Jesus, peace be upon him, whoever saw him in a dream, for he is a blessed man of great goodness, a frequent traveler, a man of asceticism, pleased with little and blessed with knowledge of the request, or that no harm befalls him in that year, or he becomes an ascetic, a tourist on earth and escapes from what he fears . And whoever saw him a lot will be blessed with medical knowledge . And whoever sees him in a city or mosque and the people are in distress or affliction, they will be saved from that because he is the spirit of God and his mercy, and if his mother is with him, then it is a great sign that appears in that place . And whoever sees that he has transformed in his image or wore a garment of his clothes and was a supreme authority, even if he was a scientist, his benefits became more abundant and his virtues appeared, and if he was a doctor, his success would be greater . And if he saw him and was afraid, security, and his visions indicate glory and blessing wherever he lives, and if the patient sees him, he will be saved and cured . And his visions indicate the emergence of something people marvel at, and the attainment of justice and prosperity . And a pregnant woman, if she saw Jesus, peace be upon him, gave birth to a doctor boy . And the vision of Jesus, peace be upon him, indicates doubt about the religion, for the Jews said : We killed and crucified him. The Almighty said : ( And what they killed and what they crucified but likened to them ). The Almighty said : (And the Christians said, the Messiah, the Son of God ). And the Almighty said : ( God did not take from a child ). Perhaps the seer was accused of a charge while he was innocent, or perhaps he lied to him or his mother . Perhaps his vision indicated the good news because he preached to us the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace . Perhaps his vision indicated the answer to the supplication or the anger and discontent, and because those who asked the table and did not believe in it or Jesus were mutilated by pigs, just as those who attacked on the Sabbath were monkeys from the people of Moses, peace be upon him . His vision indicates the hesitation from Egypt to the Levant and from the Levant to Egypt, and if the seer was idle in the beginning of his command, he indicated his good luck because he descends from heaven at the end of time and kills the antichrist and fills the earth with justice as it is filled with unfairness . This descent indicates the blessings, the destruction of the unbelievers, and the victory of the believers ….

…And whoever sees Jesus, peace be upon him, his visions indicate that he is a blessed, benevolent man of great goodness, who travels a great deal, and is honored with knowledge of medicine, and other sciences . Sharif Abu al-Qasim Jaafar bin Muhammad told us in Egypt, he said Hamza bin Muhammad al-Kinani told us, he said Abu al-Qasim Issa bin Suleiman al-Baghdadi told us, he said Dawood bin Amr al-Dhbi told us, he said Musa bin Jaafar al-Ridha told us about his father on the authority of his grandfather, said Al-Hassan bin Ali, may God be pleased with them both : I saw Jesus son of Mary , peace be upon him to sleep, I said , O spirit of God , I want to engrave on what Khatami engrave? He said, “There is no god but God, the Truth and the Most Evident,” he said . It was said that a woman who was pregnant by Jesus bin Mary, peace be upon him, gave birth to a wise son ….

…And whoever sees Jesus, he revives his dead works and strengthens obedience, and gets success for him to do good deeds, and it was said whoever saw Jesus blessed with worship, asceticism and piety, and perhaps his travels increased, and he would be saved from what he feared, and perhaps the knowledge of medicine would not be like him in his time ….

Crucifixion If you had a dream about the crucifixion of Christ, then you will see your share of opportunities diminish, and your hopes move away from your fist, and you will mourn for frustration of desires . If you see the cross of Christ in a dream, then this means a warning of an approaching calamity that will befall others not far from you . If you accept a cross, this foretells that you will seek trouble while yielding to it . If the girl possesses a cross, this foretells that she will be modest and civile in her behavior and through that, she will gain the love of others and improve her fortune ….

…As for the swan, which is known as Jesus, it is interpreted by a large-minded, gentle-hearted man who faces evil and harm, and may be interpreted by the kings of the East ….

…Fish : It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw a fish on my table that I and my servant ate from its back and stomach . He said : Search your servant, for it will befall your family . He searched his servant, and if he was a man . Grilled salty fish is a journey in pursuit of knowledge, or the company of a chief, because God Almighty says : ~We forgot their whale .~ And whoever catches a soft grilled fish, he will be hit by a spoil and goodness, for the story of Jesus’ table, peace be upon him, and the grilled fish will fulfill a need or answer a lawsuit or a wide livelihood, if the man is pious . Otherwise, a penalty will be imposed on him . If he sees that he mulched the young fish in flour and fried it with fat, then he is spending his money on something worthless until it becomes valuable and becomes delicious and honest . And it was said that the fish is praiseworthy, especially the grilled ones, except for the young fish, because their thorns are more than their flesh, and it indicates enmity between it and the people of his household, and it indicates the hope of something unattainable . And eating salty fish indicates good and benefit at that time . As for the taste of things : his interpretation differs according to different circumstances. If he sees as if he tasted something, then seek pleasure and indulgence, for he attains relief and grace, because God Almighty says : “And if we have tasted a person from us, rejoice in it .” If he sees as if he has tasted something and finds it bitter, then he is asking for something that will harm him . If he saw as if he swallowed hot, coarse food, this indicates that his livelihood is distressing ….

