note here that the aspects of the vision are not separate and have no relationship between them, but are interrelated in the sense that the one who expresses should not omit one of them, so seeing dates and eating them, for example, is not commendable unless it is supported by the linguistic and temporal aspect, and seeing fire is not always reprehensible if it is winter It was supported by the derivative side of the vision, and we can say that the following figure shows us the aspects of the vision overlapping : This circle revolves in the mind of the person expressing the vision when he hears the vision, and in a very short time; He tries to link the vision with one of the aspects in order to reach peacefully on the shore of salvation, which is its expression, and that is why the interpretation was called an expression, here I offer some guidance to those who wanted to express : 1_ Armament with the weapon of legal knowledge from the Holy Qur’an, the Prophet’s Sunnah and the Arabic language and their synonyms and wording, knowing the time of the vision, and investigating the owner . 2_ take into account the legitimate literature when the expression, and to follow the fine manners and peace be upon him . 3_ Not to frighten people and to terrorize them with the results obtained – thinking – of the visions . 4_ Not to be certain about the expression by those who express or swear to the expression, so the expression of visions is due to conjecture as it becomes clear to us . 5_ Not to increase this kind of knowledge in every session or lecture; Because this leads to leniency in the expression by not observing the restrictions that I mentioned in the aspects of the expression of the vision, just as he who is more in art has been burned in it, and this is known . 6_ crossing himself not to say that those who express what insight or inspiration in this recommendation of self, has ordered us not to commend ourselves . 7_ That the one expressing – what he was able – should try to divert visions to good, and if he could not find a way for that, he should not express them and beware of them . 8_ Not relying on dreams and illusions, so how many people are working with this science in this age, and the many who enter it and inquire about it except that one sign, albeit sad, indicates that we have become a dream nation, escaping from its bitter and sad reality, of dreams, and then building palaces, and realizing The victories, the prayer in Jerusalem and the defeat of the armies, and the sovereignty over the nations, not by action but by dreaming, and this is our bitter reality, and it must be recognized first in order to correct it and treat it, and then we get rid of this weakness and lewdness . 9_ The one who expresses himself should keep the secrets of the people who are asking him about their visions, and not disclose them with pride or mockery . Yes, we must join the ranks of the advanced countries in terms of science, power and economy, a reality and not a dream, unless they attained God, bear witness ….

…Whoever sees in a dream that he has entered a city from Al-Madaen is safe from what he fears . And Ibn Sirin, may God Almighty have mercy on him, loved to enter cities, and he did not like to leave them, because God Almighty said : ( So he went out from them in fear and waited. He said : Lord, save me from the unjust people ). And it was said : The city ​​is expressed by a man of knowledge , for he, peace be upon him, said : ( I am the city of knowledge and I am at its gate ). And whoever enters a city and finds it in ruins, the scholars have lost it . And it was said : The city ​​is the death of its king or his oppression in it . In any city that is seen and there is no authority in it, food is overpriced in it . The known city is the world and the unknown is the hereafter . And whoever saw a city destroyed, the religion of its people has gone . The city of man that is attributed to his father is expressed by his father, so whoever saw that a city was ruined by earthquakes, his father died by murder . And whoever sees that he is in the country of Upper Egypt, his livelihood will be troubled and miserable, or his trust will increase . And whoever saw that in the country of Nubia he would have a blessing . And who saw that in Abyssinia, his prestige decreased . And whoever sees that he is in Egypt, God blesses his life and prolongs his life . And whoever sees that he is in the country of El-Arish, the good will be abundant . And whoever saw that in Constantinople he lost his money . And whoever sees that he is in the land of Jerusalem and Mount Tur Sinai, this is a year ahead for him . Whoever sees that he is in Bethlehem, his solidity will increase and his religion will be strengthened . And whoever saw that he was in the countries of the East, he would get good . Whoever saw that he supervised Baghdad came to the ruler because Baghdad was the home of the Imam . And whoever sees that he is in Jordan, he will receive a travel or humiliation . And whoever sees that he is in Damascus, God will provide for him . Whoever thinks that he is in the country of the Romans, then he has confidence in God Almighty, as well as the countries of Armenians . And whoever sees that he is in the countries of the Franks, his heart becomes blind . And whoever sees that he is in the land of the non-Arabs, he learns rudeness . Whoever sees that he is in the land of India and conquers his enemies and conquers his envy . And whoever sees that he is in ruins, he will be afflicted with a people who have no power over them . And whoever sees that he is in salted or sulfurous land, he will get sick . And the country is an oath, because God Almighty says : ( I do not swear by this country ). The country is safe from fear . Perhaps the country in a dream indicated repentance and forgiveness . The region may refer to his ruler, authority, ruler, or scholar . If a person owned a country in a dream he attained a king or guardianship, and if he was celibate, he married, or a sick person was cured of his illness, or an adulterer who repented, or a lost man, he was guided . And seeing the dead in a dream in a city may have been in heaven, just as if he was seen in a village indicates that he is in Hell, for its people to suffer and their misery . If the city has a name for Saleh, such as Sana’a, which denotes the fabrication, or Dhofar from the victory of the enemy, and the secret of whoever sees is of pleasure . And whoever leaves a sinner, he will be saved from a sinner . And the gates of the well-known city are its governors, rulers and guards . And whoever sees that he is in an unknown city, that is the sign of the righteous . And whoever saw the city wall demolished, its worker died or was dismissed from his work . And whoever saw that he had a notch in the city wall, until a lion, torrent, or thief entered Medina, weakening the command of Islam in it, or blocking the market of knowledge . See also The Village ….

…Al-Fustat: Whoever sees in a dream that he struck a palace above him, then he afflicts an authority and strengthens his command . Or visit the graves of martyrs . And whoever sees a pot, a tent, or a tent in a bowl of earth, then he is a martyr . And Fustat is the king, so if his power is folded, he will perish and his life will run out . And whoever owns the beaches or some of them, this indicates a blessing that he is blessed with . And the unknown of the basins, pavilions and domes, if it is green or white, indicates righteousness and testimony, and whether it reaches that by worship, or indicates a visit to Jerusalem . See also the marquee ….

…Masih If you dreamed of seeing Christ as a young child worshiped by wise men, then this means many happy days, full of wealth and knowledge, abundant with joy and satisfaction . If Christ is in the garden of ~ Gethsemane ~, a sad calamity will fill your soul with sorrow, and you will feel great desires for change by losing the motives of love . If you see him in the temple harshly criticizing the merchants, this means that evil enemies will be defeated and honorable deeds will triumph . ~ Gethsemane : is the garden where Christ was arrested outside Jerusalem .~…

…About Wahab bin alarm that Nebuchadnezzar after the ruins of Jerusalem and argued the children of Israel in seven years , the opinion in a dream , a great vision of his aura gathered priests and Alhzar and asked them about his vision that , they said : to Iqsa king even tell him Ptooelha , he said : I have forgotten but did not tell me it to three days people who killed you for Akrkm went scared and Glenn from his festival heard that Daniel – peace be upon him – and is in prison , said the jailer : Go to him , tell him : that here a man who has knowledge of your vision and interpretation went to him told him Aftlbh when he entered it did not bow down to him and said to him : what prevented you from prostration Mine? He said : God gave me knowledge, taught me, and commanded me not to prostrate to anyone else , so he told him shortly : I love those who fulfill their covenants to their lords , so he told me about my vision , so Daniel said to him : I saw a great idol with his feet on the ground and his head in the sky , above it of gold, its middle of silver, and its bottom of copper And his leg of iron and his feet of clay, so while you were looking at him, you liked his beauty and the tightness of his making, God tossed him with a stone from the sky, and he fell on the top of his head until he crushed it and his gold, silver, copper and iron mixed in until you imagined that if people and jinn met to distinguish some of them from others they would not be able to do that To the stone that he was thrown, it was raised, magnified, and spread until it filled the whole earth , so that you saw nothing but the stone and the sky , so he said : The vision that I saw was true, so what is its interpretation? Daniel said : As for the idol, there are different nations at the beginning of time and in its midst and in its midst and at the end , and as for the stone with which an idol was thrown, it is a religion that God throws at these nations at the end of time, then he will show it to them, so God sends an illiterate prophet from the Arabs, so that the nations and religions will be thrown into it as I have seen the stone dizzying the types of idols And it appears on the religions and nations as I have seen the stone appeared all over the earth , so God examines the truth with it, the falsehood is lost with it, guides the people of misguidance by it, teaches the illiterate by it, strengthens the weak, strengthens the humiliation with it, and supports the weak . In another novel : about Wahab bin alarm , and in which that Nebuchadnezzar the opinion of a vision while he had liked what opinion as the opinion of something injury Vonsah who was called Daniel and Ananias and Azaria and Mahil of the strains of the prophets , he said : Tell me about the vision I saw and then I’ve become something Vonsaneha was I liked , what she ? They said to him : Tell us by Ptooelha let you know , he said : What did not mention them if you tell me to Ptooelha Onzaan Octavkm , they went out from him , they called God and Astgathua , and pray to him and asked him to teach them Voalmanm , who asked him Fjah they said to him : I saw a statue? He said : You are right . They said : His feet and legs are of clay, his knees and thighs of copper, his stomach of silver, his chest of gold, and his head and neck of iron? He said : You have believed . They said : While you are looking at him, he has liked you, and God sent a rock from the sky upon