…Month If the vision is in the month of Muharram, then it is correct and not mistaken . Seeing him in a dream indicates relief, salvation from prison and cure of illnesses . And if the seer had retired from his people or his country, he would return to them according to the story of Yunus, peace be upon him, for his departure in him from the whale’s belly . Perhaps he witnessed a great fitnah, such as the death of a just imam or the emergence of a scholar, because God Almighty created Adam and Eve in him, peace be upon them . And if the seer is disobedient, he will repent to God Almighty, because God Almighty has repented in him for Adam, peace be upon him . And if the seer was one of those who sought status and honor, that would happen to him because God Almighty raised Idris, peace be upon him, high in him . And if the traveler in the sea survived, he and his companion, because the ship was occupied in him by the Judi . And if the seer was hoping that the child would have a good son, because there was the son of Ibrahim and Jesus, peace be upon them both . And if the seer was in distress, he would be released from him or escaped from his enemy because God Almighty saved Abraham, peace be upon him, from the fire of Nimrod . And perhaps the seer will turn back from his heresy and misguidance and repent to God Almighty and give up his sins, because God Almighty has repented in him for David, peace be upon him . And if the seer was removed from his mandate, he returned to his position because God Almighty answered him to Solomon, peace be upon him, and if he was poor or sick, he was cured of his illness and God Almighty enriched him because God Almighty revealed in him the harm from Job, peace be upon him . Perhaps the seer sent messengers because God Almighty spoke about Moses, peace be upon him, and perhaps he opened a country for Muslims from the countries of unbelief . And if the vision is in the month of Safar, then it is not commendable . His vision for someone who is in distress or distress is not harmful, and if he is sick, his visions indicate healing and health . And the month of Rabi` al-Awwal, if the vision is in it, then he will profit in his trade and bless it and be pleased and rejoice . Perhaps he had a righteous son, and if the people were in distress, they were removed from them, and if they were oppressed, they would win, then in him . The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was born . Perhaps the people conquered a blessed raid, in which it was the conquest of Dumat al-Jandal . And the month of Rabi` al-Akhir, if his visions indicate goodness, will be slower, and if they indicate evil, hasten . And in it, a person conquers his enemy, or gives birth to a knowledgeable son, in which Imam Ali was born, may God grace him . And the month of Jumada al-Awwal, if the vision is in it, is not desirable to buy or sell . And whoever saw him lost his daughter or wife. Fatima al-Zahra, may God be pleased with her, died in it . And the month of Jumada al-Akhira, if his visions indicate goodness, will be slower . And whoever sees the month of Rajab in a dream indicates an elevated status, in which he ascends the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, to heaven . And the month of Sha`ban, if the vision in it is good, it will be valid, grow, and the good will multiply, and the rulers of affairs may be isolated . And during the month of Ramadan, the gates of hardship, immorality and miserliness are closed, and the vision of goodness hastens and does not slow down, and the vision indicates blessing, goodness, enjoining good and forbidding evil, and if he is seeking knowledge, it happened to him because in it the Noble Qur’an was revealed . If a patient with epilepsy wakes up from him, then the devils are chained up . The month of Shawwal in a dream indicates salvation from adversity, pleasure and joys, because it begins with a feast and joy, and it includes building the Kaaba and the battle of the trench . And the month of Dhul-Qi’dah, if the vision in it indicates travel, then he should not travel, and if it indicates them, then let him avoid it . And the month of Dhu al-Hijjah, if the vision in it indicates travel, then he should travel and spend time in matters, because it is a blessed month and it includes the Eid and sacrifice, and in it were the death of Omar bin Al-Khattab and Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with them ….

…Barley : money with a healthy body for those who owned it or eat it, and it is better than wheat, and some of them said that it was born short-lived because it is the food of Jesus, peace be upon him . And harvesting it in its due season is money that will be made to it, and God Almighty must have a right in it, because God Almighty says : “And give his due on the day of its harvest. ” And its cultivation indicates a work that requires the approval of God Almighty . Wet barley is fertile, and buying barley from wheaten is great good . And whoever walks in the sowing of barley or any of the crops will provide for jihad . And the vision of barley, in any case, is good, benefit and livelihood ….

…And whoever sees a boy calling out, it is an innocence of his parents from lies and two betrayals, to the story of Jesus, peace be upon him . And the adhan in the bathroom does not praise a religion or world, and it was said that he leads . If the ear is in the warm house, it will warm a fading fever . If an ear is in the cold house, it warms a hot fever, and whoever an ear is at the door of Sultan, he really says ….

…Bat, his vision in a dream indicates blindness and delusion . And perhaps he indicated the child of adultery because he was of clay and he is a bird who suckles as a human being sucks, and his vision may indicate covering up due to bad deeds such as theft and listening to news, and his vision may indicate the demise of blessings, and a distance from the ordinary, and his vision may indicate the establishment of the Sunnah and the presentation of the argument because it is the miracle of Jesus, peace be upon him ….