him, so he met him. He said : You are right , so what is its interpretation? They said : interpretation you saw the King of Kings was some Allen king of some , and some of them was the best king of some , and some were more king of some was the first king of pottery , a weakened and Olinh , then it was above the copper is the best of it and more , and then it was above the copper silver which is Better than that and better , then there was over silver, gold, which is better than silver and better , then iron was yours, because he was more powerful and dearer than he was before him , and the rock that you saw was God sent to him from heaven, so his accuracy was a prophet whom God sold him from heaven, so that all of it knocked and the matter came to him. . And in another narration : Daniel and his companions said to Bakhtasar : I saw such-and-such and they told it to him , so he said : You are right , they said : We cross it for you . As for the idol whose head you saw of gold, it is your possession as good as gold , and it possessed the whole earth , and the neck is similar to it. The king of your son after you owns, so his possession will be good and not like gold , and as for his chest that is of iron, it is the king of the people of Persia, who possesses after your son, so their possession will be strong like iron , and as for his humours, he goes to the king of the people of Persia and the people dispute the king in every village until the king will reign for the day and two days month and two months , and then kills do not people have the strength on it as it was not the strength of the fetish on the two men of pottery , while they are as well as God sent – the Almighty – a prophet of the land of the Arabs Vozarh on the rest of the people of Persia and the rest of the king of your son , and thy and destroyed and Ohlkh so as not to keep him anything as The rock came and destroyed the idol ….

…Rare, a trustworthy man told me he said he entered Jerusalem some years ago and he had a great plague, so I met with Sheikh Abi Bakr al-Halabi, who lives in Tayluniyah, known near Bab Hatta, and I read the hadeeth to him in the past, so I read with him his response from the Qur’an after the noon prayer, according to his habit. When he finished, he called these words three Several times with a group of his students, I asked him about it, so he said an anecdote from the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, then he instructed some of the group to write it to me, so they wrote it and corrected it to him. O God who is full of strength and omnipotence, O God, O God, O God, God is the greatest, God is the greatest, God is the greatest, the glory of your neighbor, and the glory of your praise – and there is no god but you, O God, I seek refuge in You from stabbing, plague, surprise, and bad turns in the soul, family and money, and the child, God is the greatest, God is the greatest, God is the greatest, the number of our sins until you are forgiven O God, bless Muhammad, the owner of the basin and Al-Kawthar, God is the greatest, God is the greatest, God is the greatest, God is the greatest, as you interceded for us our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, so give us our life and make us our homes and do not destroy us with our sins and faults and have mercy on us with your mercy oh God is the Most Merciful, so God will suffice them, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing, and God is the Most Gracious, and there is no strength or power except in God, the Most High, the Great. Then I asked him through his support to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. May God bless him and grant him peace in a dream, and a great plague descended in that country until most of its people died. He gathered some of its news to him and asked him that if he saw the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, on his habit in a dream, he asks him for intercession over them, then he saw the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, so he filled him with this supplication and instructed him to He calls for it and teaches the people to call for it in lifting the plague. He said, so I said, O Messenger of God, I fear that I will forget him or I will mislead in something of it. He said, so the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, ordered a man who was with him and said : Write it to him in his palm . So I woke up and found it in my hand written on its wording, as it is Germanic. Its author said, and I asked who told me this about whether Sheikh Abu Bakr authorized you to narrate this from him with this chain of narration and he said yes ….