…Small fish : the sorrows of the one who struck him as boys, and whoever struck a soft fish or two, struck a woman or two, and if he struck a pearl in the belly of the fish, he would hit a boy . And if he struck her belly with fat, he struck from it with money and goodness, and if he struck salty fish, they struck him from the point of its salinity, and his young also are of no good . Perhaps a person’s character, if he saw salty fish in his sleep, would hit money and goodness, and if a fish came out from his mouth, it is a word he speaks from the shops in a woman, and whoever sees a fish that came out of his memory, gave birth to him a girl, and the fresh, live fish, firstborn, and fishing On land, committing an indecency, and it was said that it was good news . And fishing from water distress is severe, and from pure water a livelihood, or a son is born for him . Whoever eats live fish gets a king . And soft grilled fish is a booty and good, for the story of Jesus’ table, peace be upon him . And it was said that it is the fulfillment of a need or the answer to a prayer or a wide livelihood, and if the man is pious, otherwise it is a punishment, and the grilled salty is traveling in the pursuit of knowledge or wisdom, because God Almighty says : “We forgot their whale. ” And whoever saw that he mulched small fish in flour and fried them with fat, then it is suitable What does not benefit him and spend on it from honest money, and he gets tired of it until it becomes delicious and honorable money . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw on my table a fish that I and my servant ate from its back and stomach, she said, search your servant, because it affects your family . So he searched him, and found Hurgel ….

…As for the verses that are the conditions of the resurrection, it is fear and an accident. God Almighty said : “ We are not sent with verses except for fear .” Perhaps the exit of the animal indicated a trial in which some people would perish and others would be saved . As for the exit of the Antichrist, he indicates a seduced man who calls for a heresy that appears and rises . As for the descent of Jesus, peace be upon him, it is evidence of justice that will be on earth . If the antichrist is killed, an unbeliever or a heretic will die, and he may be based on it, or a just imam may lead him ….

And whoever sees that he has caught a great fish and does not see greater than her, then he will marry a rich woman from the household, and it was said that the vision of the grilled soft fish indicates evidence of the story of Jesus, peace be upon him, for his saying, Our Lord

…And whoever sees Adam, peace be upon him, his beauty and glory, the guardian of the guardianship, if he is worthy, otherwise he will attribute to a great man or indicate that he has committed a sin, then he should repent. If he sees that he spoke to him, he has knowledge and knowledge. Whoever saw Idris received a high degree of honor and whoever saw Noah had a long life And he suffered distress and harm and triumphed and gave birth to children from the wife of Dinah and whoever saw a hood over him would be dominated by a foolish and ignorant people, and he was saved and wins with goodness and goodness, and whoever saw a righteous one he obtained from the fools and then he would be victorious or in his matter is good. Or he has an immoral woman, and if he is someone who does the work of his people, let him fear God and repent, and whoever sees Abraham, then he will perform Hajj or be blessed with the love of God, and his worries and distress will go away, and it was said that injustice from an unjust ruler will reach him and he will be victorious. And whoever sees him and whoever sees Job afflicts him with a calamity then he is saved and compensated with good, and if he is sick or his sick, he will be cured of God Almighty and whoever sees Jonah he hastens in a matter that afflicts him from confinement and distress, then he will be saved and whoever sees David as a guardian and may be afflicted because of a woman and he may have something And he was affected by licorice, and whoever saw Solomon as the guardian of the state and the provision of its jurisprudence And whoever sees Zachariah, upon his old age, attains a pious son, and whoever sees Yahya attains piety and piety, or has become worthy and a state, and good tidings come to him, and whoever sees Jesus becomes an ascetic, worshiper of frequent travels, and whoever sees despair has a call to answer his enemies, and whoever sees vegetables, he will perform Hajj and be a long life and perhaps indicate fertility After exaggeration, and whoever saw Luqman provided wisdom or a righteous son, and whoever saw a prophet of the prophets, peace be upon them in a place, if his family was in war, they would triumph over their enemy, and if they were in distress or a lack of relief from them, and whoever saw that he visited a prophet, alive or dead, if he was pious, he increased in If he is disobedient, God will forgive him, or he indicates that he will visit him as he saw, or he indicates that he is from the people of Paradise, or good and blessing has happened to him, and whoever sees one of them while he is in a good image, he will have goodness in his religion and world, and if he sees in him a deficiency and other than a good image, he indicates The lack of the religion of the visionary, and whoever sees that he is a prophet of the prophets, then he will die a martyr and be limited in his livelihood and be blessed with patience after the calamities and then he will come to victory and whoever sees the tomb of a prophet among the prophets is good and blessing and it was said that he is in his intercession and if he is a single he marries and some of them said that he visited the shrine of someone from The Prophets, the Companions, or the righteous, for he relieves his worries and grief and expiates his sins…